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The Rancher's Miracle Baby

Page 9

by April Arrington

  “She’s been hurt so much,” she whispered, throat tightening.

  Alex’s warm palm enveloped hers and squeezed. “We don’t know anything for sure yet.” He waited until she looked up, his gray eyes kind and reassuring. “Let me take a look at her, all right?”

  Unable to speak, she nodded. Alex released her hand and moved slowly toward Razz. He spoke softly, his voice low and gentle. Tammy couldn’t make out the words, but the tone was enough to help her catch her breath and unfurl her fists.

  It seemed to have the same effect on Razz. She stood still as Alex approached and continued to stand motionless as he cupped her cheek gently, allowing him to stroke her jaw.

  Alex continued to murmur in a soft tone and Razz responded, lowering her muzzle and nudging Alex’s forehead with her own. Alex praised her, then began checking her injuries, moving slowly from her head to tail and carefully examining her wounds. He repeated the process with the second horse and returned to stroke Razz’s neck.

  “The other horse is mine,” Alex said. “Razz and Sapphire are hurt pretty badly.” He smiled. “But they’re gonna be okay.”

  “How do you know for sure?” Her voice pitched higher, tremors coursing through her limbs. “What if there’s more damage than you think?”

  His smile slipped, and his handsome features gentled. “If that’s the case, we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. But from what I can tell, their wounds will heal.”

  Hot tears scalded her cheeks, and she blinked rapidly, eyes darting over Razz’s wounds. “Are you sure?”

  “Tammy, look at me.” Alex moved into her line of vision, his deep voice calm but firm. “Razz is going to be okay.” He reached out and cradled her jaw with his palm, his thumb wiping a tear from her cheek. “We’ll make sure of it.”

  Tammy’s shoulders sagged with relief, and she managed a shaky smile.

  “Help me lead them to the stable?” Alex asked, stepping back.

  Tammy wiped her face with the back of her hand and cleared her throat. “Of course.” She eased past Alex and crossed to Razz’s side. “Hi, girl,” she whispered, touching the mare’s shoulder.

  Razz dipped her head and took a step closer.

  “I told you I wouldn’t leave you.” Tammy slipped her arms around Razz and pressed her cheek against the horse’s neck.

  She breathed in the familiar scent of her racing partner, her chest swelling with joy and a fresh round of tears trickling down her face to mingle with Razz’s. After a few moments, Razz made a soft sound of pleasure, and Sapphire moved close for soothing pats, too.

  Tammy laughed and glanced at Alex. “You’re right. I think they’re going to be okay.”

  Alex smiled, his charming dimples appearing, and nodded.

  That flutter in her belly returned, unfurling and spreading through her in a rush of pleasure. There he stood. Broad and muscular. Gentle and protective. A tower of tender strength in another seemingly hopeless situation, providing things she hadn’t known she needed. Understanding and reassurance. Support. And every inch of her body wanted to press against his, wrap around him and hold on tight.

  Is it because you feel alone?

  Tammy stilled, Jen’s words flitting through her mind. She studied Alex, her eyes traveling over his handsome face, the warmth of his expression and his solid presence.

  Maybe. Maybe she did feel alone. But at least she did feel when she was with Alex. She felt more alive than she had in her entire life. She wanted Alex so much that the dance of desire beneath her skin overrode her fears and insecurities. And singing Brody to sleep in the nursery last night had made her dream of a home and children of her own almost...tangible.

  She wasn’t ready to let those feelings go. Not yet.

  Tammy released Razz, walked over to Alex and wrapped her arms around him. She hugged him close, pressing her body to his and savoring the strong throb of his heart against her breasts. “Thank you.”

  * * *

  ALEX APPLIED ONE last strip of tape to the gauze on Sapphire’s leg wound, then sat back on his haunches in the stall. “There, gorgeous. Now you can rest.”

  Sapphire looked down at him and released a soft breath, her swollen eyelids blinking heavily.

  Alex grimaced, then reached up and stroked her leg. After he and Tammy had settled the horses into the two least damaged stalls, Earl had driven ten miles to contact the nearest vet. It’d taken almost the entire afternoon for the vet to tend to Razz’s and Sapphire’s most severe injuries, and Alex and Tammy had taken over the more minor ones after he’d left.

  It’d been an exhausting process for all of them. Most especially Brody, whom Earl had taken inside two hours ago to keep entertained. But it was worth it to know Razz and Sapphire would heal and could finally rest easy for the night.

  “I’ve never seen such a perfect blue roan.” Tammy entered the stall, then knelt at his side, her green eyes roving over Sapphire.

  Alex couldn’t stop the proud smile spreading across his face. A thorough washing had highlighted the blue sheen of Sapphire’s hide and powerful build. And though he was a long way from recouping his losses, Sapphire’s return kindled a spark of hope within him that, perhaps, more horses had survived.

  Tammy curled her slim fingers around his knee and smiled up at him. “Sapphire is beautiful.”

  He studied her, absorbing the pink flush in her cheeks, the tempting curve of her soft lips and the trusting adoration in her gaze.

  Hell, she was beautiful.

  The press of her soft curves as she’d hugged him hours earlier had eased through the thin cotton of his T-shirt and still lingered on his skin. Her embrace had heated his blood and stirred long-buried desires to life, making him feel as though he was important to someone. A part of something. As though he belonged.

  Damned if those yearnings hadn’t begun to hinder his good sense. And their talk of scars yesterday had tempted him to imagine she might be different. That maybe she looked for what a person had rather than what a person lacked.

  Even so, it was a bad idea to get tangled up with a woman who was leaving soon, and it’d be even worse to take advantage of her hero worship.

  His stomach dropped. That was all it was. Hero worship. The kind he hoped would stay solid until she left, obscuring his flaws and hiding them from her forever. Then, at least, he’d remain a man in Tammy’s eyes.

  His mouth twisted. Unlike with Susan.

  Alex pressed his palms flat against the floor, the shavings poking between the gaps in his fingers as he fought against gripping Tammy’s hip, tugging her tight to his side and covering her mouth with his own.

  “She’s got a strong heart,” he said, tearing his eyes from Tammy and glancing up at Sapphire. “Sapphire and Razz were in better shape than I thought they’d be after being gone for so many days. Sapphire knows the land. She must’ve led Razz to the creek for water, then found her way home and brought Razz with her.”

  “I’m glad she did.”

  Tammy leaned in closer, her soft breath tickling his ear and her small hand warming his skin through the thick denim of his jeans.

  Heart skipping, he shoved to his feet and glanced in the neighboring stall. “Razz settling down okay?”

  “Yeah.” Tammy stood, too, then shoved her hands in her back pockets. The action pulled her T-shirt tight against the full curves of her breasts. “She’s already drifting off.”

  Alex averted his eyes. “A full belly, good doctoring and a comfortable place to rest...” He shrugged to relieve the tension in his shoulders. “They’ll probably sleep for a day or two straight.”

  Tammy laughed. “I’m kind of wanting that, too.” She dragged a hand through her dark hair, wincing as her fingers tangled in the wavy strands. “I’d give anything to soak in a bubble bath, then wallow around on a soft bed in an air-c
onditioned room.”

  His eyes shot straight to her long legs, curvy hips and ample breasts, the idea of her sprawled on a bed, soft and welcoming, fanning that spark of desire into flame.

  She held up a hand and smiled. “Not that your bed isn’t comfortable. As a matter of fact, I’ve enjoyed sleeping on it.”

  Ah, hell. His bed. A fresh set of images flashed through his mind. Ones that made his body tighten uncomfortably. Alex dragged a hand across the back of his neck and cleared his throat, heat searing his face.

  She laughed, the full-bodied sound echoing around the stall. “Did I embarrass you?” Her expression was full of surprise. And, oddly enough, delight. “Because embarrassing you wasn’t what I was going for.” Seemingly emboldened, she stepped closer and placed a hand on his chest. “Though it’s nice to know I affect you in at least one way.”

  Her gentle teasing made his heart trip, the tender flirtation prompting him to recall what his life had been like years ago. When he didn’t balk at stripping himself bare, holding a woman close and letting her in. When he enjoyed exploring the depths of her heart, searching for her secrets and sharing his. Back when he believed himself to be solid. And whole.

  “One way?” Before he knew it, his hand drifted around her back to settle between her shoulder blades, and his head lowered, his mouth moving against the soft skin of her temple as he whispered, “You have no idea how many ways.”

  She pulled in a swift breath, her green eyes darkening as she slid her hand up and wove her fingers through his hair. Her touch was confident, but she trembled against him as though unsure.

  He froze, her potential uncertainty yanking him back to reality. He was a far cry from the man she thought he was. And he was experienced enough to recognize the dangers of her youthful naïveté and hesitation. If they took this any further, they’d both walk away empty. This was not a good idea.

  “Tammy.” He released her hip, tugged her hand from his neck and stepped back. “This isn’t—”


  Earl’s faint call came on the heels of the creak of the stable door.

  Grateful for the interruption, Alex slipped out of the stall, trying to ignore the wounded look in Tammy’s eyes and fighting the urge to return and scoop her into his arms.

  Brody ran down the center aisle of the stable with Scout nipping at the laces of his sneakers.

  Earl followed at a much slower pace, then stopped, sighing deeply. “Y’all finished doctoring those horses?” At Alex’s nod, Earl tugged a rag from his pocket and dabbed at his forehead. “Good.” He gestured toward Brody. “I’ve been trying to entertain that rascal for a while now, and I’ve run out of things to keep him occupied.”

  The baby cackled, then dropped to all fours, attempting to crawl between Alex’s legs.

  “Hold up, buddy.” Alex bent and lifted Brody to his feet. “You can’t crawl around on this floor. There’s still too much junk lying around.”

  Brody wiggled against his hands and scowled up at him. Something green speckled his cheeks and forehead. It also clung to his hair and caked the front of his overalls. Scout bounced at Brody’s side, licking at the stains with each jump.

  “Why is he green?” Tammy knelt beside Brody, nudged Scout away and wiped Brody’s cheeks with the hem of her T-shirt.

  “Oh, that’d be the peas,” Earl said. “He got hungry and I tried to feed him some of that jarred baby food I found in the kitchen. But that didn’t work out too well.” He wrinkled his nose. “Neither did the diaper changing.”

  Brody released a frustrated squeal, batting at Tammy’s hands as she scrubbed at his food-splattered face.

  “I think he just got to missing y’all.” Earl walked over, kissed Brody’s head, then headed for the door. “I gotta get home and let the rest of the dogs out while there’s still an hour of daylight left.” He paused, glanced around the stable, then looked at Alex. “Need some more help tomorrow? I could help you spruce up a bit in here.”

  Alex smiled. It’d been so long since he’d had company besides Dean and Gloria. Earl had been a huge help in more ways than one, and he’d enjoyed the other man’s wild tales and crass jokes throughout the earlier part of the day. He was already looking forward to working with him again. Not to mention he could definitely use the help—though he couldn’t afford to pay very much.

  “I’d like that,” Alex said. “But you’ve got to let me pay you.”

  Earl held up a hand. “No need for that. We’re friends.”

  “I know, but—”

  “I tell you what.” Earl pointed at Scout. “You take that pup off my hands for a while, and that’d be payment enough. It’d be nice not to have my feet chomped on for a few days, and I think Brody would enjoy having him around.”

  Alex laughed. “Sounds good.”

  Earl waved goodbye to Tammy, then left, whistling.

  “Oh, what a sweet mess.” Tammy giggled as Brody forced his way past her attempts to clean his face and hugged her neck. His legs lifted restlessly as he attempted to climb into her arms. “That creek you’ve been talking about...” Tammy stood, lifting Brody and settling him on her hip. “Is it deep enough to wade in?”

  “Yeah.” Alex smiled as Scout started gnawing the hem of Tammy’s jeans.

  “Deep enough to bathe in?” Tammy frowned and shook her leg as Scout growled.

  Alex nodded.

  “Good. I think it’s time we all cleaned up, and since there’s still no power, we’ll just have to hunt running water down at the creek.” She grinned and started for the door. Scout slid along with her, his teeth latched on to her jeans. “I’ll grab my conditioner, then you can lead the way.”

  An ache bloomed in his lower belly. A creek and bathing meant a wet, tempting Tammy.

  He spun away and shut the door on Sapphire’s stall, taking longer than usual to secure the latch. “I’ll take you down there, then leave you to it.”

  Her footsteps halted. “I’m going to need your help, Alex. Brody is a mess, and I can’t wash my hair and hold on to him at the same time. And trust me, another bird bath in the sink with bottled water isn’t going to get the job done.”

  Alex glanced over his shoulder. “Then I’ll bathe Brody here and put him to bed while you clean up. Give you some peace and quiet for a while.”

  Tammy shook her head. “I think Brody would prefer us all to go together.”

  And spend the last hour of daylight fighting to keep his hands off her? Hell, no. He planned to go inside, extinguish his lust with a shot of whiskey, then crash on the couch. Alone.

  “Brody’s too young to care either way. I’m staying here.”

  Her eyes narrowed, and she squared her shoulders.

  Ten minutes later, Alex stood, arms crossed, with his back to the creek and scowled at the feminine pair of jeans draped over a bush. The shiny stitching on the back pockets seemed to wink at him as the sun dropped close to the horizon, forcing him to recall just how well Tammy’s curves filled out the denim.

  “Okay,” Tammy called over the rush of the creek. “Brody is fresh and clean again.”

  Water splashed, then twigs snapped. Scout scuttled by, stopped to shake his wet fur, then stretched out on the grass.

  “Would you take Brody, please, so I can wash my hair?”

  Alex tensed, the soft, melodic sound of her voice sending excited shivers up the back of his neck. Lord, how he wanted her lying next to him on a bed, her teasing words whispering across white cotton sheets and tickling his ear—

  Brody shouted, the sharp sound causing Alex to jump.

  “He wants to go back into the water,” Tammy said. “Do you mind?”

  Alex grunted, then reached up with both hands, tugged his shirt over his head and tossed it on a pile of towels on the ground. Turning, he closed his eyes and thrust
his arms out.

  Tammy laughed. “I appreciate the fact that you’re a gentleman, Alex, but I’m wearing a bra and underwear, which covers more than most swimsuits nowadays.” Her wet fingertips tapped his forearm. “You’re going to have to open your eyes to hold on to Brody properly.”

  Reluctantly, he did. He tried his damnedest to keep his attention above her collarbones, but his eyes strayed anyway, snagging on the thin material of her bra. It was the same shade of green as her eyes and plastered to her breasts, leaving little to the imagination.

  God, help me.

  “You...uh...” Tammy’s voice faltered, squeaking slightly. Brody squirmed against her. “Are you going to wear your boots in the water?”

  Alex refocused on her face. Her eyes left his boots, lingered over his jeans-clad hips, then lifted to his bare chest. A blush snaked down her neck, and her mouth parted enticingly, bringing a smile to his face.

  “Nope.” His mouth quirked, and he had a sudden urge to test how far her bravado would stretch. “Not gonna wear my jeans, either.”

  He pulled off his boots and socks, unbuttoned his jeans, then reached for the zipper.

  She watched until it rasped halfway down, then her eyes darted skyward, looking everywhere but at him. “Just let me know when you’re ready for Brody.”

  He laughed, finished removing his jeans, then reached for the baby. “Here, I’ll take him.”

  She held Brody out, her eyes still avoiding him.

  “I appreciate you trying to protect my virtue and all,” he teased, “but I’m wearing boxers.”

  Tammy laughed, then met his eyes as she handed Brody over. “Your virtue’s safe with me. For the moment.”

  Alex raised an eyebrow at her mischievous expression, then waded into the creek with Brody. He spent the next few minutes distracting himself from Tammy’s graceful movements as she bathed by holding Brody at a safe height in the water while the baby kicked and babbled.


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