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Until I Make You MINE (Wolves of Amrok Hollow)

Page 17

by Jeanette Lynn

“Oh, no you don’t,” a deep voice called from behind me, and moments later I was airborne.

  “Hey!” I growled out. “He’s still breathing!” My clawed hand, fingers thick and elongated, pointed at Eldritch. “He rejoiced in the idea I’d hurt you. Let me at ‘im! I’ll-”

  “Emersyn, enough,” Ansel ordered, sighing heavily when my scowl turned to a frown and most of the fight drained out of me. It was hard not to find calm when he was cuddling me to him possessively, protectively. My baby loves me. Oh, my Asshole loves me, I practically danced a jig to my dorky song my heart was tapping away to in my head.

  “You’re mad at me again, aren’t you?” I said on a noisy sigh, dropping my gaze as he grumbled in a way that made me feel like part of it was directed at me. Instantly, my eyes watered.

  “I feel mad at you, to you, Roly?” he grumbled gruffly, leaning against the doorjamb as he adjusted his hold on me. My feet dangled in the air, a strange feat since he wasn’t much taller than me.

  “No,” I muttered as our connection fairly sizzled and snapped, a livewire of emotions, mine at the fore.

  Rowdy glanced between us in surprise. “Whoa.” He snapped his fingers. “Just like that?”

  “Just like what?” I muttered, trying to discreetly swipe at my eyes. What the fuck was up with all the almost crying lately?!

  “I think you’re tapping into my Omega roots,” Ansel answered the question I’d thought, accidently sending it down our connection to him.

  “Jesus. If this shit is what it’s like, I’d rather be an angry rage machine inside or a blank robot, thank you very much,” I grumbled.

  Ansel pressed his nose against my shoulder, kissing my shoulder blade, and laughed. “I can tell. You’ll get used to havin’ a heart, baby. Promise.”

  “You overly emotional being you,” I snarked.

  “Don’t pretend you don’t love it,” he said with smirk.

  Eyes narrowing, ignoring everyone else present, I cleared my throat. “That can’t be healthy.”

  “What can’t be?” Ansel pulled back to eye me warily.

  “Cutting a crap short. You’re going to twist your innards, Asshole.” Subject effectively changed. Thank you- A-thank you very much.

  Ansel blinked and blushed. “Let’s talk about something else.”

  “Not his testicles,” I warned the group of males present, lifting a human hand with clawed fingertips to point warningly at each and every one.

  “Why not his-” Rowdy started to ask, but Bryon nudged him and shook his head sharply. Muttering something to his cousin-friend in Spanish, Rowdy blinked and his mouth formed a small O.

  “Some things are probably better left unsaid,” Rowdy muttered with a grimace, glancing away.

  “It’s not permanent,” I shouted defensively.

  Shaking his head, muttering things about his precious mate and this big mouth of mine I didn’t care to repeat, Ansel turned and set me inside the house. Giving my butt a none too gentle tap, he barked sternly, “Stay, Roly. I mean it. Park it.”

  Glaring at him suddenly, I crossed my arms over my chest but didn’t move. “Woof. So bossy,” I grumbled as he gave me his back. Peeking through the gap in his thick arms as he crossed his arms over his wide chest and glowered down at our unexpected drop-ins, barring them from entry, I spied Eldritch staring at Ansel with nothing short of amazement.

  “Well?” Ansel grumbled. “Anything you need, Alpha?”

  “I...” Shaking his head, Eldritch sputtered, stuttered. “Ah- I, ah...”

  “Who knew little Emersyn Warhola was such a spitfire.” Rowdy wiggled his brows at Ansel, whose expression remained impassive. “She hides it well, don’t she? And all that Alpha juju... Woo.” The bruiser of a wolf shook his head. “Got your hands full with that one. You sure you’re up to the challenge, my friend?”

  “Emersyn is mine. MINE.” Ansel made to step forward, snarling the words.

  Rushing onto the front porch, I wrapped my arms around his middle, my back to human fingers petting his rippling abdomen, and pressed the side of my face against his back. It’s okay. I’m here. I’m not going nowhere. I sent the thought to him, over and over, until his thickening shoulders, bunched, body tense, eased.

  Rowdy, unfazed by his near call with a temperamental newly mated, smirked and pushed off the side of the wrought iron railing for the porch stairs. “Hear that, bossman? Sounds like those two have everything well in hand to me. No need to go rushing in to the rescue, unless you want to check out Gurgen’s nut sac boo-boo?”

  Grunting, lips pursed, Eldritch bristled but straightened from his semi defensive crouch. Hands smoothing down his shirt, he cleared his throat. “No,” he gritted out, sparing me a short glance before turning to walk away, “they’re fine.”

  “Good.” Rowdy clapped his hands loudly. “The manhunt for big A is off then. It’s all settled. Walking up to the Alpha and clapping him on the back, he ignored his leader’s warning growl. “We’ll all be off. Y’all have a nice night now! Don’t do anything I wouldn’t!”

  Byron inclined his head at Ansel and turned to follow. “He’s not as bad as he seems,” he said, but I had no idea if he meant Eldritch or Rowdy. “Ansel. Emmy. Blessed mating to you.”

  Ansel inclined his head but didn’t respond.

  Once they’d disappeared into the woods bordering the house, Ansel let out a deep breath.

  “Well, that was fucking close,” I huffed, stepping back to wander back towards the kitchen.

  Ansel came inside, closing and locking the door behind him. “You got a big mouth, baby.” My mate scowled as he stomped into the kitchen. He stopped dead in his tracks as I turned, about to sit, and frowned. My hands went to my shirt and I started to undo the buttons.

  “What are you doing?” Ansel blinked, his eyes traveling the length of me as I methodically undid each and every button.

  “What am I doing? I was going to eat. But if you want to fight, fine, but I’m getting ready for the good shit afterward now.” Glancing at his groin pointedly, my hands stilled on the next button down. “Fightin’ always leads to fuckin’. You think you’re up for that just yet, honey? Agitatin’ an injury will just make it worse.”

  “I can’t believe I’m saying this,” Ansel groaned as he scrubbed a hand down his face, and I could have sworn he whimpered, “but keep your dang shirt on. Let’s eat.”

  “Oh, goodie,” I said with a winning grin, and pulled out my chair to plop into my chosen seat.

  Ansel sat carefully, sniffing the plates piled high with Sauce Magnificence appreciatively.

  Scooting the bag of peas towards him, I tapped the top of it. “Only the finest for my man.”

  “You’re too kind,” he muttered, but slid his hand over mine, caressing the flesh. When I shivered, he lifted my hand, pressing a kiss to my knuckles to then nip them, making me laugh at the tickle. “Love you, Roly.”

  “Better be careful, pocket pooch. I may just get used to all this ‘Love ya’ mush.”

  “Good,” he said simply, releasing my hand to snag the ice pack off the table and slump down where he sat. Pressing the pack of peas to his groin, he sighed in relief.

  Lifting a bite of lasagna to my lips, my shirt still unbuttoned but covering the girls, a hint of cleavage showing, I waved my fork at him. “Should I leave you two alone?”

  “Shut up,” he muttered, scowling, though shades of green blasted my ass like a love water cannon. Pelt me with that shit, Asshole, I shot his way. Ansel blinked and burst out laughing, a deep belly laugh, barking at me to stop as he winced and held the pack of peas on his junk a little harder.

  And so our story ends...

  Or does it?




  “Sunhats? Sunglasses?”

  “Of course.” Frowning, uncapping my water bottle, I pointed it at him. “Is the clipboard really necessary?”

  Ansel glanced up sharply, clicking and unclicking h
is pen. “Yes. Snacks?”

  “I seem desperate to you, Asshole?” Patting my small bump of a belly, my ruffled, crimson colored tankini suit doing nothing to hide my current state, I snorted. “I packed double.” Nodding, my eyes narrowed on his nose. “The zinc is a nice touch, but I think you’re taking this gotta make it perfect nonsense a little too seriously. I know I’m hormonal and it’s affecting you, makin’ you damn wonky, honey, but you have gotta find some chill.”

  “Blanket? Picnic basket? Do you...” Ansel leaned in to quirk a brow, “Need to, you know, before we head off, because the restrooms here are disgusting.”

  “I assure you, I don’t have to take a piss, and if I did, I can hover over a dirty toilet like the rest of these river floating savages.” Placing my hand on his shoulder, I gave him a little shake. “Relax, handsome. I’m already having a grand old time.”

  “You’re just saying that,” he muttered, though pleasure roared through our bond, making me grin. “I have you with me, don’t I? You make everything better.”

  MINE. The possessive thought was as good as an I love you as I’d ever need.

  “You know what’s not on that list?” Going to my backpack in his truck, I pulled out a familiar, well-loved copy of Scorpion’s Mate. Waving it at him, my heart roared possessive love thoughts right back at him when he spotted it and he lit up inside and out. “Happy anniversary,” I murmured, smiling when he slid his arms around me and gently brought me closer.

  “Happy anniversary, my mate.” His hand went to my burgeoning baby bump and he pressed his lips to mine. His kiss was tempered but no less possessive. Going for broke, I took charge, growling against his mouth until he opened to me, giving me exactly what I wanted, my tongue plunging inside his mouth to tangle with his.

  My heat had come early, and with it Ansel’s newfound appreciation for his bossy mate’s more... aggressive nature during that particular time for me. While we battled for power in the bedroom during regular old fun times, my mate eagerly submitted to me during each and every heat that followed. He had a gnarly scar on his right buttock that attested to my first heat as a couple, the only one he’d battled it out with me a little bit on at first before giving over fully. From the way he’d walked funny but with a goofy smile tugging at his lips like he shared a wondrous secret with the passing of each of my heats until this little cub baking in the oven came along, I’d say my mate was just fine with our arrangement.

  “Get a room, you two!” Fynn called a few rows down from us. Grinning, he made loud kissy noises as he passed. The water gun strapped to his back and the sack I assumed was full of prefilled water balloons, dangling over his wetsuit, told me Fynn was pulling out all the stops this year. Rowdy and Byron better have their A game on, because I thought I spied some snorkel gear peeking out of that bag too.

  Ansel and I broke apart and I stepped back. Lifting my hand, I fanned myself with the book in my grip. “Maybe we should skip the inner tubing and cut to the fun afterward?”

  Ansel’s scowl bunched his handsome features. “And miss the floating bullshit with the movie? Nah. You’re going this year, Roly. You will make it.” Glancing down at me, gaze softening, he grunted. “You aren’t tired, though, are you? You’re feeling okay? Because we can-”

  I pressed a finger to his lips. “You’re adorable when you’re being a control freak. Really, I love it. It’s endearing. But if you don’t find your inner chill in the next few seconds and have a good time, I will drag you into that river and drown you. Got me, babes?”

  Ansel gave my hip a light squeeze and placed a peck of a kiss on my nose. “You’re awful cute when you’re being bossy.”

  “So you say,” I murmured dryly, watching him close up the truck and drag the enormous inner tube he’d found god knows where out of the truck bed.

  “There you two are!” Mom called, Judith and Dad and Fred already ready to go.

  “Hurry up, Joined at the hip,” Rowdy called out to us, his coined term making him smile. An inflatable set of knockers for a floatation device held up to his chest, he grinned and, well, honked his own blow up boobies.

  “He’s an idiot,” I stated bluntly.

  “I heard Byron popped his unicorn.”

  “Damn shame.” I nodded solemnly. “Poor Priscilla. May she rest in peace.”

  “Shame,” he echoed, shaking his head as Rowdy started dancing around, his glittery lime green little bathers, a dare from one of the other pack mates, eye blindingly bright.

  “You ready for this?” I asked my mate, glancing up at him.

  “For Rowdy’s sparkly dick and inflate-a-tits?” He snorted and grunted, admitting, “I got my Roly Poly by my side. I’m ready for anything.”

  “Shut up, Asshole.” I leaned into him, sending him shades of green. “Asshole mine.” Mine.

  “Love you too, mate.” Mine. All mine.

  Truth be told, I made it through the lazy river float, the big barbecue, and the wait after eating to wade back into the water, but passed out halfway through the first movie, my mate laid out across our inner tube, supporting my weight as I sprawled out atop him, his big ol’ gorilla arms cradling me to him, but I’d never had a better time in my life. Best Float Your Goat or whatever the fuck they were calling the stupid river float this year, ever.

  Okay, now it’s kind of The End.

  Interested in more books in this world? Lemme know!

  Loved it? Please leave a review!

  Thank you for taking the time to read my nonsense!

  Books by Jeanette Lynn

  Cosmic Soul Mates Series

  Stellar Proportions

  Out of this Orbit

  On Her Axis


  Wickedly Winged

  What Dwells

  The Brides of Mordenne Series

  A Mate To Match

  In Her Eyes

  Tales of Mordenne- A Brides of Mordenne spinoff

  Tails of Mordenne

  Brides of the Hunt

  The Bridal Hunt

  Bride of Glass

  A bit of Serendipity

  Jingle Belled & Mistletoed

  When She Least Expected It

  The Others

  The Toll

  Tauran of Tavros

  By the Horns

  The Elixir

  Pick Your Poison

  Halpert-McGonaugh Pack

  Seeing Red

  Trouble with Honey

  One Lucky B

  Just Her Luck

  Wolves of Amrok Hollow

  Until I Make You MINE

  Gone with the Rift

  Of Another Dimension

  About the Author

  Jeanette Lynn lives with her Neanderthal, beyond awesome kiddlens, slightly eccentric terrier mix and Chi-shweenie pup. She enjoys sipping piping hot minty cocoa from the skulls of her enemies—note: skulls are hand wash only—really not dishwasher safe—and making up odd crap for her author bio section in the back of her books that has you blinking, double taking, and then rereading. Heh.

  No, but really, she enjoys creating quirky, offbeat characters in out of this world stories. And, of course, a good happy ending.

  No enemy skulls were harmed in the making of this book for cocoa sipping purposes.

  Thank you, from the bottom of my squishy, Oreo stuffing filled heart, for purchasing and reading this book. I hope you enjoyed it.

  Please take a moment to write a comment about it from the site you got it from.

  It would be greatly appreciated.

  Thanks again and happy reading!

  Gonna shout, shout, and let it all out for a sec here.

  Beta readers for Until I Make You MINE- N-Jen, Sandra, Sarah O, Wonder P, Annie, Nina-beana! You are supercallafreakinfantiddlytastic, I thank you so much! Y’all are seriously the bestest ever! Thank you for slogging through my word vomit!

  Just wanted to give a big shout out to all my pod peeps up in Book Wyrms Anonymous, Jeanette Lynn’s Facebook group.
You all are awesome. You make me smile. Some of y’all are probably crazier than me. Cough. I love it—keep being your utterly fantastic selves. Catch all my podly peeps on the flip side!

  Heartfelt thanks to all my author buddies. You’ve all been wonderful and super supportive, my book family.

  To Susan Trombley and Tiffany Roberts, who I acquired their blessing from before mentioning their books of awesomesaucery in mine. Shout out to y’all! Whoop!

  If you haven’t read their books, I highly recommend.

  To anyone who has given my books a chance, like you, reading this right now, thank you!!

  Keep up to date with all things Lynn

  FB Author Page:

  FB Group: Book Wyrms Anonymous

  Newsletter sign up:





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