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Love Will Find You

Page 4

by Iris Blobel

  “Yup. Bloody Internet.”

  They all laughed, especially as they knew how much Tyson disliked the publicity thing.

  “You sure she doesn’t like the money?” Oliver queried, and for the first time that evening, his voice carried a touch of concern. “You’ve been burnt before.”

  Tyson thought about that for a moment. The question had come to his mind as well. Not just once, but a few times. Then he remembered the way she’d blushed when he’d asked her whether she hoped for him to return the next day. No one could put red in cheeks on command, so he believed she was genuine. Not to mention the whole LOL text message thing. He smiled.

  “What’s so funny?” Markus asked.

  He told them.

  “I have a feeling you’ve found quite a nice girl there.”

  Ty didn’t know how to answer that. He hoped Katie was the one, but common sense told him he hardly knew her, and the idea of heading into a fake relationship again unsettled him. He nodded and smiled when the English batsman got called out. Oliver turned up the volume and suddenly the conversation shifted from Katie to daily chit chat.

  Chapter Three

  When Katie opened the door, she found Ty leaning against the doorjamb, his arms crossed over his chest.

  She smiled. “The maker of my green tea has finally arrived.”

  He let out a low laugh. Katie moved aside to let him in, closing the door behind him. Stepping past her, she noticed his quick gaze taking in her little home. Twisting his body, he reached for her and pulled her close in a hug. He covered her lips with his own, gently brushing against hers at first, teasing her, but his kiss became the stuff of her dreams—slow and sensual without being demanding, but enough to make her breath catch and her heart skip a beat. Until Katie’s brain kicked in.

  She slowly pushed him away. “I’m full of germs.”

  Tyson nodded. “Righteo.”

  He looked around, grabbed his bag, and placed it in the hall.

  “How about I take you for a walk along the beach? Next to green tea, that’s what the doctors prescribe as well.”

  Her mouth curved up in a smile as she gazed at him in his loose battered cargos and T-shirt. His hair was finger-combed, and he looked sexy as hell. Her gaze fell on his bag. His bag! In her small apartment. She couldn’t believe it. There had been a few boyfriends coming and going in her life, but not many. Not that she was bad looking, not anymore, but she was careful who she trusted with her heart, because losing someone you loved hurt. Not as much as losing her sister, but her wounded heart didn’t need any more battles to fight. Yet, when it came to Tyson, all sense seemed to leave her mind.

  He slid a hand around the back of her neck, stroking her jaw with his thumb. “You’re all right?”

  She nodded, but avoided his gaze. Biting her lip, Katie looked down the little hall.

  “I was really looking forward to seeing you. I honestly was.”

  “But?” he asked cautiously.

  Slowly, she met his eyes and shrugged. “It just seems too good to be true.”

  Ty took a step back and rubbed his hands over his face, clearly surprised by her words. Then he studied her with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine.

  “Too good to be true?” he asked.

  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The picture of Anita in his arms appeared in her mind. In the end, though, all her instincts told her to leave that part of his life in the past.

  “I think I’m just a bit worried. I know it’s not fair, because you haven’t given me a reason to…to…I don’t know. It’s…You could have any girl with your looks and…you know…being a footy player.” She didn’t like saying it. It felt wrong, and she expected him to grab his bag to leave. Walk out on her. But she needed to be sure.

  “Sweetheart, I’m a player on the field, but not off,” he whispered. “I want you to be my girl. I know there’s something you’re afraid of. Will you tell me?”

  She was taken aback by his words.

  “I’m not afraid,” she replied, searching his eyes for clues where he was going with this.

  A slight smile touched his lips. “You are so. Maybe afraid of getting close to another person? Is that why you cried at the beach?”

  A lump formed in Katie’s throat as she thought of Paige.

  He’d hit a nerve, and she knew it. The very mention of her being afraid of letting her guard down enough to involve her heart caused her body to tense up. The fact that he had figured her out so quickly scared her. Or had he? Had it been a stab in the dark?

  Her head was thumping, and it wasn’t the headache from the cold. Thoughts ran through her mind so fast she wasn’t able to process each one of them. Katie looked away.

  “I know,” she whispered.

  Ty stepped forward, coming closer to her, and placed his hand on her waist. With a soft tug, he pulled her against him. His hand slid up her back and gently cupped her neck.

  Leaning his forehead against hers, he whispered, “I care.”

  Slowly, she let out the breath she was holding.

  “Me coming here waving my magic wand would be too good to be true. Not me, Katie. I’m a normal kid from country Victoria, who is lucky enough to earn his money by kicking a footy.”

  “You’ve got a magic wand?”

  His facial expression changed, and he moved back a bit.

  “Say what?”

  “You said my magic wand. Or was it wishful thinking?”

  He shook his head with laughter. “It was wishful thinking. But me being here is not.”

  Ty leaned in for a kiss, and shelet go of her reservations. The kiss was slow and unhurried. Forgotten were any germs or her runny nose. She tightened her hold and deepened the kiss. When they came up for air, she said, “The beach can wait, I think I’m in need of a hot shower.”

  His chuckle was low and sinfully sexy. “I like your thinking.”


  All Tyson could think of was Katie’s green eyes full of worry and caution. No way was she in for the money and fame. Essentially, she had told him to leave if he wasn’t in it for the long run. He was, though, and wanted to make this work.

  He kissed her again. Their kiss was sweet, yet deep and demanding. Her hands tugged on his shirt, pulling it up to reveal solid stomach muscles that twitched when she stroked her fingers over them.

  “Where’s the bathroom?” he asked.

  “Right behind me,” she whispered against his lips.

  With one swift move, Ty lifted her in his arms and carried her into her small bathroom. The sound of her giggle was music to his ears. As he tried his best to manoeuvre around in the small space, his mouth never left her skin. He gently placed her onto the counter, and his lips moved down her throat and to the curve of her breast. The hum of her soft moan made him smile, knowing that just a few kisses like this could excite her. He unbuttoned her shirt, but didn’t bother pulling it off, instead he left it hanging. His fingers gently brushed against her soft skin on her stomach and pleasure shot through him. A smile tugged at his lips when he noticed her blushing and leaned in again for more kisses. His mouth covered hers, and he put his heart and soul into the kiss, letting her know his feelings for her. His hands were everywhere, touching every part of her beautiful body. Her hands lowered to his shoulders and down his chest before she tugged on his shirt. He backed away a little to give her room, and she yanked his shirt over his head. Fine swirls of light hair covered his big chest, down along his flat abdomen and disappeared into the waistband of his jeans. Katie tossed the T-shirt aside and ran her hands up and down his chest and stomach.

  She sighed as he moved along her cheek and to her neck.

  “I know,” he said with a chuckle.

  With a little nudge against his chest, she said, “Don’t tease me. I’m already nervous as it is.”

  Ty looked up and met her gaze. “Sweetheart, do you want me to—”

  “Never stop,” she interrupted him.

  He lau
ghed and placed one hand on the back of her head, tilting her face for another kiss. Again his mouth slid down the side of her neck and then to her chest.

  “You smell good,” he said into the side of her throat.

  “I smell like a eucalyptus tree in the bush,” she laughed nervously.

  Tyson smiled. “I like it wild.”

  Gently, he slipped his fingertips beneath the strap of her bra and pulled it over her shoulder until her breasts were free. Their gazes locked, and the fire in her eyes heated his blood. She parted her thighs, and he moved in. Running her fingers through his hair, her foot slid up his calf, and lust shot along his spine.

  “You’re beautiful, Katie,” he whispered while he tugged at her pants to find her lacy yellow panties.

  Tyson knelt between her knees and started a trail of kisses along her stomach until he found his way to her thighs. He skimmed his tongue against her moist centre.

  Her breathing hitched. “Please, don’t stop. Do not stop.”

  A smile tugged at his mouth as he stroked faster. Over and over, he flicked her point of pleasure until she cried out his name, arching hard against him. He stood and kissed her gently.

  “I’m sorry,” she said through a shallow breath. “I didn’t mean to do that yet.”

  He chuckled and lightly bit the side of her neck. “Don’t ever be sorry for feeling.”

  Ty threw a small packet from his pants in front of the shower, before unfastening his fly and stepping out of his pants. Her gaze never left his body.

  He smiled. “Ready?”

  A big grin spread across her face, even more so when he moved his hand to her bum and lifted her into the shower. She hooked her legs around his waist and kissed him gently on the lips.


  Katie was still trembling when the warm water touched her skin. Carefully, Tyson set her down, and she opened her eyes to find him watching her. An intense rush shot through her body. Sliding her hands up his chest and around his neck, she realised just how much she liked him. And how much she liked the way he made her feel alive and attractive. He had taken her apart with so much ease and had her shuddering within only a few minutes. Never had she had such a sensual experience in her life.

  “A penny for your thoughts,” he whispered against her ear.

  Cupping his face, she looked directly at him and said, “Thank you.”

  His chocolate brown eyes were fixed on her. “My pleasure.” He kissed her again.

  In between kisses, he soaped her, and his touch on her skin sent ripples of pleasure through her.

  “I have no idea how you do that, Ty, but—”

  She couldn’t think of what she wanted to say, but was pleased to see him grabbing the little wrapper.

  “I’ll do that,” she said, surprising herself by her initiative.

  With a mischievous grin, he covered her mouth with his and entered her in one smooth thrust. They both gasped.

  “Damn, you feel good.”

  Katie couldn’t answer. She just felt him inside, all her senses merging into one and overpowering her.

  “Ty,” she moaned.

  “Right here.”

  He moved within her, in a slow and steady rhythm, pacing himself.

  She heard him groan deep in his chest before he drove into her one last time and buried his face in the crook of her neck when he came with her. Both collapsed in a heap on the floor of the shower.

  Katie woke the next day with a start by the buzzing of her phone a few minutes after seven. It was a message from Teagan. Pls tell me he nursed u over & over last night.

  With a smile on her face, she crawled under the duvet and pulled it up over her shoulders. She grabbed a tissue from the bedside table, but even a blocked nose didn’t bother her this morning. Sated and happy she turned…to find she was alone in the bed.

  She looked around and found a little note telling her he’d gone out for a run and would be back with breakfast in a little while.

  Contented, she lay back, staring at the ceiling and reliving the previous night. He’d kissed her with tenderness and sweetness, as well as a fiery heat that made her body hum again.

  As soon as she heard the apartment door open, she stood and walked into the hallway.

  Holding up a bunch of keys, he said with a grin, “I pinched your keys.” Then he held up a paper bag with the other hand. “And got you breakfast.”

  Damn, he looked gorgeous. With his black jogging shorts riding low on his hips and a loose, sleeveless white shirt, he looked like the football star he was. His skin and hair were damp with sweat, but heat pooled in her stomach, despite the light thumping in her head from the cold. She needed to take more pain relievers.

  Katie walked over and took the bag. The way he looked at her made her blush. The hunger in his eyes told her he was ready for a re-run of the previous shower, just like her. She liked how he made her feel desired.

  “Thanks,” she finally said.

  He reached out and grabbed her shirt to pull her closer. The sexual power between them stunned her.

  “I need another shower,” he said.

  Exactly what she had in mind as well.

  On Monday morning, Katie watched Tyson as he drove down the streets, heading back to Melbourne. A smile spread across her face and a warm sensation settled in her body. With a sigh, she moved away from the window and searched for a box of tissues. She sneezed, a not-so-subtle reminder she was still struggling with the cold. Lucky her Tyson hadn’t minded. Not a bit. Just thinking about the weekend sent shivers down her spine. His magical hands had caressed her body in places she didn’t even know existed. Never in her life had she thought she would move this fast, but everything was different with her footy player.

  They’d enjoyed a few walks along the beach and a coffee or two along the main street. All the while, he’d told her about his family. Smiling, she remembered how he’d tried to convince her how much better AFL was compared to rugby. It had made her laugh.

  Being with him made her want so much more. Most of all, though, it made her want to share her happiness with Paige.

  The start of the week had come too fast.

  Chapter Four

  Katie still revelled in her thoughts when the sound of her phone brought her back. She flicked the screen. It was a message from Teagan.

  While pulling another tissue out of the box she read her friend’s text:

  Check attached Melbourne newspaper today. Call me!

  She fiddled with her phone until she finally pushed the right buttons. A picture emerged, a screen shot of the Herald Sun with the headline:

  Tyson Gaspaldi is set to tie the knot.

  Her stomach cramped, and her pulse pounded in her temples as she tried to enlarge the picture on her phone. Yes, it was Ty, no doubt about it. She read the article over and over again, not believing the words in front of her. It didn’t make sense.

  Pain replaced her anger as she admitted to herself it had been too good to be true.

  Damn him! Damn him for stealing her heart over the weekend.

  Yet, she had no one else to blame but herself. She should’ve said no.

  Placing her hand over her chest to suppress the rapid pounding of her heart, she tried to take a few deep breaths as the tears began to flow.

  With heavy legs, she walked over to the window and watched the morning traffic build. It’d been only a few minutes ago when Ty had driven off in his car along this road, and it had broken her heart. Now the weight of disappointment almost crushed her and the heart he left behind was shattered into pieces.

  Lying in bed with him wrapped around her had felt good. Tilting her head to the side, she remembered how his fingers played on her skin. Drained and tired she went back to pick up her phone again. She’d hardly slept the two nights before, unable to keep her hands—and mouth—off Tyson. Wiping her eyes, she pulled up the picture again. Under the headline was a snapshot of Tyson and Anita Cooper. She stared at it for a moment. Five seconds. One minute.
Five minutes. She didn’t know. The thought she’d misread all the articles on the Internet about Ty and Anita’s relationship surprised her. Sure, she’d read about him being single again, she’d agreed for him to visit. Watching the world go by, she shook her head. What would she know when it came to celebrities and their love lives?

  She hastily pushed buttons to delete the screen shot. To make it go away. To un-do the picture.

  Frustration won and with a big sigh, Katie returned a message to her friend.

  Pizza @ ur place. @ 8? Need shoulder 2 cry on.

  Half an hour later, she sat in her friend’s lounge room with a non-alcoholic fruit cocktail in her hand and two tissue boxes next to her on the seat.

  “I can’t believe I’ve been so stupid.”

  “You didn’t sleep with him, did you?” Teagan asked incredulously.

  Instead of answering, Katie took a sip of her drink. And another one. She didn’t know what she was supposed to say. Yes, I did sleep with him, and I had about the best time of my life. Instead, she shook her head.

  “Oh honey, you did, didn’t you?”

  Katie lifted her head and met her friend’s gaze.

  “You did. It’s written all over your face.”

  As soon as Teagan said the words, Katie quickly looked away, guilt eating her from the inside. “It kind of happened.” She defended herself.

  “It. Kind. Of. Happened?”

  “Oh, give me a break, Teagan. I’m feeling bad enough as it is. I don’t need you to rub it in as well. I need some TLC.” She sighed. “Yes, I did sleep with him. I just…I…he’s just…Oh my god, Teagan, what have I done?”

  “Hopefully, you’ve done it with protection.”

  “I’m an idiot, but I’m not stupid,” Katie countered.

  Teagan came closer and sat next to her on the seat, placing her arm around Katie’s shoulder. “Was it worth it?” she whispered, her tone full of cheekiness.

  Katie choked back a laugh and nodded.

  “At least that’s something.” Teagan laughed.


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