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Love Will Find You

Page 9

by Iris Blobel

  Hazel nodded. “That I can understand and believe me, it wasn’t an easy decision for her to take up your mother’s offer.”



  The long drive had taken its toll on Katie. As soon as the duvet covered her body, she’d been asleep. It must’ve been a deep and solid sleep, because when she woke up in the morning it took her a while to figure out where she was. She looked around and took in the room. The furniture was old-fashioned, and the only evidence of a younger generation occasionally sleeping in this room was the clothes and the toys. A smile tugged at her lips as she discovered the box of toy cars in the back corner. They came in all sizes and some of them were still wrapped up. She assumed the box of cars belonged to Tyson and imagined him when he was a little kid as he played in his room on the carpet, making vrooming sounds and crashing noises. Considering his love for automobiles, no wonder Ty had chosen a car like the one he had. Stretching, she looked over to the window. The sun was already up, and she suddenly felt embarrassed she’d slept through most of the morning when there was a gentle knock on the door.

  “Love, are you awake?”

  It was Hazel. Katie stood and opened the door. “Good morning. I’m so sorry for sleeping so late, but—”

  Hazel gave a wave with her hand. “Nonsense. It’s not that late, and you had a long day yesterday.” Then she lifted her other hand with the phone in it. “That’s Caroline, the boy’s mum. She is taking Cailyn to a birthday party and was wondering whether you’d like to come with and have a cuppa with her.”

  Meeting the parents already? Feeling hot and cold already, Katie stared at the old lady.

  “It’s at an indoor playground. Cailyn’s mum’s busy with work.” She shook her head. “Always working that girl. Don’t be worried. Caroline is a lovely person.”

  “Okay,” Katie answered hesitantly. “When?”

  She listened to Hazel talking to Caroline on the phone, and watched Ty’s grandmother nod and reply continually with yes, darlin’. Katie couldn’t help but smile.

  She was of two minds about spending the morning with Tyson’s mother. Of course, she didn’t want to say ‘no’ to one of the most important people in Ty’s life, but on the other hand, she also wanted to be home when he arrived back in Melbourne. Emotions were all of a sudden out of control and when Hazel whispered a will be right back, she quickly dialled Teagan’s number.

  “You’ve got to move to a different time zone, sweetie. You’re killing me with your early phone calls.”

  Katie laughed at her friend’s gripe. “You shouldn’t have skipped school so often, Teagan. It’s the same time here, and I’d expected you to be up and getting prepared for your weekend away.”

  “Holy shit, yes.”

  Katie laughed even more when she heard her friend’s footsteps on the wooden floor. “What do you need, sweetie? I’m kinda in a rush.”

  “In a rush? It’s only ten in the morning. When are you leaving?”

  “After lunch, but I still have all the appointments to go to. You know, facial, hair, nails…the lot.”

  “Teagan, settle down. This is your second date, right? It sounds serious.”

  She heard her friend sigh. “You should see his texts.” More footsteps, and the sound of the kettle. A day wasn’t a good day without a cup of coffee in the morning. “Why are you calling, Katie?”

  “Never mind. Just to let you know I arrived all right last night at Grandma Hazel’s. She’s a gem indeed. You go and get ready. Have a great weekend.”

  “You enjoy your time in Melbourne as well, won’t you?”

  Ten minutes later, she stood in the shower and felt giddy at the thought that Tyson was coming soon. She’d decided to go with the flow and spend the morning with Ty’s mother. Convinced the apple hadn’t fallen far from the tree, Caroline was probably a nice person as well.

  Katie barely finished her breakfast when the doorbell rang. The excited voice of a little girl echoed through the whole house, but Katie was only able to decipher a couple of words, mainly birthday. It was obvious the youngest member of the family was looking forward to the party.

  “Are you Uncle Tyson’s girlfriend?”

  Cailyn’s question startled her. The girl must’ve raced down the hall to get to the kitchen. “I’m his friend, yes. You must be Cailyn.”

  Katie wasn’t someone who related to children easily, but the girl in front of her captured her heart.

  She nodded and stood in front of Katie. Then she heaved a big sigh. “He’s in trouble, Dad says.”

  “Is he now?”

  Another nod, but this one carried the burden of the world’s troubles. “The press!” she exclaimed as if she knew all about it.

  Katie agreed and tried to look as serious as possible, but Cailyn wouldn’t indulge further into Ty’s problems.

  “You must be Tyson’s girl. Nice meeting you.”

  Katie stood and before she knew it, the woman placed a little kiss on her left and right cheeks.

  “Nice meeting you, too.”

  The woman beamed. “I’m Caroline. Ty’s mum. This—” She rubbed the girl’s hair. “This is Cailyn, my granddaughter. Did you have a nice drive to Melbourne?”

  Caroline walked over to the cupboard and retrieved two cups, filled one with coffee and prepared a hot chocolate in the other one for her granddaughter. All the while, they talked about Katie’s drive the previous day, the current situation Ty was in, and her love of rugby. The latter surprised her, and she was hesitant to voice her opinion. She shouldn’t have, though.

  “I’m not much of a football lover. I prefer tennis.”

  “I like Uncle Ty’s club,” Cailyn piped up, which brought on a smile to everyone’s faces.

  “I love your dancing,” Hazel added. “But I think it’s time for you all to leave.”

  Cailyn jumped to her feet, hugged Hazel, and was nearly out the door.

  The little girl was a bundle of energy asking all sorts of questions and, at the same time, didn’t hold back on any secrets about Tyson.

  “Uncle Ty usually takes me to the beach,” the girl announced. “And to my swimming lessons.”

  “Do you like swimming?” Katie asked.

  She shrugged. “It’s okay. I like dancing classes better.”

  “She’s upset that her uncle won’t take her there,” Caroline added with a big smile.

  Twenty minutes later, Katie’s head was buzzing from listening to Cailyn. They arrived at the playground, and Katie was ready for a big cup of tea and a sweet treat.


  Ty looked at his grandmother.

  “Your mum’s taken Cailyn to a birthday party at some indoor playground. She invited Katie to join her,” Hazel said with a shrug. “And she accepted. How could she say no to your mother?”

  Tyson’s lips jerked into a lopsided grin.

  Grandma Hazel shook her head and placed her hand on his chest. “She’s absolutely adorable.”

  God, he couldn’t agree more. Even though he was grateful to his mum for taking her out, he was hugely disappointed he had to wait until he was able to take her into his arms. He’d missed her so much.

  Opening the fridge door, he asked, “Got some leftover breakfast?”

  “Of course! Bacon and eggs?”

  He nodded.

  “You’d think they’d feed you properly on these flights. God knows what management pays for your tickets.”

  Laughing at her comment, Tyson watched her gather the ingredients for his breakfast. “Did she sleep in my room?”

  “Yes, she did.”

  Sitting down he grabbed his phone. With only a few pushes of the buttons, he had his mother on the other end of the line.

  “Hi, Mum.”

  “Hello, darling. How are you?”

  “Finally back home. Whereabouts are you?”

  His mother gave him the long version of where the playground was, why they were there, and that Katie was with her as well. They were enjoying
a nice morning tea and having a lovely chat. He patiently listened and watched his grandmother preparing the bacon and eggs. Just the smell of it made his mouth water.

  “I’ll be there in about three quarters of an hour, mum, to pick up Katie.”


  “She’s here to visit me, and I’m kind of desperate to see her, that’s why,” he replied wryly.

  He heard his mother choke back a laugh and convey the conversation to Katie.

  “Mum, could you put Katie on the phone?”

  “She’s just gone to the ladies room.”

  “You’re lying, Mum. I’ll be there in a little while.” He hung up and laughed. “Mum’s liking her too much already.”

  Hazel laughed as well. “No wonder. She is such a dear.”

  Tyson ate his belated breakfast, quickly gathered Katie’s belongings, and within only a short while, he was in his car heading towards the indoor playground. Going through the conversation with his mother again in his head, he chuckled. It was a bit like a heavy burden was taken off his shoulders, knowing they all liked Katie. Not that he’d ever doubted it, but after the disastrous relationship he’d had with Anita, he was doubtful about some of his choices in life.

  Thirty minutes later, he entered the playground and within only seconds had a little person racing towards him and jumping up, holding onto him like a monkey.

  “Hi C.J. How’s my favourite girl?”

  She giggled. “You’ve gotta watch me going down the big slide.”

  “You’re finally brave enough?”

  Her head bopped up and down.

  “How about I say hello to your Grandma and Katie first, and then I’ll watch you.”

  As his little niece wriggled herself down again, she rushed off, calling behind her, “Okay.”

  Tyson shook his head with a chuckle and spotted the two women in the far back corner. This had to be right, because his heart was thumping in his throat with excitement. Just looking at her made him want to take her home straight away. He felt the corner of his mouth tugging into a smile. The closer he came, the more his body stirred.

  He placed a kiss on his mother’s cheek. “Hi, Mum.”

  Then he turned to Katie and gave her a quick kiss on her mouth. “Hi there,” he whispered and was rewarded with the most beautiful smile. The kind of smile that made him return it as well. He knew deep inside that he’d fallen for her. It wasn’t just a surge of lust, but something like a constant tingle of all his nerve endings.

  How could he not fall for her? After all, she was everything Anita had never been. Sitting with his mother, watching his niece, with that beautiful smile on her face. Coming all the way from New South Wales for a weekend—no complaints. Looking sensational in her pants and a simple top, no high maintenance.

  He grabbed a chair and sat down. Quickly, they caught up on the news and about his trip to the US. He declined a drink, too eager to leave. After what seemed an eternity, he finally took Katie’s hand.

  “Ready to go?”

  She looked over to his mother. Everything Anita had never been, he reminded himself again. She cared. It was obvious, it didn’t feel right for her to just leave his mother behind, but fortunately, his mother nodded. Katie stood with him and said goodbye before looking for Cailyn. The little girl wasn’t as happy about their departure, but the promise of ice cream next week did the trick.

  Once outside, he opened the car door for before placing his arm around her waist. Gently he pulled her closer and touched her lips with his own. Although the touch was soft, desire flared between them, and he had to remind himself they were standing in a car park in front of a playground.

  “I missed you,” he whispered. “Let’s go to my place.”

  There was that heart-warming smile again. “I missed you, too.”


  Tyson started the car and merged into the traffic.

  “Wait,” she said. “I still have all my stuff at your grandmother’s place.”

  While setting the blinker and turning onto a small street, he replied, “I grabbed all your stuff. We’ll get the hired car tomorrow.”

  Katie stared at him.

  When he noticed a frown on her face, he said with a grin, “I didn’t sneak around, I promise!”

  “Sorry.” She sighed. “I didn’t mean to imply—”

  With a quick kiss on her cheek, he interrupted her. “I know. I just don’t want to waste any more time.”

  Within twenty minutes, they’d arrived at a small townhouse in the Docklands. Not that Katie would’ve known, but the signage was all over the place. He parked and helped her out of the car before getting the luggage.

  “Quickly step inside. The guys over there are reporters. They’re going to have a field day if they find out who you are.”

  She turned and met his eyes. “Embarrassed about me?” Her voice sounded more teasing than serious, even to her, and that wasn’t what she had meant at all.

  Another kiss. “Nope, but trust me, you do not want these hound dogs after you.”

  Katie did as she was asked and stepped into the house. It was one of the fancy new houses which opened via remote control. This wasn’t even close to what she had imagined a bachelor like Tyson would live in. Slowly, she walked towards the centre of the house and let out the breath she was holding when she saw the view through the windows. In front of her was the waterfront with an impressive array of private yachts. There were yachts of many sizes, and all looked immaculately maintained. Her gaze moved further into the distance where the sun’s rays danced on the water like countless little specks of gold. When she heard the door behind her, she turned and watched Tyson struggling with all the bags. She wanted to help, but her feet seemed to be glued to the floor.

  “You all right?” he asked.

  She nodded and knew she had a grin on her face.

  Tyson smiled as well. “You sure?”

  Another nod. “I’m…your…the house–”

  “I know. I can’t wait to get rid of it.”

  Did she hear right? Get rid of it? “Why?” she whispered.

  He shrugged, but said nothing. She walked closer and took her bag as she followed him upstairs. Not once did she miss any details of this beautiful home.

  The house was spread across three levels. Downstairs was a decent sized lounge room with modern black and white furniture, another window front, an open fireplace and—typical boy toy—a massive plasma TV. The rest of the ground floor was the entrance, a small laundry, and the door to the terrace. The first floor had a spacious kitchen, three bedrooms, each with an ensuite, and a room, which seemed to be Cailyn’s considering all the toys. Katie smiled. The little niece obviously came for visits here as well. The top level was one large study room with another big TV and several couches.

  “This is where the boys and I watch the good games.”

  “Like rugby?” she teased.

  She couldn’t help but laugh at his penetrating stare, which she was sure was meant to tell her off. He hooked his finger into her pants and pulled her closer. Her whole body jerked in response when his knuckle touched her skin.

  “No rugby on my televisions,” he said against her lips.

  “Girl’s gotta have a treat, though.”

  His kisses left her weak and wanting, sparking a hunger deep inside her.

  “You’re going to have to get used to different treats,” he drawled as he covered her neck with more kisses.

  “Are we still talking football?” she asked in a suffocated whisper.

  Ty chuckled and even that simple sound caused a tingling in the pit of her stomach. A short moment of silence embraced them. It was just the two of them. So close. And each of his touches brought another tingle, a promise of things to come. A shiver of wanting more ran through her. A feeling she had only experienced with Ty, so intense and addictive.

  “No, no football,” he said, and it took her a moment to figure out what he meant. She met his gaze when he added, “This is
much better than football.”

  He covered her mouth for another kiss, while sliding his hands down to the backs of her thighs to lift her up. Grasping Ty’s shoulders tightly as he carried her into the lounge, she melted into his arms and kissed him back. He laid her on the sofa, and she watched him pull off his shirt. Another shiver ran through her, so intense it curled the tips of her toes. Fine swirls of light hair covered his big chest. Katie couldn’t help but touch him, resting one hand lightly over his steadily beating heart. Her fingers mapped the planes of his muscles all the way to the clasp of his pants. Then the rest of his clothes went, and he revealed a body near perfection. Closing her eyes, she took in the sensation of each of his kisses.

  “Open your eyes, sweetheart,” he murmured.

  She did and met his gaze, revealing dark eyes full of need.

  “You’re overdressed.”

  The words were barely spoken, he started to slowly undress her, kissing every inch of her skin that he uncovered, starting with the curve of her shoulder and down to the swell of her breast. He went to his knees to kiss her belly followed by her thighs. Hooking his fingers in the thin strip of her panties, he gave a little tug to slip the underwear down her legs.

  “You’re beautiful, Katie.” Another kiss that nearly sent her over the edge.

  Feeling blessed to have a man like Ty caressing her body, she gave in to his seduction. She couldn’t get enough of his lean and muscular body, wanting to touch his olive skin over and over again.

  She got her wish later in his bed.

  Chapter Seven

  Lying in bed later that afternoon, Ty placed a kiss on Katie’s forehead. Having her in his house, in his bed, he considered himself to be the luckiest guy in the world. Emotions so unfamiliar rushed through him and with a satisfied grin, he gazed out the window. The sunset was spectacular as the sun kissed the water. The house was quiet, and he listened closely to Katie’s steady breathing. A smile twitched on his lips when he noticed his contentment inside.

  Her stomach growled.


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