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Dazzled by the Alien Daredevil: An Alien Abduction Romance (The Kurians Book 5)

Page 6

by Ashlyn Hawkes

  “My twin,” he says.

  “You have a twin sister?”


  “Is she on—” A yawn cuts me off.

  “She’s on Kuria, and you need to visit dreamland.”

  My eyes close, but I glare at him anyhow.

  He chuckles. “We need to visit dreamland. Happy?”

  I reach over and pat his… arm, I think. "Yes, I'm happy," I murmur.

  Fuck. I am. I am so fucking screwed.



  I didn’t intend to fall asleep. All I wanted is to watch her sleep, but even though she rode me for the duration, I put my whole body into it, thrusting, not just letting her ride me, and my legs are sore. My back is. Worse, my arms are aching from being empty.

  Would we ever sleep together in a bed? That’s what I want.

  Fuck. Do I want to cuddle her? That's not something I've ever done after fucking. I just sleep. Some of the women asked me to stay, and when it's clear cuddling and not another round is what they're after, I always opted to leave. Cuddling is something I don't do. It means too much. It's too… tender? I don't know if that's the right word or not, but it just seems like something only a devoted couple will do, and I never found anyone I even wanted to think about cuddling.

  But there’s something about Isabella, and I don’t just mean her lips, her kisses, her tongue, her hands, her pussy. Yes, she knows all of the right buttons to press, and this time around, she discovered that I love to have my earlobe and neck sucked. I didn’t even know before now how fucking crazy it drives me to have a woman pull my hair slightly. It sends a shot right to my cock, and I almost always leaked precum every time she did it.

  She does things to me no one else has, and she’s starting to make me feel things I never wanted to feel.

  So I wanted to watch her sleep, but my body is a traitor, and I doze off too. When I wake, it’s dark out, and Isabella stirs.

  “You have to be kidding me,” she mumbles.

  “We can’t do whatever it is at night, can we?” I assume.

  “No, we can’t. It’s risky enough as it is, but it’s not daring to do it at night. It’s fucking stupid, and we’ll end up dying.” She scowls.

  “Well, I’m all for being daring but not for being reckless when it means dying.” I grin at her. “We can do something else to wear ourselves out again so we can sleep the rest of the night away.”

  “Maybe later,” she says.

  We eat, and she asks about Sarah. I tell her a few stories, and Isabella grins.

  “I think Sarah and I would be good friends.”

  “Oh, I don’t doubt that,” I tell her, and then I shrug, wanting to downplay this because I just don’t see how they can meet. “But she’s on Kuria, and she prefers it there.”

  “Are you sure? Has she come to Earth before?”

  “She just is happy there,” I say lamely.

  “Well, you’ll go back to visit her, right?”

  “We can communicate right now if we wanted to.”

  “Ah, yes, your chips, right?”

  I nod, but even that makes me grimace. If I remove the chip, I won’t be able to talk to Sarah again, and I don’t know why I’m back to thinking about this.

  “I don’t have any siblings,” she says.

  I side-eye her. She’s smiling, a bit coyly, and I just shake my head. She knows that the subject had been bothering me, and instead of pressing the issue, she changed the subject.

  Isabella knows me so well already, and that just frightens me all the more.

  “No siblings, huh? That must have been a quiet upbringing,” I remark.

  She bursts out laughing. “You would think so, but no. Not at all.”

  “Ah, so you started your daredevil ways when you were a young’un, didn’t you?” I ask.

  “You could say that.” She gives a coy, little smile, but she doesn’t give any more details.

  We sit in comfortable silence, watching the moon and stars shine down on us. I think I nod off first, and when I wake, she’s sleeping. Our fingers are almost touching, and I smile at the sight of her beauty. Her hair, her eyes, her nose… She looks so peaceful now. Actually, I prefer her smile. She’s too alive and full of vitality for her to show her true beauty while she’s resting.

  I cough slightly to clear my mind, and she stirs. We eat a light meal, just some berries, and we’re off.

  It takes only another two hours for us to reach the spot. The roar of the water is so loud, and when we come around to actually see it, I gasp. The water gushing forward and falling down a cliff is like something I've never seen before.

  “Do you have any waterfalls on Kuria?” she asks.

  “A waterfall,” I murmur. “Very aptly named.”

  “So you don’t,” she says smugly. “Welcome to Niagara Falls.”

  “There are other waterfalls on Earth?” I ask.

  “Yes. Some are small. This one is probably the most beautiful.” She winks and climbs out of the centuricmobile. “Grab your barrel. Let’s go.”

  I gape at her as I realize just what we’ll be doing with these barrels, but I’m not about to let her go over the falls without me. It’s a terrible drop, and my heart races.

  “This is going to be amazing,” I have to shout to be heard above the roar of the water.

  Water sprays all over us as we walk along the side. We head back far enough that we’ll race along the water toward the fall, and we climb into our barrels, holding each other to help each other in. Once the water carries us, we don’t have a chance to do anything but hold on for our lives. The water carries us along so fast that we’re gliding in the water. It reminds me of flying, and I look over at Isabella. Her head is back, her mouth open. I think she might be laughing, but I can’t hear if she is.

  And then, we go over the edge of the cliff.

  We're flying downward. Yes, we're going so fast that we're flying downward instead of just falling. I have to grab onto the barrel, so I don't come out of it. The sensation of falling is simultaneously exhilarating and terrifying, and I can't help laughing the entire ride down. Isabella is screaming, not from fright but pure joy, and then we're plunged into the water.

  The barrel shatters on impact, and I have to pick a direction and swim hard. Eventually, my head breaks the surface. I'm already a great deal away from the falls when I break the water, and I glance around. The water is carrying me away, some kind of strange pulling sweeping me away, and I struggle against it when there's a tap on my shoulder.

  I turn to see Isabella there. Her barrel is still around her, and I awkwardly climb in. There’s barely enough room for us both.

  “We’ll let the current take us,” she declares, and I shrug, willing to go with the flow. Perhaps the current is that strange pull the water had.

  Eventually, the water is softer, gentler, and we use our arms to reach the shore. The barrel crashes against the rocky shore, and we tumble out.

  “Your turn,” Isabella says. She lifts her arms and tilts back her head as she brushes her hair back. The act causes her soaked clothing to pull even tighter against her boobs, and the slightly cold water has her nipples hard. I want to grab her to suck those nipples. My balls and cock ache for her.

  All of me aches for her.

  “I want you,” I confess.

  Isabella laughs and darts out of grasp. “No, not again,” she says with a wag of her fingers.

  “Never?” I ask.

  “I refuse,” she says with her nose turned up. “You have to prove yourself to have me again.”

  I gape at her, shocked. There’s a current between us. Something is drawing us together, something stronger than either of us, something we can’t deny for long. She’s been fighting it for her reasons, and I’ve been fighting it for mine, but that incident or whatever you want to call it in the car proves that our feelings for each other cannot and will not be denied.

  But if she wants to continue this game of seeing who the big
ger daredevil is, then so be it.

  Only I have no idea what I might do.

  As much as I wrack my brain trying to come up with something, I keep coming up with blanks, nothing at all remotely daring, nothing that will impress her, nothing that will get her to become endeared enough to me that she’ll give in and let me have her like I want to. It’s beyond frustrating to realize that I want her more than I should, that I don’t care about my father and what might happen. She’s all I want, and that’s never been my way before. It’s frightening.

  But she’s staring at me, watching me, and I know that if I try to stall, that she’ll just tell me that I’m going to miss out, lose my chance, and I turn back to stare at the waterfall. It’s so tumulus and wild and free, chaotic and churning, and if that doesn’t describe how I feel inside, then nothing will.

  "Do you an idea yet?" she asks.

  “Yes,” I murmur.

  “Well? What do we need to do? Or is it something only you can do?”

  I turn back to her, coming up with an idea. I don’t know if I’ll be able to pull it off or not. Getting that centuricmobile to work had been a feat in and of itself, but there’s something else I saw there that might just be enough.

  “I need for us to go back to the scrapyard,” I say.

  “All the way back?” she asks, surprised.


  “Will any scrapyard work?”

  I hesitate. “I think I might need to head back to that specific one.”

  "Because of course you do." She huffs a sigh. "It's a good thing these don't run on fuel, or else we would've needed to fill up long before now."

  “What fuel did your vehicles require before you used our technology?” I ask as we make our way back to the centuricmobile. We aren’t exactly close to it anymore. The current from the waterfall drug us a fair distance in a short amount of time.

  "Your technology." She snorts. "Your fathers' technology, you mean."

  “Same difference.”

  She laughs and shakes her head. “You sound so human at times.”

  “I am human.”

  “I mean Earthling.” She glances at me and then away. “Gas. Gasoline. That’s what our cars used to need.”

  “That couldn’t have been healthy.”

  “No, not really.”

  “And that couldn’t have been a reusable source.”


  “I’m glad we came along then to help you.”

  “Yes, Novans helped us, but we’re helping in return, aren’t we? Or else Kurians wouldn’t exist.”

  My cock stirs, and I wonder what it would be like to settle down, to have a baby, with her. But that's ridiculous. Both of us are far too daring and reckless with our lives to even consider bringing another life into the world. No. Isabella and my romance must be short-lived.

  I can’t even think about the future. A few hours from now, days, getting to the scrapyard, that I can think about, but the rest of it? My hopes, my dreams, my aspirations for the future? Those I cannot and will not have because I know my father, and he will ruin my chance at happiness at every turn.

  Because I’ve failed him. He wanted a son who was just like him, but he doesn’t realize that I am precisely that. My father likes to give orders, and he likes to be obeyed, but he does bend the rules at times, and I do the same. I bend the rules maybe a bit more than he would care for, but we are one and the same.

  Maybe that is why he gets on me so much.

  Isabella won't let me even touch her during the ride back, and we go back to taking turns sleeping and driving. We're awake when we eat, but neither of us has much to say. Is she getting bored? Is she sick of me? I want to ask her question after question about her life, her past, her present. Does she have a place near the mountain? Does she have many places because of her being a nomad? Or does that mean she doesn't have a house at all? Does she see herself ever settling down roots anywhere? Why, though? She has so much freedom, and she lives off the land. She lives outside of the social constructs most everyone else subscribes to, something that I appreciate. I often felt separate and apart from the other Kurians and Novans, despite even having my twin around. People did naturally wonder if I would one day become the overlord. AI don't know how long father has been the overlord, but I'm fairly certain that no other overlord has maintained that position for as long as he has.

  If someone was going to challenge him, they would’ve done so long before now. Father’s going to be the first overlord to die of natural causes. I’m sure of it. Well, I suppose that maybe once he gets older and weaker, someone might start to think differently, maybe, but Father has too many friends and allies. And attempt on his life wouldn’t even reach him.

  Which would suggest that the next overlord should be appointed. If that’s the case, Father will choose… I don’t know. Maybe his commander, but the two aren’t that far apart age-wise. It makes sense for him to choose a Kurian, but Father doesn’t trust me. I know he doesn’t. That’s why I’m here.

  It is a punishment. Even if I've managed to elude the authorities here so far, I am punished all the same. The mental anguish I'm feeling, the tug-o-war on my heart and emotions with Isabella… Did Father have any idea how much pain and misery he would cause me when he sent me here?

  Finally, we arrive at the scrapyard, and I go to work, examine everything, collecting pieces of equipment, making sure to find and spend time with Isabella as much as I can, but I can tell.

  She’s bored.

  So when she tells me that a few days later, my heart sinks. “I just need a little time. Just give me a little more time. I’m almost—”

  “Time’s up,” she says.

  Does she mean that time’s up for my proving myself a daredevil? Or that time’s up on our becoming something more than just friends?



  There’s one thing I hate more than anything, and that’s being bored. Actually, I think I might hate my life. Yes, I do whatever I feel like doing, but I have no drive, no ambition. The one thing I wanted, I failed out, so what’s the point? All of this daredevil crap, yes, it’s thrilling, but I’m going to get older. I’m not going to be able to survive if this is all I do. At some point, I’ll die, maybe even from one of the stunts I’m attempting, and what will I leave behind? Nothing. I want to have a legacy. At least if I had been able to join the military, I would've done something worthwhile with my life.

  Just sitting here is making me brood far too much. Strol is busy doing whatever it is that he’s doing, running around here, there, and everywhere, and I have no idea what he’s doing. He’s hiding the stuff he’s fathering where I can’t see it, and I’m leaving him to it. If he wants to surprise me, I’ll let him, but I don’t know how happy I am anymore.

  To distract myself from my misery, I look around to see what I can find, and eventually, I find an old radio. It doesn't work, and now I'm the one doing some rooting around and searching. It's actually the third radio I find that has the most parts to it, and I take from the first two. Now, the radio works, but I can't hear anything, so I end up climbing one of the mountainous piles of discarded crap to get a better signal.

  Some songs play, some really old stuff, as in before the Grots. Some new music, which is a bit more in your face than the old music.

  And then, somehow, I stumble onto a station of people talking. It doesn’t seem to be a show, and it’s not a news station, just two people talking, almost as if they’re on walkie talkies.

  “What do you think?” a guy asks.

  “I don’t know,” a woman answers. “I’m so confused. I thought I loved him, but…”

  “You don’t,” he says with so much assertion that I have to roll my eyes.

  Who is this guy, and why does he think he knows her better than she knows herself?

  “You can’t marry him,” the guy continues.

  “And why not? He has money. He treats me right. He—”

  “He doesn’t tr
eat you right,” he claims. “Yes, he’ll buy you the moon if he could, but he doesn’t have what I have.”

  “And what do you have, Chad?” she asks in a harsh tone. “You don’t have a job. You don’t have a house.”

  “I know I don’t have a lot to offer you, but I know I can make you happy.”

  “Happiness won’t fill my belly. I need more than that.”

  “I love you, Lucy,” he pleads, the raw emotion coming through clearly through the radio.

  She doesn’t respond.

  “You used to love me,” he murmurs.

  “Yes,” she whispers.

  “Do you still?” he asks.


  “So that’s just it, then, is it?” Chad asks. “You’re in denial, and you’re going to stay with James despite his cheating on you.”

  “He never cheated—”

  “You’re delusional!” he retorts.

  Okay, this is getting too intense for me. Chad’s being an overbearing sore loser. Lucy’s allowed to make up her mind, and Chad can go ahead and love her, but if she’s picked someone else, he needs to grow up and let her go.

  I change the radio, and this time hit a real radio station.

  “So, word on the street is that the WXYZ news station is trying to contact the Novans to see if Kurians would be willing to come to Earth for a dating show. Who wants to date an alien? What do you think, Sally? Wouldn’t that be fun?”

  “Well, Chuck, I think it could go a long way to helping the Kurians. They need to find love so that there can be more baby Kurians. I think it’s wonderful that it’s necessary for the Kurians and Novans to find love for there to be a child.”

  “It’s definitely interesting how that turned out to be. I think scientists said it’s due to hormones.”

  “Yes. We had so many dating shows before the Grots, and we can have them again,” Sally says. “They generate great ratings, and having Kurians here on Earth will help with relations between them and us.”

  I roll my eyes. An alien dating show? Seriously? And everyone talks about having to make better the relations between Earthlings, Kurians, and Novans, but I haven't heard too much of anything ever being terrible. I mean, yes, in the beginning, there had to be a lottery system for women to go to Kuria because there weren't enough women who volunteered to go to Kuria just to have sex with aliens.


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