Break Out (A Blood Hunter Novel, book 1)
Page 6
So much for staying in control.
She tried to concentrate, but it was impossible with Rico stroking her thighs and murmuring against her skin all the things he planned to do to her.
She had to get out of there, but she was no longer sure he would let her go. What did she really know of him? He was trying seduction right now, but that might change if she didn’t give him what he wanted, and she couldn’t risk him taking her blood by force. No, she needed a plan.
He nipped at the sensitive spot where her shoulder met her throat. “Relax, querida, and I promise you’ll soon be begging for more.”
No doubt she would, in fact the words hovered on her lips.
Think dammit.
Why the hell hadn’t they trained her to cope with situations like this back at the academy? Perhaps she’d suggest it if she got out of here in one piece—how to deal with a vampire who’s just given you the most mind-blowing orgasm of your life and now wants to drink your blood.
A hysterical giggle rose up as she imagined the colonel’s response. But at the thought of the colonel, a possible way out managed to dredge itself free from the primordial sludge her brain had been reduced to. It wasn’t a perfect plan and might break her cover, but it was a risk she had to take. Opening her internal comm link, she sent out a quick message and prayed they’d respond before she started that begging.
Rico raised his head. His gaze met hers, his eyes glowing as he drew back like a coiled snake preparing to strike.
Holy Meridian. She’d run out of time. Do something.
Gathering her strength, she pushed against him. He was inhumanly strong but she managed to wriggle a hand between them and shoved him hard. He rolled off her onto his back, and she twisted quickly so she lay on top of him.
He growled low in his throat. “What—?”
“Just returning the favor. “She ran her hand over his lean belly, flicked open the button on his pants and lowered the zip. Moving quickly, she pushed her hand inside and wrapped her fingers around the length of him. He was huge and hard, velvet and steel, and despite the imminent danger, a familiar pulse started between her thighs.
He wasn’t fighting now. His eyes were half-closed, his breathing shallow. She slid off him to kneel at his side, still grasping him in her tight fist. He lifted his hips, and she pushed down his pants. Bending over him, she blew gently on the swollen tip of his shaft just as the whole ship leapt sideways.
The force flung Skylar from the bed. Rico landed on top of her in a tangle of limbs. For a moment, they lay there, then Rico twisted free and pressed the comm link on his wrist.
“Daisy, what the fuck is going on?”
Tannis answered. “Put your dick back in your pants and get up here. Now.”
He frowned. “Are you watching us?”
“Not through choice—believe me—but we need you up here. We’ve got company.”
He sighed and got to his feet. Skylar still lay sprawled on the floor, and he reached down, picked her up, and dropped her on the center of the bed.
“I’ll be back.” And with that prophetic declaration, he jerked his pants up and left.
Skylar stared at the closed door. What the hell had just nearly happened?
She got to her feet and swayed, reaching out to balance herself.
Her body felt strange. It had been a long time. A very long time. Even so, how had she let things go so far, so fast? She shook her head and reached for her jumpsuit. Yanking it on, she jerked the fastener up to her neck then pulled on her boots. She picked up the weapons belt—she couldn’t believe she had let him strip her of her weapons. Her clothes perhaps, but her gun?
She strapped it back on and felt immediately better.
Her eyes settled on the glass on the table. She picked it up and sniffed, wishing she could blame the drink, knowing she couldn’t. The whiskey was well and truly gone from her system now, and all she could think was she’d been an idiot, like some sex-starved vampire groupie. She slammed the glass back down.
No more cozy little drinking sessions with the vampire. She needed to make sure she kept her distance from now on. She wasn’t sure what he would pick up from tasting her blood, but she couldn’t risk letting her guard down again. However good it had felt. Her future depended on it.
She pressed her palm to the lock, and to her surprise, the door slid open. Al was leaning against the wall outside, obviously waiting for her.
“The captain said I was to take you to the bridge once you’d got some clothes on.”
Skylar’s eyes narrowed on the small figure. “How did you know I didn’t have any clothes on?”
She remembered Rico’s comment on the comm unit about watching him. She’d sort of blanked it out at the time. Holy fucking Meridian.
“Tell me you didn’t all—” She trailed off as Al nodded his head solemnly.
“It wasn’t the captain’s fault. She needed to get hold of Rico fast and….” He shrugged one narrow shoulder.
“Tell me you didn’t see.”
“It came up on the monitors,” Al replied. “But I closed my eyes. Tight.”
“Shit.” For a moment, her lashes fluttered closed, but things weren’t going to get any better by putting them off. A wave of anger washed over her—why the hell hadn’t Rico switched off the visual monitors before giving her his mojo lust drink? If this were some sort of planned entertainment for the crew, she’d kill him. And to think she almost gave in…
She squared her shoulders and stalked off, leaving Al to follow or not.
Another shot hit the ship, hurling her against the wall. She rubbed her elbow, picked herself up, and hurried to the bridge.
Everyone appeared amazingly calm considering they were under attack. Rico lounged in the pilot’s seat, talking to Daisy.
“It came out of nowhere,” she said.
“Intergalactic space cruisers do not come out of nowhere.”
“Well, this one did.”
Skylar studied the monitor. The image of a ship nearly twice the size of the El Cazador and with ten times the firepower filled the screen. It was coming round on them once more, and she quickly found something to grab hold of. This time she managed to stay upright.
Rico swore loudly. “Don’t let go of whatever you’re holding on to,” he said, and deftly maneuvered the ship with a hard bank down and left, darting around so he came up behind the space cruiser. He hit the fire switch and the laser guns blasted the other ship. It was a direct hit, and the ship veered away, disappearing from the screen.
“That should keep them for a minute or two.” They waited in silence, but the screen remained blank.
“It’s gone,” Daisy said.
Tannis stepped up closer to stare over Rico’s shoulder at the screens. “What do you mean ‘gone’?”
“Intergalactic space cruisers do not just vanish.”
“Well, this one did,” Daisy said.
“What’s going on?” Skylar asked.
Tannis turned to look at her. “I don’t know. We seem to have attracted the attention of a Collective cruiser. It came out of nowhere and now it’s disappeared.” She peered at Skylar suspiciously. “Is there something you’re not telling us?”
“Like what?”
“Like the fact that you’ve got the Collective on your tail.”
“I made no secret of the fact that I’m with the rebels and wanted by the Collective. But do you really think that if they knew I was on board, they would shoot a few times and then vanish?”
The yellow eyes seemed to bore through her. Skylar held her gaze, keeping her expression guileless.
“She’s right,” Rico spoke into the silence. “If they knew we had a rebel on the Cazador, we’d be boarded by now.”
“I still don’t like it.”
Rico punched something into the console in front of him and shook his head. “They’re definitely gone. Was there any damage?”
“None,” Daisy said. “The
shields took the impact. It’s as if they were playing with us. As if they didn’t want to do any actual damage.”
“So what did they want?” Tannis asked.
Rico shrugged. “Get our attention maybe. Whatever, it’s time to get out of here.” Skylar stalked over to him and he swiveled in his chair and rose to his feet. “Hey, sweetheart—did you miss me?”
At the endearment, her fury rose again. She drew back her fist and punched him in the mouth.
“Ow,” she muttered, shaking her hand.
She glanced into Rico’s face and took a step back. A glint of ruby gleamed out from behind his half-closed lashes. A drop of blood beaded on his lower lip. He licked it slowly with his tongue then rose to his feet to tower over her. His lips peeled back in a snarl to reveal razor sharp fangs.
The sight just made her madder—those damn fangs had gotten her into this mess in the first place—it was about time he learned to keep them to himself. Skylar’s hand went to the laser pistol at her hip, and his gaze dropped to follow the movement. She took a deep calming breath and kicked out with her booted foot. She connected with his thigh and swept his legs from under him so he crashed to the floor. Drawing the laser pistol in one fluid move, she stood over him, the pistol aimed at his heart.
He stared up at her for long moments before the tension oozed from his body. He reached up and stroked his finger over his mouth where her fist had connected.
“Hey, I promised to come back.”
“You knew they could see us.” Her eyes narrowed on him, and her finger tightened on the trigger.
He looked at the gun and back at her face. “Maybe, but I didn’t know they would look. And that gun won’t stop me, but it will hurt, so I suggest you think twice before you piss me off any more than you have already.”
She held her stance for a minute longer, just to prove she could, then lowered the pistol and shoved it back in the holster. Rico rose gracefully, brushing himself off.
His gaze settling on Tannis, who stood propped against the wall, grinning. “Thanks, captain, it was good of you to jump to my rescue.”
She lifted one shoulder carelessly. “You’re alive, aren’t you? Now do you think you could get us out of here before that space cruiser decides to come back and take us out after all?”
Skylar stepped out of the way, and they prepared to make the jump. Tannis came to stand beside her.
“Hey, don’t feel bad about it.”
Skylar scowled. “About what?”
“Getting naked and sweaty with Rico.”
“Thanks for reminding me.”
“You’d forgotten? Would you like a look at the surveillance feeds?”
Skylar didn’t answer.
“Mind you,” Tannis said, “I’ve never known him to make a move quite that fast.”
Skylar heaved a huge sigh of irritation. “Your point is?”
“I’m just saying he’s a vampire.” Tannis leaned in closer and lowered her voice. “Apparently, if he doesn’t get sex on a regular basis, he goes all dark and scary.”
Skylar stared at her hard, trying to tell if she was joking, but Tannis’ face was as deadpan as usual.
“Also,” Tannis continued, “they have this whole seduction thing going. Helps them catch their prey, apparently, if everyone’s trying to jump their bones.”
“I was not trying to jump his bones.”
“No? Sure you wouldn’t like a look at those feeds? I could have sworn….” She grinned.
Skylar resisted the urge to pull her pistol again and instead changed the subject. “Have you come up with a plan yet?”
“You’re a cool one,” Tannis murmured. “I’m not sure what to make of you. I don’t quite trust you, but I have no clue what your angle could be. I can’t even begin to guess what you might be after.”
“I just want to free my brother.”
“Hmm. Let’s hope so, but double-cross us and Rico will be the least of your worries.”
She gave Skylar one last long look then strode across the bridge, one hand resting on her laser pistol. At the door, she turned to face the room. “I suggest we get moving towards the Trakis system. We have ten days to make this happen.”
“And where are you going, captain?” Rico asked.
“I’m going to come up with that plan.”
Chapter Seven
Skylar was hungry.
At least she presumed that’s what the hollow sensation in the pit of her stomach was telling her. It was weird—as though her appetites, long suppressed, were coming to life.
All her appetites.
An image of Rico flashed through her mind, and she shifted on the bed, her thighs clenching as she remembered the feel of his mouth and hands on her breasts, between her legs….
Oh God. Maybe food would take her mind off sex.
But as well as food, she wanted company, real company.
Last night, her first night on board, she’d pleaded exhaustion, and Al had brought her a tray to eat in her room. Maybe tonight, he would stay and talk while she ate. Tell her about Rico.
Rico again. She was obsessed. She had to get her mind off him and his hands and his mouth and his tongue and….
A light tap on the door interrupted her thoughts. She leaped up, crossed the room, and peered into the viewer. Al stood outside, shifting from foot to foot. Tonight, he didn’t carry a tray, and Skylar’s stomach rumbled in protest.
She pressed her palm to the panel and the door slid open.
Al shoved his hands in his pockets. “Captain Tannis says if you want to eat, you have to join us in the galley.”
“She said that anyone who thinks they’re too good to eat with her crew could go hungry.”
“So are you coming? The vampire won’t be there. Vampires don’t eat—not food, anyway.”
Skylar made a swift decision, nodded, and followed Al down the corridor. He stopped before they reached the galley and turned to her. “You know, if you’re worried about the vampire, I can protect you.”
Skylar managed to keep a straight face. “You can? Don’t you have work to do?”
Al nodded. “But when I’m busy, one of the others could take over.” He chewed on his lower lip. “You’d probably have to pay them though.”
“You think it would be worth it?”
“Oh, yeah. He won’t try anything when one of the crew is around. He promised the captain. You’ll be safe.”
Skylar wasn’t really afraid Rico would snack on her against her will. On the other hand, after their previous up-close encounter, she wasn’t sure just how much against her will it would be. Besides, it was clear Al wasn’t going to be satisfied until he felt she was safe. “That’s great. You organize it, and I’ll pay.”
The galley lay right at the center of the ship. The scent of food wafted from the room, and her stomach rumbled again. A large oval table took up most of the floor space, and a bank of food dispensers stood against one wall. Four people sat around the table. They looked up as Skylar hovered in the doorway.
“Good of you to join us,” Tannis said.
Skylar managed not to wince at the sarcastic tone. Instead, she curled her lips in the semblance of a smile. “My pleasure.”
Next to Tannis sat a woman Skylar hadn’t met before. She was perfect, from her tawny gold hair to the elegant black dress to the silver high heels, which looked right at home on the end of her slender legs. Skylar bet this woman never tripped over her feet.
“I’m Janey,” she said with an easy smile. “I look after the systems around here. Daisy you’ve already met, and”—she waved her fork at the man next to her—“this is the Trog. He’s our engineer. He doesn’t talk much, so don’t try and engage him in conversation.”
The Trog lifted his head and grunted. He appeared wholly human, but it was hard to tell anything beneath the shaggy mop of dark blond hair.
Skylar smiled in greeting and slipped into a chair. Al hand
ed her a disposable tray of food, and Skylar kept her head down as she ate. After a few minutes, the conversation started up again, and she let it flow over her. The food was good, some sort of beef stew, and it tasted almost real. Finally, she put her fork down and sat back replete, to find everyone watching her. Everyone except Al, who jumped to his feet and started clearing the trays, depositing them down the recycling shoot.
Their gazes shifted to focus on something behind her. Skylar peeked over her shoulder, and the air seemed to leave the room. Rico’s lean figure lounged in the open doorway, enticingly rumpled, still in his usual black pants and shirt, but his weapons were gone, his feet were bare, and his dark hair hung loose around his shoulders. A whole new kind of hunger rumbled in her belly.
His lips curved into a slow smile, and he sauntered into the room. He touched her lightly on the shoulder as he passed, and a shiver prickled across her skin, her breath catching in her throat. He held something in his hand—a small rectangular object that he placed on the table in front of him as he sank into the chair opposite.
Skylar pushed herself to her feet. “Thanks for the food,” she said to the room in general.
Rico watched her sleepily. “Stay,” he murmured. When she didn’t move, he tilted his head to the side and studied her. “What can happen with everyone here?”
Tannis snorted, but Skylar ignored the sound, concentrating on Rico. He leaned in closer. “I won’t bite, and I’m lonely and feeling nostalgic. I thought we might play an old Earth game.” He glanced around at the others. “All of us.”
Skylar realized she wanted to stay. Everyone else appeared relaxed; Janey and Daisy were staring at Rico with something approaching hero worship. Tannis was actually smiling.
What harm could it do?
“Come on, Skylar, you know you want to play with me.” Rico’s tone was low and dark and ignited a fire deep inside her.