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Sebastian: NAC & The Holly Group (Alpha Team Book 4)

Page 15

by Chelsea Handcock

  When she walked out of the bathroom, Bas was waiting for her. His overall attitude had changed; he was quiet and focused. However, his eyes were glowing, and if she wasn’t mistaken, reflected lust and longing. Damn, what was it about this man? His moods seemed to turn on a dime and Sky wasn’t sure she liked the ride all that much.

  She allowed him to take her hand and start dragging her out of the room. But as they got closer to the exit he stopped. Sky wasn’t sure what he was doing. Expecting him to say something, she looked up and found him much closer to her than before. The man was so close, in fact, Sky could see the faint green flecks in his beautiful hazel eyes. She could also feel his warm, sweet breath on her face.

  Still waiting for him to say or do something, Sky was shocked when his lips crashed down on her own. Bas' kiss was demanding. He took what he wanted and left nothing behind. When Sky didn't open her mouth fast enough for him, he licked across her bottom lip, trying to entice her into complying with his silent demand. The feeling of his tongue on her sent tingles throughout her body, distracting her for a second from his lips. When that didn't get the result he wanted, he lightly bit her lip. When she gasped in surprised, he pillaged her mouth, tangling his tongue with hers at the same time finding and exploring every centimeter of her mouth. She felt his need for her through the weird connection.

  Bas grabbed her ponytail and directed her head the way he wanted it, increasing the hot as hell kiss even more. After a couple of seconds, Sky gave up trying to be just as aggressive as he was in the kiss and just followed his lead. That response got a growl, and even better for Sky, Bas ground his very hard, very large cock into her stomach. Sky wanted the cock somewhere else. If he kept up his bump and grind much longer, she was going to need more than the short bathroom break she just took.

  Thankfully the kiss took away her ability to think away, because if she had that ability, Sky would have to admit to a couple of things to herself, even if she didn't want to. One, she didn’t know this man and she sure has hell shouldn't be acting this way or letting him ravish her mouth. Two, she didn't do these types of things ever. And three, she never once considered climbing a man like a pole and demanding that he take her immediately like she was thinking right now. Maybe she was going nuts. The sound, and then the feel, of a sharp smack to her bottom, rudely interrupted her thoughts and the amazing kiss.

  He soothed the sting by saying, "Damn babe, I have wanted to do that since the first moment I saw you, Sky.” Bas took his finger and wiped the moisture he left behind on her lip away. “I wish we had more time, honey, but we need to get on the road."

  Who was this man?

  Chapter 16

  Bas was beating himself up. He shouldn’t have kissed her like that in the office. He had just convinced himself not to touch her and then when she walked out of the bathroom fresh-faced with a little trepidation in her eyes, he couldn’t resist, so he grabbed her up. His brothers didn’t help either when they made their way out into the common room. All three of them were there waiting for them along with Tuck. Tuck acted possessive of Sky and had from the start. Bas and his bear didn’t like it.

  Link handed him a duffle bag and said, “I put together some things you might need. I also sent out a few of the guys to distract the unknowns in town. You should be good until you hit the interstate.”

  Talon shocked Sky by handing her a piece of paper. She peeked and it said, “X-mas list: bike- black chrome and skulls.” She looked at him puzzled and he said, “Don’t you know, all little sisters give their brothers great Christmas presents. But if you get it done sooner, my birthday is in June."

  Puzzled, Sky didn’t know what to say. She didn’t know if he was saying these things because of her attachment to the club or if they were because of Bas. She got requests for bikes all the time but never in this manner.

  Bas answered that question when he said, “Okay asshole, no way is my girl going to build you a bike before she makes me one. It pisses me off that Tuck got one first."

  Sky didn’t miss Bas’ glare in Tuck's direction, or his word choice. Tuck, on the other hand, just smiled.

  Link laughed, "Yeah, and you haven’t even seen it yet. Listen, little sister, you better make sure you put some girly flowers on there. I will be expecting something badass for mine, beauty before age and all that."

  Link was ribbing Bas, but it fell short as far as Sky was concerned. She just dumbly nodded her head. Then again, to her shock, Tuck, Link, Talon, and Whiskey all gave her and Bas hugs goodbye. She had expected them to do that with Bas, but not her. Well, she knew Tuck would wish her well, but she didn't know the Frost brothers well enough for them to be treating her like family. How odd.

  The problem or question was, why and why now? Did the three of them know something more than she didn't, or we they just acting this way because Bas was their brother? Sky was already reeling from the kiss back in the office, and now the men’s reaction to her only added to her confusion. Bas calling her “his girl” was nice, but still off-putting. She had never been anyone’s girl, and she didn’t know how she felt about it. Wanting a guy, she didn’t know was one thing, but him claiming her in front of his family was an entirely different thing.

  Once they got to the SUV Bas opened the door and helped her in. Then he put her seatbelt on before shutting the door. It was a weird move but also kind of nice. No one in her life had really cared about her safety, so this display was pretty cool. Typically, if someone had tried that same move, she would have slapped their hands away and said she could do it herself, but Bas was different. Would these weird feelings ever stop? And what was up with that kiss?

  As Link predicted, they made it to the interstate without any problems. However, that reprieve hadn't lasted long. Bas noticed two tails right away. "Okay honey, I need to do some creative driving to figure out if both those guys are following us or it just a coincidence." It wasn’t a coincidence, but Bas managed to lose them using several on and off ramps and a few country roads at speeds Sky wasn’t all that comfortable with. Sky liked to drive fast and loose on occasion, but in those incidents she was in control. Bas driving at those speeds kind of scared her because she didn't trust him yet. That was a major reality check. She was willing to run off with him, but trust needed to be built, and it hadn't been.

  The next couple of hours went by without any more surprises, but the silence in the SUV was getting to Sky. Bas hadn’t said more than two words to her since he got rid of the tails. At first, she was happy to let him concentrate on driving, not knowing if someone else was going to come up on them, but now she was going a little nuts.

  When he reached to change the radio station once again, she had had enough. She was just about to let him have it and get the answers she wanted when she noticed something for the first time. Grabbing his hand, she turned it palm up. Right there on his wrist was her birthmark, or at least a mirror image of it. If they were holding hands, the two marks would match up to each other. Sky had never seen another person with her birthmark.

  "Where did you get this?" Sky questioned.

  Bas went to pull his hand away but didn’t struggle too much when Sky wouldn’t let go. "Seriously Bas, where did you get this?" Sky ran her finger over the mark. The raised surface was like hers now, and it was also just about the same color. The marks could be mirror images of each other.

  "Shit, Sky, I don’t know. I think something bit me back at the bar. It burned for a little, but now it’s just a red mark."

  "Like hell it is, look at it, Bas," Sky demanded.

  Bas looked down and Sky was right, it wasn’t just a bug bite. The mark consisted of three intertwined circles that formed a triangular shape. It was kind of like Emma and Dalton’s mating marks, but different. Theirs were elongated, while this wasn’t. But how in the hell did he have a mating mark without mating? It didn’t make any sense.

  "Look, Bas, why do you have the same birthmark as I do?"

  Sky was getting more animated and agitated. Th
e problem was, Bas didn’t have any answers for her he didn’t know why that mark appeared. He had a good idea what it represented, but he had no idea how it had happened. He was trying to keep an eye on the road and their surroundings, but those marks kept on drawing his attention.

  Sky started rambling, "What are you? I have weird memories. One from the time I spent with my parents. They used to tell me about men like you to warn me off. Bedtime stories filled with people that changed into animals that had glowing eyes. Up until a few hours ago, I thought those memories were just weird fairy tales. Like, beware of the boogieman, only mine included, beware of the guys that have glowing eyes and sprouted fur or scales. Now I’m starting to think they weren’t all that bogus after all."

  "What? Shit, Sky, you need to tell me what you are talking about right fucking now because you are skirting a line that can’t be uncrossed," Bas warned.

  "I don’t know about that,” Sky countered. “I think I have been skirting that line my entire life. This mark and everything that has happened today, it’s all linked, isn't it? You and that man in the apartment are more than what you seem. You’re like my Dad. I remember seeing him do things as a child, unexplainable things. Both of my parents warned we to stay away from people that showed certain signs."

  She continued, "What I want to know is why. Why haven’t you told me anything about what is really going on? That man in the apartment wanted me, not Shelby. He did things in front of me that I can’t explain, but I’m thinking you can explain those things, can't you Bas? I really need some solid answers right about now. You're different, he was different, and I’m different. Why do all these people want me all of a sudden when I have spent my entire life being overlooked and basically ignored?"

  "Why am I drawn to trust you and follow you blindly when I have never done anything like that in my entire life? Why can I feel a connection to you? It’s like a line that is drawn from you right into my soul. I can feel your emotions. Your frustration, uncertainty, anger,” Sky paused, “…and arousal. Why can I do those things, Sebastian, what are you doing to me?"

  "Fuck, listen, there are things in play here that you don’t need to know,” Bas argued. “I get that my answer sucks, and I know you are going to fight it, but I can't say it any other way. Not knowing those things just may keep you safe."

  "Fuck that, Sebastian. This is my life and I make my own decisions in it. I might like you, shit, even love the attention and affection you have shown for me, but I am my own person. Don’t ever confuse my obedience as acceptance. This has been a crazy ass situation, and up until now, I have accepted that, but not anymore. So how about I spell it out for you a little better? I watched you when you were stomping towards Tuck and me in the bar. Your eyes took on an eerie glow. The same thing happened when that guy grabbed me out in front of the bar. You also seemed to have gotten a shaggier five o’clock shadow in those couple of minutes, only to have it disappear once you calmed down. Now I know you didn’t have time to shave, so I will ask you again, what are you?"

  Bas had two choices: he could lie, or he could tell Sky the truth. She already had more information than was safe for either of them, and it looked like she wasn’t going to back down. Shit, Bas couldn’t even begin to explain all that was going on between them or otherwise. He was still wondering if she was his mate or if he was just broken. If he was, then there was no need to not tell her about his bear or Shifters in general.

  She wasn’t one of Franklin’s babies so did that meant she couldn’t be a true mate, right? Shit, the questions just kept on coming, and fuck, what about the mark? How could they have been fate blessed when all they had shared was a couple of hugs and one fucking intense kiss? This was uncharted territory, and his little sprite was getting pissed because of his lack of information. Shit, join the damn club.

  If they were mates, it was supposed to be one of the best experiences of their lives. Did he find the one woman that he was meant to be with for the rest of his life? After all, all the signs were present and she was feeling them too. But it was torture because it could all be a trick that his mind and bear were playing on him. Not to mention, their connection was foreign and didn’t follow the script.

  "I will concede that I am different,” Bas admitted. “I’m not going to go into details here or now, but I will give you that much. I’m going to go out on a limb here and ask you to trust me again. We need to be safe before I can give you any answers. Right now, we are far from it. Your questions will be answered, but those answers will have to wait for now. Can you give me that much right now?"

  "I don’t like it, Bas, but I will give you that much. You need to think about this really hard and long because I’m not going to wait much longer. You have information I need. That man in the apartment turned into a snake right before my eyes. It wasn’t an illusion, and it wasn’t my imagination. There isn’t any changing that. As for the other stuff, you want to keep your secrets and deny what is going on here between us, that is on you. However, I will get my answers!"

  Shit, Sky had just said the words that couldn’t be undone. She saw the man, Dean Summerfield, Shift, and that meant that her life had irrevocably changed. She would never again be allowed outside of NAC or the clans. Shit, he wondered if any of it really mattered because all the signs were saying her path with Shifters had been set a long time ago. Her words confirmed what they all had been worried about. The Association was after Sky.

  "Sorry honey, just bear with me a little longer. We need to stop for gas, and I need to have all my wits about me. The conversation you want is going to be intense, and right now I need to keep my focus on keeping you safe. I will tell you this; I am feeling the same stuff you are. I just don’t know what or why we are both feeling this way. I’m broken, Sky. You don’t need to get it or understand it, but these feelings we both have need to go away. I’m no good for you."

  Sky curled in on herself and looked out the window. Bas wasn’t giving her anything. He wasn’t going to either. It made her mad and his little comment about their feelings needing to go away caused more than a little disappointment. If he honestly felt that way then why did he kiss her, hold her, and tell her that he felt the same way? Why was he constantly contradicting himself? His actions and words were so different from each other.

  Bas stopped for gas, and Sky as grateful. She really needed to pee, and she also needed a little distance from him to clear her head. They had just made it to Illinois. She didn’t know where they were headed, but had figured out a while back that it was defiantly north. Bas made her wait for him to fuel up the SUV before guiding her into the gas station and then towards the restrooms. She was already doing the pee pee dance, which seemed to amused the sadistic man.

  "Babe, if you had to go that bad, you should have told me.”

  Fuck, how dare he smile? She wasn’t talking to him right now, and she didn’t plan on talking to him anytime soon, unless he was willing to give her the answers she needed.

  When they got into the gas station, he tried to divert her to the pop and coffee stations. Sky was not having any of it.

  Laughing, he said he was just joking and finally got her to her destination. Good thing too! Otherwise, she would have needed new pants. Bas was ever the gentleman, waiting for her by the door. Yeah, she knew he was keeping her safe, but she kind of thought he would do this even if she weren't in danger. Sky was still having a bit of a problem with reality versus fantasy. She wanted him, and those feelings were only getting stronger. Even in her current pissed off state, she couldn’t shake the lustful feelings she held for this man.

  They loaded up on snacks and drinks, only to have to drop them and run when a guy hiding next to the door grabbed her when she walked out. He must not have seen Bas following because if he had, the guy had a screw loose. All it took was a couple of well-placed hits and the bad guy was down for the count.

  "Shit babe, let’s go,” Bas said. “I don’t have time to question the bastard. It looks like he has friends."r />
  That is when she noticed the three guys headed their way. Bas mumbled some things to them that she didn’t hear, but by the looks on their faces, the men weren’t willing to push Bas. There was no helping her into the SUV and buckling her up this time. Everything was done with an urgency to get the hell out of dodge. When Bas got in the car, he gunned it.

  "Okay babe, we have a couple of seconds before the fuckers come after us. I want to you to get down on the floorboards and make yourself as small as possible.”

  Sky was worried. These men weren’t like the snake man or Bas. Their eyes didn’t glow, and they were all kind of on the average size. They looked like the hood-rats Sky often came across in Chicago. She didn’t like that she was being hidden, but Bas was right out there for anyone to see.

  "But what about you?" Sky questioned.

  "Don’t worry. I’m going to get us out of here. Just need to do some of my fancy driving, but babe, no matter what you hear, just stay down, okay?"

  Sky was scared, but her mind was reeling. What was with all the “babe” shit all of sudden. She could feel the acceleration of the SUV. As she watched Bas from her place on the floor, she noticed the tension building in his body. He was spending equal time looking out the rearview mirror and straight again. When Sky felt the jarring of another car hitting them, she almost jumped up into the seat.

  She stopped that action really quick when she heard the sound of gunfire. Fuck, these people were trying to run them off the road and shoot them. Neither was good. Sky felt the first tire blow. The SUV swerved, but Bas righted it quickly. When the other one blew, Bas screamed at her, "Okay babe, I’m going to head towards the tree line. I’m so sorry I didn’t want you to find out this way, but you have to promise me you aren’t going to freak out on me. Once the car stops, get out and wait for me, babe, I’m going to Shift. My bear will be able to get us out of here faster than my human side."


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