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Sebastian: NAC & The Holly Group (Alpha Team Book 4)

Page 20

by Chelsea Handcock

  Ryleigh laughed at Sky, not helping her mood. But it also didn't stop her from continuing with her man-bashing. "Or is it just a Shifter trait? Bas said that you were mated or married to the Alpha. Are you allowed to talk and make decisions, or do you just nod your head and go along with everything because he is the man? Or how about ..."

  "Whoa, slow down, sister,” Ryleigh said.

  Sky just looked at her. Shit, she had no business going on about any the crap she was currently dealing with to this lady she didn’t even know. Defeated, she slumped down in the closest seat.

  Ryleigh held her hand out to Sky. Scooting forward in her seat, she said, “Hi, I’m Ryleigh, and you must be Sky. I’ve heard a lot about you."

  Sky took her hand and shook it. "Sorry about all that, Ryleigh. You didn't deserve that, but that man frustrates me to no end," Sky said pointing towards the door of the plane.

  Ryleigh laughed, "Oh, I know the feeling, honey, happens to me several times a day." Ryleigh held up her perfectly manicured finger to her lip. She tapped them like she was thinking and then said, "Let’s see if I can answer some of those questions," with a pleasant smile on her face. " Yes, I am married and mated to the Alpha. I am also the daughter to the ultimate Alpha, so yeah, go me," she laughed. “They both let me speak and make my own decisions, sometimes. Of course, just like any other dominant man on the planet, they think their ideas are usually better and say so more than once, as if I would possibly forget the words that come out of their mouths.” Ryleigh laughed, “You see, it is our job to convince them otherwise. The boobs and vaginas definitely help, though.”

  Sky smiled, she liked Ryleigh already. She was kind and funny.

  "Tell me what happened," Ryleigh requested.

  Sky told her all about what had been going on. When Ryleigh requested to look at her birthmark, Sky didn’t hesitate and showed her.

  “It’s different than mine, but it also still has the same three intertwined circles, just in a different shape,” Ryleigh observed. “I have learned that they represent the past, present, and future. My mark is more elongated, like a straight line, whereas yours is kind of shaped like a triangle, but they both still the same intertwined circles. My guess would be that they are both mating marks.”

  When Ryleigh released her arm, Sky couldn’t help but ask, “Can I see it? I’d like to see the difference for myself.”

  Ryleigh’s face turned red, and Sky was confused. Maybe it was inappropriate to ask to see mating marks, but hadn’t Ryleigh just asked her? Sky didn't know proper mated person etiquette, and if Bas had his way, she never would; the jerk-faced bastard.

  "Ah, that might be difficult,” Ryleigh stammered. “You see, mating marks appear on the pulse points, and mine is in a rather private area," Ryleigh said indicating her lap.

  Sky thought, no problem, I'm entirely okay with not seeing the mark. Bas had said others had them. She just assumed that they were in more visible locations.

  Ryleigh started talking without missing a beat, "I was with a friend of mine, Mia, she is a doctor, when we heard about what was going on with you. Would you mind if I did a simple blood test? I only need to prick your finger, kind of like a glucose test?"

  Sky just looked at her for a minute and then said, "Sure, but first I need you to tell me why. A bunch of crazy stuff has landed in my lap lately, and although you have heard of me, I don't know you or your friend."

  "Sorry, I don't get out much, please excuse my rudeness," Ryleigh laughed. "Well, like I said, I was with a friend of mine. She is a doctor and also just like me, one of Franklin’s creations. Bas indicated that you knew that much, so I’m not going to go into any more details on that right now unless you want them."

  "No, I’m good," Sky replied.

  "Great, so initially we thought that DNA tests were the only way to determine if the children Dr. Franklin engineered had Shifter DNA, which is still correct to some extent. We need those tests to determine the animals, but Mia found a protein in the blood that is readily detectable. This protein is unique to Shifters, and the higher the number, the purer the donor. I have three sets of Shifter DNA, so my numbers are low. I only come in at a 59. Would you mind doing the test? I assure you it is entirely safe, relatively painless, and may answer a lot of questions.”

  "Sure," said Sky.

  Ryleigh got up and grabbed a little bag and then came back to squat in front of Sky. No way was Sky going to let that happen. The woman was pregnant, and the move did not look comfortable for her.

  “No, how about you sit, and I will just hand you my hand, will that work?" Sky suggested.

  Ryleigh pricked her finger with some kind of spring loaded needle. A little bead of blood appeared and Ryleigh placed a small piece of plastic with a channel in it attached to a round meter looking thing to her finger. Her blood bead of blood was quickly pulled into the canal, and the both waited and watched as the screen on the meter showed a spinning clock. When the device dinged and the clock stopped, the numbers on the screen read 99.

  "Well, that answers one question. You are almost certainly a natural. We haven’t gotten any readings higher than 76, and we know that girl held only one strand of animal DNA."

  Ryleigh wasn’t going to tell her that even McKenna’s blood only registered an 82, and she was already showing signs of Shifting.

  "So, what does that mean?” Sky questioned. “Were my parents both Shifters, or just one?"

  "Unfortunately, without more testing, we cannot be one hundred percent sure of that either were, but the protein is high in your blood,” Ryleigh revealed. “My guess is that both of you parents had Shifter DNA, but again, that goes against everything we have learned so far. When we get back to base, we can run some more tests, but that is up to you."

  "So, you’re not taking me in as a prisoner? Will I still be able to make choices for myself? Like not staying there once the threat is gone?"

  "Listen, I’m not going to lie to you, The Association knows about you, and that isn’t good. The Association consists of Shifters that believe in a pure society for their race. Basically, they are fanatics that will not stop until they get you or any women they deem worthy. I can tell you from personal experience having had contact with a member, that these men consider women property, or more specifically, broad mares. I can’t imagine any woman wanting that kind of life. So, to answer your question, no, you are not a prisoner, but your life will never be the same again. I can tell you that having one of those infuriating dominant Alphas as a mate will help though."

  "Well, see, that is the problem. Bas has informed me, on more than one occasion, that we are not mates. It looks like I will be taking this journey on my own."

  "No honey, that is where you are wrong. You will have Alpha Team and the rest of NAC and The Holly Group to help you out. And if I were a betting woman, I think Bas will come around. These guys are stubborn. It might just take a little time."

  "See, that is just it, Ryleigh. I gave him a part of me, and he threw it back in my face. Even after that, I still tried. He took it and crushed it under his feet. How do I come back from something like that? How can I trust him not to change his mind again and do the same things? I don’t think I can."

  Ryleigh got up and sat next to Sky in the empty seat and put her arm around her shoulders. " I don’t know, honey. I can’t answer that for you, only you can do that. All I can do is tell you how my mating is and what I witnessed with Emma. These guys fight their instincts because they don’t know any better. They live by rules and regulations. Standard Operating Procedure is their way of life. As teens, they decided that women were for one thing only, scratching the occasional itch. That might sound harsh, but they also have their reasons. They didn’t want to put another woman through what many of them witnessed their mothers and others go through trying to be with a Shifter man. Cheating and heartache are only a tip of the iceberg that those unions created. "

  Ryleigh continued, "None of them are angels, and they have all had their
fair share of women. But the one thing they haven’t had or experienced are long-term relationships with those women. We are as foreign to them as they are to us. But we are smarter; we hold on. Here is a good example for you, when my mate heard about other members of my group mating with other Alphas, he convinced himself that I was going to freak out, much like Bas did, thinking it was all chemical or unnatural. To be honest with you, for a split-second I did question those things, but then I remembered how he made me feel cherished, loved, and safe. Not to mention the countless things he does for me on a daily basis. My Jacks is the love of my life, and I wouldn't have it any other way."

  "Do I still get scared and want to question everything and everybody? You bet your ass, but my feelings have never once changed only strengthened. I was with Jacks for almost a week before we were mated. Peyton was with Wyatt for only days when they mated fully. Emma’s mating took longer, but that was because she wasn’t in a good place when they found each other. Stick it out, Sky. I think you have the strength to do it and to prove Sebastian how wrong he is."

  "How am I going to do any of that if he leaves?” Sky questioned. “He isn’t coming with us, Ryleigh. Bas said that he is broken, that is why he doesn't want to be around me. He stated that I don’t calm his beast like you do with your mate."

  "Oh my, he is so messed up,” Ryleigh declared. “I do sooth Jacks’ beast somewhat, but that is only when we are together. The bond needs to build with time. The more we are together, the bond grows stronger and he his beast calms more. It doesn’t happen overnight. Shoot, I have only been gone now for a couple of days, and he is already freaking out. We don’t have animals inside us, so we can’t understand what it is like for them. But from what Jacks has told me, it is a constant battle."

  "I want to help him, be there for him, but how do I do any of that with him consistently pushing me away?” Sky asked. “The first time I saw the man, a longing for him smacked me so hard and profound, it scared me, and I ran. The first time he held me, I melted, never having felt something as good as that in my entire life. And the orgasm, damn, that practically stopped my heart. Everything with him is so intense and wild, but it is also calming and sweet. Do you know that I can become fixated on a design and not stop for days? Bas walks into my life, and I can't even concentrate, it's overwhelming but wonderful at the same time. "

  "I work with some pretty attractive men, Ryleigh, and never once have I had this kind of a reaction or feelings for any of them. Shoot, I know his brothers, and I thought they were nice guys, but I didn’t want to climb them like a pole. What is wrong with me?"

  "Absolutely nothing, Sky. You are reacting to the mating draw. That is all. Once it is completed, it will still be intense, but not all consuming. Thankfully though, the orgasms are just as good, if not better, with the deeper connection, so enjoy that. I certainly do. You just have to give this relationship the time to build, that is all."

  "How do I do that if he isn’t with me? I told you he plans on leaving me with you and Cash."

  "Oh, I highly doubt that, Sky. Jacks has ordered him in, and if I know Cash, which I do, he isn’t going to let him turn tail and run as he wants. Just wait and see."

  Cash pounded his way into the plane, and Ryleigh noticed Sky’s flinch. "Don’t pay any attention to him, Sky. Cash has been in a snit for a while now. It doesn’t have anything to do with you."

  Cash stopped in front of Sky and held out the hand that he denied earlier. " Hey, Sky, sorry about the rude reception out there. It didn’t have anything to do with you. I hope I didn’t offend you in any way."

  Sky shook his hand and took a closer look at the man. He was still scary, but whereas his eyes were cold and distant before, now they projected warmth and kindness.

  “No offense taken, Cash, it’s nice to meet you too.”

  "Listen ladies, I’m going to do the preflight checks and then we will be off the ground headed towards home," Cash announced.

  Sky looked down at her lap. She didn't want to face Ryleigh and tell her that the hope she had just given her was gone. Bas really was just leaving her. He wasn’t on the plane and Cash was getting ready to get the show on the road.

  Cash put his finger under her chin and lifted her head up so that she was looking him in the eyes. "I have given your man a couple of things to think about before he makes another bad decision. He should be along shortly. Don’t give up, Sky, he is worth it. What you two can have together is worth it. Hold on with both hands and don’t let go. Understand what I am saying to you?"

  Sky nodded to Cash not knowing what else to say.

  A couple of minutes later Bas got on the plane and shut the door. He stopped in front of her the look in his eyes reflected regret and shame. She could also feel those things through their bond, but Sky wasn’t ready to forgive and forget just yet. He needed to grovel a little or maybe just stew in his juices. She would forgive him, but the forgetting would be hard, no matter what any of them said. Bas had hurt her deeply.

  Chapter 23

  Cash was in the cockpit, and there was a door closing him off from the rest of them. When his voice came over the loudspeaker to buckle up, Sky was thankful that Ryleigh remained by her side. She was offering her silent support, but also her friendship. Sky needed those things right now.

  The takeoff was smooth, and she and Ryleigh chatted about the other members of Alpha Team, NAC, and The Holly Group. Bas had told her a lot, but it seemed there was a hell of a lot more to learn. She didn’t know how she fit into all of this. Sky designed and built bikes, it was her passion. How was she going to do that when she wasn’t ever going to be able to leave these people?

  Their flight had been going smoothly right up until they hit some turbulence. Sky wasn’t an experienced flyer, but she had felt this before going over the mountains on the way to Salt Lake City one time. When Bas got up a few seconds later and made his way to the cockpit, she was still pretty comfortable with what was happening.

  Ryleigh grabbed her hand and squeezed it. It didn’t even alarm her until she said, "Sky, we need to get some things together. Something isn’t right."

  "What the hell are we supposed to get together? We are in a plane fly thousands of feet above the ground!" Sky exclaimed.

  Bas came back into the area and started pulling packs out of the compartments. Sky could feel the plane turning and descending at the same time. What was happening?

  "Ladies, I need to you to get up and put these on,” Bas said holding up what appeared to be backpacks. “Cash has lost one engine, and now we are losing fuel fast. If that fuel is leaking anywhere near the still functioning engine, we are going to have some major problems on our hands. Cash also can’t engage the autopilot, so he is going to hold this bird steady so until we can make our way out."

  Make their way out? What? Why? If the plane was going to crash wouldn’t they be safer in it instead of outside of it landing God knew where? All these questions were running through her mind and Sky was frozen in her seat.

  Bas approached Ryleigh, "Ryleigh, we need to do a tandem jump; belly to belly to protect the baby.”

  Sky watched as Ryleigh got up and started to put on a harness.

  "No Bas, you’re going to have to take Sky down,” Ryleigh declared. “I have jump experience and I don’t think she does. The baby will be okay."

  "Fuck Rye, listen, we have no idea what we are jumping into. Cash had to deviate his course because of storms. We are going to be landing in an isolate part of Canada. That means trees, rocks, snow, and who knows what else. You can’t risk the baby."

  It looked like Ryleigh was going to argue so Sky unbuckled herself and got moving.

  "I can do it, just tell me what I need to know," Sky interrupted.

  Bas handed her the parachute and helped her to strap in. "Okay, honey, I’m going to open the doors. Rye and I will go first. Count to five and then follow. The wind is going to be strong, but once Cash gives the signal, I need you to dive just like you would off of a div
ing board. Head first and fast. Give yourself a little room and momentum. Once you’re airborne, first and foremost don’t panic, put Rye and me in your sights and watch. As soon as you see my chute, you need to count to five and then pull this" he said as he pointed to her ripcord. "When the chute expands, it will jerk you hard as it pulls you up. But don’t panic. Lift your hand up and use the handles to guide yourself toward us, kind of like a chopper,” Bas smiled.

  Okay, Sky could do this. She could jump out of a perfectly good plane and land on the ground safely. Yep, she could do this... nope, no fucking way!

  Sky started to hyperventilate and Bas slapped her cheek. "Listen, babe, I can’t coddle you. We don’t have any other choice. We need to get this done so Cash has time to get out of the plane. Harness some of your anger and use it to get you through this. Once we are on the ground, I will let you throw the biggest fit anyone has ever seen. Sound like a plan?"

  Sky nodded, and Bas kissed her on the forehead. She watched him strap Ryleigh to his chest. When Cash’s voice came over the loudspeaker, she waited behind Bas for him to open the door. She would do this for Ryleigh, her unborn baby, and Cash. Taking a few breaths, she centered herself. Sky had a couple of minutes of doubt when Bas opened the door on the plane. The wind rushed in. This was insane! Once she saw Bas’s body leave the aircraft in a dive, she counted and did exactly as he instructed and jumped.

  Sky’s heart was beating so fast and hard that she could feel it in her head. She couldn’t help but think that human beings were not meant to jump out of airplanes, and she was also pretty sure she had peed her pants a little. This was not cool. She was falling so fast that the skin on her face felt stretched. She watched as Bas opened his parachute and started counting at five she reached up to pull her, but she couldn’t find it at first. It took her a couple of additional seconds to locate the cord and pull. She expected it to be easy, but she really had to yank the sucker. Her parachute opened, and just as Bas had said, sent her back up like a rocket.


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