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Paranormal Beverages, Potions and Tonics

Page 4

by Charles, Susan G.

  “The main thing I wanted to know,” he said breathlessly. “Was whether this would wear off or not.”

  “No,” Susan replied, her face shining, filled with a smile from ear to ear. “The effects are truly long lasting. It will last a lifetime.” Susan answered, a light blush spreading across her lovely face at the realization of her reply.

  Charles chuckled to himself, as he gently guided her down on to the bed next to him. He did not want to miss another moment of being with her, even if they did have a lifetime. “Well, it looks like you were right after all then, Susan.”

  Immediately Susan looked over at him with surprise in her eyes as he again began to leave soft kisses all along her collar bone. “What do you mean, Charles?” she asked him, at once confused by his reply. After all, she had been wrong about the potion she gave him, and wrong about the flowers she had dropped into the spell to begin with. Exactly what could she have been right about?

  Chuckling, Charles sweetly answered her. “It turns out I did need a love potion after all.” And with that he kissed her once again feeling the warmth of the room rise to match the warmth inside him. She kissed him back with equal parts of agreement, astonishment and acknowledgement.

  She would have never realized in a million years that such a series of minor mistakes could so easily have changed her life. And for the better. But she would never want to go back and redo any of the mistakes she had made in the past couple of days. Everything happened exactly as it had for a reason. Now she had Charles in her life. And she knew that it was more than magic that had brought them together – it was love!

  End Notes

  Did you like this book? I certainly hope that you’ve enjoyed being in the land of magic brewing potioneers, if only for a few moments.

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  And if you are looking for even more books by Susan G. Charles please feel free to check out some of my other works below:

  Animal Heat: A Paranormal Romance – the first book in The Animal Sagas series. In it little sister, Sonya is kidnapped, and Lynda, the oldest, must do her best to get her back – using any means possible.

  Animal Nature: A Paranormal Romance – the second book in The Animal Sagas series. Sonya now lives safely within the Strongheart wolf pack with her sister Lynda. Still, she longed to hunt the mountainous woods of the pack’s territory all by herself.

  The Master of the Hunt: A Paranormal Romance – Everyone in her family knew that one day Elizabeth Fox would make a fine horsewoman, and she certainly lived up to that and well surpassed all their expectations. But one foggy winter morning an ordinary ride turned into something completely unexpected as she encountered a handsome stranger and his small hunting party while out on the trail. Should she join them or not?

  Toots and Poots in a World Full of Snoots: The Amazing True Story of One Boys Gas-tly Abilities – is the story of a kindergarten aged boy, Timothy Oscar O’Toole, AKA, Toots, with a talent for farting – a skill he obviously loves to share with all his friends. A great story for kids of all ages!

  For the most up to date information about the works of Susan G. Charles, please feel free to visit my facebook page, website or my Amazon author profile.

  Free Chapter Preview: The Master of the Hunt: A Paranormal Romance

  I hope you enjoy this free Chapter Preview in one of my other books, The Master of the Hunt: A Paranormal Romance:


  (Present Day)

  Elizabeth Fox had always been a horse lover. In fact, even long before her family bought their first horses, many years ago, she would spend hours and hours looking at pictures of them in every book, newspaper or magazine she could find. Everyone in her family knew that one day she would make a fine horsewoman, and she certainly lived up to that and well surpassed all their expectations.

  She worked hard learning all she could about horses and eventually bought her own boarding stable. Needless to say, her uncle was so proud of her and her accomplishments. To top it all off, today was a wonderful winter’s day – and an incredible day to take a ride. She sighed happily as her mare’s hoofs crunched through the dry snow as they headed out once again. It was a perfect winter morning for a trail ride through the snowy forest that lay directly behind her boarding stable.

  As usual, she had been the first to arrive at the barn that morning. She and her mare, Braveheart, had managed to tack up and slip out onto the trails long before any of the stable workers arrived to start their morning chores. Elizabeth had ridden these trails easily several hundred times just by herself, but she still enjoyed wandering through each of these meandering paths. She and Braveheart could probably navigate them all blindfolded with one leg tied behind their backs if put to test.

  As it were, the winter sun began to rise a bit higher in the cold morning sky, warming the snow. And at that same time an early morning fog began to roll through the woodlands. Absolutely breath taking! Elizabeth loved days like this out on the trails. If only she had thought to have brought her camera along.

  Soon the entire forest looked like something out of a dreamy fairytale she remembered from her childhood, or maybe a story in a fairy tale told time and time again. Misty clouds crept through the trees like a stranger in the night and the air hung wet with mist. This was the sort of weather that made you think you could turn around and see a unicorn peeking out from behind a pine at any time. Elizabeth chuckled at her fanciful thinking. Braveheart was the closest thing she would ever see to a unicorn – her beautiful white coat made her an excellent stand in for the mythical creature.

  Eventually Elizabeth directed her horse down to the lower path, which would soon lead out of the woods to an open corn field that all the animals seemed to flock to. Perhaps, she thought to herself, visibility would be better in the open there. Elizabeth soon realized her mistake though, as the fog became even heavier about them and made seeing anything around them almost impossible. The clouds of vapor were settling onto the lower ground, making visibility even worse, instead of better. “Bad choice, Elizabeth,” she thought to herself a little bit aggravated.

  As the two kept traveling slowly towards the area where the field should be, the fog got so thick Elizabeth couldn’t see more than a foot past Braveheart’s nose. Elizabeth sighed and dismounted her horse at that point. It was time she turned her mare around and headed back to the barn. There was no sense continuing on this way, they couldn’t see anything at all more than a foot ahead of them in any direction, any way. No matter how well anyone knew these trails, it was ridiculously dangerous to ride when you couldn’t see an unexpected animal or obstacle pop up out of no where right in front of you.

  So Elizabeth took Braveheart’s lead and they changed direction, heading back in the direction from whence they came. Leading her horse back up the hill, Elizabeth stopped when Braveheart whinnied to another horse in recognition, even though Elizabeth had heard nothing.

  “What is it, girl? Do you hear someone you recognize?” Obviously Elizabeth couldn’t see anyone, but she tilted her head, listening intently anyway. Finally there was an answering whinny from somewhere up the path, along with the faint sound of several horses moving, and even that of a few dogs barking off in the distance.

  The source of these new sounds were simply way too far away for the sounds to be coming from the stable area. But the sounds didn’t seem to really be coming from that direction in the first place – the weather can play tricks on you in situations like this so she really wasn’t absolutely certain where the sounds were coming from. And that concerned her just a bit. Another group of riders must be braving the foggy trails this morning. Who would be out in force this time of the day and in such awful riding conditions? Then she clearly heard it – the clarion blare of a hunting horn, followed by the soulful baying of a large pack of hounds.

  Elizabeth c
huckled to herself and nervously combed Braveheart’s mane with her fingers as she stood there listening to the approaching sound of the hunting party. She had forgotten that a fox hunting club had asked for permission to use the land next to her property for a hunt. They didn’t actually hunt living foxes – instead they had a “drag hunt” – where the club laid out a scent trail for the hounds and horses to follow well in advance of the actual day of the event. This way you could have all the fun and excitement of a hunt, without all the animal rights issues. She had thought the hunt was going to take place next weekend; obviously she must have gotten the dates mixed up somehow.

  At this point the details of the hunt she had forgotten previously somehow didn’t really matter. So Elizabeth waited a few minutes, listened carefully for the group to figure out their location, remounted her horse, and then moved to the side of the path, very cautious of what could happen if she were not paying complete attention. She didn’t want the hunters and hounds blundering into her by accident.

  “Ware the hunt!” She called out in her loudest voice. “Rider on your path. Ware the hunt!” she repeated just to be sure she was heard!

  Listening carefully still, she could vaguely hear the warning being passed back amongst the members of the hunting party that was steadily approaching her. Soon enough, Elizabeth saw the fog part, and the Master of the Hunt came riding towards her at a brisk trot. His bright red jacket was beautiful as it appeared so brilliantly in contrast against the white snow, white fog and brown tree bark all around him. There would be no missing him in that outfit in this circumstance. He rode atop a blue roan so dark the horse was the color of a turbulent and fiery thunderstorm.


  Want to get a copy and see what happens for yourself? Feel free to grab a copy right now by clicking this link. Enjoy and thanks a lot.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  End Notes

  Free Chapter Preview: The Master of the Hunt: A Paranormal Romance




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