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Dear Gage: A Short Story (Love Letters)

Page 4

by KL Donn

  “Probably not.” We laugh together, and it feels nice.

  So far, Gage has kept his promise. He hasn’t left us other than when he had to get his house in Baltimore ready to sell. The only reason we didn’t go with him was because I had school.

  “Got a riddle for you, soldier man.” I grin. Mom has a secret, and she told me if I could come up with a riddle, I got to break the news.

  “Alright, Riddler, hit me with it.”

  “What has 4 limbs, steals all the attention, and comes in 7 months?” Mom said likely anywhere between six to eight. I’m excited for her. When I found her in the bathroom crying two weeks ago, I’d been worried. Scared our life was going to come crashing down.

  Turns out we’re only adding to it.

  “You sure that’s a riddle, kid?” I have to hide my laughter at the confused look on his face.

  “I think it’s my best one yet!”

  “You forgot to mention it cries all night!” Mom calls as she dumps a bucket of ice over top of us from the dock.


  She laughs.

  Gage is quiet.

  Worry settles in the pit of my stomach as I see his face.


  A baby.

  She’s given me a son already.

  She’s given me purpose in my life.

  Now, she’s giving me a baby.

  Swimming past Tommy, I wink as I see he’s concerned by my silence, and he grins back. The look of a big brother excited for a new sibling.

  I climb the ladder onto the dock and see no better time than the present to make our family official. The day Tommy started calling me dad, I should have done this. I’ve been ready for six months, I just needed them to be.

  Wrapping my arms around Paisley’s waist, I whisper into her stomach, “You’re a dream come true, peanut.” Holding her hips, I push her back a step but continue kneeling. “Paisley Anderson, will you marry me?”

  My girl has to be tough on me, for sure. “It’s about damn time, Lieutenant.” Her grin takes over her face. “Yes! I will most definitely marry you!”

  Standing, she’s in my arms before I can steady myself. Tommy is cheering from the water behind us, and in my arms, is my entire world.

  Who knew a kid playing matchmaker would give me everything I wanted in life?


  Seven months later.

  As I watch our newest bundle of joy sleep after feeding her, I can’t help but wonder if I’m still in a dream. Life with Gage is everything I’ve ever wanted. He’s the perfect husband, a loving father to Tommy, and now to our precious girl he insisted we name Daisy.

  With her golden hair and honey-colored eyes, I couldn’t argue with him. She came screaming into the world exactly seven months after the day at the docks. That experience is ingrained in my memory as one of the best days of our lives.

  Gage is attentive and sweet, and he treats every day like new. Like if he doesn’t savor it, it’ll be gone. Tommy is thriving at school and happier than ever. I’ve never seen my son so content. He doesn’t argue and fight anymore, and there are no more outbursts at school. In fact, he’s joined a local archery team, and Gage volunteers there as well. It’s become a real family affair.

  A knock on the door has me turning around. “Mrs. Drapper?” A woman with an envelope enters the room.

  “That’s me,” I say quietly so as not to wake my little bundle.

  “This is for you.” She smiles down at Daisy as she hands it to me.

  “What is it?” I’m confused until I see the familiar scrawl on the front.

  Without a word, the woman is gone as I tear open the large envelope.


  In your arms is our world. In your heart is my everything.

  I never thought I’d get the girl of my dreams because of some class assignment. I couldn’t be happier.

  Eighteen months ago, I made you a promise to be there for you, to come for you. To make you mine. My life was grey when I showed up on your doorstep. I had no idea what I’d do if you rejected me.

  You and Tommy? You’ve made everything bright as a Daisy. Perfect as our Daisy.

  Paisley, sweet as a fucking Daisy.

  Thank you for taking a chance and giving this old guy the world.

  Yours forever, Gage.

  P.S. What’s yellow, pretty, and reminds you of sunshine?

  “Daisies,” I whisper.

  The End


  I’m at a bit of a loss as to what to say here. The support from readers, authors, blogs, is so over whelming I can’t possibly say all I want to.

  So thank you to everyone for embracing my fun, short series with open arms, heart, and mind. I truly appreciate it.

  What started as a fun little story, quickly turned into so much more, and the out pouring of love for people that can relate to how important connections with another human being is simply beyond amazing.

  Thank you!



  About the Author

  Like y’all don’t know about me already! Wait, you don’t? We let me tell you!

  I am forever 29 years old (For real my birthday says I’ll be 31 this year, but I refuse) I have been with my amazing husband for 13 years and together we have 4 stunning children! (Biased I know!) For the last 8 years I have been a stay at home mom to care for them and now that they’re all older I can finally do something for me.

  That something is most definitely writing! I love creating stories and sharing them with the world! I don’t get to read as often as I used to but you better believe my TBR list is longer then me! I absolutely love to hear from my fans so please feel free to contact me at anyone of these places:

  You can also sign up for my newsletter to experience my outrageousness in another way!

  And of course join my amazing reader group!

  Follow Me:

  Also by KL DONN

  The Protectors Series

  Keeley’s Fight

  Emily’s Protectors

  Kennedy’s Redemption

  The Possessed Series


  OWNED by Dominic

  One Dance for Case

  From the Ashes

  Lost & Found

  Tattooed & Alone for Christmas (Coming Soon)

  Love Letters Series

  Dear Killian

  Dear Gage

  Dear Maverick (Coming Soon)

  Hogan Brother’s

  One Chance

  One Choice

  One Call (Coming Soon)

  Adair Empire is coming early 2018!

  Sneak Peek

  Coming in Fiona Davenports Kindle World

  ~Passion, Vows, & Babies~

  October 19, 2017

  Anonymous Bride

  Chapter One


  “Megan Dolan, you will do this! You will not be a disgrace to this family by having that baby out of wedlock.” Tears pool in my eyes as my mother screams at me again.

  I made a mistake, I fell for the wrong boy. And he screwed me. Literally and figuratively. Now I’m paying the price while he backpacks across Europe before starting his fancy job.

  “Put the dress on Megan or I won’t hesitate to have your forced into it.” The door slams behind the older woman as I slide down the wall, head on my knee’s.

  The worst part about all of this is I’m being used. I’m not being forced to marry a man I don’t know, in name or on paper, because I’m pregnant. It’s a front for my selfish uptight parents. Dads in debt, and he’s selling me to get out of it.

  I don’t know if my groom to be is young, old, fat, fit, evil, shy. Nothing. I don’t know his name, nor his profession. I know he needs a wife because he wants a legitimate heir. I doubt the poor man even knows I’m pregnant.

  Which gives me a rather devious idea as I pick myself up off the
floor. Grabbing the dress that shows far too much skin my mother had chosen, I wiggle my baby bump into it and smile for the first time.

  If he doesn’t know I’m pregnant, he’s about to. Before the preacher gets a word in edge wise. This shame of a marriage will be over before my parents can protest otherwise.

  Hearing the organ begin my new theme song, I take a fortifying breath before I start down the short aisle of the small church. The man I see is not what I was prepared for.

  He’s tall, looks muscular. Dark brown hair, and matching chocolate eyes. When he reaches for me and we make contact for the first time, my body lights up in a way I’ve never felt.

  For a split second, I feel regret before I burst his bubble.


  I don’t’ know what the fuck I was thinking. Marrying a woman basically sold to me so I can have an heir and her parents can pay off their debts. My only excuse is I was desperate. At thirty years old I was supposed to be taking over my father’s company as CEO.

  For as long as I could remember it’d always been passed down from father to son. For generations, my family has manufactured and sold defense equipment to the US Military. I was never a partier, not some spoilt playboy. I worked my ass off to get where I am and my father tells me three weeks ago I find a wife and work on making an heir or he was going to sell the company. I don’t understand what the fuck the hurry is, but he’s dead set I settle down into married life.

  So here I stand, at the alter, in a tiny little church, prepared to vow my life to a woman who I don’t even know her name.

  In my head, I’ve been calling her anonymous bride. If she’s anything like other women I’ve known she’d likely skin my balls for that.

  My parents are sitting front and center, I see hers on the opposite side of mine, all of them look smug as fuck. I’d be lying if I hadn’t wondered what the girl looked like, if I’ll regret my rash choice to do this.

  When I hear the organ start playing the wedding march, my attention is drawn to the back of the room.

  Unknowingly I hold my breath as a woman barely the size of my thigh walks slowly down the aisle. Her white dress short in length, and low in the front doesn’t leave much to my imagination.

  A veil covers her face, but I see her dark brown hair, with blonde highlights peeking out the sides in soft waves down her back.

  As she stops in front of me, I’m dumbstruck as she lifts the veil over her head. Large green eyes meet mine, full of trepidation, mischief, and sorrow? I wonder about that last one.

  It’s her lips that draw me though. A shy smile plays across the plump pink stain. Holding my hand out for her to take, he delicate fingers touch mine and a zap of electricity goes straight to my already hardening dick.

  When her soft voice says, “I’m pregnant,” I’m dumbstruck by the husky quality until the words register in my brain.

  Found that regret…

  Next in the Love Letters

  Coming late 2017

  Dear Maverick

  Maverick & True




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