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Page 12

by Roxie Rivera

  "Dimitri and I discussed that last night. The situation is slightly more complicated now so I don’t think I have much of a choice when it comes to involving a lawyer."

  Erin's expression morphed to one of sad understanding. "Johnny?"

  I nodded. "It seems he's already been in talks with UpStreet Properties."

  "I'm so sorry, Benny. It's the worst feeling in the world when you realize a sibling has done you dirty."

  If anyone could understand how torn I felt, it was Erin. When I'd heard the gory details of the way her sister, Ruby, had started a gang war with her boyfriend, I'd nearly died. It terrified me and left me so worried for Johnny.

  "I might be able to help ease the transition," Nikolai interjected. "One of my best customers is a real estate agent who deals mostly on the commercial side of things. He has a listing for a building that would probably meet your needs. It's not far from where you are now and in a growing neighborhood."

  Growing neighborhood was realtor code for high rents and high sale prices but it was the only lead I had so I thanked him. He reached into the other side of his jacket and withdrew a pen and business card. After jotting down a name and number on the back, he handed it over to me. "He'll be expecting your call on Monday."

  I noticed the way the blocky style of writing so neatly mimicked Dimitri's. To be bilingual was hard enough but I couldn't imagine doing it when there two totally different alphabets at play.

  "Oh. Um. Okay." I slipped the card into my clutch. Dimitri gave my thigh a reassuring squeeze under the table. His handsome smile made my tummy flutter.

  As Nikolai slid his pen back into place, he glanced at a table off to the right that had been getting louder and louder as the evening progressed. The rowdy group of men stuck out among the Saturday crowd here at Samovar. Upon arriving, I'd noticed the restaurant drew a heavy local crowd and a lot of families. It was obvious the restaurant had a great deal of loyalty among the Russian ex-pats living in Houston.

  But those guys? They looked like the typical businessmen on an out-of-town trip. They'd ordered an obscene amount of caviar early in the night and seemed to be draining vodka bottles as quickly as Vivian could replace them. Where our table had sampled and savored the best the menu and the chef had to offer, those men were pounding down the delicate meat-filled dumplings and blinis as if they were cheap fast food.

  Nikolai wore a tight expression when his attention returned to us. I sensed he was close to having the men tossed out of his establishment.

  The conversation at our table quickly turned to an upcoming fight. Apparently it was some kind of championship match and Ivan's fighter was heavily expected to win. The men slid into Russian so easily and without even realizing it. Erin rolled her eyes at me across the table and we shared a secret smile.

  While the conversation swirled around me, I tucked into my dessert. As promised, it was perfection. The sponge was ever so moist and the cream light and whipped and flavored exquisitely. I wanted to run back into the kitchen and shake the pastry chef's hand…and ask for some tips on achieving such heavenly sponge.

  I was reaching for my glass of water when I spotted Vivian approach the rowdy table. She plastered that sweet smile on her face but I could read her body language. The men were getting on her nerves.

  My eyes widened when one of the men dared to put his hand on her lower back. She stiffened and pushed his hand away from her body. When she bent to slide a tray of drinks onto the table, the same groping bastard reached under her skirt. I gasped loudly and drew Nikolai's attention.

  In the blink of an eye, Nikolai was on his feet and striding toward the offensive man. He moved so fast and with such determination. Beside me, Dimitri swore softly and rose out of his seat. Across the table, Ivan did the same. It was as if both men anticipated a brawl.

  All eyes in the restaurant seemed glued to Nikolai now. He grabbed the man by the scruff and hauled him out of the chair. Nikolai bent his head and whispered in the man's ear. Whatever he said made the drunken lout's eyes flash with fear. He winced as Nikolai's fingers tightened on the back of his neck.

  A moment later, the jerk stammered, "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry I disrespected you."

  Face red with the humiliation of being groped so rudely, Vivi nodded tersely but didn't say anything. Nikolai shoved the man's head down low, bending him at the waist. With his other hand, Nikolai gripped the guy's wrist and pulled it into the small of his back. Contorted in a stress position, the man walked awkwardly in the direction Nikolai steered him. He used the man's head to whack open the double doors leading to the kitchen.

  Slowly, the restaurant returned to normal. Dimitri and Ivan shot one another concerned glances but slid back into their seats. The kind, elderly gentleman who served as the host stormed over to the table where the other men sat in stunned silence. He slammed down their ticket and spoke a few harsh words. They practically jumped out of their seats and ran toward the front to settle their bill and leave.

  When Nikolai reappeared a few minutes later, he ran a smoothing hand down the front of his shirt. His square jaw visibly clenched as he crossed the restaurant. Stopping near Vivian, he spoke softly to her. She nodded and the tiniest smile ghosted across her lips. I caught Nikolai wink at her before he made his way back to our table. Vivian followed a few steps behind him.

  Erin reached for her hand. "Oh, honey, are you okay? Do you want me to send Ivan after him? He hasn't punched anyone in a few weeks. I'm sure he's dying to get it out of his system."

  Vivian laughed and glanced at Ivan who playfully put up his fists. "No, thank you. I'm okay."

  Her gaze skipped to Nikolai who looked calm and cool despite having just thrown a man out the back door of his restaurant. Apparently he'd earned some brownie points because she reached into her apron and withdrew the cigarette and lighter she'd confiscated earlier.

  The grim line of his mouth lifted slightly as he allowed the barest hint of a smile to brighten his face. He accepted her gift but didn't light up. Instead, he held her gaze as he returned the lighter and cigarette to the pocket where he'd earlier stashed them.

  Erin and I made eye contact. Her eyebrows rose ever so slightly and I knew she'd be on the phone to Lena the moment we walked out of the restaurant.

  "Vivi, what time do you get off work tonight?"

  Before Vivian could answer, Nikolai said, "She's off now."

  Vivian frowned at him before glancing back at Erin. "Apparently, I'm off now."

  Erin laughed. "Come out with us."

  "Where are you going?"

  "To Faze," she said. "It will be fun."

  Vivi made a face. "You know Lena won't go there. Tonight's her only night off in weeks. I don't want her to be alone."

  Erin made a frustrated sound. "I'll call her. She'll come."



  "Okay. I'll come." She checked her watch. "It's going to take me a while because of the bus schedule on Saturday."

  Nikolai said something to her in Russian and Vivian frowned. She started to reply but Nikolai gently cut her off. Annoyance written all over her face, she nodded. "Fine."

  I glanced at Dimitri who slid closer as Vivi and Erin made plans. His hot breath tickled my ear. "Nikolai told her to have Sergei drive her. She didn't want to take a car but he wasn't asking."

  Clearly I wasn't the only one dealing with a bossy Russian man in my life!

  * * *

  Half an hour later, Dimitri gripped Benny's smaller hand and led her along the edge of the sidewalk lining the night club. Ivan walked a few feet ahead of them, his arm securely wound around Erin and hugging her tight to his side. The line outside was so long it curved around the building. Frustrated would-be revelers were crowded tightly into the space between the velvet ropes.

  When it became clear that their small group would get to jump the line, loud grumbling erupted from the crowd. Some jostling near the front caught Dimitri's eye. Quickly, he swept Benny in front of him and stepped
to her right, putting his body between hers and the irritated crowd. Even with his best bouncers working security, fights often kicked off over the dumbest things. He didn't want Benny anywhere in the danger zone.

  Kelly Connally, a former Marine and one hell of a bare-knuckle fighter, hopped the velvet rope and ran interference. The big bull of a man drove the rowdy, slightly drunken crowd back into line. They backed up quickly and quieted down. Dimitri caught the younger man's eye and nodded his approval.

  At the door, Big V, the first bouncer he'd ever hired, held court. With his shaved head and barrel chest, Vincent didn't have to put much effort into intimidation. No one argued with him when he turned them away from the door. Beneath that frightening exterior, he was a damn good guy.

  But he had a reputation as something of a lady's man. And there was one type of woman that Big V absolutely loved.

  Grinning wolfishly, he grinned down at Benny. "Oye, mamacita, you're looking fine tonight."

  Obviously uncomfortable, Benny stiffened but smiled up at the giant bouncer. "Um, thank you."

  Fully aware the massive giant had a penchant for tiny, curvy women like Benny, Dimitri scowled at Big V. His conquests were legendary but he wasn't about to try his game on Benny. He held the bouncer's gaze and made sure the man understood that Benny was off-limits. He didn't want to spend the whole night worrying about Big V sending free drinks and swag Benny's way. She'd be flustered by it and wouldn’t be able to enjoy her night.

  Big V's eyes widened as he realized Benny was his. The bouncer lifted his hands in understanding. "Sorry, boss. We cool?"

  With a stiff nod, Dimitri slid a protective arm around Benny's waist. She glanced up at him but he just shook his head and indicated she should follow Ivan and Erin.

  When they stepped into the bustling, noisy club, Benny instinctively pressed closer to his side, seeking his heat and his protection. He dipped his head and brushed his lips across her temple. The club scene wasn't her scene but she'd never experienced it the way she would tonight as Yuri's guest.

  With his arms guarding her, Dimitri expertly guided her through the sea of hot, gyrating bodies. The loud, thumping music reverberated off the walls. It was nearing ten and the place was on fire. The waving ocean of bodies throbbed with sexual tension and drink-induced lust. He didn't envy the security team tonight. They'd be earning their salaries for sure with this excited crowd.

  Gauzy partitions and frosted glass marked off the VIP areas on the second floor. Yuri held court from the largest section, his hands on the iron railing as he stared out over his dancing, drinking clientele. He might have made his billions through ruthless acquisitions and sales of mining operations and oil and gas deposits but his first love had always been this.

  Even when they were kids, he'd dreamed of owning an entertainment empire. Now with clubs in Moscow, London, New York City, Los Angeles and Houston he was doing just that. Yuri wanted to expand into other European cities and Asia but he'd take it slowly. Always cautious, he never over-extended himself and gave careful, deliberate consideration to every business move. Dimitri deeply respected Yuri's intellect and shrewd financial sense.

  As they climbed the stairs up to the second level, Dimitri let his hand slide from Benny's lower back to her plump bottom. She glanced over her shoulder at him but didn't try to push away his hand. He gave her butt a little pat and winked at her. Her lips curved under as she tried not to grin but there was no way she could deny her reaction to his playful groping.

  At the top of the stairs, he dragged her back against him and lowered his mouth to her neck. He placed a noisy kiss in the spot where her vein jumped wildly and touched his lips to her ear.

  "Promise me one hour. If you're not having a good time, I'll take you home." He gently caressed her lower belly through the soft fabric of her dress. She shivered slightly and turned into his seeking kiss. "Then I'll make sure you have a very good time."

  Chapter Ten

  "So how are things between the two of you?" Erin slid closer to me on the sleek white couch so we could talk without shouting. Ivan, Dimitri and Yuri had moved to the other end of the VIP area right after Nikolai had arrived. Heads together, they seemed to be talking about something serious. The nosy side of me really wanted to know what it was.

  Feeling totally comfortable with Erin, I confessed, "Dimitri told me he loved me tonight."

  Excitement crossed her face. "Oh my gosh! That's wonderful. What did you say?"

  "That I love him."

  She threw her arms around me and gave me a hug. "I'm so happy for you. This has been a long time coming from what I understand."

  "Apparently," I said a little sheepishly. "I didn't realize Dimitri felt that way about me and he didn't realize I was practically dying for him either. Talk about a hot mess of confusion!"

  Erin giggled. "Sometimes relationships go that way." She glanced back at Ivan and smiled. "Sometimes they happen hot and fast, and there's nothing to do but grab on tight and hang on for the ride."

  "Do you ever worry that things happened too quickly? Even though I've known Dimitri for years, I keep second-guessing myself."

  "Ivan and I happened fast. Probably too fast," she admitted, "but when you know, you know. I wouldn't change a thing. Is it always rainbows and ponies? No. We have our arguments but we love each other so we figure out a way to make it work." She squeezed my hand. "You love Dimitri. He loves you. Just communicate and compromise and you'll be fine."

  From what I'd seen of her relationship with Ivan, they were totally open with one another. It seemed like good advice and I tucked it away for later.

  "So…um…about your brother," Erin said nervously. "What are you going to do about that?"

  I exhaled slowly. "God, I don't even know."

  "You think he's making a mistake selling out his share?"

  I played with the hem of my dress. "No. Honestly, he's the smart one in that situation. He's not letting his emotions drag him deeper into the shit. He wants his money while there's still money to be had. I don't blame him for that—but I worry. Constantly. I worry that he's going to do something really stupid with this money or that he's going to sign some ridiculous deal with that developer and lose everything."

  "It's not easy when you have to assume a parent role with a sibling. Believe me." She rolled her eyes. "Ruby and I have gone around and around for years. At a certain point, though, you just have to stand back and say enough. You've made mistakes. I've made mistakes. We survived and we learned from them. Johnny will do the same."

  Like Dimitri, she offered wise counsel. It was just so hard to think about stepping back from Johnny and letting him make his own decisions. I wanted to spare him all the hardships possible but maybe he needed to experience them.

  "How is your sister?"

  Erin made a face. "She's struggling with sobriety. I mean, you'd think being in jail would make sobriety easy, right?" With a sad shake of her head, she said, "I never realized how damn easy it is to get drugs in jail. She's been able to hold off so far but I'm really worried about what will happen when they move her out of the treatment area of the jail to the general population."

  "I'm sorry, Erin."

  She shrugged. "There's not much I can do but let her know I love her and support her. This is a battle she has to face on her own. I just pray every night that she stays strong and remembers why she's trying to stay clean. She has a whole life ahead of her, if she can just kick the pills."

  Something startled Erin. She reached for her purse and withdrew her vibrating phone. She glanced at the screen and signed dramatically. "It's Vivian. Lena is outside but refusing to come in now that she's here." She rose and patted my arm. "I'll be right back. I have to go diffuse this situation."

  Laughing, I reached for my drink. I'd had some wine at the restaurant and didn't feel like having a cocktail here. I'm sure the waitress thought I was nuts to turn down all the free top-shelf liquor at my fingertips in lieu of a cold, crisp lemon lime soda but whatev

  Erin made her way to Ivan's side and ran her hand up and down his beefy arm. He lowered his head so she could speak to him. With a laugh, he slid off his barstool and followed her out of the VIP area. Like Dimitri, he could be terribly overprotective. Of course, after what the pair had survived, I couldn't blame him.

  Though I was totally fine sitting alone and enjoying the sultry ambience of the closed-off section of the club, I didn't mind when Yuri joined me. The sinfully sexy billionaire had an easy-going smile and friendly air.

  "I realize I'm no substitute for Dimitri but he's a little busy at the moment with Nikolai. You're having a nice time?"

  "Yes. Very."

  "This is probably very forward of me but I wanted to let you know that I’m simply a phone call or email away if you ever have any questions about your business."

  My jaw dropped at his incredible offer. This man, one of the world's wealthiest, shrewdest businessmen, was extending a huge helping hand. "I don’t know what to say, Yuri. Thank you."

  "I'm happy to help. I remember what it was like to be thrown into my first business without very much experience. I made so many mistakes. I went bankrupt, actually. Did you know that?"


  "Well I did. It was quite a humbling experience but it taught me something. What you're experiencing now? This contraction of the business and the cash flow issues?" He shrugged as if it was nothing. "It happens. You'll survive this dry spell and come out stronger."

  "I wish I had your confidence."

  He grinned. "You will someday."

  Feeling more at ease with him, I gestured around the place. "You're quite the renaissance man, Yuri. Oil, gas, minerals and night clubs? That's a very impressive array of interests."

  He smiled and waved his hand dismissively. "I'm not really that hands-on with any of my ventures anymore. I'm more of a project manager these days. What I truly excel at is hiring the best and the brightest to join my team. That's how you find real success."


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