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Page 21

by Roxie Rivera

  Lena and I found a free spot against a wall. Leaning back against it for support, we talked softly about what had happened. I could see the terror reflected in her dark eyes as I related the awful details of our ordeal. I refused to think about how badly it could have gone. Dimitri and I truly were lucky to be alive. One wrong move, one miscalculation, and we could have both been shot or stabbed or beaten to death.

  "Benny Burkhart?" A man in dark green scrubs stood in the doorway of the ER's entrance. Lena gave me a little shove and I hurried to cross the room. I glanced back at her, but she waved me on before gesturing outside, silently informing me of her intent to wait there.

  I followed the nurse into the busy emergency department. We bypassed the larger trauma rooms for a small hallway lined with curtained cubicles. He dragged back the curtain on one of them to reveal Dimitri.

  His pale blue eyes shot open at the sound. Though he tensed at first, he spotted me and relaxed. I couldn’t get to him fast enough. A little sob left my throat as I pressed my lips to his. He gently caressed my cheek. "Don't cry, sweetheart. I'm all right."

  "No, you're not." Here in the harsh, bright light of the hospital, I could see all the damage that the dark street had hidden from me. The stab wounds and gashes he'd suffered had been stitched and covered. There were smaller nicks and cuts on his forearms and hands. The deep, reddish-purple bruising along his jaw and belly made me wince. The arm he'd been favoring during the fight now sat in a sling. The other arm, the one that had been hit with a bullet, was cleanly sutured and covered with a neat bandage. "God, Dimitri! Look at you."

  "It's temporary. I'll heal." He tilted his head toward the bullet wound. "This was only a graze. A few stitches and I'm fine. This arm isn't even broken. I need a couple of days to rest and I'll be back on my feet."

  My eyes widened. "A couple of days? You need a week in bed to recuperate."

  He made that grunting sound that meant he didn't agree but didn't want to argue. "That's overkill, Benny."

  "I wasn't asking, Dimitri." I threaded my fingers through his unkempt hair. "Let me take care of you for once."

  "Well," he murmured and lifted up for a kiss. "When you put it like that…" I let him have the long, sensual kiss he wanted. He touched the bed. "Climb up here with me."

  I glanced over my shoulder at the slightly open curtain. "I don't think that's allowed."

  "For what I'm probably paying for this horse stall, I don't really care what they allow or don't allow. Come here."

  Not wanting him to cause a ruckus, I slid onto the bed, careful to avoid his injured areas. He didn't seem the least bit daunted by the thought of discomfort and dragged me even closer to his side, tucking my head against his chest and kissing the top of my head.

  "Was the building a complete loss?"

  "No. I heard one of the firemen tell Santos that most of the second floor was salvageable. I hope we'll be able to save most of your things."

  Dimitri nuzzled my neck. "It's only stuff. We're alive. That's all that matters."

  "It's not just stuff, Dimitri. Your photos, your memories, my memories…"

  "Sweetheart, I'm so very sorry about the bakery. I never wanted you to lose it that way."

  I swallowed the urge to cry, pushing the painful ball of emotions down my throat and refusing to let it overwhelm me here. Later, in private, I'd grieve for the terrible loss. I repeated what he'd said to me. "We're alive, Dimitri. That's what really matters."

  "But everything hanging on the walls? The art, the newspaper clippings and photographs…"

  "Some of it can never be replaced," I conceded, "but luckily most of the framed letters and newspaper clippings and photos were copies. We switched those out back when my grandmother was still here."

  "We'll start looking for a new building this week."

  "Dimitri," I gently scolded him. "You have to recover first. Anyway, I don’t even know who the building belongs to right now. Is it still mine? Does the deal with Yuri still stand? Will my insurance cover the fire? I don't even know how this works."

  "We'll figure it out," he assured me. "Don't stress about it right now."

  "I don’t have a choice. There are seventeen employees who expect to start work in a few hours. How the hell am I supposed to pay them while I find a new building, get it outfitted and do all the other legwork? At least with the deal Yuri offered me, I could keep one business going while I setup the other one. That meant my employees would have a steady income but now I—"

  Dimitri put his finger to my lips. "Hush. Not tonight, Benny. We'll sort it all out in the morning. If you keep worrying like this, you're going to be the one who needs a hospital bed."

  I decided to let him be bossy tonight. After what he'd done, he'd earned it. With a little smile, I said, "Well I could use a vacation."

  "We'll take one soon." He kissed my forehead. "We'll go anywhere you want."

  "I'd like to see my brother."

  "Then we'll do that. I'm sure he'll be some place wonderfully warm around Christmas."

  "I like the sound of that." Snuggling closer to my big, sexy Russian, I enjoyed his loving embrace. The bustling noise of the emergency room swirled around us but none of it mattered to me. Here, in his arms, everything was perfect.



  "Move in with me."

  There was no questioning lilt to his statement. I leaned back and gazed into those blue eyes I'd come to love so much. He stared back at me with such love—and the tiniest hint of fear, as if he expected me to reject him.

  Any other time, I probably would have politely done just that or asked for more time to consider it but tonight? Tonight had shown me that trying to plan and control everything down to the very last detail was futile. I'd almost lost him and refused to ever have regrets where Dimitri was concerned.

  I answered him with a playful grin. "Well, considering you're basically homeless now, shouldn't I be asking you to move in with me?"

  He chuckled and nodded slowly. "Da. Yes."

  Carefully, I interlaced my fingers with his. "After I sell the house, we can move into a new home together."

  His eyes became suspiciously shimmery. "Yes. Together."

  Chapter Seventeen

  Dimitri winced as he slipped out of the sling that cradled his left arm. It had been six days and his damn elbow joint still ached painfully any time he extended it fully. The jarring impact of that bat against his forearm had rattled his joints badly but it was nothing time wouldn't heal. Like the sutures, bruises and scabs marking his body, the pain would soon fade.

  Glancing around Yuri's office, he remembered the last time he'd been there. Then, Yuri had made him a business offer that he'd been conflicted about accepting. Now he felt surer of himself.

  Front Door Security had grown about as much as it ever could in a city this size. He had great relationships with the clubs he provided bouncers for but he'd gotten comfortable with his success. Maybe it was time to be ambitious again.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Nikolai shift subtly in the shadowed corner of the room. Yuri had dimmed the lights and the setting September sun spilled just enough light into the spacious office to give it a nearly sinister appearance. He hoped the ambience took a more ominous tone before Jonah Krause arrived.

  Dimitri had taken Eric Santos' warning to heart. Though he'd like nothing more than to beat the shit right out of the real estate developer, Dimitri knew he was being watched. He could easily hire men to do the dirty deed but it would blowback on Benny in a way he wouldn't allow.

  While he walked that gray line between the world of law-abiding citizens and the darker underworld Nikolai inhabited, Dimitri wouldn't cross it, especially not now that he had so much to lose. Benny meant more to him than any satisfaction he would have attained through pounding his fist into Jonah Krause's face.

  The sound of voices approaching the doorway drew his attention. Yuri's ability to charm never surprised Dimitri. He'd seen his friend
talk his way out of some truly legendary scrapes. How he'd managed to persuade Jonah to visit his office after regular business hours Dimitri would never know. No doubt there had been dollar signs attached.

  All smiles and smarminess, Jonah Krause stepped through the door. Yuri came in right behind him and shut the door. From another corner near the entrance, Ivan appeared with stealth. If Dimitri hadn't known he'd been hiding there, he never would have seen the hulking fighter.

  As he turned to make a joke with Yuri, Jonah noticed Ivan sliding in front of the door, blocking the man's only chance of escape. Dimitri could almost smell the fear radiating from Jonah now.

  "What's going on?"

  "What? Ivan?" Yuri's shoulders bounced easily. "He's filling in for one of my bodyguards. Food poisoning," he lied.

  Dimitri knew the moment the other man saw him. Jonah stiffened and his eyes widened, the whites so big and bright Dimitri wanted to laugh. The real estate developer hadn't caught sight of Nikolai yet. Dimitri hoped Yuri's cleaning crew would be coming by tonight because the man was probably going to piss himself.

  "What is he doing here?" Nervous and fidgeting, Jonah stepped to the side so he could talk to Yuri but keep an eye on Dimitri and Ivan.

  "He's a business partner. I thought he'd like to be here for this discussion."

  "Then I think I'll pass." He took a step toward the door but Ivan stepped forward. Jonah beat a hasty retreat. His gaze darted around the room in search of another exit. He froze suddenly. His Adam's apple slid up and down as he got his first look at Nikolai.

  With the white sleeves of his shirt rolled up to his elbows, Nikolai had bared the impressive and intimidating swath of tattoos marking him from his knuckles to the edges of shirt fabric. The top few buttons of his shirt were undone, showing even more of the heavy ink on his chest. A cigarette clamped between his lips, he flicked open his favorite lighter and made sure the real estate developer got a good look at the bright flame.

  After lighting up, he took a long, slow drag and eyed Jonah with that icy, bone-chilling glare he'd perfected. He held the cigarette between his fingers and pointed at the empty chair in front of Yuri's desk. "You. Sit. Now."

  Jonah tried to look calm as he made his way to the chair but Dimitri spotted the trembling fingers he curled into his fists at his sides. Once seated, he glanced around nervously. "Is this where the four of you tie me down and take turns beating me?"

  "Jonah, Jonah, Jonah," Yuri said with a laugh, "you insult me. Unlike you, I don't condone violence to frighten people into submission." Yuri walked to his oversized leather chair and got comfortable. "I don't find any enjoyment in terrifying those weaker than me by, say, setting their business on fire."

  Jonah gulped. Dimitri waited for him to spout the same lie he was using to defend himself against the police and in the press—that a greedy, rogue employee had been acting without his approval or knowledge. Instead, the man exhaled a shaky breath. "I never meant for that to happen!"

  Rage boiled over in Dimitri's chest, the anger bubbling hot and threatening his control. "You sent five men to my home, to my girlfriend's place of business, with lighter fluid, guns, knives and a baseball bat! What did you think was going to happen?"

  Jonah slid back in his chair. "Not that," he said and gestured frantically to Dimitri's bruised and battered body. "They were just supposed to vandalize the place. They were supposed to make it look like they were after her brother. How the hell was I to know they would take it that far?"

  "They shot up a car and killed people. That's what they do. They're stupid, barbaric thugs. They take things too far." Dimitri moved closer but muscled down the urge to strike the man. "The only reason you're still breathing is because Benny wasn't hurt. If one hair on her head had been singed, you would be wearing cement shoes. Do you understand?"

  The man's head bobbled as he hurried to show he understood. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I'm not going to sue her over the building her brother destroyed."

  "That's not good enough for me."

  Jonah swallowed and glanced between Dimitri and his friends. "What do you want?"

  Yuri's part in this evening's setup arrived. He grabbed a navy blue folder from the corner of his desk and tossed it at the man. "Sign this."

  With shaking hands, Jonah opened the folder and started to scan the pages held inside. The color drained out of his face. "You want me to give you my retail development?"

  "Not give me," Yuri corrected. "I'll buy it from you."

  "For a third of what I paid for it!"

  "You did acquire most of those buildings and the lots through blackmail and extortion." Yuri clicked his teeth and wagged his finger. "You were a very naughty boy."

  Jonah's eyes took on the same malicious glint they'd had the day he'd been so nasty with Benny. He threw the folder at Yuri. "Fuck you."

  Yuri didn't even flinch. "Fuck me?"

  Nikolai stepped up beside the desk and lifted his shoe. He stubbed out the burning tip of his cigarette on the sole and dropped it into the trash. Cracking his knuckles, he asked, "Is this where I get to play?"

  Jonah was out of his chair in the blink of an eye. He jumped behind it and held up a hand. "If he touches me, I swear I'll fucking sue!"

  Yuri laughed. "If he touches you, you're probably going to need a trauma surgeon or possibly an undertaker but definitely not a lawyer."

  Dimitri didn't think it was possible but the man paled even more. Sputtering, he shouted, "This is extortion!"

  "Is it?" Yuri shrugged. "I'm just taking a page out of your playbook. Isn't this how business is conducted here?"

  Jonah's face reddened. Whether it was from the humiliation at finding himself outmaneuvered or the anger of screwing himself over, Dimitri couldn't say. He lashed out with such ire. "You lured me here with the promise of a multi-million dollar deal."

  Yuri gestured to the folder. "That's a multi-million dollar deal. It's simply not one that's going to line your pockets."

  Jonah breathed heavily as he tried to make his decision. Finally, he growled with disgust and stalked to the desk. He picked up the folder, jerked the contract out of it and yanked a pen from the holder on Yuri's desk. Furiously, he scribbled his initials and full name in the appropriate spots. He tossed the signed contract at Yuri. "I won't fucking forget this."

  "No, I'm sure you won't," Yuri calmly replied and stacked together the pages. "Of course, if my contacts in the district attorney's office are correct, you'll have plenty of time to replay this moment where you're going."

  Jonah's expression twisted from fear to sheer panic. He recovered quickly. "We'll see about that."

  Yuri nodded and tucked the contract into the folder. "Yes, we will."

  "Are we done?"

  Yuri glanced at Dimitri. "What do you say? Should we let him go?"

  Dimitri's jaw tensed and he gritted his teeth. Hating that he couldn't put his hands on the man who had tried to kill them, he nodded stiffly. "Get out of my sight."

  Jonah didn't have to be told twice. He hurried to the door but Ivan blocked his path. Dimitri enjoyed seeing a grown man so obviously rattled. He wanted the real estate developer to experience the same fear Benny had that awful night.

  "Hey, Jonah?" Yuri called out with a friendly air. "If things go well for you at trial and you manage to escape jail time, I'd be happy to put in a good word for you at one of the big-box stores I'll be opening next fall."

  Jonah's eyes narrowed and he grumbled under his breath. Ivan smirked and opened the door. Jonah didn't even try to put on a brave air as he left. He scurried out of there so fast Dimitri was shocked his pants didn't catch fire from friction.

  "You're lucky he didn't piss himself," Ivan commented with a gleeful smile. "I thought for sure that he was going to lose it when he spotted Nikolai."

  Chuckling, Yuri slipped the folder into his briefcase. "I enjoyed that immensely. I'm sorry you couldn't relieve some of that bloodlust, Dimitri, but this was for the best."

itri waved his hand. "I want to hurt him but I want to keep Benny happy more. She'd be furious with me if I put my hands on him and risked our life together."

  Nikolai rolled down his shirt sleeves, covering the tattoos he usually kept so carefully hidden. "How is she coping? I overheard Vivian talking to her on the phone about nightmares."

  "That's normal, I think," Yuri replied. "It was a traumatic experience for a sweet girl like her. She's had personal traumas, no doubt, but the last week has been particularly violent for her."

  Dimitri hated that he hadn't been able to shield her from the uglier side of life. That she'd had to see her brother and boyfriend shot in the same weekend? It was terrible.

  "She's strong," he said finally. "She'll overcome it."

  "Erin was the same way," Ivan reassured him. His cheeks took on the strangest shade of pink as he suggested, "It helps if you hold her while she sleeps. They feel safe and secure that way."

  Dimitri appreciated the pointer but Nikolai chortled with mock disgust. "If we start talking about our feelings, I'll throw myself out that window."

  Yuri laughed and changed the subject. "I heard that you two had a look at the building Nikolai's friend has for sale. What did she think of it?"

  "We're making an offer tomorrow. It's the right size and the area is one where the business would thrive. I hope to close by the end of next week. She's already in talks with a contractor she knows and trusts. She wants to be open in the new location in eight to ten weeks."

  Yuri shrugged. "I've seen much bigger builds completed quicker than that. She should be fine." He picked up his phone and dialed the line for his car. When he had that arranged, Yuri added, "Tell her not to worry about our contract. We'll work it out once the dust settles."

  Dimitri knew this was a point of much concern for Benny. "She feels like you're overpaying her by agreeing to honor the original price. She has a point, Yuri. The building is gone."

  "I was going to have it razed. It's the lot that's important to me." He slashed his hand through the air. "Just tell her to worry about getting her fire insurance to payout so she can start over in her new location. I'm happy with the deal we agreed to before the fire. When her end is settled, we'll draw up a new contract for the lot and move forward."


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