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Bases Loaded

Page 10

by Sean Michael

  “Come on, love.” Benj petted him. “You can make it.”

  “Uh-huh.” His feet felt so heavy.

  It seemed almost like he was floating, and then the ground went out from under his feet and he was looking up at the ceiling.

  “Baby?” He tried to sit up, find Benj.

  “I’m right here, Brett. Just lie down and we’ll go to sleep.” Benj’s hands slid on him, gentle and knowing.

  “I don’t feel so good, baby.”

  “It’ll be the pills. We’ll try a half dose next time.” That wasn’t Benj.

  Those hands on him were, though. “It’s okay, love. The meds are strong.”

  “Okay. You stay here, baby.” He lowered his voice. “You stay here with me.”

  “Of course.” Benj’s kiss, soft and sweet, landed on his shoulder, and then Benj lay down next to him, cuddled into his good side.

  “Give us a shout if you need anything.”

  He thought he heard Benj answer, but it didn’t matter. He was drifting to sleep.

  RALPH TURNED off the light in the tiny room and headed back upstairs to Jean.

  Man, he should have guessed that Brett might react hard to the painkillers, given Brett wasn’t in the habit of taking them. Still, the dosage had been prescribed by Trelaine based on Brett’s weight; he couldn’t have known.

  He tugged off his boxers and slipped into bed with Jean.

  “Mmm. Everyt’ing all right, ’tit chou?” Jean wrapped around him, humming softly.

  “I think it will be. I gave Brett a painkiller—it worked a little too well.”

  “Did you feed him? He didn’t eat much of nothing at the supper table.”

  “No, he was hurting too bad—he barely got the pill down.”

  Jean nodded, cuddled in. “Next time, feed the man. That’ll help.”

  He grinned. “Yes, boss.”

  The swat to his ass was half-hearted at best. Laughing, he rolled onto his back, bringing Jean with him.

  “Mmm. Lookit you….” Jean smiled, dark hair falling around him as he took a kiss.

  “I’d rather lookit you,” he teased, before turning one kiss into another and then another.

  “Mmm.” The kisses went on, and then Jean settled against him, cuddled in.

  Ralph reached down to find his sweet lover’s ass, cupped his cheeks, and rubbed their bodies together lightly. “I think it’ll just be us and them for the winter this year.”

  “That will be good, eh? Quiet times. Snow. Peace.”

  “Yeah. As long as we can convince our baseball player to enjoy it, hmm?”

  “He needs time without the pain. That will do it.”

  “You always know what they need.” Jean could read people better than anyone he knew.

  “I do.” Jean pulled the blankets up around them, snuggling them in a warm, dark cocoon.

  “You know what I need too.” He nibbled on Jean’s neck, the smell of his lover strong under the blankets.

  “If I forget, may God strike me.”

  “No, no striking you.” Ralph wrapped his arms around Jean and shifted, moved his legs to get their groins settled together just right.

  “Mmm. Randy man, like a goat, hmm?”

  “Did you just call me a goat, babe?” He wasn’t sure whether to be insulted or laugh. With his Jean, the laughter usually won out.

  They started laughing together, the sounds muffled and soft and shared under the covers. As they laughed, Ralph slid one hand behind Jean’s head, the other cupping that fine ass. There was nothing like laughing and loving with his Jean.

  Jean chuckled, fingers sliding over his ribs, tickling.

  The tickling made him hoot and holler, and he bucked, which made their cocks slide together.

  “Chou. Good.”

  “Yes. Yes.” Ralph bucked again, his mouth finding Jean’s in the darkness.

  “Ain’t we too old for this stuff, love? Humping under the sheets?”

  Right, like their food wasn’t laced with aphrodisiacs. He squeezed Jean’s ass, pulled him down harder. “You don’t feel too old to me, babe.”

  “You sure?” Jean was like a warm coal against him.

  Their cocks slid together, and he nodded. “Very sure. You make me randy like goat, remember? I return the favor.”

  Jean bleated softly, sending them both into soft gales of laughter again.

  He could feel his orgasm coming, the pleasure beginning to wash over him in waves, like the laughter.

  “Love you, chou…. C’mon now.”

  Nodding, he bucked one more time, his come pouring out of his dick.

  Jean stroked him, held him through the orgasm.

  Moaning, he rubbed Jean’s head, his back. “Oh babe. That was awesome.”

  “Mmmhmm. It was. Orgasm through laughter.” Jean sighed softly, eyes closing.

  Ralph slid a hand between them and wrapped his fingers around Jean’s prick. “Yeah. Gimme yours.”

  Jean leaned up, lips soft and warm on his cheek. “Chou….”

  “Le tien, babe. Yours.”

  “Oui….” Jean gasped, then groaned as Ralph bit one earlobe.

  “Gimme, gimme, gimme.” He pulled with one hand, Jean’s hot flesh sliding through it.

  “Uh. Uh-huh….” Jean shivered, and heat slid over Ralph’s hand.

  “That’s it, babe. That’s it.” God, he loved that smell, loved the way Jean turned all melted and boneless on him.

  Jean’s lips opened and closed, but the words were too soft to hear.

  He patted his lover’s ass. “Love you too, babe.”

  “Uh-huh.” Jean sighed softly, already nearly asleep.

  Ralph closed his own eyes and let sleep take him. He had a busy day tomorrow.

  Chapter Nine

  BENJ GROANED at the light coming into the room and shining in his eyes. He rolled over to get away from it and promptly fell out of bed with a thump and a cry.

  He lay on the cold, concrete floor, blinking up at the little bed he’d been in. Where was he?

  “Benj? Benj? What’s up?”

  “Brett?” He sat up and looked at his lover on the mattress, and last night came flooding back to him: Brett going down for pills and feeling wonky after he took them.

  “You okay?”

  Brett still looked pale, a little under the weather.

  “I’m fine.” He rubbed his ass, which was a little sore, and climbed back onto the mattress. “You wanna go back up to our room?” He thought maybe Brett could use a day off.

  “I do. This bed isn’t ours.” Brett felt bad enough that he let Benj help him get up and moving.

  There was noise coming from the other side of the door, and Jean was there as they went out.

  “Cher! Y’all sleep good?”

  “I’m afraid we didn’t have a good night, Jean. We’re going to go back to our room and try to get some more sleep.”

  He knew Ralph had said they were supposed to start by 9:00 a.m., but surely that didn’t count when Brett wasn’t well.

  “Are you hungry?”

  Brett shook his head. “No, man. Sorry.”

  “Can you tell Ralph he’ll be late, please?”

  “Sure, cher. I’ll talk to my man.” Jean took his arm and whispered, “Food will help.”

  “He’s feeling nauseous, but if you send something up that will sit well, I’ll see if he won’t eat.”

  “I’ll send a smoothie and some almond butter on toast, oui?”

  “Thanks, Jean.” The man was so good to them.

  Jean patted his shoulder and let him go on.

  He caught up with Brett at the door and slipped his arm around his lover’s waist. Brett could lean on him going up the stairs.

  “Sorry ’bout this, baby. I jus’ don’ feel so good.”

  “It’s okay, love. It’s the pills, yeah? Jean said food would help.”

  Brett grunted, but he didn’t sound angry, really.

  They moved slowly up the stairs, and Benj didn�
��t flutter, not one bit; he was there for his lover.

  They met Ralph at the top landing, Brett grunting in greeting.

  “He’s not feeling well.” Benj said it almost belligerently. He would protect his man.

  Ralph frowned. “What do you need, Brett?”


  “It’s not his shoulder. Look at his face—he’s pale. He needs to not be walking around and doing stuff.” Benj might not be the professional, but he was an expert when it came to Brett.

  To his surprise, Ralph nodded. “I’ll have some food sent up. Please let me know if he still feels bad later? I’ll have the doctor in.”

  A knot he hadn’t even realized was inside him loosened, and Benj smiled, nodded. “I will. Thank you.”

  He squeezed Brett’s waist. “Come on, love. We’re almost there.”

  “You want some help, Benj?” Ralph offered him a smile.

  He gave Ralph one back; he appreciated the offer, but he was willing to bet Brett was unhappy enough about needing help from him, let alone anyone else. “I think we’re good.” Then all his attention was on Brett again.

  Brett didn’t pull away. In fact, on the way into the room, Brett leaned on him.

  It both broke his heart and made him happy. Brett had to be feeling really bad to lean on Benj and at the same time, Brett was trusting him with this, was silently admitting to needing help, and that was an important step.

  “Here we are.” Thank God—the short walk from the stairs to the bedroom had seemed miles long.

  “Man, I’m tired, baby. Bone deep.”

  “I know, love. You can sleep.” Benj bet the lack of drink wasn’t helping either. He eased Brett into the bed and crawled in after him, pulled the covers up around them. “You can sleep.”

  Brett sighed softly and closed his eyes. A little while later, someone rapped softly on the door and opened it slowly. Jean peeked in. “Cher? I brought some food and some more pain pills. Also some pillows for his shoulder, if you need.”

  “Oh, thank you.” Jean was being so nice to them. Benj slipped out of bed and took the tray from Jean. “I think the pillows would be good.” He lowered his voice. “I fell asleep on his bad side last night—this is all my fault.”

  “Nonsense. Life happens.” Jean hugged him with one arm. “Go feed him, relax. Ralph will be up later, just to check on him.”

  Impulsively, Benj wrapped an arm around Jean and hugged him tight. “Thank you.”

  “Mmm. Cher. Get some rest, eh? There’s food for you too, hmm?”

  He nodded, letting go of Jean slowly. Jean made everything seem better, like nothing was impossible.

  Benj took the pillows and tray back to Brett. “Are you awake, love?” he asked softly.

  Brett’s tired eyes cracked open. “Some, yeah. They want me up?”

  “No, no. Jean brought up a smoothie for you. Do you think you could manage some, love?”

  He put the tray on the bedside table and sat on the bed next to Brett. He stroked the stubbled cheeks.


  Benj dipped a finger into the smoothie and hummed at the taste. “Yes. It’s good.”

  Brett let Benj help him sit up, then wrapped his lips around the straw.

  Benj encouraged Brett to drink as much as possible, fretting silently. The fact that Brett was being so easy about letting him help was the most worrying.

  “That’s enough.” Brett shook his head, lay down, then fell almost immediately back to sleep.

  “Oh, love.”

  Benj pressed a kiss to the side of Brett’s mouth.

  Then he cleaned up a little and settled next to his man with a book.

  BRETT WOKE up to the sound of Benj talking to someone, the sound irritating, like little bugs buzzing around.

  “I don’t think we should wake him—he had a horrible night, and then he looked like death this morning.”

  “He can’t sleep the day away, Benj.”

  “He’s not feeling well!”

  “Baby?” He sat up, took a deep breath.

  “Brett!” Benj came right over and sat next to him, Ralph following along behind. “How are you feeling, love?”

  “Better, a little. Sorta groggy. What’s up?”

  “It’s time for you to get up and do a few laps or something,” Ralph said. “I know the pills knocked you for a loop without any food in your stomach, but the best way to counteract that is to get up and be active, eat, drink lots of water.”

  Benj rolled his eyes. “I told him you were sleeping.”

  “Uh-huh. Sleeping.” He turned over, stretched his calves. Ralph was a nutcase. One second it was relax; the next it was up, up, up, up.

  “You need to eat. You need to get up and walk around. Ultrasound, electric therapy. And you need to eat—Jean’s worried about you getting enough food to keep your strength up.”

  Ralph didn’t look like he was going anywhere.

  “Didn’t you lock the door, baby?”

  He really wasn’t pissed—not really.

  “No, I didn’t. Ralph, I think you should go.” Benj stood and made fluttery shooing motions at Ralph. “Jean brought some crackers and stuff—I’ll make sure he eats and takes his pills, and if he’s feeling better, we’ll come down later, okay?”

  Look at his Benj, sticking up for him. It was cute.

  Ralph opened his mouth, but Benj shook his head. “He’s not being stubborn about this. He needs a break.”

  Ralph put up his hands and started backing away. “Okay, okay. But try to come down at some point, okay? Or Jean will start to think he’s done something to upset you.” With that, Ralph saw himself out.

  Brett leaned back, admiring his lover. “Mmm, mmm, mmm.”

  “What?” Benj looked over at him and smiled.

  “That’s kinda hot, baby.”

  Benj tilted his head and then looked around. “What is?”

  “You. Taking care of me. Standing up for me.”

  “Oh.” Benj blushed lightly and smiled. Coming closer, Benj curled up with him again. “It’s my turn.”

  “Your turn, baby?” Fuck, his baby smelled good.

  “Yeah. You always take such good care of me, and now it’s my turn.” Benj gave him a quick kiss. “You’re looking a lot better than you did earlier.”

  “I feel less stupid, that’s for damn sure.”

  “It was the pills, love.” Benj slid his fingers over Brett. “How’s your shoulder feeling?”

  “Sore, but it’s not screaming.”

  Benj leaned up and kissed it and then sat cross-legged next to him. “How about your stomach? I bet you’re hungry.”

  “I….” Brett opened his mouth, and then his stomach made this great rumbling, growling noise.

  Benj started giggling, the sound blooming between them. They started laughing together, both of them cackling.

  Finally, Benj’s laughter faded away on a soft sigh. “God, I love you.”

  “That’s handy, baby.” Brett patted the side of Benj’s butt, still grinning.

  Benj gazed at him with eyes full of love and adoration. “Do you want crackers and cheese or a sandwich?”

  “Crackers and cheese, please.”

  “Sit up a little.” Benj fussed with the pillows and put an arm around his waist, helping him up.

  Brett took advantage of the position to steal a kiss, then settled.

  Benj beamed at him as he retrieved the plate of crackers and cheese and set it between them. “Look at all these neat cheeses. Jean really is a foodie.”

  “Are there any non-stinky-feet types?” he teased. God, when was the last time they’d spent a morning in bed?

  Benj giggled and put a piece of hard yellow cheese on a square cracker before handing it over to him. “I like the stinky-feet types.”

  “I know, but you’re a freak of nature.”

  “Me?” Benj made an offended noise, but his eyes were dancing happily.

  “Uh-huh. Freak. Of. Nature.” The cheese
wasn’t too bad.

  “Just for that I’m eating the stinky-feetiest on the plate!”

  “Ew. Ew! Cheese breath!”

  Benj laughed harder, leaning into him and breathing on him.

  He pretended to gag and retch before settling back and eating some more.

  Benj fed him a variety of cheeses and crackers and kept offering him a large glass of juice to drink from.

  Brett ate heartily, the two of them leaning together and chatting—not about the fucking game or his fucking shoulder, but about normal shit. Holidays and autumn coming so fast and the best takeout pizza.

  Benj cleared up when they were done and then curled up next to him again. “You look like you’re feeling a lot better.”

  “I am. I slept wrong yesterday, that’s all.”

  “Did you want to get up? We could have a shower….”

  “In a minute.” He didn’t want this to end yet. “Right now, I just want you to sit with me.”

  “Oh, I could do that.” Benj pressed a light kiss on his lips.

  Brett settled, eyes on the gray skies outside the window. “You think I’m going to get well enough to play out my contract?”

  “I do, Brett. I know you—if anyone can do it, it’s you.”

  “Yeah? I just want to retire on my feet, you know?”

  “I know. One more year.” Benj had begun tracing Brett’s muscles, running his fingers slowly over Brett’s arm, his chest.

  “Yeah. Even with the stock market, we’re solid.”

  “Yeah? You always take such good care of me.”

  He grunted. Of course he did.

  Benj smiled and leaned in, lips teasing gently against his.

  “Mmm. Hey.”

  “Hey.” Benj looked happy, his eyes shining and full of admiration.

  Brett took a kiss, then pinched Benj’s butt. “We should go buy pumpkins.”

  Benj eeped for him, jumping and then laughing. “Pumpkins?”

  “Pumpkins. I mean, not today, but for Halloween.”

  “Oh, that would be fun! I bet Jean’s got all sorts of neat things planned for Halloween.”

  “Weird voodoo stuff, I bet.”

  Benj giggled. “Yeah, maybe. He’s nice, though. I bet if we want something in particular, he’ll help us get it.”

  “I vote we take a car and get them ourselves.”


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