Book Read Free

Bases Loaded

Page 17

by Sean Michael

  “Okay, baby. Lead the way.”

  He grabbed Brett’s hand and took him toward the room Jean’d said they were going to turn into Brett’s studio.

  The room had huge windows, the light pouring in, and there was a beautiful fireplace.

  “Oh, this is nice.”

  A bunch of boxes filled with art supplies were stacked in one corner, and Benj headed for them. “Uh-huh. Nice light.”

  Brett followed him, hands on Benj’s shoulders.

  “Do you think this would be a good space for painting?” Benj opened the first box for Brett.

  “It’s great, but I don’t think I’ll be painting now, do you?”

  “Why on earth not? Look at all these supplies.” Benj thought maybe Brett needed to paint now more than ever.

  “I just…. Damn. He went all out.” Brett knelt by the boxes, helping Benj unpack all sorts of odds and ends.

  There were paints of all sorts, canvases in various sizes, an easel, palettes, and even painting books.

  “Wow, there’s anything you could ever want here,” Benj said.

  “Uh-huh. Sketch books, pencils, brushes….” Brett started moving things around, setting things up.

  Benj helped by unpacking all the boxes, but he left the setting up to Brett. Oh, it was good to see his lover engaged and happy. This room would be a boon after the surgery, Benj was sure.

  The room was warm and inviting, the sparse furniture welcoming, cushy. He could sit in here, read. Watch.

  “It’s good, huh?”

  “Yeah. Yeah, baby. It’s a nice setup. I’ll get spoiled.”

  Benj leaned against Brett’s back, slid his hands around his lover’s waist. “I think you deserve a little spoiling.”

  “I’m scared, baby. I wish I’d never gone in.”

  “I’m scared too, but I’m glad you did. That thing would have kept growing, and it would have killed you. And you have those horrible headaches that never get any better.” He rubbed his cheek along Brett’s shoulder. “I want you to be healthy and happy.”

  “I want all this shit to be over. I want our lives back.”

  “It’ll happen, love. Maybe not tomorrow or in a week, but we’ll get there.”

  “No, baby. I don’t think so. I think… I think the best I can hope for is one more season and then another life.”

  “But that’s not a death sentence at all, love. We’ve talked about this before—think of all the things we can do together once you’re retired from baseball.”

  Brett nodded. “I know.”

  “Do you want to do some painting or sketching now, or just get everything unpacked and set up?”

  “Let’s put the room together.” Brett’s eyes met his. “This whole room’s ours?”

  Benj nodded happily. “That’s what Jean said. I never expected it to be so big or so beautiful.”

  Brett’s grunt proved he was pleased.

  They worked together, Benj unpacking, Brett settling things where he wanted them. When it got to the point where Brett was arranging and fiddling for the sheer pleasure of doing it, Benj curled up on the comfiest couch and happily watched.

  He felt more at peace than he had since Brett told him about the tumor.

  They were going to survive this.

  They had to.

  And they were going to be happy surviving it at that.


  Chapter Twenty

  THREE DAYS left.

  Brett sat outside in one of the swings on the porch, staring into the darkness. Everyone was asleep but him. He didn’t think he’d ever sleep again.

  He wanted to see everything as a healthy person, again and again.

  The screen door squeaked, just the littlest bit, warning him someone had come out. Then his Benj was there, blinking and shivering in the dark. “Brett? Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. I’m cool.” No, he wasn’t okay, but he’d… live.

  “Couldn’t you sleep?”

  “No, baby. You need yours, though, huh?” He held one arm out, offering his side for warmth.

  Benj climbed onto the swing with him, cuddling up against him. “If you’re awake, I want to be with you.”

  “I’m awake.” He leaned close, sighed.

  Benj kissed his cheek and rubbed those clever fingers over his scalp.

  “Feels good.” He kept his eyes open, forced himself to pay attention and watch everything.

  Benj smiled at him. “I love touching you.”

  “Yeah? Good. Like I said, I’m going to have to stay in the hospital for a few days. Like five. I’ll miss you then.”

  Benj chuckled. “I’ll be staying with you, love.”

  “It would be more comfortable here.” Thank God.

  “So we’ll be comfortable when we get back here.”

  “I don’t want to do this, Benj.” It was easier to talk in the fucking dark.

  “If you don’t, the tumor could kill you.”

  “I know. I’m going to; I just don’t want to.”

  “Yeah, me too.” Benj snaked an arm around his waist and pressed close. Brett sighed again, eyes on the stars. He was tired—bone-tired—but he couldn’t sleep. Soft little kisses began to pepper his cheeks.

  “Mmm.” He tried to fight the yawn with all he was.

  “You’re tired, love.”

  “I don’t want to waste any time.” He was, though, so fucking tired.

  Benj kissed him suddenly, tongue pushing into his mouth. He moaned, half-surprised, half-pleased, and let Benj in, let Benj kiss him. Benj cupped his face, tilting his head slightly to deepen the kiss. The connection was warm, solid, something to enjoy and hold on to.

  “Love you,” murmured Benj before diving back in and keeping the kisses going.

  Brett closed his eyes, not hard or horny or anything, but it didn’t matter. This was good—him, Benj, the dark, the quiet.

  Benj touched him, hands sliding over his body like Benj was learning him again, memorizing him.

  “Love you, huh?” He needed Benj to know.

  Benj nodded. “Yeah, I know. I’ve always known.”

  “Good. You want to go in, or is it good here?”

  “I’m easy, love. I just want to be with you. It’s pretty nice out here, isn’t it? Not too cold.”

  “It is. Quiet.”



  Benj’s hand worked its way beneath his T-shirt, stroked his belly. Brett could feel his abs jerk and jump, respond to Benj’s touch. He felt Benj’s smile against his lips.

  “You laughing at me?” he teased.

  “No, I’m enjoying the way your body moves under my fingers.” Benj rubbed his belly again.

  He had a serious jones for Benj’s touch. It was on his top-ten list. It was on his cock’s top-three list.

  Those sweet fingers slid up to tease across his nipples. He groaned, his nipples going taut just from the tiny touch.

  Benj made a soft, happy sound and shifted, moving even closer.

  “You coming on to me?” He pulled Benj into his lap.

  Benj giggled and nuzzled into his neck, licked his skin. “Yes. I am.”

  “Yeah? It’s working.”

  Benj rolled their hips together. “Mmm, I can tell.”

  “Are we supposed to be horny, baby?” He settled Benj closer.

  “Why not? You want to soak up all the good stuff, right?”

  “Every fucking bit.”

  “Then we should do this. Right now. Under the stars.” Benj’s mouth settled on his again, the kiss harder, more purposeful.

  He found himself moaning, surprised by Benj’s hunger. Benj rolled those hips again, hands sliding up under his T-shirt. His fingers went for Benj’s waistband, pushing into the elastic to cup his lover’s ass. Benj wriggled right back against his hand, a little moan sounding.

  “Fuck, you’re fine.” He barely murmured the words.

  “Not fine like you.”

  “No. Like you.”

nbsp; Benj laughed softly. “You’re biased.”

  “No, baby. I just know what I like.” He smiled at Benj, then held Benj’s gaze. “You gotta know, Benjamin. More than the fucking game, more than winning, you’re it for me, huh? Balls to bones.”

  “I’m yours, Brett. No matter what.”

  “Okay, then.”

  That was going to be enough.


  Chapter Twenty-One

  RALPH FINISHED his breakfast and raised his eyebrows at Jean. “I guess he’s decided not to follow the routine today.” He wasn’t going to push it, though. Not under the circumstances.

  Jean chuckled. “Can you go, uh, look out the dining room door, chou?”

  “Are the raccoons back, babe? You need me to scare them off? It’s not a skunk, is it?” He headed for the door and stopped, chuckled at the sight of Brett and Benj curled up on one of the porch swings together.

  Jean had draped a blanket over them, and Brett was holding Benj like he was precious.

  “Oh man. That’s something to see.”

  He held out an arm for Jean.

  “Mmmhmm. I thought that you might forgive him if he rested in.” Jean cuddled right against him.

  He slid his arm around Jean, hand landing on his lover’s hip. “Life’s a bitch, you know? This isn’t fair.”

  “What? His headaches will be gone; he’s here with care and therapy; he has a lover who is dedicated to him. It’s the best situation.”

  “If everything goes okay.” Ralph laughed suddenly. “Look at me, all doom and gloom. It must be catching.” He kissed Jean. “You’re right, of course.”

  “I am.” Jean smiled at him, the look almost gentle. “He’ll be home right before Halloween. I’m going to decorate.”

  “You are?” They usually didn’t do much for Halloween. It wasn’t like they had trick-or-treaters out here.

  “The little one’d like it.”

  “Ah. Then you should do it.” He kissed the top of Jean’s head. “I’ll help if you want.”

  “I’d like that.” Jean looked up at him, dark eyes tired, worn. “This has been a different job.”

  “It has. It’s more personal than usual, isn’t it? You like Benj a lot.”

  “Well, chou, how often do we get family in for the winter?”

  “Never. It’s usually nice and quiet.” He gave Jean a wink. He didn’t mind having this company. It had become personal for him too.

  “God knows Mr. Gator ain’t quiet. Or nice.”

  “Give him a chance, babe. Let’s see what the surgery produces.”

  “What? They pluck a tumor from his head and he becomes sweet?” Jean’s eyes twinkled. “There’s a thought.”

  “Hey, if his head isn’t hurting twenty-four seven, then yeah, maybe it’ll improve his disposition.” Ralph liked Brett. For all the man’s growls and gruffness, he wasn’t a quitter, he worked hard, and it was obvious to anyone with eyes that he loved his man wholeheartedly.

  “Maybe. Come, let’s have coffee. He’ll be sore when he wakes up.”

  “Yeah. We should set the massage table up in his painting room, so Benj can work on him in a nice environment whenever he needs it. He equates the barn with arguing with me.”

  He and Jean made their way back to the kitchen.

  “Makes you wonder some, what the little one sees in him, eh?”

  “Did you see the way he was holding Benj? Like there wasn’t anything more precious in all the world. That’s what Benj sees in him. And he no doubt thinks Brett is a stud.” Ralph winked at his lover.

  “No doubt.” Jean patted his ass, then turned to face him. “Not as good as mine, though.”

  Jean’s words had him puffing up. “You still think I’m a stud, babe?”

  “Every day.” Jean traced his pecs, down his abs with gentle fingers.

  “Mmm.” His cock liked the touches, perking in his jeans and beginning to push at the fly. “You’ve still got it too.”

  “This old Cajun?”

  Ralph made a point of looking around. “What old Cajun? Now, if you mean this sexy Cajun, then yeah, you.”

  “I don’ know ’bout that, chou….” Jean found his nipples, tweaked them hard.

  That left him gasping and sliding his hands around to Jean’s ass. He grabbed himself a double handful and squeezed. “Careful now, or it won’t be coffee we’ll be having.”

  “Coffee is food of the gods.” Jean pressed his ass back into Ralph’s hands.

  “No, that would be your come.”


  Ralph loved that—the way he could still surprise Jean, shock his lover. “It’s the truth, babe.” Bending, he took Jean’s mouth, sliding his tongue past Jean’s open lips.

  A soft moan pushed into their kiss, and he couldn’t help but smile. Each kiss reminded him why he’d wanted Jean, why he’d pursued him.

  “Love you, my Cajun.” He pulled Jean up against his body, rubbing their middles together. Jean felt so good, so right.

  “Tell me you feel good, eh? Tell me you’re well.”

  “Babe, I’m good. You know that. You feed me right. I exercise. You’re stuck with me for a very, very long time.”

  Jean’s lips moved in a fervent prayer. Ralph let Jean pray—they could all use all the help they could get—and moved in to suck up a mark on the long throat.

  “Chou….” Jean arched, tense as a bowstring. “Feel that, deep in.”

  “That’s where I want to be, babe. Deep inside you.”

  “Now?” Jean was moving toward the hallway, toward their quarters.

  “Now is good.” He followed eagerly, his hands still on Jean.

  “Uh-huh. I want you.” Jean was worried, scared, Ralph could sense his tension.

  “You got me, babe. I’ll take your mind off things.”

  “Swear it.” Jean stripped his shirt off as they reached the bedroom.

  Ralph took his T-shirt off too. Why had he gotten dressed? “Oh, I swear it. In a second I’ll show you.”

  Jean was naked, already working both their cocks with busy hands. “Good. Now.”

  “Hungry man.” Ralph pushed his own jeans right off and shoved hard into Jean’s hand.

  “Haven’t had my coffee….” Jean’s laughter made him smile.

  He cupped Jean’s face and took his mouth, tasting the sweetness there. Jean knew how to touch him, and Ralph imagined he could feel every single scar, each smooth burn, and each callus that marked Jean’s talented hands on the skin of his cock.

  “You want me inside you, you’ll need to slow down, babe.” He was fast on his way to coming.

  Ralph could see Jean consider it, then smile. “I want.” The touches were becoming almost torturous.

  Groaning, Ralph tried to push in faster, harder along Jean’s palm. “Why did I have to say anything?”

  Laughter filled the room, Jean gentling his touch even more.

  Ralph pushed Jean onto the bed, tumbling into it with his lover. “Want you so much.”

  “You have me all the time. You’re just randy.” Jean winked and goosed him.

  He jerked and managed not to shout out at Jean’s pinching fingers. “I am. You must be putting something in my food.”

  “Mmmhmm. Cajun voodoo.”

  Ralph chuckled. “Well, you just keep doing that voodoo you do.” Then he found Jean’s mouth with his own, groping for the lube on the bed.

  “Forever.” Jean groaned against his lips, biting at him just a bit.

  He humped against Jean, the little sting making him leak.

  “Remember our first time?” Jean lifted one leg, spread for him.

  “I do.” He’d been so nervous, Jean so fine, so sexy. He finally found the lube and popped it open, splurting slick over his fingers.

  “I needed you more than air.” Jean’s lips were soft below his ear.

  “And I couldn’t breathe.” He nuzzled Jean’s lips while he searched for that hot little hole.

  “I want

  Jean’s balls were so soft, like velvet.

  “—that. I wanted you inside me.”

  “I couldn’t believe how tight you were. How hot.” He slipped his fingers into Jean’s hole, groaning as that tight heat wrapped around him.

  “You spent so long making sure I was ready. I was out of my mind.”

  “I wouldn’t hurt you for the world.” He slid his fingers in and out, spread them.

  “No. I know.” The neat thing was, Jean was telling the truth.

  He found Jean’s gland and pushed against it over and over, enjoying watching Jean’s reaction.

  Jean’s eyes went heavy-lidded, his full mouth opening.

  “Want you so bad, babe.” Ralph slipped his fingers out and slicked up his cock.

  “Like this, or hands and knees?”

  “Hands and knees, baby. I want to take you hard. Make you scream, yeah?”

  That earned him a deep red blush, Jean nodding and turning for him.

  “Love this ass, babe.” Ralph bent to give one cheek a kiss.

  “Love how you fuck me.”

  “Good.” With that, Ralph slid right in, Jean’s tight ass squeezing him hard.

  Jean moaned, body jerking, muscles rippling around him.

  “Babe. Yes.” Groaning again, Ralph began moving, fucking, loving on Jean.

  “Yes….” Jean pushed back onto Ralph’s erection, head down as they rocked.

  He wrapped his fingers nice and tight around Jean’s hips and helped his lover move back into his thrusts.

  “That’s it. Just like that. Chou. Chou….” The patois started flowing again.

  He loved that, loved making his Cajun crazy. Ralph moved faster.

  Their skin slapped together, both of them groaning as they made the bed scream. Ralph shifted, kept probing until he found that pleasure point inside of Jean’s body. When he hit it, Jean jerked and cried out, head tossing.

  “Yes!” He moved faster and banged hard against that spot over and over.

  “Ralph. Chou. Please. Don’ stop….”

  No, there was no stopping.

  Ralph pushed harder. He could hear Jean, getting close, needing more and more.

  Needing him.

  He slid one hand around Jean’s hip and grabbed hold of Jean’s needy cock. Jean bucked up, almost knocking him over, his low cry desperate.


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