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Ice Dreams Part 1

Page 5

by Melissa Johns

  Madison saw Hunter as he rushed to her side and looked at her. “I can take her, Carter.”

  Madison shook her head as she glanced at Hunter. “I would like to speak with Carter if that is that ok?”

  Hunter nodded. “Of course it is.”

  Carter led her outside and started to walk down the sidewalk. Madison explained, “I can’t accept your gift, Carter.”

  He frowned at her and sighed, “Why not? It was because of me that our parents didn’t give you the option to go to college and I want to make that right.”

  Madison stopped in her tracks as her head began to hurt again. “Carter, I love you. Yes, I had a crappy childhood and missed out on everything that was important to a teenage girl but it’s not your responsibility to make things right. It’s our parents who didn’t give me a chance at anything. They had a choice and they chose to give everything to you and give me nothing. It took me years to come to the conclusion that it was their fault. I can’t blame you for something that you didn’t have any control with.”

  Carter reached for her arm and stopped her. “I have to be honest. Before I met Alicia, I lived in a world that revolved around me. I had blinders on and I didn’t care who got hurt just as long as I got my way. I blame our parents for that, Maddy. Because they did everything for me, I was just used to getting my way. When it wouldn’t go my way, I would turn into this horrid person who no one wanted to be around. Alicia was the first person who I allowed in and she helped me realize how life should be lived.”

  Madison smiled at him. “I saw the change in you right away after you found her. I’m grateful for her because she gave us a relationship but Carter, I don’t want you to feel like you owe me something. This is why I never wanted to tell you that I thought about going to college. I really blame this all on Hunter.”

  Carter sighed. “Please don’t be mad at him. We talked about what we should get you for your birthday and he mentioned your thoughts on school. I told Alicia that it was something that I could do for you. She told me that you may act negatively towards it but I didn’t care. Maddy, I wanted to give this to you.”

  Madison started to cry when she saw the joy spread across her brother’s face. He wanted to make things right between them and this was the way he saw that he could do that. “I won’t tell you yes for sure. Not yet. I still need time to work things out in my mind and I don’t know what my future holds. But, I won’t say no either.”

  Carter smiled from ear to ear. “I will accept that answer. Maddy, please don’t be mad at Hunter for telling me. He really likes you and I’m sure he will feel horrible when he finds out that’s why you were upset.”

  Madison shook her head. “It’s ok, I will talk with him. I know he was just trying to help.”

  They headed back inside of the ice rink as Hunter greeted them at the door.

  “I’m going to go find Alicia. I will talk to you guys later,” Carter said as he patted Hunter on the back and headed back towards the tables.

  “You are upset because I told him about school, right? I swear that I only had your best interests at heart.”

  She smiled at him and realized that she wasn’t mad at him. “I’m not upset but I told you that I would never ask him for that money.”

  “That’s why I mentioned it to him.” Hunter smirked at her as he traced his finger down her cheek. She melted against his touch and leaned towards his hand.

  “I’m not even sure that’s even what I want to do. You know?”

  Hunter nodded. “I’m sorry, I really overstepped my boundaries. I apologize.”

  “I think I was just so surprised that he offered to do something that big for me. No one has ever done something like that for me, I was just stunned.”

  “He loves you. He didn’t even hesitate when I mentioned the idea to him. He wanted to make his little sister happy and so do I. How was your birthday?”

  Madison giggled. “I have truly enjoyed it. Thank you.”

  Hunter leaned down and kissed her lips lightly. Her heart started to race again as she put her hand on his chest and matched his soft movements. She felt his tongue part of her lips just enough to taste her as she moaned softly. His hands wrapped around her waist and pulled her tighter to his body. She was lost until Carter tapper Hunter on the shoulder.

  As she broke away, she slowly opened her eyes and looked at Hunter. “Now that was a birthday kiss.”

  He laughed as he turned towards Carter. “What do you want?”

  “I want Madison to cut her birthday cake and then I want you to stop making out with her in front of me.”

  Madison blushed and headed towards Alicia. “Well, that was just embarrassing.”

  Alicia chuckled. “Just ignore Carter. I think you guys are so cute together.”

  She was about to reply when everyone sung happy birthday to her and her birthday cake shimmered as they lit the huge candles. She stood there and smiled. She had experienced her first real birthday. She had her brother at her side who wanted to give the world to her and a man who stood on the other side of her that wanted to be a part of her life. Madison couldn’t help but smile.


  As the party came to an end, Alicia helped Carter clean up the tables and Hunter grabbed the few gifts that Madison had received from their friends. They headed out to their cars as Hunter reached for her hand. “I would like to drive you home, if you wanted to go with me.”

  Madison nodded. “I would love that.”

  She hugged Carter and Alicia. “Thank you so much for my party. This had to be one of the best nights of my life,” she paused. “Well, other than me passing out, that kind of sucked.”

  They laughed. “It was our pleasure. See you at home.”

  Hunter opened the door for her and she climbed into his truck. As they drove along the ocean road, they discussed his plans for the all star game. “I’m looking forward to it. It’s so thrilling to play with guys that you normally don’t have the chance too. Plus some of my idols that I grew up with will be there.”

  “That must be fun for you. I think I decided that I will tag along with everyone too. Carter invited me but my mother told me to stay at home. But, I have another reason to go now,” Madison said she as looked at him. She could see his eyes briefly meet hers as the streetlights lit up the inside of his truck.

  He reached for her hand and brought it up to his lips. “I’m so happy that you want to go. You can ride with me, if you want to. We can have dinner in the city once you get settled in.”

  Madison smiled. “I would like that.”

  Hunter pulled off the main road and parked on a small cliff overlooking the ocean as the moon shined from above.

  Madison gasped. “Wow, it’s breathtaking.”

  “I thought you would like this spot. It’s so quiet around here. My house is just down the road. After Carter invited me for dinner one night, I just couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. The property opened up a few months later and I jumped on it. I hoped that when we got back from the all star game that you would come over for dinner. I’ve been told I’m a good cook.”

  Madison grinned. “Sounds great to me, I’ve never had a guy cook for me.”

  “Another first that I get to share with you, I really like those moments.”

  “Me too Hunter, I really like hanging out with you,” she paused. “Of course, as we said earlier, I have nothing to compare it to.”

  Hunter laughed. “Believe me, most guys are jerks, so you should just stick with me.”

  Madison blushed and laughed. She loved his playful side and boyish charm. “I guess I will just have to take your word for it, huh?”

  He leaned over and kissed her. His fingers traced her cheek and wrapped gently around her neck as he deepened the kiss. Her tongue played with his as his hand lowered down her arm and ended on her waist.

  She felt her instincts kick in as she bit his lower lip playfully. He quickly responded by lifting and pulling her onto his lap and deepene
d the kiss. His hands gripped her hips and pulled her down tight against his lap. She felt the pressure against his jeans and broke the kiss suddenly, trying to catch her breath.

  “I’m so sorry if I overstepped the line, Madison,” Hunter said as he leaned back in his seat, clearly trying to catch his breath. “There is just something about you that I’m so drawn to. I just can’t get enough of you.”

  Madison softly smiled at him. “No, I like this, I like you.” She traced her fingers down the side of his face and down the side of his throat. She could feel his pulse across her fingers. “I like touching you. I enjoy the real thing compared to reading it in a book.” She continued to move her fingers down his chest, feeling his chiseled abs through his button down shirt. “Carter wouldn’t approve right now.”

  Hunter laughed and closed his eyes. “Can we not talk about your brother right now? The way you are making me feel, I don’t know how I’m ever going to look him in the eyes ever again.”

  Madison blushed. “What do you mean?”

  Hunter looked at her and pulled her lips within inches of his. “Madison, can’t you feel what you do to me? You are a stunning woman and the complete package. The way your body feels next to mine, your lips on mine. It’s like you were put on this earth just for me. I have never felt this way before and yet, I’m so conflicted because I want to see more of you but I know we need to go slow. I want to show you the respect that you deserve but thank God you can’t hear my thoughts.”

  Madison leaned down and lightly kissed his lips. She ran her hand down his chest and unbuttoned the first few buttons on his shirt. She didn’t know where all the courage came from but she knew that she drew strength from him.

  Her fingers opened his shirt and felt the top of his bare chest for the first time. She broke away from his kiss as she felt his fingertips dig into her hips. Her fingers ran over the contours of his chest. She watched his face closely as he appeared to be lost in thought.

  Hunter sighed as he closed his eyes and whispered, “Your touch feels so good against my skin. Madison, what are you doing to me?”

  “I think I should ask you that question. A few days ago, I was sitting in my apartment watching the snow fall outside of my window. Now, I’m in the States, experiencing so many things that I can’t explain. I feel like I could wake up at any minute and I will back in Canada and this was all a dream.”

  “You aren’t dreaming, Madison. Believe me this is really happening to the both of us.” Hunter pulled her close and kissed her again. He jerked a little as his cell phone started to ring. “Crap, it is Carter.”

  Madison started to move off his lap as he tightened his grip. “Where do you think you are going?” She smiled at him as she put her head on his bare chest.

  “What’s up, Carter? He asked as his fingers ran down her back. “We lost track of time. I’m heading your way now.” He threw his cell phone in the backseat and captured her mouth again.

  Madison groaned as her hips instinctively pressed into his lap. She heard him moan as he kept her place, allowing her to feel exactly what she did to him. She playfully bit his lower lip as she pulled away.

  Hunter leaned his forehead against hers. “I need to take you home. Your warden is looking for you.”

  She chuckled as she crawled back to her seat. “Thank you for a wonderful birthday. I will never be able to explain how much it meant to me.”

  Hunter started up his truck and headed back towards Carter’s house. “So, did you refuse Carter’s offer?”

  “No but I didn’t accept it either. I need more time to think about it.”

  Hunter nodded. “I can understand that.”

  Madison sighed and put her head against the glass window.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked. “You are supposed to be happy today.”

  She reached for his hand as he parked his truck in Carter’s driveway. “I am. I just let my mind wander, that’s all.”

  “Did you want to talk about anything?”

  “Nope, I’m fine. Thank you again. Today was wonderful,” Madison said not wanting him to know how scared she really was about their relationship. How that every time he touched her, the world stopped moving and she didn’t know how to proceed. She was so worried that she would ruin everything that they were trying to build.

  She put a smile on her face as he hopped out of his truck and opened her door for her. “Happy birthday, Madison,” he whispered as he leaned down and kissed her cheek gently.

  She smiled as she wrapped her arms around his waist and felt his arms return her embrace. She just hoped she could keep her nerves under control and let the future play out the way it was supposed to but only time would tell.


  When the next morning arrived, Madison looked forward to the road trip into the city for the all star game. She hopped out of bed and jumped in the shower. As she washed her hair, she enjoyed reliving the events of her birthday. She loved everything about that day this year. Hunter was an incredible guy and she felt lucky that he was interested in her. The way his skin felt against hers, the intense look he would get in his dark green eyes melted any inhibitions that she had towards getting to know him.

  She surprised herself by the way that she acted around him. She never thought she had a daring bone in her body but the more he pulled out of her the more she enjoyed the change she was going through.

  As she finished up, she wrapped herself in her towel and headed back to the bedroom. She heard the soft knock on her door as Alicia came in. “Good morning. I just wanted to let you know that we would like to leave around Noon. Are you coming with us?”

  Madison nodded. “I’m actually going to ride with Hunter, if that’s ok?”

  “Of course, it is. I’m so happy that you guys hit it off.”

  “He’s so sweet. At first, I was upset that he told Carter about the college thing but I don’t think he meant any harm by it.”

  Alicia quickly shook her head. “No, of course not, I overheard the whole conversation. Hunter hesitated telling him at first but just mentioned that you thought about going to college. Carter’s face lit up when he realized that he could help you with that. I really do hope that you consider his offer.”

  “I will, I promise. It was so generous of him. I think it’s all been a shock to me.”

  Alicia smiled as she sat on her bed. “So, tell me about Hunter. How’s it going?”

  Madison started to blush as she walked over to her dresser and started to pack a small bag. She could hear Alicia as she chuckled in the background. “I saw the kiss so I know that big step is in the history books now.”

  Madison smiled from ear to ear. “I never thought it would be that intense. Every time he touched me, I felt like my skin would be set on fire. The way he looked at me, the way he opened the door for me, I’m just amazed how someone could be a gentleman in public but when we are alone, it’s so intense. How could this all happen in a matter of days?”

  Alicia smiled at her. “Oh Madison, you are falling for him already. It’s ok to let that happen but just be careful. It’s your first relationship and you could have blinders on. I just don’t want you to rush into things and regret it later. I love Hunter, you know that but I’m worried about you.”

  Madison sat in the chair and stared at Alicia. “I understand that and I appreciate it but if I don’t put myself out there, how are things going to change for me. I don’t want to be that old lady with fifty cats. I want a boyfriend, I want to be able to share things with someone special and start that next chapter in my life. I wasn’t looking for that when I came here but Hunter is so sweet. I really like him.”

  “Just listen to your head, ok? I know that the heart wants to lead the way but your head is smarter. Everything will fall into place when the time comes.”

  “Thank you, I like having a sister to talk to about this stuff since I’m clueless.”

  Alicia laughed. “I’m always here for you.” She headed out of the room and bac
k downstairs. Madison finished up packing and got dressed.

  As she grabbed her bag, she heard the front doorbell ring. She reached the door before Carter could and opened it. She stood there stunned as her parents were standing on the front porch.

  “Hello Madison, where is your brother and what the hell did you do to your hair?” her mother asked as she entered the house.

  “I’m right here, Mom. Why are you guys here?” Carter asked.

  “Well that’s rude, Son,” their father said as he stepped inside of the house. “We wanted to surprise you before the all star game.”

  “Well, you know that we are about to leave, right? Are you going to stay here?”

  “No no, we have a room in the city. But, we wanted to make sure that Madison was staying here.”

  Carter quickly looked at her and saw the frown appear on her face. “No Mom, she’s coming with us.”

  “That’s just silly. She will be in the way. She can stay in your beautiful house and lay out on the beach. We will be back in a couple of days,” her mother said as she looked at Madison’s bag on the floor.

  She couldn’t speak and wanted to find a place to disappear. She looked at Carter as he clearly took a deep breath. “Mom, she’s coming with us and that’s final.”

  Her parents looked at her in the way that she had grown used to. They clearly disapproved and waited for her to change her mind and stay at Carter’s house. “Mother, I’m sorry but Carter wanted me to go so I will attend the event with him.”

  Carter smiled and put his arm around her. “That’s right. She’s staying with Alicia in our apartment.”

  Alicia walked into the room and stopped dead in her tracks. “I was going to ask who was at the door but I see now. Wow, I didn’t know you guys were coming down to see us.”

  “We wanted to see Carter play at the all star game,” her father quickly replied.

  Madison was about to walk away and clear her head when she saw Hunter climb up the front stairs and walk into the house. “Good morning, I didn’t know that your parents were going to be here.” He quickly looked at Madison as she slowly smiled at him.


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