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Tamed by Her Cowboy

Page 11

by Shanna Handel

  A wave of tension rides through me, building and building until I reach the peak of my desire. My knees feel weak, my legs trembling. I’m crying out his name, “Buck. Oh. Fuck. Buck!” It bursts within me, shaking me, wrecking me, healing me.

  I’m still shuddering from my orgasm as he stands, holding me close to him. He leans down and kisses me. I taste myself on his tongue and it makes a flush of heat rush through me. It’s so intimate, so private. Tying me to him in a dirty way that feels so right.

  His arms wrap around me as the kiss deepens. My breasts press against his bare chest, heavy, aching. I can feel his cock hardening for me beneath his jeans.

  It’s time for those to come off.

  He unbuckles his belt. Unzipping and lowering them to the ground. His cock stands to attention. It’s a welcomed sight after all these years—I’ve always found his member to be a work of art. Laying eyes on it starts a whole new wave of desire building inside of me.

  I don’t know what he plans to do to me, how he wants to fuck me. He gazes at me a moment, then grabs my hips, lifting me from the ground.

  I’m weightless in his strong arms. My legs spread, going to either side of him. He expertly lines his cock with my pussy, his arms wrapped beneath my thighs. I wrap my arms around his neck, looking down, watching as the head of his cock presses into me.

  It’s a tight fit. I’m stretching and pulling as he enters me, my pussy making way for him. I lock my thighs around his waist. Cross my ankles as he holds me up. He pushes into me and my whole world tilts.

  It’s just like everything is as it was—yet nothing is the same. The feel of him inside of me brings back all the memories, all the feels. But it’s different this time.

  The connection is stronger. The years between us closing with one thrust.

  Having him inside me strikes me so deeply I find tears springing up in the corners of my eyes. I bury my face in the curve of his neck. Hiding my tears. His arms cup beneath my bottom, holding me up, safe and warm and connected to him.

  He’s deep, deep inside me now.

  My pussy is clenching around his cock, each thrust sends another wave of pleasure through me. He’s kissing my neck, my earlobe. Thrusting his hips against mine. We grind together, rock together. My head is light, almost dizzy. My heart is racing. A light sweat breaks out over my skin. I’m going to come, soon. He’s getting close, too. I know by the way his breaths come faster, deeper. I press my mouth around his shoulder, holding back a scream. I come in a convulsion of light and heat and passion. His cock pulses inside of me, erupting with his hot seed. He holds me there, my trembling body pressed against his. His mouth is by my ear, his breath hot as he whispers to me, “It’s good to have you home, babygirl.”

  And in this moment, I finally, fully accept the truth; Buck is my home. And it’s so damn good to be home.


  Ava Marie

  I feel like a kid at Christmas. After the rendezvous in the barn, it’s been twelve hours of walking on air. Buck and I finished our chores, glowing in the warmth of our lovemaking. As we went about our day, he held my hand. Stole a few kisses. Gave my ass a couple surprise smacks. It was heaven.

  Dinner with my father was all smiles. Buck and I catching one another’s gazes across the table. My father happy to have his two favorite people getting along so well.

  Reunited at last.

  I fell asleep, blissful. This morning I woke with a smile spread across my face. Buck on my mind. His words swirling around me.

  I never did date anyone after you.

  It’s good to have you home, babygirl.

  I want to go back to the barn. Relive every moment we had yesterday, our bodies tangled in the soft, sweet hay. Maybe I’ll get lucky later today. Right now, I have to get up to the Hall to help the singles set up for the Brunch.

  I need to spend some time with Jules before the big snow in, so I called her house last night and told her I’d meet her and we could walk up to the Hall together. I told Buck I’d see him at Brunch instead of having him pick me up. I take my time walking to Jules’s house in the brisk air. The temperature is dropping fast, but I love the fresh air and exercise.

  I need the time to sort my head. Untangle the emotions in my heart.

  The truth is as striking as the icy wind that blows against my face.

  I’m falling right back in love with Buck Jones. And I’m leaving in a few days. What a mess.

  But regardless of my unsettling feelings about the future, I can’t seem to lose the grin that’s plastered to my face. I’m in seventh heaven. I hum happily to myself as I make my way up Jules’s walkway. She lives in a white stone cottage. Rosemary bushes grow on either side of the shiny red door. I lift my hand to knock, and the door swings open.

  My best friend appears in the doorway. She looks happy…too happy. Her hair is neatly tied back with a pink ribbon. She’s wearing more mascara than usual, and I detect the scent of her favorite rosewater perfume.

  Who is she trying to impress?

  She smiles at the sight of me. “Ava! How have you been? I feel like we’ve been apart for weeks, but it’s only been…how many days has it been since we hung out?”

  I count back. “We got here Monday, so only six?”

  She has a euphoric look on her face as she stares up at the wintry sky. “And such a wonderful week it’s been.”

  What’s going on with her? Maybe whatever she’s been filling her time with has made her this blissed out. I ask her, “What have you been up too? What’s this secret project you told me you’ve been working on? Doing good for the people of the town, raising spirits? Calming nerves?”

  She gives me a curious look. “That’s not what I’ve been doing, Ava.” She pokes her finger into my shoulder. “That’s what you’ve been doing.”

  Do-gooding? Raising spirits, calming nerves? Is that what I’ve been doing? “That doesn’t sound like me.”

  She laughs. “Yes it does.”

  My mind goes over the week, the chores, the jobs. Being with Buck has been so enjoyable, I hadn’t even thought of our tasks as work. “I’ve just been…”

  She nods, knowingly. “Doing good and raising spirits is exactly what you’ve been up to.”

  I’m suddenly shy. Humbled. This past week has been such a change from my city life. “Huh. I guess I have.”

  She lays her hand on my shoulder, leaning in. “How does it feel? To be helping out.”

  I think of the bright smiling faces at the Senior Center. The look of relief on the faces of the people seeing a huge stack of wood on their porches. “Good, actually.”

  She gives me a teasing grin. “You and Buck. Just saving the world in his big red truck.”

  I suddenly feel shy, ready to take the attention off myself. “Tell me what you’ve been doing.”

  “I’ve been keeping it simple. Hanging out with my dad. Helping him do a little deep cleaning at the church, among…other things.” She smiles, her eyes shiny, bright.

  Making me wonder what the other things she was doing are. “Spill it, Jules.”

  Her hands clasp before her, hovering over her chest as if she’s holding a secret. “You really want to know what my little project has been?”

  “Yes. You look like you’re bursting to share. Tell me already.”

  She bats her eyes at me, giving me a sticky, moony look. “I’ve been busy bagging myself a Jones boy.”

  A Jones boy?

  There’s a tightening in my chest. Alarm bells ring in my mind. My heart stops. Where has Buck been going when he leaves my house? And if it is him, did I put the idea in his head when we were first delivering those flyers? When I had that ridiculous notion to match-make the two of them? All before I started to fall in love with him again?

  It couldn’t be…could it?

  I assemble my features into a mask of indifference. I swallow back sawdust in my dry throat. “Who is it?”

  Her brow furrows as she examines my face. I can never hide my emotion
s from her—she reads me like a book. Her hands go to her hips. She raises a brow to me. When she speaks my name, her tone tells me she’s upset. “Hold up. Why do you have that weird look on your face, Ava?”

  “What?” I try to act cool.

  She’s not buying it. She gives me a look of disbelief, shaking her head. “Shame on you.”

  “What?” I repeat, this time holding my arms up in an innocent shrug, denying anything she might accuse me of.

  One hand lifts from her hip as she points at me reproachfully. “You had better tell me right now that you know me better than to think that of me.”

  “Think what of you? I was just wondering who it is.”

  “You think I’m talking about Buck, don’t you?” She gives me that hard stare. The one that always drags the truth from me.

  “Maybe?” My face shrinks into an apologetic wince.

  She shakes her head, disappointed. “How could you think that of me? Do you not see me as loyal friend?”

  “I don’t know. It just seemed like you were sticking up for him on the way down here and you said you’ve been talking and…”

  “Don’t mistake a few phone calls with me trying to take your man.”

  My face goes white hot. “He’s not my man.”

  She interrupts me, too agitated to listen. “Do you not know that of anyone on this planet, I of all people would never, ever break girl code and go after your ex? The love of your life?”

  Her words change the white heat to ice cold. My heart beats against my ribs, making me panicked. “Love of my life—those are strong words.”

  “Silly girl.” Jules links her arm in mine, tiff over, hard feelings forgotten, and we head down the street to the Hall.

  But I’m left unsettled. I push the queer feeling deeper down. “Buck and I are just two friends who are enjoying a little time together.”

  She gives me a side eye stare. “When are you going to stop hiding, Ava? When are you going to come out of your shell and brave the truth—that you and Buck are destined to be together.”

  Destined? Is there such a thing as fate? This whole freak storm forcing me home to spend time with my ex situation sure feels like there might be worldly forces at work.

  But love of my life?

  Suddenly the notion that I’m falling back in love with him moves to the back of my mind. Hidden. Forgotten. I’m certainly not ready to admit such a thing. Buck and I are just having a good time. A little flirting. A roll in the hay.

  Nothing permanent.

  I give her a tight-lipped smile, moving on. “Tell me, which brother caught your eye? All five of them are so handsome.”

  “I know, right? And they're all just so strong and…alpha.” She’s staring off into space, licking the gloss from her lips.

  “They could have their own calendar. That’s for sure. They even have the names for it. Blaze, Bowen, and Buck. Then you throw in a pair of twins, Beau, and Boone—twelve months of bare-chested poses would bring in a hunk of change.” I imagine the Jones brothers, worn out jeans slung around their hips, their wide, muscled chests bare as they pose on bales of hay, in the beds of their trucks…Buck lying shirtless on the bank of the creek.

  It’s getting a little warm in my down coat. My face begins to flush.

  She lets out a soft sigh. “Hot cowboy brothers of Cedar Creek.” She’s practically fanning herself.

  I snap my fingers in front of her face. “Earth to Jules? So, which one is it?”

  A teasing look comes over her face. “You know what? Just for doubting me, I’m not telling you.”

  “Not fair!” She’ll spill the beans—Jules has a tough time keeping secrets. Still, I give her a hard time, just for the fun of it. “I’ll just ask Buck who it is. He’s close with his brothers.”

  “That’s funny. They say they haven’t even seen much of him,” she clips back.

  “Since when?” I ask.

  She gives me a saucy look. “Since you rolled back into town.”


  She’s holding in a laugh. “Yes. Really. They said some other things, too.”

  “Like what?” I demand.

  She gives a shrug. “Not for me to repeat, friend.”

  What could they possibly have said? And why won’t Jules tell me?

  I change my tactics, using one of Jules’s own mottos on her—you can catch more bees with honey than vinegar. I soften my tone. Tug on her arm, pleading. “Don’t be like that, Jules. I’m sorry. Just forgive me already. I was just thinking about how you’re so responsible and the two of you like Cedar Creek so much—my imagination got the best of me.”

  “You’re forgiven. Besides I’m going to burst if I don’t tell you.” She grabs my hand in hers. “It’s Blaze.”

  I feel my brow furrow. “Blaze?”

  “Mmm hmm…” She’s staring off into space again.

  Blaze Jones. Tall, broad shouldered like Buck. But with a wicked sense of humor and a tendency to do things his own way. He’s got a wild streak in him. And a reputation of being a ladies man. Not someone to settle down with. And certainly not someone I’d ever picture my best friend attached to. “But he’s the bad boy of the bunch. And you’re such a…”

  “Good girl?” she asks, a smug smirk on her face. “I guess opposites attract. Look at you and Buck. You two couldn’t be more unalike. He’s so responsible and hard working. You’re so…different.”

  “What’s the opposite of responsible and hard working? Let me fill in the blanks for you. Lazy and irresponsible. Are you trying to insult me?” I ask.

  She looks surprised. “Insult you? Never. Just making an observation. You know I like you just as you are.”

  The Hall comes into sight. Rustic and huge, built of massive logs with a wide porch across its front. Everyone here to set up will be inside by now.

  Including the five Jones cowboy brothers.

  “What did his brothers say about me?” As the words fall out of my mouth, my eyes catch Buck, waiting on the side of the porch. He sees me and waves. Suddenly, all concern for what’s been said melts from my mind. “You know what, never mind.”

  “Just that you’ve really caught his attention again. And they hope you don’t hurt him.” She pulls me into a tight hug. “But don’t pay them any mind. I’ve got to go. Blaze is waiting for me inside. We’ll catch up later. We’ve got a double wedding to plan.” She takes off, bouncing towards the Hall like she can’t wait another moment to see Blaze.

  I’m left standing alone. Watching Buck make his way down the stairs to greet me. He gives Jules a wave as their paths cross. Then his gaze focuses on mine. My heart is doing that funny pitter patter thing it does every time I see him.

  But as he approaches, Jules’s words swirl in my mind, making the pitter-patter feeling turn to something akin to heart palpitating anxiety.

  Love of your life. Destined to be together. Double wedding.

  Her words make a cold, creeping feeling come over me. A heavy dread, mixed with fear, fueled by the desire to run. Buck reaches me. His hand rests on my shoulder. “You okay, little bit? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  His words run through me, bringing an old memory to the surface. Buck and I in the barn. The day I told him I was leaving. The look on his face afterwards. Me saying, “What’s wrong? You look like you just saw a ghost.”

  That was the day things ended between us. And now, I have the flutters, the heady joy of just being in the same room as him. And along with it comes the panic. The fear of giving someone your heart only to lose them.

  I sneak glances at him, staring at his handsome face. He’s my rock. My safe place. My protector. He takes my hand in his. It feels warm, right. I’m left wondering—this time will I be strong enough to not let fear rule my life?

  Or am I going to run the first chance I get?


  Buck Jones

  Ava Marie is quiet as we walk to the Hall. I catch her stealing glances at me when she doesn’t thin
k I’m looking.

  After what happened in the barn, I know we’ve put ourselves in a tricky place. One that I know will make or break our relationship for good. And I’m okay with the risk. Because I know even if she leaves me, I’ll never love another.

  Not the way I love her.

  In my eyes, I’ve nothing to lose.

  I think of her at the funeral. Her braid heavy down her back. Her white gown fluttering round her. Her face etched with devastation. But there wasn’t a tear on her cheek. I swear she’s cried more times since she’s been home than she did the day we buried her mother.

  She was just a little bit of a thing, but so strong. I’ve always felt a protective welling in my chest towards her. A strong need to keep her safe. Now, that feeling has grown into a burning desire to protect her forever. To make her mine. For good.

  But I know most likely she’ll go back to her old life. Her time in Cedar Creek forgotten in a matter of weeks. And I’ll live with her decision.

  We reach the bottom of the steps and she stops, tugging her hand from mine. She bends over, gathering the light dusting of snow in her hands, forming a ball. I watch her, blonde hair shining like a halo. A wicked smile crosses her face. She pulls her arm back, aiming in my direction.

  “Ava Marie. Don’t you dare—"

  The snowball lands with a whack in the center of my chest. She’s grinning at me, waiting for me to retaliate

  I crack a smile. “Don’t start something you can’t finish, little bit.”

  “Who says I’m starting something?” She leans down, gathering more snow in her hands. “Just building myself a little snowman.”

  She’s forming another ball. She pulls back her arm, ready to fling a second one in my direction.

  “Snowman, huh?” But I anticipate her move. I reach out, grabbing her arm, twisting her into me. She’s giggling, trying to break free from my grasp, to smash the snow into my face. I give her ass a nice hard slap that makes my palm sting, releasing her roughly. “Such a naughty girl. Drop it or your ass is mine.”


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