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The Story of Ain't

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by David Skinner

  Benjamin, Curtis, 238

  Benton, William, 221, 224, 298–99

  Bernays, Edward L., 124, 243

  Bernstein, Theodore M., 256–57

  Bethel, J. P.

  as general editor at Merriam-Webster, 163, 165, 301

  hiring of Philip Gove by, 140

  planning for Webster’s Third by, 134–36

  search for Webster’s Third editor by, 141, 143, 145–46

  Bible, 11, 220, 224, 254

  biographical information

  in Webster’s Second, 4–5, 90–91, 133–34

  in Webster’s Third, 135, 137, 257–58

  Black Books technical memoranda, 200-212

  Bloomfield, Leonard

  Bergen Evans on, 270

  Philip Gove on, 230

  historical linguistics of, 277

  linguistic research and Language book by, 81–87

  Charles Sleeth on pronunciation and, 196

  as structural linguist, 301

  Blum, Leon, 78–79

  bombing terminology, 126–31

  Book-of-the-Month Club, 6, 53, 112, 224

  books, literary. See literary works

  Bowdler, Thomas, 24

  Bradley, Henry, 51–52

  Buckley, William F., Jr., 222

  Bulkley, James, 246, 264–65, 287–88

  Bulletin of the American Society of Newspaper Editors, 256–57

  BusinessWeek (magazine), 12, 244–45, 275

  Canby, Henry Seidel

  as Book-of-the-Month Club selector, 112, 301

  on communism, 99

  early career of, 51–55

  as editor of Saturday Review, 6, 38, 301

  Dwight Macdonald on, 40, 155

  in study by Sterling Andrus Leonard, 71

  capitalization, 211–12, 276–77

  Carhart, Paul W., 59

  Carlyle, Thomas, 47

  cartoon, New Yorker, 273

  Cassidy, Frederic, 148–50, 277

  Caswell, Harry, 289

  Cather, Willa, 34–35

  censorship, 24–25, 61–62

  Century Dictionary, 136

  change, language and, xii–xiv, 85, 182, 271–72

  Chief British Poets of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries (book), 25

  childhood terminology, 214–15

  Chinaman, 204

  Churchill, Winston, 10–11, 74, 126–30

  citation files, 135, 201–5

  class, language and

  Leonard Bloomfield on, 83–85

  Charles Carpenter Fries on, 113–21, 185

  Philip Gove on, 203

  classics. See Harvard Classics; literary works

  Coates, Robert, 216

  Cold War terminology, 159, 216–17

  College English (magazine), 294–95

  Collegiate Dictionary, 193, 237, 296

  colloquial language. See also American language; informal English; nonstandard English; slang; taboo language

  ain’t as, 150, 284–85

  Henry Seidel Canby on, 53–55

  Charles Carpenter Fries on, 114

  Philip Gove on spoken language as, 203–4

  Philip Gove’s defense of not labeling, in Webster’s Third, 248

  in illustrative quotations of Webster’s Third, 248

  labeling of, in Webster’s Second, 5

  in pronouncing dictionary, 190–91

  James Sledd on, in Webster’s Third, 269, 295

  Harry Warfel on, as informal language, 185

  Columbia University, 148, 154, 227

  commas, 281

  Commission on English Language, 288


  Cold War terminology on, 99–100, 159

  criticism of spirit of, in Webster’s Third, 261–62

  Dwight Macdonald’s interest in, 67, 77–80, 97–103, 151, 219

  competition, dictionary, 136

  computer terminology, 214

  Comstock, Anthony, 24

  Conant, James Bryant, 145

  confabbing, 248

  Consider the Lobster (book), 298

  constitutional amendments, 93


  definition style of Webster’s Third and, 201–8

  meaning and, 119

  Copperud, Roy, 268

  Corcoran, Brewster, 289


  Webster’s Second, 2

  Webster’s Third, 241

  Cowley, Malcolm, 98

  Craigie, William A., 52

  culture. See American culture

  “Current English Usage” paper, 69–75

  darky, 91

  death, dying and euphemisms for, 47, 139

  Declaration of Independence parody, 111–12

  definitions, Webster’s Third. See also meaning

  criticism of, by Dwight Macdonald, 276–77

  criticism of, by Wilson Follett, 259

  criticism of verbosity of, 260–61

  Philip Gove on, 201–12, 231–32

  de Kruif, Paul, 144, 155

  derogatory language, 41, 204–5, 293. See also taboo language

  Dewey, John, 99

  dictionaries. See also lexicography

  American Heritage Dictionary, 295–96

  competition between, 136

  Funk & Wagnalls Standard Dictionary, 136, 191, 194

  by G. & C. Merriam Company (see G. & C. Merriam Company; Webster’s Second; Webster’s Third)

  Philip Gove’s research on early, 107–10

  multivolume, 134–35, 138–39

  production costs of, 2, 241

  sales of, 193, 195–97, 236–37, 298

  specialized, 135, 137–38

  Dictionary of American English, 52

  Dictionary of American Regional English, 149

  Dictionary of Contemporary American Usage, A, 251–52

  Dictionary of the English Language, A, 289

  different than and different from, 73, 94, 258

  dirty words. See taboo language

  disinterested, 280

  do, don’t, and doesn’t, 117

  Dodson, Stephen, 298

  don’t, 73–74, 117

  door, 260–61, 272

  double negatives, 31, 50, 85, 115

  Driscoll, Ann, 14

  due to, 11, 118, 252, 259, 302

  Durant, Will, 155

  Eaker, Ira C., 124–31

  Editor & Publisher (magazine), 268

  editorializing, Philip Gove on, 206


  adult, 6, 34

  colloquial language in, 204

  dictionaries and, 4–6, 236–37

  female, 19–21, 58, 139

  Charles Carpenter Fries on English language, 46–48, 115–16, 120–21

  Robert Hutchins on, 81–82

  as masscult, 224

  William Allan Neilson on, 26–28, 58–59, 139

  terminology of, 214

  theory of evolution in, 20

  ego, 279, 284, 285

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., 10, 123, 127, 227–28, 255–56

  either, 117, 120

  Eliot, Charles William, 5, 19–21, 22–25, 61, 302

  Emrich, Richard S., 261–62

  Encounter (magazine), 222

  Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 221, 224, 298–99

  encyclopedic information, Webster’s Third, 137–38, 174, 209–10, 257–58, 271

  English language. See American language; informal English; nonstandard English; standard English; substandard English

  English Language Arts, The (book), 179–187, 229–31, 27
6, 278

  enormity, 247–49, 260, 271

  Erskine, John, 154

  ethnic slurs. See derogatory language

  etiquette books, 34

  Evans, Bergen, 251–54, 269–73, 288–289, 302

  Evans, Walker, 64, 77, 96

  evolution, theory of, 6, 20

  expanded forms, 119–20, 147

  Fadiman, Clifton, 221

  fascism, 99–101

  fast food, 213

  federal government, study of letters to, 113–21

  Federal Writers Project, 96

  female education, 19–21, 58, 139

  film terminology, 52–53

  Finley, John H., 5

  Follett, Wilson

  criticism of Dictionary of Contemporary American Usage by, 252–54

  criticism of Webster’s Third by, 16, 257–60, 292

  as English professor and critic, 302

  James Parton on, 264

  rebuttal of, by Bergen Evans, 269–72

  on usage panel of American Heritage Dictionary, 295

  Edward Weeks on, 288–89

  foreign language, 51, 270–71

  formal platform speech, 5, 19, 91. See also spoken language

  Fortune (magazine), 63–66, 77–80, 95–99, 124

  Fourteen Points, 92

  Francis, W. Nelson, 231, 288

  Fries, Charles Carpenter

  Jacques Barzun on, 227–29

  Leonard Bloomfield and, 87

  influence of, on NCTE English Language Arts concepts, 180–87

  on lay and lie, 120, 150

  as linguist and English educator, 302

  linguistic research by, 45–50, 112–21

  Albert Marckwardt and Frederic Cassidy as students of, 148–50, 277

  fuck, 89, 204, 295

  function words, 118–19

  Funk & Wagnalls Standard Dictionary, 136, 191, 194

  G. & C. Merriam Company. See also Gallan, Gordon J.; Gove, Philip B.; Munroe, Robert C.; Neilson, William Allan; Webster’s Second; Webster’s Third

  attempts of American Heritage to buy, 235–40, 263–66, 287–90

  hiring of Philip Gove by, 139–40

  lexicographical procedures at, 199–212

  planning by, for Webster’s Third, 133–39, 189–97

  press release by, announcing Webster’s Third, 9–11

  promotion of Philip Gove to managing editor at, 165–66

  publication of Webster’s Second by, 1–7

  sale of, to Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 298–99

  sales of dictionaries by, 236-7, 263-4, 298

  search by, for Webster’s Third editor, 141, 143–49

  W. Freeman Twaddell as resident editor at, 163–65

  Gallan, Gordon J.

  Philip Gove and, 13, 209

  planning by, for Webster’s Third, 195–97

  as president of G. & C. Merriam Company, 302

  in press release announcing Webster’s Third, 9–10

  resistence of, to selling G. & C. Merriam Company, 236–39, 263–65, 287–88

  response of, to criticism of Webster’s Third, 244–45

  veto of taboo language by, 204

  galore, 278–79

  General Form (book), 228–29

  generative linguistics, 271. See also linguistics

  genitives, 117–18

  gerunds, 117–18

  gnostomania, 280

  God, 212

  God and Man at Yale (book), 222

  Good Grammar Week, 30

  Gove, Grace, 13–14, 34, 106–10, 140, 167–68, 302

  Gove, Philip B.

  article by, on linguistics and lexicography, 229–33

  celebration of publication of Webster’s Third by, 13–14

  criticism of, by Dwight Macdonald, 275–77, 285

  criticism of, by James Parton, 240

  criticisms and defenses of, 296–98

  defense of Webster’s Third by, 16–17, 244–45, 247–50

  editorial ambivalence of, 293–94

  as editor of Webster’s Third, 302

  as English instructor for AT&T, 34

  Bergen Evans and, 270–72

  hiring of, by G. & C. Merriam Company, 139–40

  lexicography research by, 105–10

  meeting of, with Dwight Macdonald, 245

  New Yorker cartoon about, 273

  note by, to his daughter’s second-grade teacher, 167–70

  preface to Webster’s Third by, 241–242

  in press release announcing Webster’s Third, 10–11

  on procedures and policies for Webster’s Third, 11–13, 171–77, 201–12

  promotion of, to managing editor, 165–66

  on pronunciation in Webster’s Third, 192–97

  request of, for promotion to vice presidency, 209

  this book about, xiii

  wife of (see Gove, Grace)

  grammar. See also usage

  Jacques Barzun on, 228–29

  Leonard Bloomfield on, 81–87

  dictionaries as authorities on (see authority, dictionary as)

  Wilson Follett on, 258

  Charles Carpenter Fries on, 113–21

  Philip Gove on, 233

  Sterling Andrus Leonard on, 69–75

  Lindley Murray’s standard reference on, 45

  NCTE English Language Arts on, 179–87

  Scribner Handbook of English on, 149–50

  in Webster’s Second, 93–94

  Great Books Club, 220–22, 224, 298–99

  Greenberg, Clement, 101, 103, 155–56

  Grimm, Jacob, 84

  Hadden, Briton, 53, 63

  hapax legomena, 207

  Harper’s (magazine), 146, 273, 297–98

  Harris, Arthur, 126

  Hart, Albert Bushnell, 5, 7, 173

  Harvard Classics, 7, 22–25, 61, 81–82, 100, 148

  Harvard University, 4–5, 21–25, 145

  heighth, 247, 297

  Hellman, Geoffrey, 77, 97

  high culture, 224–25. See also American culture

  Hill, William C., 5–6

  historical linguistics, 48-50, 277. See also linguistics

  Holt, Guy, 239

  Holt, Lucius, 137

  Hook, Sidney, 98–100

  hot dog, 60, 175–76

  House Is Not a Home, A (book), 33–34

  House of Intellect, The (book), 227–29, 235

  Howard, James Merriam, 289

  Hutchins, Robert, 81–82, 87, 221


  pictures as, 137

  quotations as (see quotations, illustrative)

  verbal, 205–6

  imply and infer, 5, 251, 260–61

  infinitives, split, 1, 11, 50, 93, 117

  informal English. See also American language; colloquial language; nonstandard English; slang

  Charles Carpenter Fries on, 112–21

  New York Times on, 256

  Harry R. Warfel on, 184–87

  Inge, William Ralph, 261–62

  in terms of, 147

  International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), 190–97, 278

  Introduction to the English Language (book), 149

  irregardless, 247–48, 251, 271, 297

  irritate, 47

  it is me, 50, 94, 231

  Ives, Sumner, 288

  James, Henry, 16, 30-31, 37, 103, 222,

  jargon, Jacques Barzun on, 146–47, 301

  Jespersen, Otto, 71, 211

  jive, 160, 203

  Johnson, Lyndon B., 299

  Johnson, Samuel, 107–10
, 253, 269

  journalism. See newspapers

  journalistic, 145–46, 176–77

  Joyce, James, 1, 95

  Kennan, George, 216–17

  Kennedy, John F., 9, 255

  Kenyon, John S., 190–91

  Kenyon-Knott pronouncing dictionary, 190–91, 194, 232–33

  kike, 293

  Kilburn, Patrick E., 295–96

  King, Delcevare, 33

  King James Bible, Revised Standard Version, 220, 224

  Kinsey, Alfred, 153–54

  kitsch, 101, 103, 155–56. See also American culture

  Kittredge, George Lyman, 22, 191

  Knott, Thomas A., 59, 190–91

  know and knowed, 280, 281

  Kolb, Gwin J., 110

  Krapp, George Philip, 71

  Kronvall, Edward, 289

  Kurath, Hans, 145

  Language (book), 81–87, 196, 230, 270

  language, American. See American language

  lay and lie, 5, 93–94, 120, 150

  Leonard, Sterling Andrus, 69–75, 149, 302

  Leonard, William Ellery, 191

  letters, linguistic research using, 113–21

  Lewis, Sinclair, 33, 35, 100, 144, 208

  lexicography. See also dictionaries

  by G. & C. Merriam Company, 163–65, 199–212

  Philip Gove on linguistics and, 171–77, 229–33

  Philip Gove’s research on, 107–10

  Dwight Macdonald on, 275–76

  Library Journal, 260

  lie and lay, 5, 93–94, 120, 150

  Life (magazine), 246–52, 271

  like and as, 11, 251–54, 258

  Lincoln, Abraham, 31–32

  linguistics. See also American language

  Jacques Barzun on, 227–29

  Leonard Bloomfield on, 81–87

  Bergen Evans on, 270–71

  Wilson Follett on, 252

  Charles Carpenter Fries on, 45–50, 112–21

  Philip Gove on lexicography and, 11–13, 171–77, 229–33

  at Harvard University, 22

  Sterling Andrus Leonard on, 69–75

  Dwight Macdonald on, 16–17, 273–82

  Albert Marckwardt on, 149, 294

  H. L. Mencken on, 29–35

  NCTE English Language Arts on, 179–87

  pronunciations in Webster’s Third and, 192–97

  as science of language, xiii, 20, 145, 149–50

  James Sledd on, 284

  Harry R. Warfel on, 184–87

  “Linguistics Advances and Lexicography” (article), 229–33

  literary works

  Leonard Bloomfield on linguistics and, 86–87

  Book-of-the-Month Club, 6, 53, 112, 224

  Henry Seidel Canby on, 51–55

  Federal Writers Project and, 96

  Great Books Club, 220–22, 224, 298–99

  Harvard Classics, 7, 22–25, 61, 81–82, 100, 148


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