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The Alpha Pack

Page 7

by D J Heart

  "I don’t know." Back home, Sam had spent his time off reading books, watching TV and keeping the house in order while his uncle held out for a better offer for him. He had no idea what a mated omega and his alpha would normally do in the city.

  "Do you want to go to the mall? We could get you some normal clothes and maybe see a movie?"

  Sam nodded. "That would be nice."

  "Great. It’s a plan," Jack said, smiling again. It was like the humiliating confrontation hadn’t happened, and Sam decided to follow Jack’s lead and try to have fun.

  If Jack wanted to deny that there was a problem, Sam wasn’t going to stop him. Not yet, anyway.

  Besides, he’d never been to a real mall before. He couldn’t wait to see if it was anything like what they showed on TV.

  As they pulled into the mall parking lot, it dawned on Sam that Jack could have reacted to his interference with his brother very differently. Many alphas would have been furious and felt emasculated by their omega stepping in like that, and most wouldn’t hesitate to dish out all kinds of evil punishments.

  Sam didn’t actually know Jack or any of his alphas well enough to predict how they’d react to any given situation.

  He’d been incredibly stupid. But he’d just been so angry.

  Until he had a handle on all the new instincts that came with being a mated omega, he needed to be a little more careful.

  "You ready?" Jack asked, parking the car. He looked eager and happy, and his enthusiasm was infectious. Sam grinned back at him.

  "Let’s go!"



  That night, Jack couldn’t stop reliving the encounter with his brother. He’d been humiliated in front of Sam, and just thinking about it made his gut churn unpleasantly.

  And the worst part was that Sam had felt like he needed to stand up for him.

  Jack knew that omegas had protective instincts too, but they weren’t supposed to kick in until their alpha had been incapacitated enough that they needed help.

  That Sam had put himself between him and Elliot just went to show how low Elliot had brought him.

  Turning, hugging his second pillow to his chest and wishing it were Sam, Jack wondered how David would react if he told him about Elliot’s bullying.

  Nothing would be worse than telling David, and then being told to deal with it, suck it up or to stop being such a drama queen—all of which were very real possibilities.

  David hated weakness, and being bullied like a beta on the playground reeked of it. He wouldn’t have much sympathy, Sam was sure of that. He would, however, take it as a huge insult.

  Trying to think of something else, like how much fun he and Sam had had at the mall, Jack tossed and turned for over an hour before he managed to fall asleep.

  The morning would be better. It was his day with Sam, and this time when he knotted his omega he would take his time and make sure that Sam loved every second of it.

  Elliot could go fuck himself.


  The next morning Jack woke up with a hard-on and his balls feeling like they were going to burst. He reached down and squeezed his knot, turning onto his back and looking at the clock on his nightstand.

  He groaned with impatience. It was six-thirty am, and he still had half an hour before his day with Sam officially began.

  He had to wait.

  Still holding his knot, Jack squeezed down as he rubbed his other hand over the tip of his shaft. He was already leaking pre-cum, and as he started jerking off it slicked the way. Imagining the tight, wet heat of Sam’s hole—how it would bear down on his knot as he locked tight—made his balls pull up. He jerked himself faster, hips lifting off the bed as he fucked into his fist.

  He shot his load with a grunt. Breathing fast, he spilled his seed onto his belly and the sheets covering his body, pumping his knot and swiping his thumb over the head of his cock with as much force as he could bear. The pleasure was intense, and Jack kept going until it simply became too much.

  He relaxed back against the mattress, breathing hard and grinning at the ceiling as he absentmindedly rolled his heavy balls in the palm of his hand. The sheets stuck to his abs, come making them wet and pungent.

  Turning his head, Jack looked at the clock again and frowned. His jacking off had only lasted five minutes.

  Unable to stay in bed, too restless and excited, Jack pushed the sheets aside and used a dry corner to wipe off the remaining come. His eyes drifted to the plug sitting on his bookshelf, ready to train Sam’s hole to take him without any pain, and he grinned in anticipation.

  If everything went according to plan, Sam’s hole would be open and ready to take his cock by evening.

  Cock hardening again, Jack looked away from the plug. He still had twenty-five minutes to get through before he could even think of using it. He pulled on yesterday’s briefs and jeans and made his way into the kitchen.

  The scent of coffee greeted him at the door. Usually Jack wasn’t up early enough to catch David getting ready for work, but today was a special occasion.

  He walked inside.

  "You reek," David greeted him. He was standing by the counter and pouring himself a cup of coffee, and the expression on his face was fond.

  "I’ll shower before we go to school," Jack promised, grinning happily.

  "Are you sure having him with you won’t be too distracting?" David asked, taking a sip of his coffee. He leaned back against the counter and studied Jack as he moved into the room.

  Jack made himself a bowl of cereal, not looking at David as he replied. "No. It’s just one day, and it’s not like I have anything else distracting me."

  School was a sore subject for Jack. He was supposed to have graduated the spring before, but he’d flunked his finals and was now forced to retake his last semester. He’d blamed his hectic football schedule for failing, and though that had played a role, it had been the escalation of Elliot’s bullying that had made him lose his focus.

  Now that he was living with the pack, things were much better. It was weird going to school and not being on the football team.

  "Good. I’m really proud of how well you’ve been doing." David squeezed his shoulder as he walked by. Jack grinned, the words meaning a lot. David let go of his shoulder, saying, "Well, I’ve got to get going. I’ll see you and Sam for dinner at seven?"

  "Sounds good," Jack said. "Have a nice day."

  "You too." David left the room.

  Jack ate his cereal in record time, and then looked at the clock. He still had fifteen minutes before he was allowed to go and get Sam from his room, but before he could mope about it the omega in question walked into the kitchen.

  "Hello," Sam said, looking around the room nervously. He was biting his lip, and he looked adorable in his new clothes. Jack was so happy he’d gone shopping with him. Sam had wondered if the clingy t-shirt and tight jeans were really appropriate, and Jack had been only too happy to tell them that they were.

  "Hi, Sam!" Jack said, jumping out of his chair. He was about to wrap Sam up in a hug just to squeeze him, when it occurred to him that he shouldn’t overwhelm his new omega. "Are you hungry?" he asked instead, stopping just out of reach. He noticed that Sam’s hair was wet, and he felt a pang of disappointment that Sam had showered without him.

  Sam nodded, looking to Jack’s empty bowl. Jack followed his gaze.

  "Do you want some cereal? I just had some… or you can have a bagel, or eggs, or I could make pancakes?"

  Jack watched as a smile spread over Sam’s lips, a warm feeling unfurling in his stomach.

  "Cereal is good," Sam said.


  Jack grabbed a bowl and filled it with toasted oats and milk, sitting down on the chair next to Sam as he ate.

  He couldn’t stop staring. Everything about Sam was enthralling: from the way his lips closed over the spoon to the way he sat… Jack just wanted to reach over and hug him and never let go.

  Jack was busy watching Sam’s
throat when the omega suddenly choked. Jack looked up, alarmed, but Sam coughed once and then seemed to be fine. His eyes were glued on the bulge in Jack’s pants, round and almost alarmed.

  Having always been immeasurably proud of his large endowment, Jack now found himself wishing he were more average. It was obvious that Sam was intimidated, and that was the last thing Jack wanted.

  He wanted Sam to be eager.

  Reaching down, he tried to adjust himself so that his cock wouldn’t be quite so obvious, but it was a losing battle. Touching himself only made him harder.

  "We’ll go slow today, don’t worry," Jack said, causing Sam to look up like he’d been startled. A blush spread over his cheeks, and within seconds he was as red as a tomato.

  "I wasn’t…" he didn’t finish the sentence, looking down. After a second he looked at Jack out of the corner of his eye and mumbled, "It’s so big."

  Jack shrugged. There was nothing he could do about the size of his cock. Sam’s hole, on the other hand… that he could work on.

  "Hold on," he said, figuring he might as well start prepping Sam now. He ran to his bedroom and grabbed the plug on his dresser and a bottle of lube, and he was halfway back to the kitchen before it occurred to him that the kitchen might not be the best place to do this. He ran back and put the plug and bottle of lube down on his bed and went to retrieve Sam.

  He couldn’t wait to get his omega face down and ass up on the same sheets he’d just drenched in come.

  This was going to be good.


  Sam watched Jack run out of the kitchen, then looked down to his bowl of cereal. He resumed eating, wondering what Jack was up to and if it had anything to do with the sizable bulge in Jack’s jeans.

  By the end of the day yesterday he’d felt comfortable with the young alpha, but a huge part of that was knowing nothing was going to happen. Today was different. It was Jack’s day to be his alpha, and Sam knew what that meant.


  Just the thought of taking that gigantic cock made him feel tingly and excited and scared as hell. His hole felt empty and his cock had been hard since he woke up, but he remembered how much it had hurt when Jack knotted him. How it had felt when Jack stretched him further than he’d ever thought possible.

  "Are you finished?" Jack asked, jogging back into the room. He still hadn’t put on a shirt, and for a second Sam lost himself in a daydream of licking his way down from Jack’s nipple, into the cleft between his muscular pecs and down over his rippled abs.

  He could practically taste the salty skin on his tongue.

  "Sam?" Jack leaned forward and carded his hand through Sam’s hair, a grin on his face, the tips of his thumb and forefinger coming to rest behind Sam’s ears.

  "Yes?" Sam asked, dazed and horny. He leaned into Jack’s touch, breathing in the scent of alpha. He could feel his hole getting slick, and he lifted off his chair to press his body toward his alpha.

  "Are you done eating?" Jack asked. He was standing impossibly close, petting Sam’s hair and massaging his scalp with the tips of his big fingers.

  It felt amazing.

  Sam nodded, even though half his cereal was still in the bowl. Jack licked his lips and took a short breath. The expression on his face was mischievous and playful, and his eyes were pure heat.


  Jack reached down and grabbed Sam around his waist and lifted him up, throwing him over his shoulder like he weighed nothing. Sam let out a cry of surprise, his stomach feeling like he was on a roller coaster. Jack put his hand on Sam’s ass, just rubbing over his jean-clad cheeks, and Sam felt a gush of slick.

  He needed to get fucked so bad he could hardly stand it.

  "We’re going to open you up," Jack said, still rubbing his ass and upper thighs. "That way it won’t hurt too bad when I knot you tonight."

  Sam let out a whine of disappointment. He wanted to get fucked now. Then Jack dropped him down on the bed and Sam’s mind went blank.

  The scent of concentrated alpha filled his nose. As Jack lifted him up on his knees, a firm hand pushing his shoulders down to the mattress, Jack moved forward until he found the source of the delicious scent. He pushed his face into the wet patch, rubbing his face all over it and moaning like a bitch in heat.

  "Fuck." Jack sounded like he’d been punched in the gut. Sam was ass up and face down; his pants pulled down to his knees to expose his hole. He stuck out his tongue and licked over the wet sheets, tasting Jack’s sticky release.

  He lifted his ass, ready to get fucked. The last time he’d felt like this he’d been strapped down to the breeding bench, and just being able to move felt amazing.

  "I’m just going to… yeah," Jack said, the bed dipping as he sat down behind Sam and let his hand come to rest on Sam’s ass. Sam held his breath as Jack pulled his cheek to the side, exposing his hole. A draft of cold air on his rim made him gasp, and when Jack reached out and sank his finger inside, everything went white.

  He came to with Jack’s hands on his shoulders, the alpha leaning over him and pinning him down.

  "Settle," Jack said, his voice firm. It sounded like it wasn’t the first time he’d said it.

  "Sorry," Sam gasped. Jack leaned down and kissed his shoulder, and Sam could feel him grinning.

  "It’s okay. Do you need me to tie you down?"

  Sam hesitated. It didn’t sound like Jack particularly wanted to restrain him, and to be honest Sam was enjoying being able to move.

  "I’ll be still," he promised, hoping he was telling the truth.

  "Good boy," Jack crooned, rubbing Sam’s shoulders before sitting down behind him again. "I’m going to put the plug in you now. It’s small right now, so you should be fine."

  Sam wondered what Jack meant, but he forgot all about it when something blunt and cold and slick with lube pressed into his ass. It got wider and wider, and just when it started to get thick enough that Sam could really feel it his ass swallowed it up. He could feel his rim close down on the slim base, the plug itself lodged firmly in his ass.

  "That’s it," Jack said, reaching between Sam’s legs and closing his fist around Sam’s cock. He then angled the plug down, pressing it into Sam’s prostate.

  The pleasure was too much. Sam shot his load into Jack’s sheets, his body shuddering and his mind going blank as he spilled his seed. Jack stroked him, rubbing over the sensitive underside of his cock and over his slit while he murmured praise.

  Sam had never felt so good.

  When it was over, his body relaxed and his ass pleasantly full, Sam realized that he was sitting between Jack’s legs as the alpha rested against the headboard.

  He had no idea when they’d moved.

  "Tell me when it gets uncomfortable," Jack said. He had a hand splayed over Sam’s belly, the tips of his fingers rubbing little circles over the skin under his bellybutton. In his other hand he was holding a black rubber bulb that looked like the one attached to the blood pressure cuff in the doctor’s office back home.

  Sam was confused.

  "What?" he asked, but Jack squeezed down on the bulb and Sam understood.

  The plug in his ass was inflatable.

  "I…" Sam said, Jack pumping the bulb again. Sam could feel the plug in his ass getting bigger. He looked down and saw that there was a second bulb lying on the mattress next to them.

  He wondered what it was attached to.

  "Just tell me when," Jack said. He kept on pumping, the plug in Sam’s ass growing bigger and bigger.

  He stopped before Sam said when, and Sam was grateful. The plug felt big inside him, about the size of David’s knot.

  It wasn’t uncomfortable.

  "This one is for the base," Jack said, picking up the other bulb. Sam didn’t really understand at first, but when Jack squeezed he realized the part of the plug holding him open was also inflatable. As Jack squeezed down, he could feel the rim of his ass stretching to accommodate the added girth.

  Jack only pumped the second bulb
three times before letting it drop. The base of the plug was stiff, and unlike the main body of the plug it expanded evenly. Jack pushed Sam forward, positioning him on his hands and knees, and disconnected the bulbs.

  The plug was lodged firmly inside, and Sam squeezed down, testing it.

  There was no give.

  "Feeling good?" Jack asked, pressing down on his stomach. Sam felt full, the pressure on his prostate and the fullness in his ass sublime.

  "Yeah," he moaned, leaning his head back against Jack’s shoulder. He felt like he could stay like this forever, except…. He still wanted to get fucked. The plug was amazing, but it wasn’t enough.


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