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The Alpha Pack

Page 10

by D J Heart

  “Aren’t you putting your clothes back on?” Sam asked, lifting his foot up on the bed and pulling on his left sock. Jack shrugged.

  “Do you really want me to?” he asked, making Sam laugh.

  “You can do what you want,” he said, putting on his other sock. “I don’t mind either way.”

  Jack dropped his towel and threw it on the chair by his desk, picking up his underwear and stepping into them. Sam stared at his flaccid cock hanging down between his legs, swallowing and feeling a mix of awe and accomplishment that he’d managed to take the monster inside of him, again.

  “Have you always known you have a big dick?” he asked. When Jack looked up, a surprised expression on his face, Sam blushed. He hadn’t meant to be rude, but he was curious. He’d never met any other omegas, so he wasn’t sure how he stacked up in comparison to them, but he knew that Jack was way above average for an alpha.

  “I guess. It used to embarrass me, when I was little. Then when I was a teenager Elliot got super envious, which was pretty cool. I wish it wasn’t so big now, though. It would be better for you if I was smaller.”

  Sam shrugged, knowing that there was no use wishing you were different than you were. It certainly wasn’t Jack’s fault that his cock was huge and that getting fucked by it felt like being mounted by a horse. He was nice about it, and that was what mattered.

  Then again, Sam was pretty sure Max wouldn’t be nice about the way he used his cock, and that made all sorts of weird feelings happen in his belly.

  “I liked it today,” Sam said, not wanting Jack to feel bad. “It felt really good when you knotted me. I think the plug and the dildos really helped.”

  Jack brightened, smiling as he pulled up his pants and pulled on his shirt.

  “That’s good. Hopefully you’ll get used to it and we won’t need to do that much prep all the time.”

  Sam hoped that was the case, too. There was a limit to how much of his life he could devote to sex, and walking around with a plug up his ass all day would get old quickly—no matter how good it felt.

  Dressed and sated, Sam wondered what they were going to do now. He was both tired and hungry, though if they were going to take a nap they’d have to change the sheets on Jack’s bed. They were wet with sweat and come, and the scent of sex was overpowering.

  “You want to get some food?” Jack asked, grabbing his jacket and boots off the floor and looking toward the door. “Dinner isn’t until seven, and if we want to eat we should probably do it now.”

  Sam nodded, his stomach making a loud grumbling sound.

  “Alright. Why don’t you go into the living room and turn on the TV and I’ll get us some leftover takeout. Do you like Chinese?”

  Sam nodded. He and his uncle hadn’t eaten out often, but when they did, pizza and Chinese food were Sam’s favorites.

  “Love it,” he said. He got off the bed, and though his legs felt a little wobbly, he managed to walk just fine without any help from Jack. They walked down the hallway together, Jack veering off toward the kitchen and Sam moving into the living room.

  He couldn’t believe it was only two days since he’d arrived, waking up on the same couch he was sitting on now and seeing all six of his alphas looming over him and watching hungrily.

  Taking the remote control from the coffee table, Sam spent a good minute figuring how to get the TV on. The power button was easy, but actually getting something other than Input 3 to appear on the screen proved a tougher challenge.

  “Hey, here you go,” Jack said, coming into the room and handing him a bowl of some kind of marinated meat on top of a pile of rice. Sam had no idea what it was, but it smelled delicious. “What do you want to watch?”

  Sam had no idea. He and his uncle hadn’t had cable or any kind of streaming service, and Sam had never been that interested in watching TV anyway.

  “I don’t know. Why don’t you pick something?” Sam suggested. Jack shrugged, not arguing as he turned on the TV and turned on what looked like a sitcom. He sat down next to Sam so that their thighs were pressed together, and Sam felt a warm tingle at the contact.

  Jack started eating, turning to look at him with a small smile. “This okay?” he asked.

  Sam nodded, spearing a piece of meat onto his fork and lifting it to his mouth. It tasted nothing like anything they had the Chinese place back home, but it was delicious.

  “It’s great,” he said, looking at the TV and feeling content. He didn’t know what the rest of his week was going to be like, but right now he was happy.

  Finishing his bowl of food, Sam grabbed one of the sodas Jack had brought with him and popped it open, taking a deep drink as he leaned against Jack’s side. The alpha wrapped an arm over his shoulders, and Sam nuzzled in under his arm.

  It felt pretty great to be Jack’s omega.



  After hanging out and watching TV with Sam—which really just meant sitting next to him and smelling his hair—Jack was almost caught off guard when it was time for dinner.

  “We’re eating in the dining room,” David said, coming into the room in his after work suit, looking just as fresh as he had that morning. He gave both Jack and Sam a frowning stare. “Please wear something nice.”

  After he’d left, Sam blinked up at Jack with a confused expression. “Is it dinner time?” he asked, sounding a little sleepy. Jack nuzzled the top of his head, feeling warm and fuzzy and not at all in the mood to move.

  “Yep,” he said, pulling away from Sam with a sigh. “And we better get changed. Dinner in the dining room means that we have to wear suits.”

  “But I don’t have a suit,” Sam said, still sitting down. Jack grabbed his arm and pulled him up, leading him out of the room.

  “Then wear the khakis we bought at the mall with a button down shirt. David won’t be mad.”

  Sam shrugged, and they each headed to their own rooms to get changed. After Jack had wrestled his tie into submission, he left his room and found Sam waiting for him in the hall. They started walking toward the dining room.

  “So why are we dressing up?” Sam asked, looking hot as fuck in his tights khakis and fitted shirt. The tan material hugged his ass just right, and Jack’s cock hardened against his thigh. David would think Sam looked tacky, but Jack didn’t care. They were perfectly nice business casual clothes, and if David wanted Sam to wear something else he could buy it for him himself.

  “I’m guessing David wants to practice table manners. We’re all going to pretend we’re at some fancy dinner, and David will coach us on how we should behave. Don’t worry if you mess up. I still fuck up like half the time.”

  Sam didn’t look relieved, and Jack took his hand. He smiled. “Don’t worry, okay? David can be a little stern, but he’s nice. Just always be polite and he’ll be happy with you. And don’t be sarcastic. He hates sarcasm.”

  Sam blinked, his eyes going wide. “But I’m a very sarcastic person!” he hissed, looking around as though David was going to jump out of the linen closet and wrestle him to the floor.

  “That’s cool. Just pretend David is a really boring old dude who doesn’t like to have fun and you’ll be fine. You can be sarcastic with the rest of us.”

  Sam didn’t look convinced, but his nerves seemed to have calmed. They reached the dining room, and stepping inside Jack was surprised to see that Max was joining them for dinner.

  It was always weird to see Max in a suit. He looked like a henchman in a mafia movie, and he knew it.

  “Hey, Max,” Jack said, taking the seat across from the older man and gesturing for Sam to sit next to him. “I didn’t know you were coming for dinner today.”

  Max lifted his brow, shrugging like it was no big deal. He wasn’t fooling anyone. He wanted to spend time with Sam, and he was willing to dress up in a suit to do it.

  Jack was pleased. He worried that Max and Hunter only viewed Sam as something to fuck, and if Max was trying to spend time with him outside of the bedroom t
hen that was good.

  “It can’t hurt to brush up on my table manners, can it?” Max said. Jack shook his head, trying to hide his smile.

  “You’re all here, good,” David said, walking into the room and looking them over. His eyes lingered on Sam, but he didn’t comment on his outfit.

  “Hello, Sam. Did Jack tell you what we’re doing tonight?” David asked, taking a seat next to Max.

  “He said we were practicing table manners?” Sam made it sound like a question, and David’s lip quirked.

  “We are. As the pack omega, your manners and behavior reflect on all of us. It’s my job to make sure you know what’s expected of you.”

  Jack was a little relieved. This was much gentler than the you fuck up and I’ll have Max beat the shit out of you speech that he’d gotten—not that David had phrased it like that, but Jack got the gist.

  “I’ll do my best,” Sam said, the sincerity in his voice as hilarious as it was touching. Jack had to remind himself that Sam was new to the pack. He didn’t know them, and it had to be very scary for him trying to figure everything out. Obviously he would do his best.

  “I’m pleased to hear it. Now before we eat, a quick lesson in…”

  Jack tuned David out the second he started lecturing, having heard it all before. Looking at Max, he could tell that he was doing the same. Sam, however, was paying rapt attention.

  When it was finally time for the caterer’s David had hired for the night to bring in the food, Jack was starving. He started eating right away, going slow so that Sam could copy him.

  All in all Sam managed pretty well. It was obvious that David’s scrutiny was making him uncomfortable, but he kept his back straight and he was neat when he ate; which was half the battle.

  “Are you excited about heading to college tomorrow?” Max asked while they waited for desert. Jack looked at Sam and waited for his answer, wondering what he was thinking. The twins could be a little odd, but Jack wasn’t worried about them doing anything that Sam wouldn’t like.

  “I guess?” Sam said, again making his statement a question. Jack could see the corner of David’s mouth tick, and he decided to talk to Sam about the habit after dinner. “I’m not sure what the plan is, though, so I guess I’ll see.”

  “I imagine they’ll leave you be for most of the day. They’re busy with classes, and I doubt they’ll be allowed to bring you with them. I suggest you bring a book or something to keep yourself occupied,” David said.

  Sam almost looked pleased at the prospect of time to himself, and Jack hoped he didn’t feel like Jack had smothered him. If he needed some time to himself, Jack wasn’t going to force him to spend time with him.

  “Just make sure you bring your phone if you go out and explore the campus,” Max said, his voice stern. “And don’t cover up your neck. When you’re out in public by yourself, our bites need to be visible.”

  “I will,” Sam promised, his voice cheery. Jack grinned at him and clapped his thigh under the table.

  After dinner Jack helped Sam pack an overnight bag, Max following them and watching from the doorway.

  “So did everything work out today?” Max asked, leaning against the door and crossing his ankles.

  “What do you mean?” Jack asked, looking up. Sam was sitting on the bed, going through his bag like he was worried he’d forgotten something.

  “Knotting him. You had some trouble getting deep enough on Saturday.”

  Jack blushed. He and Max were just so different sexually, and it was hard to relate to the older man.

  “It was fine. I used toys to get him ready.” Jack looked over at Sam who was looking away and blushing like a tomato. “Not that it’s any of your business.”

  Max held up his hands. “Sorry, I’m just curious. I’ll leave you two alone.” He looked at Sam. “I’ll pick you up Thursday morning. Be packed and ready to leave at 7.”

  Sam nodded, biting his lip and looking a little flushed, and Max left. With Sam’s bag packed and dinner behind them, Jack decided to see if Sam was up for another round of fucking.

  It would be amazing if he could fall asleep with his knot buried in Sam’s hole.



  Aiden jogged back up the road leading to his dorm, feeling hot despite the chilly morning air. It was six thirty am, and Aiden was feeling restless, horny and impatient—and his run had done nothing to diminish any of those feelings. It was his turn to have Sam, and the minutes were just crawling by.

  “Shut up!” Logan called from under the covers when Aiden came back into their room, accidentally slamming the door behind him. He ran his hand through his sweaty hair, brushing it away from his eyes.

  “Sorry,” he said, grinning as he pushed down his running shorts and yanked off his shirt. He grabbed his sweats off the floor and pulled them on, getting a clean tank from the closet. “How do I look?” he asked, spreading his arms and standing in front of Logan’s bed. His twin pushed the covers down from his face and glared at him.

  “Like a douche,” he answered. Aiden shrugged, taking his baseball cap and putting it on backwards, using it to keep his hair out of his face. He knew he looked like a typical college jock frat-boy, and that was the look he was going for.

  “Thanks,” he said, as though Logan had paid him a compliment. He grabbed the keys to his car and jogged out of the room, running down the stairs instead of taking the elevator and making his way into the parking lot.

  He couldn’t wait to get Sam to himself. His cock was spilling out of the pouch in his jock he was so excited.

  Parking on the curb outside of David’s building, Aiden made his way up to the apartment and headed straight for Jack’s room. He knocked once, letting himself in when he didn’t get an answer.

  “You up?” he called, frowning when he saw that the bed was empty. Then he remembered that Jack had to get up early for school, turning on his heel and walking the other direction. He made his way to the kitchen, finding Sam sitting by himself in front of an empty bowl of cereal with an overnight bag packed next to his chair. When Aiden walked into the room he licked his lips, looking nervous.

  “Hello,” Aiden said, walking toward him. The grin on his face felt practically feral. He felt big, and he was glad he’d gone running before heading over. Working out made him sweat, amplifying his scent and saturating the air around him with pheromones that would make Sam wet and horny.

  “Hi,” Sam replied, standing up. He moved away from his chair, looking like he didn’t know quite what to do. Aiden watched him, a hungry arousal coursing through his veins.

  Closing the distance between them, Aiden lifted Sam up in the air and leaned down to kiss him. Sam cried out in surprise, the sound swallowed by Aiden’s lips. He licked into Sam’s mouth, nipping at his lower lip, and when he pulled back Sam looked dazed.

  “You ready to leave?” Aiden asked, holding Sam up with a hand under his ass and a steadying grip on the back of his neck. Pupils blown wide open, Sam nodded.

  “I packed a bag,” he said, sounding breathless.

  Aiden grinned.

  “Good, let’s go.” He dropped Sam down to the floor and grabbed his bag, taking his hand and leading him out of the apartment. “I have class in an hour, but if we hurry I think we have time for some fun.”

  Sam didn’t answer anything to that, but he pressed a little closer to Aiden’s body as they stepped through the door. Aiden wrapped his arm over his shoulder, pulling Sam in under his arm and squeezing his head.

  When Sam turned his head, nostrils flaring as he tried to subtly sniff out more of Aiden’s scent, Aiden’s shaft pulsed so hard it slipped out of the pouch on his jock.

  This was going to be fun.



  Sam didn’t know what to think. Aiden was just so horny. At least Jack had taken it slow and talked to him, but Aiden just grabbed him and started touching and kissing him like they’d known each other for years.

  At least when Aide
n got behind the wheel, they had some time to talk.

  “What kind of class do you have?” Sam asked as Aiden pulled away from the curb. Aiden gave him a quick glance, grinning as he navigated the early morning rush of traffic.

  “It’s an industrial ecology seminar,” Aiden said, his lip twisting like he found it funny. “I have that from eight to eleven, and then from noon to four I have an environmental law lecture.”

  Sam bit his lip, wondering what it must be like to go to college. He’d had fun in high school, but knowing you were never going to be anything other than a trophy for some rich alpha made it hard to feel like any of it mattered.


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