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The Alpha Pack

Page 17

by D J Heart

  David’s jaw was clenched shut, but he knew Max well enough that Max wasn’t going to budge. They stared at each other, and this time it was David who looked away first.

  “Fine, but if he ever does act against the pack, you’re going to be the one to deal with him.”

  Max shrugged. He was the pack enforcer, but he hadn’t had to enforce anything yet. He hoped he’d never have to. He much preferred the pack get along and cooperate willingly.

  “So that’s settled,” David said. He didn’t look particularly happy, but that was fine with Max. David was a little too used to getting his way, and sometimes he had to be reminded that his pack-mates were alphas too.

  Their food arrived, and they started eating. None of them were talking, but the silence was comfortable.

  “So,” Hunter said when David was the only one with food left on his plate. “Are you excited about tomorrow?”

  Max grinned, his cock coming to life at the thought of a whole day with Sam all to himself.

  “Oh yeah.”



  Jack leaned back in the sofa, a plate with three slices of pizza on it balanced on his lap. He was at his friend Drew’s house, Drew and his girlfriend sharing the armchair next to the couch.

  “So have you spent any more time with your new omega?” Maria asked. She was sitting on Drew’s lap, her boyfriend’s arms wrapped around her in a loose embrace.

  Maria was not the kind of girl to sit in her boyfriend’s lap, and Drew was clearly loving the rare occurrence.

  “Not since Tuesday morning,” Jack said wistfully. His sheets still smelled like Sam and sex, torturing Jack with the absence of the omega himself.

  He hoped Sam was having fun with Aiden and Logan.

  “That sucks, man,” Drew said. He tightened the arms around Maria’s waist just a little.

  “It’s okay,” Jack said, trying to be positive. “If I had him all to myself I wouldn’t get anything done.”

  Drew made a sympathetic noise, but was saved from having to say more when the commercial break ended and Maria’s show came back on.

  Jack and Drew both knew better than to talk once the commercial break was over.

  Eating his pizza, happy that David hadn’t insisted he join him, Max and Hunter, for dinner, Jack watched the TV and thought about his omega.

  He wondered what Max had in store for Sam the next day. He knew that they had all agreed to give Sam a safeword, but somehow that did little to comfort him. Max certainly hadn’t given Sam a safeword the night they claimed him.

  Jack shuddered. He hated thinking about what Max might do to Sam without anyone there to keep him from going too far.

  Taking a deep breath and giving himself a mental shake, Jack forced himself to stop thinking about it. Max knew how Jack felt, and he’d given his word that he wouldn’t go too far. Jack would have to trust him to honor that.

  “You okay?” Drew asked. Jack startled, surprised to see that the credits were rolling and that Maria had left the room.

  “Yeah, just thinking.” He lifted his plate off his lap and got up. “I should head home, though. I still haven’t done my chemistry homework.”

  He took his plate into the kitchen, running into Maria in the hallway. He said goodbye to her and Drew and headed out.

  He put on his helmet and gloves as he walked down the driveway to where his bike was parked, and when he drove off he regretted not wearing a sweater under his jacket.

  Once he was home, he took the elevator all the way up to the top floor. Putting his coat, boots, gloves and helmet away in the closet, he made his way toward the kitchen.

  He wanted something to snack on when he did his homework.

  “Finally, I’ve been waiting for like an hour.”

  Jack jumped at the sound of his brother’s voice behind him. He put down his plate of nacho chips and salsa, his heart beating fast.

  What was Elliot doing here?

  “Elliot,” Sam said, licking his lips. “I didn’t know you were going to be here.”

  Elliot scoffed and walked into the room. “Obviously,” he said, stopping by the bowl of fruit on the counter and grabbing an apple. He bit into it and watched Jack with an inscrutable expression.

  “What are you doing here?” Jack asked. He hated when Elliot watched him like this—like he was considering how best to fuck with him.

  “Your little boyfriend didn’t want me having dinner with him,” Elliot said, his expression darkening. Jack looked at the door and wondered if he could get past his brother and to a room with a lock on the door without being grabbed.

  If Elliot was mad at Max—and it could only be Max—and he was here now, that meant he wanted to take whatever anger he had against Max out on Jack. It had happened before.

  Jack didn’t get any warning before Elliot advanced. One minute he was standing there eating his apple, the next he had jumped forward and punched Jack in the gut.

  Jack doubled over, the breath knocked out of him, only for Elliot to grab him by the hair and punch him again.

  “You think you’re so special,” Elliot growled. He pushed Jack to the ground and kicked him. “Fucking freak!”

  Scrambling away, Jack got to his feet and made a run for it, but Elliot was faster. He caught up with him before he’d even made it out of the kitchen and slammed him back down to the floor.

  The next kick landed on his kidney, and Jack screamed.

  “Do you let him fuck you, is that it?” Elliot asked, bending down and putting his knee on jack’s back. “What else do you bring to the table, huh? Dirty little cunt.”

  Jack growled, baring his teeth as he tried to dislodge Elliot. His brother being both taller and more muscular than him, it was a losing struggle.

  “Fuck you,” Jack spit out. He wasn’t sure why David had accepted him into his pack, but it had nothing to do with anything like Elliot was saying.

  Elliot punched him in the back of the head, and Jack saw stars.

  “You’re an embarrassment,” Elliot said, standing up. He loomed over Jack, and Jack quickly scooted away and got back on his feet. He looked at his brother warily. Elliot was still blocking the door, and Jack didn’t know if this was it or if his brother was just getting started.

  It was never easy to tell with Elliot.

  “What are you looking at?” Elliot asked, tilting his head and narrowing his eyes. Jack flinched and looked away.

  “Nothing,” he said. His stomach hurt, and he could feel the lump forming on the back of his head where Elliot had punched him.

  “Pathetic.” Elliot turned around and walked out of the kitchen, and Jack stood frozen for five seconds before he rushed out of the room and ran for his bedroom.

  Locking the door behind him, his hands shaking, he went to the bathroom and locked that door too.

  He wished that Elliot would leave him alone.



  Sam closed his eyes and leaned against Logan’s side. They were back in the dorm, sitting on the bed and watching a movie on Logan’s laptop. They still hadn’t showered, but Sam was too relaxed and comfortable to care.

  Turning his head he pressed his face against the side of Logan’s pec, breathing in the scent of him and enjoying the tingle that shot up his spine.

  The door opened, and Sam heard Aiden coming into the room.

  “You two look comfortable,” Aiden said. Sam grinned, keeping his face right where it was.

  “Jealous?” Logan asked. Sam laughed, his breath bouncing back on his mouth after hitting Logan’s shirt.

  Aiden didn’t reply, but he must have made a face or something because Logan laughed.

  “Fuck you,” Aiden said. There was no heat in his voice and he sounded fond.

  “Gross,” Logan replied, making Aiden grab a half empty water bottle and throw it at him. Sam finally moved his head and looked at Aiden.

  “Hello,” he said. Aiden dropped down on the bed on the other side of the room, spr
eading his legs out and leaning back on his elbows.

  “Hi, Sam. How was your day?” Aiden asked.

  “It was fine,” Sam said. He didn’t want to tell Aiden about Logan effectively making him spend most of the day in time out.

  It was too embarrassing.

  “That’s good.” Aiden lifted his feet up on the bed and turned around so that he could lie down flat on his back. He yawned loudly. “Man, I’m beat. I feel like I could sleep for a week.”

  Logan tossed the water bottle back at him, and Aiden caught it without even looking. He let it drop down to the floor next to him.

  “Maybe you should work out during the day like normal people, instead of getting up at five,” Logan said.

  “I like waking up early and working out,” Aiden said. “It throws my whole day off if I don’t get my morning run in.”

  “Weirdo,” Logan said, his voice fond. He pushed play on the movie again, and Sam realized he had no idea what was going on. He looked over the screen and watched as Aiden’s chest rose and fell with each steady breath.

  “Should I be jealous?” Logan asked, and Sam startled. He blinked, looking up at Logan with a sheepish smile.

  “No?” The questioning lilt at the end of the word made Aiden laugh.

  Logan grinned, showing off his straight, white teeth and making Sam shudder.

  “Not when I’m in the room!” Aiden said, putting his arm over his eyes. Logan laughed, pushing his laptop away and jumping off the bed. Sam watched him move, completely entranced by the way his muscles bulged and bunched under his skin.

  “Fine. We need to shower, anyway.”

  Logan reached down and grabbed Sam under his arms and hoisted him up, making him cry out, and threw him over his shoulder. He carried him away, and when Sam lifted his head he could see Aiden watching them leave with a hungry expression on his face.

  “What about towels?” Sam asked when Logan put him down on the floor in the shower stall. Logan was just about to lock the door when he froze.

  “Fuck, you’re right. One second.” Logan ran out of the stall, leaving Sam staring at the open door leading out to the rest of the bathroom. He wondered if he should close the door and lock it, but Logan was back before he made up his mind.

  “Good thinking,” Logan said, walking into the stall and kicking the door shut behind him. He was carrying two towels, along with a change of clothes for both of them. “Lock the door, will you?”

  Sam locked the door as Logan put their clothes and towels on the shelf. He watched as Logan started stripping down, the alpha pausing and raising an eyebrow when Sam didn’t follow suit.

  “What are you waiting for? Get naked,” Logan said. Sam flushed and started unbuttoning his pants, feeling self-conscious when Logan stood there, naked with his cock jutting up at full mast, just watching him.

  “On your knees,” Logan said when Sam was naked. Sam swallowed, the sound loud in the small room, and sank slowly to his knees. Logan stepped closer, towering over him, his huge cock splitting Sam’s vision.

  Licking his lips, Sam wondered what Logan had planned now.

  “You look so hungry for it,” Logan said. His voice was dark, and when he grabbed his cock by the base and slapped it down on Sam’s face, the smack hurt. “Greedy.”

  Logan smacked his cock down again, this time on Sam’s other cheek.

  “How bad do you want it?” Logan dragged the head of his cock over Sam’s lips, smearing pre-cum, pulling it away when Sam opened his mouth and tried to take the length inside of him.

  “So bad,” he said. He followed the cock up, trying to get a taste of it. “It’s so pretty.”

  Logan froze. “Yeah?” he asked, a little surprised.

  “So pretty,” Sam said, meaning it. All of his alphas had beautiful cocks—scary and big, sure—but beautiful. Logan’s was no exception.

  “Open up,” Logan said. Sam immediately obeyed, tilting his head back in anticipation of Logan fucking into his mouth. He was drooling, and he couldn’t wait to feel Logan pressing his cock down his throat and making him take it.

  But Logan didn’t. He let the head of his cock rest on Sam’s lower lip, hard and soft and delicious, and just kept it there.

  “Remember what you said?” Logan asked. His voice was lower than usual and rough with arousal.

  Sam had no idea what he was talking about. He shook his head as much as he could without disturbing the cock resting on his lip. The temptation to just surge forward and swallow was enormous, but Sam resisted.

  “I want you to swallow everything I give you, okay?” Logan said, rather than enlighten him. Sam nodded, expecting Logan to push his cock forward.

  But Logan didn’t. Instead of pushing forward, he held still and closed his eyes.

  The first dribble of urine made Sam choke in surprise. He reared back, looking up at Logan with shock. The humiliation and heat coursing through him were both intense, and both equally pleasurable.

  Logan held his cock where it was, no piss leaking from his slit, and waited for Sam to get back in position. He didn’t speak, and Sam knew that if he wanted to back out Logan would let him.

  Putting his mouth back on the head of Logan’s cock, Sam had never felt more depraved.

  Warm liquid filled his mouth, and Sam swallowed. He looked up, the stream coming faster and faster, his face heating and going red when he found Logan staring down at him with an intense expression as he emptied his bladder into Sam’s mouth.

  “Look at you...” Logan said, licking his lips. “Thirsty little slut.”

  Sam blushed harder, no doubt turning crimson, but he kept drinking. He could feel the liquid in his stomach; sloshing around and making him feel full.

  It was obscene.

  “Good boy,” Logan said when he finally stopped pissing. He moved his cock and wiped it off on Sam’s cheek, and Sam had to close his eyes the humiliation was so intense.

  He didn’t understand how he could enjoy it so much.

  Logan bent down and grabbed him under his arms, lifting him up and pressing him against the wall. Sam stared up at his face, studying the harsh features of his jaw and cheekbones, his breathing slow and labored.

  Logan shifted his thigh between Sam’s legs, pushing it against Sam’s cock and rubbing up and down.

  Gasping, Sam closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the wall. He was so close to coming he could feel it.

  “You okay?” Logan asked, and Sam opened his eyes. Logan was studying him carefully, and Sam smiled. He nodded, leaning his forehead against Logan’s muscular shoulder.

  “I’m good,” he mumbled. “So good.”

  Logan fisted his finger in Sam’s hair and pulled his head back, and Sam gasped. Holding his head in place, Logan leaned down and kissed him.

  Sam let Logan lick and thrust his tongue into his mouth for a few seconds before he tentatively started kissing back.

  After a few minutes of exploring each other’s mouths, Logan pulled back. He stretched his neck, and Sam realized how uncomfortable it must have been for him to bend down like that.

  Logan should have lifted him up. Sam would have liked that.

  “We should shower,” Logan said. He reached over and turned on the water, and Sam jumped away as the cold water hit his legs.

  It didn’t take long for the water to heat up, and when it did Logan took his hand and pulled him under the spray. Sam closed his eyes as Logan started soaping him up, as much groping and caressing him as washing him clean.

  He was in a daze, and when the water stopped flowing and Logan wrapped him up in a towel he felt almost disconnected from himself. Everything was hazy and warm and wonderful, and Logan was smiling at him.

  “You were so good for me,” Logan said, pulling him in for a wet hug. Sam rested his cheek against Logan’s wet chest, and when the alpha pulled away he whined.

  “We can cuddle in bed,” Logan promised, and Sam quieted. That was acceptable.

  When they were back in the
room, nestled under the sheets that smelled like alpha, omega and sex, Sam felt content and happy.

  “Are you guys going to sleep?” Aiden asked from the other bed.

  “Yeah,” Logan said. He moved his arm so that it was over Sam’s chest, the length of Sam’s whole body pressed into Logan’s big spoon. “Why?”


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