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Embracing Him

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by C. Shell

  Embracing Him

  ( Harlow Trilogy Series #2 )

  C. Shell


  To my wonderful family...I love you all to the moon and back.

  Thanks for giving me the courage to follow my dream and do what I love.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  To the Reader

  About the Author

  Embracing Him

  C. Shell

  Copyright C. Shell 2013

  Smashwords Edition

  This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. IF you are reading this book and didn't purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to the author and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance between persons living and dead, establishments, events, or location is entirely coincidental.

  Cover image copyright

  © Maksim Shmeljov |

  Chapter 1

  "I going to tell you something and I want you to know that I say this with love and from the bottom of my heart."

  Picking my head up off the soft pillow I push my bed head hair out of my face and stare up at my best friend Jane. The concern and sadness shadowing her face makes me grimace knowing I put those features there.

  "I am not going to like what you have to say am I?" I ask nervously.

  "Probably not," she sighs. Moving the bags of chips and cookies out of her way she lays down beside me on the bed placing the other pillow under her head. She wiggles under the covers and gets herself comfortable before continuing.

  "Sweetie you look like shit. You cannot keep hiding away in your bed all day and night. It is time to get off your ass, take a shower, put on something other than that damn shirt of his and start living again."

  I wince at her choice of words. I don't even have a clue what day it is or how long I have been holed up in my room wishing all the hurt would just evaporate and everything could go back to the way it was before Alex ripped my heart out and stomped on it. After the first day of his relentless calls, texts, and emails I turned off my phone and have not turned it back on since. I had all our work calls forwarded to Jane and I took up permanent residence in my bed watching old movies and eating away the pain and hurt. I still have on his shirt refusing to take it off. I enjoy being wrapped up in his scent. I am the epitome of pathetic.

  Fighting back tears I roll onto my back close my eyes and count backwards from ten while taking deep breathes. It is an old technique I learned back in high school to help calm my nerves when my mom would drink too much and spend hours upon hours screaming and crying until she either passed out or left.

  "I am sorry," I say weakly. "I know I have been a shitty friend and roommate. You deserve better."

  "Sweetie you have nothing to apologize for but I do miss you and I need you to help me out with work. We have had several bookings since you attended the charity event and there is no way I can handle them all by myself."

  Just hearing the mention of the Charity Gala sends a wave of sadness through me. I did everything I said I would not do. I let him get close, fell in love with him and got hurt far worse than I ever thought imaginable. Travis was an armature compared to Alex. Alex Harlow is a man who does nothing half ass including crushing someone's heart.

  Groaning I ask," What day is it and how long have I been wallowing?"

  "Today is Monday and you have been locked up in here for six very long lonely days. Jax has been worried about you. I finally had to kick him out after camping out on our couch for the last four days. Did you know that he snores?" she asks wide eyed."He means well but he can be over dramatic at times."

  She is right. No more feeling sorry for myself. It is time to get off my ass and put my life back together. Should be easy. Oh God what am I doing...

  Rolling out of bed I stretch towards the sky feeling my stiff muscles protesting my choice of lying around for far too long. My bed has become my own little haven. A warm protective cocoon that allowed me to heal and lick my wounds in peace.

  "I love you and appreciate you coming in here and telling me how pathetic I'm being," I say pulling Jane into a tight hug while blinking back unshed tears. I am half amazed my body still has the ability to produce tears after all the crying I have done the past week. "I am going to go grab a shower and get dressed. Would you mind waiting a moment and letting me ride into work with you?"

  "Of course not!" I am ecstatic that you actually want to come in today. I will make you some coffee and pack up a pastry to go while you get ready," she says over her shoulder as she heads back towards the kitchen. I swear if she hands me a donut I will scream.

  Jumping in the shower I make haste washing my hair and scrubbing my body. Pulling a large terry cloth robe around myself I glance at my reflection in the mirror while pulling a comb through my tangles. My eyes dart down to my collar bone and I absently rub the spot where my faded bite mark from Alex rests. If only my feelings for him could fade away as easily with it.

  Hearing voices coming from the living room I quickly dress in black slacks and a dark purple long sleeve silk blouse paired with my black leather high heels. Pulling my hair into a loose bun and applying some light make-up I walk out of my bedroom ready to face the day.

  Jane and Jax sit at the breakfast bar in what appears to be a deep discussion that ceases the moment I come into view. Their deer caught in the headlight eyes would be comical if I hadn't just got caught them discussing me behind my back.

  Walking to the table I sit down with my own cup of coffee. The rich smell teases my senses and helps to wake me up. I can feel their heated stares burning a hole through me and it pisses me off. "Stop looking at me like I may break at any moment. I am not a china doll." I rasp.

  "Sorry baby doll. It is just nice seeing you come back to join the living. I have missed you," Jax says sweetly as he leans over kissing my cheek.

  "It will take more than a broken heart and a married millionaire to keep me down," I say smartly. The skeptical looks Jax and Jane keep giving each other another gnaws at me. I hate that they feel that I am so damaged that they need to coddle me. Rounding up our dishes I go and wash them before placing them in the dishwasher while Jane gathers our things so we can leave.

  The sun outside feels amazing against the cool air. Fall is finally making a late presence giving a slight nip to the breezy air and causing the beautifully turned leaves to fall from the trees. We don't normally get a full fall season in Texas but the short ones we do have are always welcomed and quite beautiful.

  Speeding down the freeway I finally venture to turn my phone back on and after almost a full five minutes of beeps and dings indicating all of my missed calls, texts, and voicemails I sort through the ones of importance and delete the ones relating to Alex. The jerk actually filled up my voicemail to capacity. I have another missed call from a number I now know to be Travis, I will have to think of a good ringtone for him later, and another three missed calls from the elusive private number. I thought before that maybe Travis was the one calling me from the private number but obviously not.

  It feels odd walking back into our office building. I have only been gone a w
eek but it feels more like months. Saying a quick hello to Clive I follow Jane into the elevator and up to our office so I can begin the mundane task of returning calls and filing paper work. Jane was right about the gala. It was a huge success in bringing in new business. At least something good came out of my failed relationship.

  Shifting through a pile of mail I come upon a letter that surprises me. The abstract eagle logo on the envelope looks familiar but I can't place where I have seen it before. Reading the contents my brows pull together in irritation. "Jane why didn't you tell me our building was bought out and we are going under new ownership?"

  Making herself comfy in one of the chairs in front of my desk she sighs," I am sorry I totally forgot. I spoke to my parents about it and they don't see it being a big deal or affecting us in any way. Our contract is rock solid for the next year so if things go south around here than we can hang in until the end than start looking for a new place."

  I nod. "You are probably right. Have you spoken to Clive about it? Maybe he has some inside knowledge."

  "Nope but that is a good idea. We can ask him on our way to lunch. Speaking of which I am starving," she says rubbing her stomach.

  Besides the pints of ice cream I have cried into I haven't had much of an appetite since the break up and have lost a few pounds in the process. I would kill for some of my mom's home cooked lasagna right about now. "I am in the mood for some comfort food. What about you?" I ask glancing back at Jane.

  "I am game for anything besides seafood," she says making a funny face. "You pick the place and give me another ten minutes and I will be ready. Just finishing up a quote for a launch party they are having over at The Met Exhibit next month. You should work this one; it is right up your alley. They are doing the whole thing around a circus theme with small animals and everything. Should be interesting."

  "That actually sounds like fun," I laugh. "Keep me posted on the progress and I will see if it fits into my schedule. I may take you up on that offer." My mom used to take me to the circus every year for my birthday until I was in high school. It is one of the few happy memories I have with her.

  Pulling out a stack of take-out menus from my top desk drawer I browse through them and decide on Manny's Bar and Grill for lunch. I have been there once and although they don't make any lasagna they have the best homemade pot pie with a flaky crust that melts in your mouth. My stomach growls loudly just thinking about it.

  Jane sends out a quick text to Jax inviting him to join us as we make our way two blocks down the street to Manny's. The walk is nice and gives Jane and me a chance to talk and catch up. While I have been hiding out from the world she has been making plans to fly to Germany to see David after the New Year. I want so badly to tell her that I think it is a bad idea but she is so over the moon happy that I don't have the heart to upset her. Maybe I am wrong about David and he really can be a good guy for her but I can't get over the nagging feeling that I am right this time.

  Seated in a cozy booth in the back of the restaurant I notice Jax strolling in the front door and wave my arms around erratically hoping he sees me. I easily manage to catch his attention along with odd glances from several other customers who now think I am probably some unhinged crazy lady.

  Lately I kind of do feel like some unhinged crazy nut job.

  Jax slides into the booth beside me with a hello and light kiss on the cheek. "How are you doing baby doll?"

  "I am managing just fine thank you," I say bumping my shoulder against his playfully. I start to ask him about work as my phone starts singing I knew you were trouble by Taylor Swift. Jax and Jane both look at me wide eyed then start laughing as I hit the ignore button on my phone.

  "Damn girl you pick the best ring tones for that man," Jane says shaking her head. "I hope I never piss you off enough to get a ringtone of my own."

  "I can think of a few good ones for you are interested," I say on an eye roll. "In fact I think you and Jax should both receive your first official ringtones from me" Rubbing my chin as if I am in deep thought I continue," Jax yours could be I like big butts by Sir-Mix-A-Lot and Jane yours could be Girl on Fire by Alicia Keys."

  Jane and I both fall into a fit of laughter over Jax's pained expression. Throwing his arm around my shoulders he pulls me close against him and begins to tickle me senseless. I hate being tickled and after he is done torturing me the whole restaurant knows it too. I am sure by now they are all wishing we had chosen somewhere else to eat today.

  The waiter arrives and we place our orders and begin catching up on gossip and planning out the rest of the week. I am pleased at how well the day is going and so far my friends have restrained from harping on me or forcing me to talk about Alex. I am not sure what I would even say if they did. There are so many questions that I need answered but I am not yet ready to face him so they will just have to remain unanswered for now.

  Our food arrives and we all dive in. Jane has become very quiet and fidgety which is her tell sign that she wants to say something that she is afraid will upset me. The last time she acted this way I found out that she misplaced my car keys at a party and it took two days of searching the streets and our house before we found them.

  Placing my fork down I turn and face her. "Spill it Jane. What is bothering you?"

  Crinkling up her nose she gives me an apologetic look. "I got a call the other day from Kelly at Glimmer Magazine and they want to sign a year contract with us on all their major monthly spreads. I know you don't want anything to do with Alex but our business needs this contract and I promise I will work all the spreads so you don't have to worry about bumping in to him."

  This is not happening. I should of just let her continue to fidget and mind my own business. Groaning I lay my head in my hands and rub my temples trying to ease the headache I feel coming on. Why can't Alex just leave me alone? The bastard knows turning down a contract like this would be professional suicide. I can't let my personal issues interfere with what Jane and I have both worked so hard for.

  "Ok. Accept the contract but please don't make me work any of the spreads unless it is an absolute must," I plead throwing myself at her mercy. "I will deal with Alex at some point but until that time I would rather pull out my hair than step foot in that building again."

  "I Promise. Girl scouts honor," she says raising three fingers in the air.

  I stare back at her holding back a laugh. "Jane I know for a fact that you were never a girl scout but I will still hold you to that promise. Break it and you will be letting down little girls all over the world," I threaten. She shrugs innocently and goes back to eating her lunch.

  Jax coughs loudly gaining both of our attentions. Looking down at his iced tea as though it held all the important answers to the universe he absently moves the ice around with his straw while talking."Since Jane has already broached a sore subject I think it is about time we discussed your calls and voicemail from Travis."

  Well there went my appetite.

  I roll my eyes. "If I knew you two were going to ruin my lunch with all this talk about the stupid men in my life I would have just stayed at work and finished my paperwork," I sigh pushing away my plate and motioning for the waiter to bring me the check.

  "I am not trying to upset you baby doll but it worries me that he is trying to contact you. You can get all huffy if you want but don't forget I was there when he turned on you and threw you to the wolves." He appears calm as he speaks but his rising voice and tight jaw is a dead give away at his simmering anger.

  His brows rise as if daring me to disagree. There is no way I can disagree if I wanted to. He knows all the dirty details of what happened back in our small town of Tyler, Texas. He also knows the truth unlike everyone else back there who only heard the fake story that Travis's dad weaved together and had everyone believing to be the God's honest truth.

  I shutter thinking about home. My mom still lives there and if we were closer than maybe I would make the effort to go back and face everyone but we have an u
nusual relationship that makes it easy to stay away.

  Shaking the fog and memories out of my head I lean against Jax and thank him for caring about me. "You don't have to worry about me so much Jax. I learned my lesson about Travis the hard way. He can't hurt my anymore."

  Jax leans over as if he is going to hug me but instead grabs the check sitting beside my elbow before I have a chance to comprehend what he is doing. Sly bastard.

  "You two go on back to work. I got this," he says throwing down a wad of cash on the table.

  I can't stop the smile tugging at my lips. He is so cute when he goes all protective and big brother on me. Jane and I both lean in and plant a kiss on each of his cheeks.


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