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Embracing Him

Page 3

by C. Shell

  "Don't worry about it baby doll. You have one week free here than Jane and I work something out to keep you here with us."

  I groan inwardly. As much as I love my friends for wanting to help me out I hate it when they take pity on me almost as much as I hate handouts. The only way I agreed to move into the condo free of rent with Jane was if her parents promised that once our business was stable they would allow me to start paying them back with monthly installments until I got caught up. They hated the idea but hated me not moving in even more so they finally agreed.

  I choose to ignore Jax's words for now and store that argument away for a later time. Increasing my speed I find my pace and soon fall into a nice rhythmic run that helps to ease my over worked mind. My heart is beating fast in my chest and my muscles are now heated and limber as I crank up the machine to high and push myself even harder.

  I am concentrating so hard on my breathing and running that when I feel a warm touch on my arm it throws off my ability to remind my feet to keep moving and I literally stumble right off the back of the machine and onto my ass. Ouch!

  I am not sure what is more bruised my ass or my pride. Swiveling my head around to see who startled me I find myself staring up at a beautifully amused sculpted male specimen. Leaning down he offers me his hand to help me up while apologizing profusely for interrupting my workout and causing me to fall. My hand feels so small in his as he helps pull me to my feet. Jax and Jane have already stopped by this time and Jax is practically growling at the stranger and pushing his hand off of mine in an attempt to make sure I am ok.

  "Jax please stop. I am fine," I say repeatedly until he finally relinquishes and seems satisfied that I have not broke any bones and will live to see another day. Jane is ignoring both of us and has already become friendly and enthralled with the handsome stranger.

  Turning to Jax and me she introduces us the culprit of my now aching ass as Hunter Davis, head trainer of Global Gym. Knowing I am ok Jax is much friendlier and apologizes for his rude behavior.

  Putting aside my embarrassment I remember my manners and shake Hunter's hand letting him know he did nothing wrong and that it was entirely my fault. I was just too into the moment and not paying enough attention to my surroundings. I never claimed to be graceful and poised.

  Quite the opposite if I am truly honest with myself.

  "It is nice to meet you all. I just wanted to come over and introduce myself and see if any of you were interested in some personal one on one training?" he asks in a smooth deep voice.

  Jax and Jane thank him but decline stating that they are happy with their current work-out routine and not ready to take it to the next level yet. I am interested at the idea of having a professional help me figure out what works best for me but considering I am only here for a week don't see that happening in my future. Damn!

  "Thanks for checking with us but I am only here temporarily for a week and don't think that is part of my free friend pass package."

  I cannot help but secretly admire Hunter's physique as I walk back to my area and retrieve my towel. He reminds me of a muscular Ben Affleck with his short mused dark brown hair, caramel eyes, tall thin frame, and strong cheek bones. His demeanor and attitude is open and friendly, the total opposite of Alex's intense and moody self.

  I have got to stop thinking about Alex!

  Heading back downstairs towards the locker room I stop at the sound of Hunter calling out my name behind me. I smile once again admiring his tight abs as he jogs towards me.

  "Glad I caught you before you slipped away," he breaths. "I know you are only trying our gym out for a week but I would be more than happy to help train you while you are here. Consider it an incentive to help woo you into join us full time."

  "Seriously?" I ask overly excited at the prospect at having the opportunity to have help in customizing my workout with no strings attached. This place just keeps getting better by the minute.

  "Sure why not," he says on a shrug. "I have some free time during the week and I would love the opportunity to work one on one with you." The way he says one on one makes me feel like he is not just talking about helping me exercise anymore. As fine as this man is I have yet to deal with the whole Alex fiasco and no matter how big of a lying asshole Alex is I still love him. Hunter might be handsome but he does not make my stomach clench and the world around me dissolve into nothing like Alex does.

  God I am so pathetic.

  Hunter and I agree to meet up and work out together Thursday night, early Friday, and again on Tuesday night. My free week pass ends on Tuesday so our schedules work out perfectly. I know Jax and Jane want to help me continue my membership here but I am already planning on finding someplace else that fits into my budget once this is over.

  Making my way back into the locker room I manage to shower and dress just as Jane is finishing up with her workout. I would love to have half the stamina she does. One light run and an embarrasing fall on my ass and I am exhausted.

  "Is Jax also finished? I ask not seeing him walking down the hall towards the men's locker room yet.

  She giggles. "No, he found a group of hussies that have stolen his attention. I don't think he will be joining us tonight." The knowing look she gives me says it all. Typical Jax to think with his dick before all else.

  "I am heading home to start dinner. See you there?" I ask as I finish packing up my things and swinging the tote over my shoulder.

  "Yea sounds good. I am going to grab a quick shower than head that way myself. What are you cooking tonight?"

  "Something easy," I confess. "How about chicken fettuccini alfredo with some garlic bread?" I murmur while I mentally take a mental inventory of what ingredients we have at the condo. I am pretty sure we have everything I will need to pull that off.

  "Sounds superb. See you soon," she says with a wave of her hand as she heads off towards the shower room.


  "Damn it!" I cry out as my hand slams down on my night stand knocking my favorite lamp on the floor with a thud. I really hope that did not break.

  Sitting up I try once again and this time successfully reach my cell phone as it continues to blare Here's a Quarter Call Someone who Cares by Travis Trent, my ringtone for Travis. After ignoring him the first two times he called tonight I am determined to answer this time and give the jerk a piece of my mind. Noticing that it is one in the morning I swear under my breath as I hit the accept button on my cell phone.

  "What the hell do you want Travis?" I demand into the phone with as much venom as I can put into my voice this early in the morning.

  "Wow you actually answered this time," he says sounding shocked but pleased. "Damn baby it is so good to hear your voice again."

  What the hell? Did he not notice my stale tone indicating that I am not happy to hear from him or the simple fact that I have been ignoring his phone calls? Hearing his voice used to send hot shivers down my spine now it just pisses me off.

  "I asked you a question Travis. What do you want?" My annoyance is wearing badly and I am close to handing up on him if he does not get to the point of why he called me.

  "You ladybug. I want you so back so bad. I know I screwed up but Trish and I are completely over now and I want to make things right between us again."

  I let out a harsh laugh. "You are truly delusional Travis," I all but scream into the phone. "You and your father did everything in your power to make a fool out of me. Do yourself a favor and go beg Trish for forgiveness and hope to hell she takes you back because I never will."

  Hitting the end button I hang up on him and turn off my phone before he has a chance to call me back. I don't understand why he would ever think I would want anything to do with him after the shit he pulled. Cheating on me was bad enough but then to turn it around and make it sound like I am some pathetic fiancé who is hanging on by a thread and needed him for stability was beyond cruel.

  I lay in the bed trying to will my mind to shut off long enough for me to fall back
asleep but as usual it has plans of its own and they do not include sleep. Maybe counting sheep will help tire me out. one sheep... two sheep... three sheep...damn it to hell. Only I could turn a perfectly good sheep into the image of a gorgeous Alex. As much as I hate to admit it, I really miss him.

  Pulling myself out of bed I pad lightly into the kitchen and make myself a cup of warm milk like Jane does when she can't sleep. Crawling back under my covers I put my glass of milk down and reach for my phone doing the one thing I swore I would not do. I am not ready to discuss Lexy but I just need to hear his voice. For whatever reason his voice brings me peace and maybe it will help me to relax long enough to fall back to sleep.

  Despite the time he picks up on the first ring. "Jessica?" He spits out breathlessly. His voice is rough with emotion and it makes me miss him even more.

  Damn this was a bad idea. What if he is with someone? The thought of him wrapped around another woman twists my stomach in knots. Besides claiming that I was His he has never claimed to love me and until I walked away I never realized that I had fallen in love with him.

  "Umm...Hi Alex," I say nervously despite my attempt to keep my voice calm and void of emotion.

  "Are you ok? What are you doing up at this hour?"

  There is not enough money in the world to make me tell him the real reason I am up. Travis is no longer a part of my life and Alex does not need to know anything about him and his constant phone calls.

  "Sorry to call so late... or early...whichever way you want to look at it." I mutter. "I couldn't sleep. I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate you giving our business the contract for Glimmer."

  I can practically hear him running his hands through his hair with frustration. God I miss the way his hair feels sliding through my fingers. His mouth trailing hot kisses down my neck as it makes its way towards my hard nipples. I bite my lip to stifle a moan from escaping my mouth. This is crazy. No man has ever made me horny and drenched just by the sound of his voice and a handful of memories.

  "Is that why you really called or are you finally ready to talk to me about everything?" There is an edge to his voice that I have never heard before.

  "I need some more time to wrap my head around everything. I just wanted to say thanks," I whisper before quickly hanging up the phone and turning it back off. I am such a coward.

  Reaching inside my side drawer I pull out the shirt of Alex's that I kept after our last fight and switch it out with the one I am currently wearing. Fueled with thoughts of him while his voice rolls through my head I burrow under my covers feeling safe and secure with his scent surrounding me as I fall into a deep sleep.

  Jane might need warm milk to get a good night's sleep but I just need Alex.

  Chapter 3


  "You click your nails on that desk one more time baby doll and I am going to have to tie your hands together until Jane gets back," Jax warns clamping his hand down over mine and stilling them in the process.

  I glance up at him sheepishly. "Sorry. I am not sure why I am so nervous. I mean so what if Jane is working at Glimmer today. I had all week to prepare for this. It is not like it is the first time for her to ever work there. I should get used to this because she will be doing it a lot now that we have a contract with them. Right? Do you think she saw Alex? What if he talked to her?" I clamp a hand over my mouth to make myself shut up. I have not babbled like this since I was around ten and got caught by my mom during church drawing pictures instead of listening to the preacher. She said I was disrespectful and made me write a letter an apology letter to the pastor than read it out loud to the whole congregation. I was mortified

  Jax clutches his stomach shaking with suppressed laughter over my overzealous chatter. His too long blonde hair keeps falling into his face while he fights to catch his breath. I swear if he keeps laughing at me I will give him a haircut that he will never forget.

  "I am so glad my nervous chatter is keeping you amused. It is not funny," I declare firmly. I slug him hard in the arm hard and dart out of the way before he has a chance to retaliate. Wincing he grabs at his arm and rubs it absently while laughing harder and shaking his head at me. Loser!

  Hearing the front door open I spring from my chair and run into the reception area where I find Jane walking in wide eyed as I sprint towards her. Throwing her arms up in front of her as through I am going to collide into her she says," Whoa there Jess. Where is the fire?"

  "Don't play stupid with me," I chide. "You promised to call the moment you left Glimmer and you didn't." I say loud and accusingly. "So what happened?" I demand.

  Jane ignores me and goes about hanging up her suede coat on the rack near the door than walks back to my office and greets Jax with a hello and hug. I follow her every step making sure she knows just how impatient I am for her to spill and tell me all about her day.

  Throwing herself onto my brown leather sofa she takes her time peeling off her shoes and making herself comfortable before finally peering up at me with a mischievous grin.

  "Bitch stop with the games already and tell me about it," I whine no longer caring how pathetic I sound.

  She and Jax both start laughing at me which only serves to infuriate me more. Time to change tactics since begging is obviously not getting me anywhere. Sitting down next to her I lay my head down on the soft cushion and give her my best sad puppy dog eyes which seem to do the job because she finally throws her hands up in the air and gives in. About damn time.

  "The spread we were working on was amazing. The whole thing was about women who work, are married, have children and basically do it all. Once again I was able to work with normal everyday people which was really nice. I am really beginning to hate all the diva types," she exclaims shifting further into the couch so she can put her feet up on the coffee table in front of us.

  I am half listening to what she is saying while hoping she comes to any part in this story that might include Alex. Finally after another five minutes of talking about wardrobes and color pallets my ears perk up at the mention of his name.

  Jane continues," The lighting was all wrong and the photographer was livid and cursing everyone out. It was really unprofessional the way he was carrying on in front of everyone. Kelly was doing her best to rectify the situation when Alex showed up and took over. In two minutes flat he had the angry photographer calmed down and apologizing to everyone. I have no idea what he said to the man but it must have been heavy because the photographer was ashen and completely shaken up as Alex stormed off."

  "What?" I screech. "That is all you have to tell me?" Running my hands through my hair I stand and begin to pace the room. "I asked for dirt and all you have to tell me is that he was able to calm down a photographer and make him scared? What about how he looked? Acted? Did he even see you or ask about me? You have to give me more than that," I plead sounding more hysterical and needy by the minute.

  Jane looks taken aback by my outburst and I can't really blame her. I am acting like a lunatic. I apologize and with a calming breath go back and sit beside her.

  "If it makes you feel better he looked like shit," she says with a smirk. "His face was unshaven and he was not his normal controlled self. Don't get me wrong he did a great job with the camera guy but he seemed on edge and ready to lose it on anyone who dared confront him," she says with a sigh. "Girl I think it is fair to say his word is thrown off kilter just as much as yours is."

  "Yes, that does make me feel a bit better," I say with a slight giggle. The sad thing is that I am not lying. It does make me feel better. I hate being away from Alex even if it is the right thing for me at the moment until I can be sure that I can face him and get the answers I need without falling apart.

  Wiping the unshed tears from my eyes before I make a spectacle of myself I change the subject not wanting to delve any farther into Alex territory with my friends. "I am heading to the gym tonight to work out with Hunter. Are either of you planning on going tonight?"

p; "Sorry baby doll I have a date tonight?"

  "An actual date? Like dinner, talking, and getting to know a girl before sex?" I ask surprised. Jax is not known to take the time to get to know the girls he has sex with. This is a major step for him.

  "Stop making me sound so shallow. Although you two hussies might not have noticed I am quite a catch," he says standing up and brushing out the wrinkles in his tailored button down shirt.

  "Oh Lord," Jane groans. "Your ego is too much sometimes."

  "Maybe but Bridgett has yet to complain," he says wagging his eyebrows.

  "TMI Jax. The thought of you and some girl getting it on is too much for my poor brain to process," I say cringing. Jax is too much like a brother to ever think of him knocking boots. Gross!


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