Carver's Quest
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My first thanks must go to Angus MacKinnon and Toby Mundy at Atlantic Books who originally suggested that I might be able to write fiction and were extremely patient when, for some time, it seemed only too likely that they were mistaken. Angus has been an inspirational editor and his thoughts and advice have made Carver’s Quest a much better novel than it would otherwise have been. Thanks also to Sara O’Keeffe, Maddie West and Lauren Finger at Atlantic. Melissa Marshall copy-edited the book with great skill and insight and I am grateful for her help and suggestions. Friends, including Susan Osborne, Hugh Pemberton, Gordon Kerr, Andrew Holgate, Travis Elborough, Kevin Chappell and Dave Lawrence have lent a sympathetic ear and/or given practical support over the years. My family proved a great source of love and encouragement throughout its long gestation. Particular thanks go to my wife Eve and to my sister Cindy Rennison, who read earlier drafts and provided invaluable feedback.