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Wilde Forever (Wilde Women Book 1)

Page 5

by Suzanne Halliday

  Wondering when Jax would appear and what she’d say to him when he did, Brynn glanced at her reflection in a window for the fiftieth time and grimaced. While she didn’t exactly look like hell, after a long, hard day’s work she wasn’t at her best and for reasons she didn’t want to dwell on, she wanted to put on a good show for her visitor. It was what she did when nerves or doubt got the better of her—simply slap on a smiling face, do the dog and pony routine, and as her little sister Charlie liked to say, fake it till you make it.

  Without a chance to get changed all she could really do was wash up, change her shoes, and shake her hair loose. Now, instead of looking like a harried baker, she looked like a harried soccer mom who needed a drink and a foot massage.

  She heard a truck pull up to the end of the walk and quickly looked out the big front window. It was past dusk and the bakery had closed over an hour ago so none of the bright shop lights were on. Hurrying to the door, she flipped the lock and opened it up, even standing in the doorway with her arm holding it open in welcome. Time to get this odd meeting over with so she could go back to the neat, orderly way she preferred her life.

  This time as he pulled off the road and drove along the short driveway to Brynn’s property, Jax took a little more time to take in the characteristics of the premises more thoroughly. With a well-established hedgerow lining the property and an abundance of tall, old tress—it was plainly evident that the buildings and land had been in use for a considerable length of time, most likely since the late eighteen hundreds. The thought was thrilling to Jax. There was almost nothing he appreciated more than late nineteenth and early twentieth century architecture.

  Well, maybe that isn’t entirely accurate, he thought drily. After his encounter with the sexy baker earlier, he’d done little else but think about her ass, the way it looked, and the fetching way it swayed when she walked. Try as he might to dial back the lascivious thoughts her backside conjured up, he’d instead found himself thinking about all the things he’d like to do to that particular piece of curvaceous architecture.

  “Damn,” he muttered while adjusting the front of his jeans when his dick twitched and hardened unmercifully. He was too fucking old to spike a thundering hard-on with so little provocation.

  Attempting to yank his wayward thoughts back into line, he tried thinking about anything except the lady’s butt only to end up with a detailed recollection of her tits under the clinging white t-shirt. Next to a decent ass, he also enjoyed a good pair of boobs. Especially if they were real, and hers were magnificent.

  Jesus Tap-Dancing Christ. What the hell was wrong with him? He wasn’t here for some tits and ass, he reminded himself with a stern shake of his head. His snort of amusement split the silence in the truck when the wicked thoughts cluttering his mind didn’t back off.

  Slamming the door to his truck with more force than was necessary, Jax trudged along the flagstone walk, shoving his keys into a front pocket and wincing when the slight tug on his pants made his dick throb even more. Just fucking great.

  Making his way through the twilight shadows, he looked up and found the woman responsible for the uncomfortable constriction pressing furiously against the unyielding zipper of his jeans standing in a barely lit doorway, holding it open as he approached. In the perfect world that was his mind, when he stepped through that door, she would drift to her knees, unbuckle his belt, slowly tugging the zipper down to free his randy cock so she could take it in her mouth. Frankly, he couldn’t think of a better way to greet the evening than with her saliva covering his flesh while she sucked him off. Yep. Christ continued to tap-dance in his brain.

  “Hi,” she mumbled. The husky quality of her voice emptied his brain.

  “Hi yourself,” he managed to choke out despite the red hot image in his mind of her writhing under him as he buried his cock balls deep in her heat, crying out in what he was sure would be a throaty growl when he made her come. “I hope I’m not too early, Brynn. Are you through for the day?”

  She wrinkled her nose. “Honestly, I’m never quite finished – if you know what I mean.”

  His body reacted instantly to her words. Yeah, he’d make damn sure she ‘finished’ if he had anything to say about it.

  In the fading light and lengthening shadows she looked almost ethereal. The inventory of things he found appealing about Brynn Wilde got longer as he took in her after hour’s change of appearance. The tits and sexy-as-fuck ass were already check marked, but once she let her hair down to tumble about her shoulders, he had to amend the list.

  Jax liked long hair. Period. Liked wrapping his fist in a mane of soft curls. Earlier, her ponytail had been cute, but those blond locks in their natural state were a sight to behold. The woman was gorgeous in that girl-next-door way. The serviceable sneakers were gone, replaced by heeled boots. But lucky for him, the stretchy white t-shirt remained because even in the shadows, it made her breasts look perfect.

  Okay seriously, he thought. What the hell? Had he been without a woman for so long that this forced-upon-him encounter was firing up his libido faster than some Tumblr porn? Getting his shit together was imperative if he didn’t want to do or say something that scared her off. The last thing he needed or wanted was for his dad to crawl up his ass about behaving like a pig around the daughter of an old friend.

  She waved him into the shop then shut the door and threw the heavy security latch as the chimes tinkled. Everything about the way she moved, her body language and the tight-ass way she tried to immediately take control of the situation, got him thinking overtime.

  “We can go out the back. The house is a short walk behind.”

  “Jealous, I am,” he remarked. “Commute the shortest on any planet.”

  He didn’t expect the hoot of laughter that met his comment or her wide, adorably dimpled smile. “True statement Master Yoda! The only thing that would make it even quicker would be Mr. Scott energizing us from the transporter room.”

  She surprised him when her eyes sparkled with delight. Had he conjured her up from his imagination? Laughing, Jax couldn’t remember a woman ever using a Star Wars and a Star Trek reference in one sentence. Next thing he knew she’d be challenging him to a Call of Duty session with a controller in her hand.

  Leading the way, she switched off lights and wiped her hand across the already immaculate counter before taking him into the heart of the bakery. He didn’t know thing one about kitchens or what an establishment such as a tearoom and a bakery would require, but that didn’t stop him from being impressed by the set-up. The gleaming stainless steel and massive wood tables where she did her work made quite a statement. Having a keen eye for detail, Jax noted how neat and tidy everything was—even the supplies stacked on the shelves were arranged just so. He wryly noted the massive whiteboard on the wall with what looked like a detailed list of orders and clients. The lady liked order.

  She grabbed a white box tied with baker’s twine and smiled a bit sheepishly. “Best part of running a bakery? Taking home the leftovers. It’s a wonder I’m not the size of a house.”

  Jax grinned at her and winked. “Now see. You totally set me up with a classic guy dilemma.”

  “What? How?” She seemed honestly puzzled by his remark.

  Using her hip to push open the back door, she nodded with her head for him to walk through. There was plenty of room to maneuver but that didn’t stop him from placing a hand on her waist as he slipped by. Taking the box from her so she could lock up, he lofted it slightly to make a point as he answered.

  “So… I say something about the orgasmic cinnamon rolls and cannolis or do I go for the gold and tell you that, even as big as a house, your ass would look fantastic.”

  Joshing with a crooked grin on her face she drily noted, “You had me at orgasmic, Mr. Merrill. Oh wait,” she hurriedly added, her face turning crimson with embarrassment. “That came out wrong.”

  He couldn’t believe she was blushing. In his experience, women nowadays took a perver
se sort of pleasure in being as forward and in-your-face as possible when it came to sexual innuendos and double entendres. Her coloring made the sudden flush blooming her cheeks absolutely charming.

  Brynn couldn’t believe what just flew out of her mouth. Any man on the right side of eighty years old would undoubtedly take her silly comment as a bit of flirtation. It wasn’t like her to play the tease, but something about Jax Merrill seemed to bring out every wicked female impulse she tried so hard to keep locked down. What the hell happened to her determination to keep him from flirting with her? Jesus.

  Her days of trying to attract a man were over. One and done, she reminded herself. Been there done that. Took the ride, got the damn t-shirt and a huge divorce lawyer bill in the process. The ‘sworn off men for all time’ mantras in her brain were running into each other and knocking over her commonsense.

  Jax waggled an eyebrow at her. “Nah. Don’t take it back,” he kidded. “And don’t be embarrassed. A guy can wait a lifetime to hear such a perfect comeback as that. Besides, your answer saved me from having to qualify the ass comment.”

  She made a motion with her hands to imply reeling in a line. “Okay, maybe we should dial the last two minutes back and start from scratch.”

  He nudged her with his shoulder to get her walking again and arched a sly brow. “Nope. Not gonna happen, lady. I had you at orgasmic? From your mouth to God’s ear—totally works for me. Plus you let a remark about your backside go, so I’m taking this part of the conversation as a win.”

  “You know what?” she said with her head tilted to one side and her hands pressed to her waist. “I’m going to give up now before any more of my leather ankle boot ends up in my mouth. Okay?”

  He shot her a wide grin and rolled a shoulder in a casual shrug. “Your call, Brynn.”

  Damn. He rattled her cage without even trying.

  “C’mon,” she muttered. “Let’s get this show on the road. I don’t want to keep you from enjoying your evening.”

  Before continuing along the path, she noticed his eyes dip briefly toward her chest and had to stop herself from sucking in a gasp when he murmured, “I’m enjoying my evening just fine. But thanks for your concern.”

  Get it together Brynn, her mind screamed over and over. Remember who you are and stop behaving like one of those ditzy females who’ll do anything to get a guy’s attention. That was so not how she played. The thought made her feet stomp as she barged ahead, supremely conscious that he stayed a few paces behind her. Was he checking out her ass?

  A few seconds later, she stepped through a stand of trees into the clearing where the path crossed the side lawn leading to the old farmhouse. Brynn never failed to enjoy that wonderful moment when Nana’s distinctive Queen Anne style home first came into view. It was just about one of her most favorite highlights of the day and tonight was no different.

  Moving aside as Jax came to stand next to her, she let the sight of the distinctive home that always made her feel as if time was standing still sink in. Watching his reaction from the corner of her eye, she felt a deep satisfaction at the delight that shone on his face. Clearly, Mr. Jax Merrill appreciated a gem when he saw one.

  “What do you think?” she asked, anxious to hear his thoughts. “The first thing I did when I moved in was have the electricity upgraded. Gave it a smart-home system that can be controlled remotely. I love coming through the trees in the early evening and seeing it like this—with the porch lights on.” She sighed then chuckled, embarrassed by her obvious emotional connection to the building.

  “I can see why you love the house, Brynn,” Jax murmured. “Turn of the century homes are quite unique and even from a distance I can see that this one is extraordinary.”

  She couldn’t help the grin that appeared on her face. When warmth spread through her chest though, she coughed to keep the unexpected feelings at bay. It was just a house, and he was only expressing a professional appreciation.

  “C’mon,” she gestured with her hands, “let me introduce you to Wilde House.”

  As they trudged the last few meters across the yard, she heard Jax chortle behind her.

  “I take back the jealous comment. This commute must be hell in the winter when snow is on the ground.”

  She couldn’t help the giggle-snort that met his shrewd observation. He was right, of course.

  “It’s called a snow blower,” she joked.


  “Uh, yeah. Either that or snow-shoes!”

  His bark of laughter re-ignited the warmth she was trying so hard to keep in check.

  “Why not a dogsled too?” he teased.

  “Hmmm,” she murmured, a sly smile quirking her lips. “You may be on to something.”

  STOMPING UP THREE STAIRS THAT angled off the wraparound porch, Brynn reached into the back pocket of her jeans to grab the house keys and caught Jax admiring her derrière. She challenged him with a mocking sneer that only made him grin at her.

  “Men,” she muttered under her breath as she unlocked the back door and stepped into a wide mudroom with painted beadboard along one wall, a low bench with wicker baskets underneath for stowing outdoor gear, and a multitude of nooks hung with old-fashioned coat hooks.

  Taking the baker’s box from Jax’s hands, Brynn told him, “Through here is a butler’s pantry. My grandparents put on an addition in the sixties with an updated kitchen and family room so that’s one renovation headache I haven’t had to deal with. It’s hard to know where to start,” she told him bluntly as she led them into the cozy kitchen.

  Dropping the box on a long counter, she watched him take in the clever addition that, while newer than the rest of the house by almost one hundred years, managed to recreate the charm of the original style. Everywhere the eye landed there was wood—from the magnificent reclaimed hardwood floors to the gorgeous cabinetry.

  “I wanted to replace the windows right away with something more energy efficient but because I wasn’t sure if any structural changes were necessary, I put that project on the back burner for the time being.”

  “Wise decision,” Jax answered. “No use in investing that much change into a space that may end up completely reconfigured.”

  “Yeah,” she agreed with a quick head nod. “My thought exactly.”

  “Whoever built the addition did great work.”

  “That would be my granddad,” she told him proudly. “Obviously, the home has been in the family for quite some time. Each generation added something to the mix. Nana had a knack for making pottery so the garage has been converted into a studio with a loft. My younger sister lived there after she finished college. She’s an artist so it was perfect for her needs.” She made a wry face and added, “My workshop is this kitchen and the bakery of course so right now the studio is empty but I thought it would be helpful as a home base for the renovation work when it began.”

  He nodded and she could see that his mind was working overtime. The next hour melted away as Brynn walked Jax through every room on the first floor from the amazing library with its magnificent built-ins to the front parlor with its beautiful French doors leading to a portion of the covered porch that had been turned into a sunroom. The parlor also had unique pocket doors that, when closed, gave the small room a cozy feel.

  She rambled on like a tour guide, showing him the formal living room with its high ceilings marked with plaster castings and huge fireplace. Built-in window seating with multi-sided bay windows that curved with the unusual angles found in this style home was one of Brynn’s favorite spots in the house.

  “Reading nook?” he asked.

  “After a fashion,” she answered with a slow smile. “There’s an alcove in the master too, but I’m emotionally attached to this spot. I remember curling up here with my sisters as a child and we would pour over these old books Nana had from her parents that were filled with beautiful illustrations covered in delicate tissue paper.”

  He smiled warmly at her. “Sounds a bit like y
ou had some Little Women going on as you grew up.”

  “Oh, indeed,” she chuckled.

  After that she showed him the downstairs powder room that was in serious need of an upgrade before leading him up the wide, distinctive staircase to the second floor.

  Jax was seriously impressed with Brynn’s charming Queen Anne house. It was everything he hoped it would be. There was a lot that needed to be done though to bring it into this century and keep it in good condition, something he was cataloging in his mind as she walked them room-to-room.

  When she started up the staircase though, every professional thought vanished from his mind when he caught sight of her hips and the sexy way they rolled and undulated as she climbed the stairs. The sight had him gritting his teeth in seconds while he clenched his fists to keep from framing her outrageous ass with both hands.

  From a purely physical standpoint and an appreciative male gaze, Brynn Baron-Wilde was a fucking masterpiece. The woman fired up a carnal longing inside him that he’d never encountered before. Her hands-off vibe was curious though. Plus, she was completely unaware of how mouthwatering and stunning she was. Those two things seemed at odds with each other making him wonder what the hell her story was.

  As she led him through each of the upstairs bedrooms, he made some quick mental notes about rethinking the space to meet the needs of a modern family home. He noticed that she avoided the master bedroom when she stalked past the open door and ushered him to the room next door, which at one time had most likely been a nursery. It was empty except for some old window treatments and a tarp thrown on the floor on which sat some painting supplies.

  “Do you think this room could be joined to the master and turned into an en suite?”

  He shrugged. “Don’t see why not. Actually, that’s a great idea. Adds value to the home should you ever want to sell.”


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