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Page 2

by AP Jermaine

  “I’m sorry daddy.” Her whispered words cut me off and at the same time caught me off guard.

  “Look Tamia. If you want us to have a chance at being together then this is what I need for you to do. Give me some time. Some space. Don’t call me, I’ll call you.” I was fully prepared for her to go into another hysterical fit, but to my surprise she simply said,

  “Yes daddy. I’m sorry,” and hung up the phone.

  That was the last time I’d seen Tamia until now. She’d written me twice while I was locked, asking for permission to come visit me but I never responded. Now, right beside me tonight, she was standing here looking good as a motherfucker! I never accused her of being ugly. In fact, Tamia was a tasty shade of pecan tan without a scratch or blemish on her body. Her hair was long, black, and all natural, while her eyes were the color of brown sugar. She’d already been the benefactor of a beautiful body, but now with the passing of time, her hips were much rounder and her breasts looked ripe with milk. And I could see all this from the corner of my eye! I was still facing the bar trying desperately not to make eye contact. I will admit that my body was deceiving me though, because my dick was as hard as a brick! Obviously, it hadn’t forgotten Tamia even if I was trying to. Of course, me and wifey had been fuckin and sucking each other’s brains out since I’d gotten home two days ago, but four years is a long time for a nigga that’s used to fucking on the daily. Shit sometimes two and three chics a day! So you know my sex starved hormones were outta fuckin control! I couldn’t get enough pussy! Or head! Turning to face Tamia, I was unexpectedly hit with a feeling of pity. I knew I’d hurt her feelings. I just didn’t know if I gave a fuck. Taking off the Ray Bans that I wore to add to my cover, I straightened up and looked Tamia directly in the eye. Upon her recognition that it was me that she was truly looking at, her eyes lit up like the high beams on a Cadillac, before she jumped and threw her arms around my neck, hugging and squeezing me damn near to death! Then, just as quickly as she’d latched onto me, she let go abruptly as if embarrassed.

  “I need to talk to you. Can we go somewhere and talk?” Tamia stared up at me hopefully after her plea.

  “Tamia right now I aint really tryin…”

  “I just wanna talk Banks, that’s it,” she cut me off with a stern look.

  “Can’t it wait till some other time?”

  “Until when Banks? Till you call me? I been waiting almost five years for that,” she said stubbornly with her hands right back on her wide hips. When she put it that way, all I could do was laugh at her sarcasm. At least she hadn’t lost her spirit. She’d definitely grown up some, and I thought, “What the hell?” I’d snatch up a bottle of Hennessy and take it in early. There’s always tomorrow.

  Chapter 4 “Say What?”

  Stepping into the parking lot, I was expecting Tamia to come and jump into the Ford Expedition that I’d rented for the week-end and ride with me. But to my surprise, she veered off from me, walked straight to a Midnight blue Mercedes S500 Benz, hopped in and started the ignition. Something was telling me that Tamia had grown up in more ways than one. Whipping the Expedition around, I headed outta the parking lot with Tamia following closely behind. As soon as our tires hit the street though, she whipped the Benz over to the right, pulled around me and took the lead. Being the nigga that I am, my dick started to throb as I thought about how thick and juicy Tamia had gotten. I’d made her wait long enough and I was ready to punch that pussy drunk! No matter how psycho she might be, all my real niggas know, that it’s always the crazy one with the best pussy. I’m talking about the ones that we know are crazy as hell, and that we don’t got no business coming within a million miles of, but our dicks won’t listen and keep taking us right back to that good pussy. Fuck it. We’re only human.

  We drove for about fifteen minutes before pulling into a residential neighborhood off Chapel Hill Boulevard that I wasn’t quite familiar with. A minute or two later, Tamia turned into the driveway of a two - story brick home with a wall manicured lawn. Pulling in behind her, I leaned out of my window just as she stepped outta the Mercedes. “Who crib is this?” I asked with my head out the window. I didn’t wanna be chilling up in no niggas crib and end up having to kill some lame over some pussy he thought he owned.

  “This is my house Banks.” She yelled over her shoulder as she stepped up onto the porch and unlocked the front door. Even though she’d told me that this was her house, I was still a little skeptical about this shit, so before I stepped out, I reached under my seat and grabbed “my girlfriend,” a snub nosed thirty - eight revolver. Stepping inside the crib, I have to admit I was impressed at how laid the joint was. The living room area was color coordinated in a nice burgundy and black theme. The love seat, sofa, and ottoman were black butter soft leather, with a black marble counter piece laid out on the two - inch thick, burgundy carpet. Burgundy and black laced French style drapes hung from the window. Mounted up on the wall was a huge plasma television, in between a picture of a much younger Tamia and her mother, and another seemingly older picture of a light complexioned young man whose identity eluded me. “Why you looking like that?” Tamia asked as she came back from where I’m assuming was the kitchen.

  “Shit you say this your spot, I’m just trying to figure out how you paid for it,” I answered truthfully. It was becoming blatantly obvious that somebody had some paper somewhere. I just wanted to know who?

  “Come here Teddy and sit down so we can talk. I promise I won’t bite you,” Tamia smiled as she patted the spot next to her on the loveseat. I really wanted to hear this, so I obliged her, walked over and took a seat. Tamia turning in her seat to face me, grabbed my hand and began to speak. “First of all Banks, when you and me were messing around I was a senior in high school, a few months from graduation. My grades were always good and by god’s good graces, I was awarded a full academic scholarship to Howard University where I majored in Business Administration. I graduated last year and a few months after graduation, I applied for and was granted, a loan to start my own business. I started off with a small bar and grill on Roxboro Road called Renee’s, my middle name. I worked hard, made some smart moves, and turned my small business into a huge success. Now I own two soul food restaurants in Raleigh, the bar and grill, and stock in steel, copper, and tobacco companies. It’s not a lot of stock, but enough to see significant profits most months.” To say that I was at a loss for words would be an understatement. The Tamia that I had pegged as being completely fuckin crazy, was now seeming to be not so crazy after all. As if reading my thoughts, she continued. “I know back then you thought I was crazy as hell, and maybe I was for chasing you around like I did, knowing deep down in my heart that you didn’t want me. But I also know Banks, that all I really was, was a young girl crazy in love with you. You took my virginity. I didn’t tell you I was a virgin that first time because I stupidly thought you might not want me then. I had a crush on you for two years. You didn’t know me but I always knew you. I wanted you to be my first. You were my whole world. I ate, drank, and slept Teddy Banks. So now if you still wanna call me crazy, then go ahead.”

  “So what you trying to say, you been sitting on that pussy for five years now, waiting on me?”

  “No, I didn’t say that. Since then I’ve had a couple guy friends, experimented with a few girls, but no man nor woman could ever seem to take my mind off you. More often than not I use my toys. Besides myself, you’re the only person that’s ever given me an orgasm. Maybe I’m still just a silly girl in love at heart, I don’t know. But before you say anything, I need to tell you something else. You know how you used to give me a few dollars sometimes? I think you did it because you felt like it would get me outta your face. If I’d had my way though, you could have kept your money and given me your time. But guess what? I never spent a dime of that money. That’s right $4,675.00 dollars. I saved it. And when I started the bar and grill, I invested it into the business for you as a silent partner. I did the same with my other businesses.
I put your percentage into a bank account annually. You have a savings account in your name at Mechanics and Farmers Bank.”

  “Oh really now? So just how much money is in the saving’s account?” I was ready to catch her crazy ass right here in the same old bullshit, and nip this shit in the bud.

  “The last time I checked, it was about $52,000 give or take a few cents,” Tamia responded calmly.

  “Oh yeah? So, when can I get it?”

  “It’s your money Banks. You can get it anytime you want it. Tomorrow when the bank opens,” she said matter of factly. “If you want, you can take some and leave some, and I’ll keep investing it.” Since a child, I’ve always been able to tell when someone was lying to me. Call it a gift, call it a curse, but I’ll be damned if Tamia wasn’t telling the truth. Damn this shit is crazy. Reading the look on my face, Tamia slid a bit closer. “Banks there’s something else. First let me say that I know you got a girl and I’m not trying to interfere with that, so don’t worry. If she makes you happy, that’s all I care about. But she’d better not slip. Believe that. The thing I really wanted to talk to you about though is Shell.”

  “Shell? What about him?”

  “Banks he’s changed. He’s not the same person you used to know. He calls himself getting money now, with a crew of grimy ass flunkies up under him. A few months ago, I was at Southpoint Mall going into Foot Locker, when I bumped into him and a couple of his junior clowns. Do you know this nigga had the nerve to try and push up on me? He was so disrespectful it was crazy! Talking about “Damn Tee you done got thick as a motherfucker! When you gone let me drag that pussy?” I asked him was he out of his damn mind, and then the fool tried to grab my tits!”

  “You serious?”

  “Hell yeah, I’m serious! I smacked his hand down and you know this punk actually drew back like he was gonna hit me? A security guard just happened to be walking by and I guess that brought the nigga back to his fuckin senses, because he dropped his hand and started laughing But, just as quick as you can say “asshole,” he was right back talking stupid, about how I needed to come on and claim some of his dick before the rest of the bitches claimed it all. Of course, I shut his simple ass down, while in the same breath asking him had he talked to you. Do you know this nigga went ballistic on me! “Fuck Banks I told you I’m that nigga out here in these streets now! When you decide yo dizzy ass wanna fuck with a real man, come holla at a pimp!” I’m telling you the nigga went straight berzerko! I just know that nigga had to be high on something! That shit fucked me up Teddy. So, you know what? With money comes power. I knew you were about to get a time cut probably before you did, and I couldn’t just sit back and let this clown snake you.

  “So, what you saying?”

  “So I’m saying, I paid somebody to follow him for the past few months and keep me updated on what he was into.”

  “You did what?!”

  “Banks, I know it sounds like some shit straight from T.V., but I had to. I don’t be in the streets like that, and I aint got no baby mama friends to gossip with.”

  “So what happened?”

  “What happened is Shell’s on some real live bullshit! If my people were “those boys,” then Shell would be up outta here for life! He got some young boys selling coke for him in East Durham. They all stick up kids. He’s got a dope house in North Durham, and Flame hustle for him in McDougald Terrace. He gotta be hitting Flame with something big, because half the dudes who sell dope in McDougald, North Durham, and the West-End be copping their dope from Flame. All Shell does is sniff dope and trick all day. Crackheads, sack chasers, dope fiends, young broke college girls; it doesn’t make no difference to him. He got a house right across the street from North Carolina Central, and he keep em running in and outta there. His claim to fame, is telling everybody that he did a bid for you and that if it wasn’t for him you would have been dead by now.

  “Oh really?” I failed miserably at not showing my anger.

  “I’m sorry Teddy but it’s the truth.”

  “Is that it?”

  “Yes Teddy. But please promise me you won’t do anything to go back to prison. If that happened, I know I’d never forgive myself.”

  As furious as I was, I almost didn’t notice the tears streaming down Tamia’s face. Without giving me a chance to gather my thoughts or emotions, Tamia grabbed onto my face, leaned in and kissed me deeply. Her mouth opened, and automatically my tongue slid in it. Slowly our passionate kiss ended, as she sighed and layed her head on my chest. I could tell she was crying. Her next look into my eyes seemed to be searching for my soul. “Teddy, if you don’t ever do anything else for me, please just stay with me tonight.” Tonight, she wouldn’t get brushed off. I needed to work off some stress and Tamia had stress reliever written all over her face. Tomorrow I wanted some fuckin answers. Deep down I hoped that Tamia was lying. Using her words as a ploy to get me to stay, attempting to prove herself worthy, by revealing the deceit of another. Fuck it. The Untold Truth must finally be told. So, buckle your seat belts and let’s go back. It’s gonna be a helleva ride.

  Chapter 5 “Shell”

  My right - hand man Shell is what most would call a “real nigga.” He’s the closest thing I’ve ever had to a brother. We came up together all the way from elementary school and were basically tight as ant pussy. When I was seventeen, I had a girlfriend named Tika. Tika was the kinda girl that if you didn’t know how to fuck before you got there, you would before you left. The first time we fucked I was astonished at how experienced she was. “Ooooh shit you got a big dick!” She’d squealed that first night, before falling to her knees and slamming my thick, dark wood into her dick hungry wet mouth! She sucked my dick like it was water and she’d been stranded in the desert for months! I was in shock! I mean, of course I’d gotten head from lots of girls before, but those chic’s must have been amateurs, cause this girl was a pro! I stood on my tip toes as Tika slid her warm tongue under my balls; twisting, turning and moaning as she licked and sucked on a mission! One at a time, both together,

  “Shit!” I couldn’t control my thoughts as her head game got the best of me! With lightening quick speed and precision, Tika licked back up the length of my pole, pushed over half of my nine inches down her throat, and sucked with all the strength of a brand - new Kirby vacuum cleaner! She never took her eyes off mine as she worked, and needless to say, I came and almost passed the fuck out! She sucked me dry, and happily drank down every drop! This was the first time of many, I think now with a smile. I knew right then that she was the girl for me. Around this time, I was still in high school. Hillside High to be exact. Hillside was known as the hippest, coolest, best dressed school in the city. Of course, me and Shell stayed in some shit. That was my road dog. I can remember one time in particular that we were chilling out back during lunchtime, in a small area behind the kitchen where everybody slipped off to smoke, drink, or whatever. Shell was leaning on the wall about five feet away from me talking to a cute red boned chic named Deena. Everybody knew Deena was an easy fuck, and frankly I’d never been interested. She did have some of the plumpest young titties you’d ever wanna lay eyes on, but her ass was flat as a board. And for me that was a turn off. Oh shit, here she comes.

  “Hey Teddy.” Deena spoke to me with mischief in her eyes.

  “What’s up Deena?” I asked, suddenly distracted by the melons sitting up staring me in the face.

  “Shell said you got some weed. You gonna smoke wit me?” She asked girlishly.

  Now normally I would have cursed Shell the fuck out, then told Deena to play like Michael Jackson and beat it. But forget about the flat ass, right now I wanted to titty fuck her!

  “Yeah I got a blunt. Where you wanna smoke at?”

  “We can go right over there on the side of the building.” Deena grabbed me by the hand and eagerly led the way. Looking back over my shoulder I saw that Shell had already dipped off.

  “Oh, he told me to tell you he’d be right back,” Deena smi

  “Shit, I ain’t worried about him. This shit just enough for you and me anyway,” I told her as she eased seductively up beside me, smiling from ear to ear. Leaning up against the wall, I lit the Dutch Master and pulled deeply, letting the sweet taste of the fire tree massage my awaiting lungs. Without any attempt at a warning, Deena slid her hand down the front of my Ralph Lauren Sweats and began caressing my balls. “Here, you wanna hit the blunt don’t you?” I tried to hand it to her.

  “Ah, ah. I don’t smoke,” she purred as she squatted in front of me, pulled down the front of my sweats and took my dick into her mouth. I knew Shell had already fucked with Deena which is why I couldn’t figure out why he wasn’t back here with me ready to get some of this cock sucking freak. Just as I was about to blow Deena’s head off with the monstrous nut she’d pulled from deep within me, she stopped. Jumping back to her feet, she lifted her dark blue denim skirt over her skinny hips, pulled down her white panties and bent over against the wall. “Fuck this pussy Teddy. Hurry up, put it in,” Deena panted breathlessly while I damn near threw up! Her pussy had instantly filled the air with the smell of day old fish!

  “Girl what the hell is wrong with you!” I screamed angrily as I tucked my now limp dick back into my boxers and pulled up my sweatpants.

  “What you talking about Teddy? Aint nothing wrong, I wanna fuck. Go ahead. Let’s do it before somebody come around here.”

  Deena spoke innocently, looking back at me with her panties still wrapped around her ankles.

  “Deena are you crazy?” Your pussy smells like a fuckin dead man!” I barked on her while covering my nose with one hand. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Shell standing back at the edge of the building, laughing his ass off.

  “What you mean Banks? I don’t smell nothing.”


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