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Page 29

by AP Jermaine

  “Oh yeah, ah, my fault. Adding something up in my head.” I had to lie so as not to seem like a fool.

  “That’s okay. I get that all the time.” Tika laughed and so did Mishka, as Mishka took a sip of her tea with those “oh so luscious” lips.

  “Teddy this is Mishka. Mishka this is Teddy.”

  “Hello Teddy. Do you mind if I call you Theodore?”

  “Yes.” Tika blurted out.

  “No. Not at all.” I disregarded Tikas’ statement. Mishka flung her long silky hair over her shoulder, and instantly filled the room with the scent of fresh bananas!

  “It’s very nice to meet you Theodore. I must confess, you are even more handsome than Tika let on.” Her voice and mannerism screamed class. Her body, face, and attitude screamed grudge fuck me please!

  “Well, coming from someone as exquisite as yourself, I must confess, I’m flattered.”

  “Oh, my God! What is this? The Young and the Restless! I gotta go pee pee. Excuse me yall.” Tika laughed again as she strode off in the direction of the bathroom. Yeah. She walked like a model. Back straight. Head up. Sex appeal.

  “So, Theodore, it’s nice to finally get to see you. I’ve heard so many great things. If you are wondering or worrying about the situation with Muhammed, then don’t. I have let the hurt go and moved on. Yet still, I thank you all the same.”

  “You’re welcome.” I was happy she’d kept it short and sweet. Her Chanel off the shoulder dress did little to hide the cantaloupes of breasts that were spilling out of the front. She was a mix between Zoe Saldana and Penelope Cruz. “BAD!”

  “So Theodore, have you ever done any modeling?”

  “Ah, no. Can’t say that I have.”

  “You have a beautiful face and bone structure. There may be a possibility for you to make some great money if I shoot a few pictures of you and I like them.” Although I knew I didn’t have time for no bullshit pictures. Her beauty, and the smell of bananas, encouraged me to keep talking.

  “You own the modeling agency?” I asked abruptly.

  “Yes, I do among other things. I know you’re a man of prosperity, so please don’t mistake the offer that I set forth as nickels and dimes. I make people rich.” Now she had me going!

  “Hey. I’m back.” Tika hurried back to the table. “I’m sorry yall, but Mishka I just got the call. I gotta go get ready for the job. But please I need to see you later Teddy.”

  “It’s all good. Just hit me when you get off.”

  “Okay baby.” She leaned in and kissed me full on the lips. I didn’t resist. “Soon as I finish okay?”

  “Yeah I got you.”

  “You gone answer aint you?”

  “I said I got you. What else do you want?”

  “Okay baby.” Tika pecked me on the cheek this time and hurried out the door.

  “She leaving you here?”

  “Yes. But my car is here also.”

  “So, you knew she was leaving?”

  “I knew there was a possibility that she could be called for a job at any time. It’s best to stay prepared in life Theodore. I own a townhouse that I use as a studio about two miles east of here. How about we go there and you let me get some shots of you. I got a good feeling about you for some reason.”

  “Am I getting paid?”

  “If I like the pictures, I’ll give you one thousand dollars with the possibility of a contract. How’s that?” Little did she know, her “bad” ass coulda bought me for a penny!

  “We can see what’s up. I’ll meet you at your car.” As soon as I got outside, I walked over to my hoopty, jumped in and struck out to find Mishka. I didn’t have to look far, for right there in the front of the restaurant she sat, in an ocean green Ferrari 575 Maranello! Easily over two hundred stacks I knew! I didn’t let on that I was impressed. “So where to now?” I asked as she threw on her Chanel shades and slung that beautiful mane of banana scent over her shoulder.

  “1105 Martin Luther King Boulevard. Park around the back.” Mishka smiled before taking off like a rocket in the Ferrari. She was out of sight before I ever got to the exit.

  The townhouse was a simple one. White trimmed in black. A circular driveway that led to the back. Cruising around the driveway while checking out the serene surroundings, I parked beside her Ferrari and got out. “This way Theodore”. Mishka stood at the back door and beckoned me. Following her lead, I walked into the house and was surprised that there was no furniture.

  “Where’s all your furniture?” I asked curiously.

  “This is not an actual residence Theodore. It’s only used for the photo shots. The equipment is upstairs in the room to your right.” I watched as she walked seductively past me into the kitchen, returning with a bottle of wine and two glasses. “Champagne?”

  “It’s a little early for that aint it?”

  “In my world Theodore, it is never too early for champagne. Especially Dom Perignon.”

  “Dom P. huh?”

  “Yes. I’m still a Brooklyn girl at heart.” She smiled.

  “So, you grew up in Brooklyn too?”


  “So, what nationality are you?”

  “Afghan and Iranian, just as my brother.”

  “Yall damn sure don’t look alike.”

  “Ha Ha Ha. You’re funny Theodore, but I would hope that we wouldn’t.”

  “No. I just mean that your skins a little darker and your features. Damn!”

  “We also have aunts, uncles and cousins in Miami. Some of whom which are Columbian. Maybe some of their genes shined down on me.” The date on the wine said 1937, as she poured me a glass.

  “So, where’s your husband? Obviously, a woman as exotic as yourself has been courted by many of men.”

  “Thank you Theodore. You know all the right things to say to a girl. I can see how Tika fell so hard for you.”

  “That was just puppy love. A long time ago.”

  “Puppy love it may have been, but a love Tika still holds close to her heart all the same. But to answer your questions, I have no husband. No one can afford me. I know my self-worth.” She winked at me. I drained the glass of “Dom P’ and held my glass up for another. Happily, she granted my request.

  “So, where’s the studio?”

  “Upstairs in the master bedroom. All the equipment is there. Are you ready?”

  “Yeah. Let’s go check it out.” I was now curious and still enjoying the company of this dime piece.

  “After you.” Mishka ushered me towards the stairs with that gorgeous smile. The upstairs master bedroom was just as she’d said. Filled with cameras and other electronic equipment that I couldn’t possibly understand.

  “You a photographer too?”

  “No. Although I do possess the skills to handle this simple test shoot. If you’ll just head over there and get comfortable, we can get started.” She pointed across the room to what seemed to be a small platform about seven or eight feet long and maybe four feet high.

  “So just go over there and sit down?”

  “If that makes you comfortable. The key is for you to be as relaxed as you can. Dammit these heels are killing my feet!” She said as she kicked off her Prada heels. Goddammit! Why the fuck did she do that! Her toes were gorgeous! Candy apple red painted. Just the way I love em. Damn! “Teddy? Are you ready?” she smiled that Penelope Cruz smile as she caught me staring at her feet. “Don’t worry Theodore. I admire a man that can appreciate all assets of a woman. Now, look sexy for me.” Mishka told me as she got up and stood behind the camera mounted on a stand. I leaned back and the camera clicked away. ‘Stand up Theodore”. I complied as the camera continued to click. Ten minutes later Mishka was going through the pictures she’d taken of me on a digital recorder. “Well, well, well Theodore, you do look yummy on camera. I think I can work with you.”

  I “KNOW” I could work wit your bad ass! I thought to myself.. Reaching into her pocketbook, Mishka pulled out a small roll of bills. They looked to b
e all Benjamins. “Now as I promised I’m going to pay you a thousand dollars for these pictures, and I’d like to talk to you about a contract.” At this point in my life, I’m all about the money, so I didn’t reject her request.

  “Go on,” I said.

  “Can I see it now?” Her question caught me off guard.

  “Excuse me? See what?”

  “Your cock. Tika tells me it’s beautiful.” She still held the ten one hundred dollar bills in her hand.

  “Tika told you what!”

  “Theodore baby. Right now, is the time for truth or dare. I Models is an exclusive modeling agency that deals only with an elite cliental. We offer dinners, parties, and casual dates. The people our agency caters to, are all part of the working world, but sometimes lack the means, or situation, to meet new people. They may ask for something as simple as a companion for dinner, or feel alive and want to whisk you off to Hawaii. At their expense, of course. You will pay monthly. We’ll discuss the amount after you’ve been on your first job. Everyone that is employed here is put in a portfolio. No information is given about the person in the picture. That is the way our customers like it, so that is the way it is. Understand me Theodore, that I am talking a very high class of people that make up our cliental. There may be opportunities on any job. People have different tastes. If you cater to those tastes, it could prove extremely profitable for you. I don’t know what type of relationship you and Ishmeel have, but if he hired you, then I’m sure it’s very beneficial to you both.” The undertone in her voice said (Yeah, I know my brother got them pigeons.) “But in the same sentence let me remind you of the woman who always took water to the sea. A young man asked the old woman one day. “Where are you carrying that water?”

  “To pour it in the sea.” The old woman replied.

  “Why would you do that. The sea has plenty of water?”

  She smiled and simply said, “ Yes, you’re right young man; but every little bit counts.”

  “I’m offering you money, to do what you love. If you are as gifted as Tika insists, then I know you’re gonna love your job.”

  The shit sounded interesting, but the timing just wasn’t right. Damn this pretty toe motherfucker is BADDD!!! “I got shit to do Mishka.”

  “That’s not a problem. I can assure you that your work schedule at the agency will not interfere with your other…endeavors.”

  Now yall know, this shit had me throwed! Mishka was so calm and confident when she spoke, as if everything she spoke about she knew to be a fact. This kinda shit just don’t happen to a nigga every day! “So, what I gotta do? If I accept the job that is.”

  “First of all, take your dick out and let me see it. Are you afraid of me? I promise, I won’t bite.” Mishka grinned sinfully. Quickly I snapped outta my euphoria. This shit seemed unreal! Here was this “fifteen” piece asking to see my dick. What the fuck was I waiting on!? Standing back to my feet, I walked across the room and stood in front of her where she sat, on the barstool behind the camera.

  “You take it out.” I stood with my hands at my sides.

  “Why thank you Theodore. You’re such a gentleman,” Mishka smiled as she unbuttoned my Moschino jeans, unzipped my zipper, reached in and pulled my dick and balls out through the slit in front of my boxers. My dick jumped to attention like a foot soldier when the General walks into the room! “OOOH, this is beautiful! What in God’s green earth are you doing with all this meat!” Mishka admired my gut puncher from all angles as she stroked it ever so slowly. “Superb length, incredible width.” Mishka spoke to my dick as if she were examining the next up and coming NBA prospect. “Do you know how to use it?” she asked as if it were the most common question in the world.

  “What do you think?” I answered with arrogance. Mishka let go of my pipe and sat back on the stool.

  “I think, you probably “think” you can.” Reaching back over, it took her a minute, but she finally tucked my rigid dick back into my boxers, re-zipped and buttoned my jeans. What the fuck? Is this broad crazy or something? I just knew I was about to get up in that ass! Damn! I didn’t know what the fuck was going on. All my real niggas know, that this type of shit doesn’t happen every day! I was just going wit the flow though. “Do you know how to eat pussy?” She asked suddenly. I glanced down at those delicious toes and my dick seemed to get three degrees harder.

  “You want a tester? I asked licking my lips.”

  “As a matter of fact, I would Teddy. I can call you Teddy, can’t I?” Mishka smiled devilishly.

  “You can call me whatever you want to, as long as you call.” The bullshit was over. Despite the age difference, Mishka was a bonafied dime plus, and I wanted her. Bad!

  “Ha Ha. You’re so cute Theodore. Come back over her.” Mishka got off the stool and walked back over to the modeling platform. Rapidly I followed.

  “So, what’s this got to do with the job?” I asked as she turned to face me.

  “Don’t’ be naïve Teddy. This has everything to do with the job. Now sit down.” She pointed at the platform.

  “Huh? I thought you wanted to test this tongue game out?”

  “I do, so sit down. You don’t always have to be in control Theodore. Sometimes it’s more exciting for the female if she can take the reins.”

  “Oh. Okay then. Do you mami.” I answered as I sat down on the edge of the platform.

  “Good boy. So, you have a foot fetish?”

  “I love pretty feet. It turns me on.” I looked down at hers to make sure she caught my meaning.

  “Alright then.” Walking back over to the cameras she retrieved the stool, put it in front of me then sat down. Suddenly and without warning, she leaned her back against the wall and brought her foot up to my face. I could see straight up her Chanel dress! Goddamn she didn’t have on no panties! The room suddenly filled with that intoxicating scent of bananas. “Go ahead. Worship them,” she nodded towards her foot. Shit, she must not know who she fuckin wit! Eagerly I reached out and grabbed her foot. “Kiss it.” She ordered. Eagerly, I complied. “Now lick the bottom of my foot.” I licked like a thirsty dog but she stopped me. “Wait.”

  “What?” I was confused.

  “Lick slowly. Don’t forget. I’m in control.” Her foot tasted to me like honey as slowly I slid my tongue from her heel all the way to her toes and back again. “SSSSSSS…” she hissed. “Yes Theodore. Just like that. Do you want to suck my toes?”

  “Hell yeah.” I was drunk with lust.

  “Lift up my other foot and make sure to give them both equal attention. Don’t worry about going slowly. You may feast now,” her breathing became heavy as I licked and sucked between her toes. Sucking them one at a time then all at once. I felt as if I might cum myself! “SSSSSSSSSS…Yes Theodore. Just like that. Oooh yes.” She spoke in a low husky voice as I continued to molest her feet. Suddenly she pulled her feet away and set them back on the floor!

  What the… “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. But if you continue that I might cum, and I’m not ready yet.” Mishka stood, pulled her Chanel dress up over her hips and the scent of bananas was stronger than ever! Throwing one foot up on the platform with her other foot planted firmly on the floor, she looked down at me, rubbing the back of my head like a small child. Her pussy was bald. Bikini waxed. Her clit stood out like it was staring at me. “Go ahead and eat.” She purred to me. Like a maniac, I dove in with hands and face, smothering myself with her banana scented crotch! “No.” She pushed my head away. “No hands. Make your tongue do all the work.” Slowly I brought my hands down to my sides, leaned in and sucked her fat clit into my mouth. “AAAH! SHITTT!” She howled! It was the first time I’d heard her curse. “Yes baby. Fuck me with your tongue.” She was the most delicious thing I’ve ever tasted! “Slowly Theodore. Don’t rush. Do the job right.” She coached as I slowed my lapping and slid my tongue in and out of her creamy hole with precision. I felt like a prostitute, the way she talked and said filthy things to me as I licked
her out. I LOVED IT!!! “Now quickly Teddy! Three fingers, use three fingers now!” She yelled as I swiftly slid three fingers into her hot pussy while sucking deeply at her clit! Grabbing the back of my head with both of her hands this time, she shivered and almost suffocated me as she screamed out her orgasm! “AHHH! AHHH!!! OH MY… OH YES THEODORE…! OH GOD!” Her shaking and rapid breathing subsided as her body went limp! Quickly I caught her, and laid her down beside me. Her long mane of hair was all over the place and had her face covered. Gently I pushed the silky hair away from her eyes to find that she was looking up at me with those seductive eyes smiling. Her eyes were smoke grey. Stunning. As if suddenly obtaining new found energy, she stood up, straightened her dress and walked to the door. I was baffled and horny as fuck! “You can wait downstairs Teddy. I’ll be with you momentarily. I need to take a quick shower.”

  “What?… But?”

  “I know what you thought Teddy. But remember. I’m in control. You satisfied me, and for your job well done, I am paying you one thousand dollars.”

  “I thought you was paying me the thousand for the pictures.”

  “Come now Theodore. Who in the hell pays a thousand dollars for some pictures? I told you. Don’t be naïve.” She sprinted out of the room leaving me with only her banana scent on my face and her cum in my mouth.Ten minutes later she appeared downstairs in a Nike women’s sport top and Nike stretch warm ups. Her long hair was pulled back into a ponytail. “It’s time for my afternoon run.” She answered my question before I asked. “Here take this.” She handed me the money in all hundreds; along with a Nokia cell phone. “Tika has a great eye for talent. You did not disappoint.” Mishka rubbed the side of my face as she spoke.

  “Whos phone is this?” I asked looking down at it for some sign to answer my question.

  “It’s yours. Call it your gift phone because you’re gifted. It will only ring when you have a job. Probably sometime this coming weekend. If you can’t make it, then kindly ask the customer if they would like to re-schedule. As I’ve said, our cliental is very exclusive and privacy is our number one concern.


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