Deviant & Naughty
Page 17
She seemed to be waiting for an answer so Alex obliged. “I’m guessing you can’t.”
“That’s exactly right, she said. “But lucky for you I’ve got more than enough experience for the both of us. So I can show you what you want, even if you don’t know you want it yet. Like right now. You want to touch me, right? To please me. To make me feel good.”
Alex nodded.
“But you’re not sure how to do it, are you?”
He shook his head.
“Because some girls like to be kissed, some like their breasts to be fondled, others like their nipples pinched. One likes their pussy rubbed, another their clit to be flicked, a third likes fingers inside her. And then how many fingers? One? Two? Three? Four? How is a man supposed to know what to do if they aren’t told? And how many people are comfortable enough to actually talk about such things?”
“None that I’ve been with,” Alex said, his heart beating against the walls of his chest and his breath coming more quickly as his excitement rose. To hear a woman—a gorgeous, naked woman who was lying on him, no less—talk like this was something he’d never thought could happen. So many mysteries being revealed, so many questions being answered, so many of his hidden fears being laid to waste; he could feel walls crumbling down inside him.
“Do you want to please me?” she asked.
“With everything I have.”
“Then kiss me.”
Alex lifted his head and pressed his lips against hers. His tongue darted inside her mouth, started exploring around, and hers did the same.
“Now let your hands explore,” she said, breaking off their kiss and bringing her mouth up to his ear just long enough to say the words before returning her lips to his.
So Alex did, running his hands over her head, through her hair, and down her back, eventually settling on her ass. He gave her cheeks a squeeze, one in each hand, feeling her tight ass beneath her smooth skin.
She broke off their kiss once again. “That’s a start,” she said. “Now turn me over so you’re on top.”
He did as he was told without thought, more than happy to be led along by her, not having to worry about making a mistake, about taking things too fast, about pushing too far.
“Now suck on my nipple,” she said, pushing down on the top of his head.
“With pleasure,” he said, sliding his body down and taking one of her nipples in his mouth and sucking on it like he was a baby getting fed. He could feel it hardening inside his mouth, giving him more to suck. The sounds of her excitement filled the room, spurring him on. Looking up at her he could see her eyes were closed and a look of pleasure was stamped on her face.
He sucked harder for a few seconds, then pulled back, letting his lips pull on her nipple for a moment for popping it out of his mouth.
She let out a blissful little yelp and followed that with another delighted moan as he took her other nipple in his mouth and gave it the same treatment.
After working on the other nipple for a bit she reached out and grabbed his arm at the wrist. He looked up at her expectantly, wondering if she wanted him to break it off but she shook her head.
“Keep doing what you’re doing,” she said as she pushed his hand down the length of her body. “I’m just adding another element into the mix.”
Alex allowed her to guide his hand down until it was between her legs. Putting her hand on the outside of his, she pressed his hand against her pussy and rubbed it up and down.
She was soaking wet, her juices everywhere.
“Stick two fingers inside of me,” she said.
Alex did. They slid in without so much as a hint of resistance. He moved them back and forth against her, quickly picking up speed.
She grabbed his arm, stopping him. “Slower,” she said. “Don’t be so anxious. Build it up gradually.”
“Sorry,” Alex said.
“Don’t apologize,” she replied. “Don’t ever apologize. Just listen. And pay attention. And learn.”
“How do I know when to . . .”
“Go more quickly?” she said.
Alex nodded. He was still finding it difficult to talk openly about what they were doing. He wasn’t sure why, it was some sort of a mental block.
“I’ll tell you,” she said. “Eventually you’ll learn how to read it yourself, but for now, just listen and do what you’re told.”
So he did, slowing down a bit, getting in a rhythm, only speeding up when she told him to, eventually slipping another finger in at her request, following her every direction as accurately as he could, from depth to speed to positioning to what to do with his mouth, his tongue, his other hand.
Alex was surprised to find that her enjoyment was getting him off. The more she got into it the more he did too, and it didn’t take long before his cock was rock-hard once again, without her so much as touching it.
“See,” she said, reaching down and giving Alex’s cock a couple of strokes with her hand while he continued banging her. “I told you I’d take care of that part, didn’t I?”
Alex nodded, too busy to talk.
“Now let’s see you put it to good use again,” she said. She pulled his hand out of her pussy, stuck his index finger in her mouth, licked it clean, and popped it back out of her mouth. “Do you think—” She popped his middle finger in her mouth and gave it the same treatment. “You can—” She paused in order to lick his ring finger clean too. “Do that?”
Alex swallowed hard and again nodded. He knew that eventually he’d have to get over the embarrassment of talking during sex but for now he was going to stick with what was comfortable.
She slid up and away from him. Still on her back, she spread her legs and beckoned him over. “Then come over here and stick that giant cock inside me.”
Alex didn’t need to be told twice. He practically jumped atop her, so anxious was he to fuck her pussy again. Grabbing his cock in his hand he slid it inside her and started to move quickly against her.
“Ah, ah, ah,” she said, her hand on his chest to halt his progress. “Slowly, just like with your fingers. Take your time. There’s no need to rush. It’s not a race.”
He started to apologize again but she cut him off by covering his mouth with her hand.
“I told you before, no apologies. You don’t have anything to be sorry about. This is a learning process. Nobody gets it right the first time. Okay?”
Alex nodded.
“I want to hear you say it,” she said. “I want to be sure you understand.”
“Okay,” he said quickly, wanting to get it over with. His cock felt like it was going to burst through his skin. “I understand.”
“Slowly,” she said, drawing the word out.
Alex dropped his gaze for a moment. With his cock still inside her, he took a deep breath to gather himself, then looked back up at her gorgeous face. “Okay,” he said, far more calmly this time. “I understand.”
“Then prove it,” she said.
He leaned in and starting kissing her. While moving his lower half very slowly inside her, Alex explored her mouth with his tongue.
As she returned his kiss Alex found himself moving slightly more quickly, still taking his time as much as possible, but unable to completely contain his excitement.
“That’s it,” she said, pulling her mouth off of his. They were face-to-face, their noses practically touching. “There you go. Right there, baby. Right there.”
Her encouragement didn’t help him stay calm. In fact it got him more excited, causing him to move faster against her. Which he was starting to think was her purpose all along, as the more quickly he moved against her the more she talked, which just got him going even faster, to which she replied by talking even more. She had to know what she was doing to him.
“Give it to me,” she said, her voice louder now, more intense, pushing him further and faster with every word. “Fuck me with the big cock of yours. That’s right. Like you mean it. Yes! Yes! Yes!”
x was giving it to her with everything he had now, his cock slamming into her pussy with every bit of force he could muster.
“God-dammit!” she screamed, losing herself for the first time. “That feels so fucking good! Fuck, fuck, fuck! I’m gonna fucking cum, don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t fucking stop!”
He couldn’t stop, not now. It felt too damn good to even think about slowing down, let alone stopping. And her being so into it just turned him on even further. Right about now Alex was a speeding train that had lost all its brakes. There was only one thing that could end his ride. The end of the line.
They got there at almost exactly the same time, her body shaking and shimmying beneath him just as he tensed up in anticipation of finishing up for good. Her gyrations put him over the edge, causing him to shoot his seed inside her without the usual extended moment of anticipation before release.
“Not bad,” she said between large gulps of air after they’d stopped moving against each other. “Not bad at all.”
Smiling, Alex climbed off of her and dropped onto the covers next to her. He was proud of himself. He wasn’t sure exactly why, but he felt good nonetheless. Far different than the guilt he usually felt after orgasm.
She turned on her side and looked over at him. “You did good, kid. Surprisingly good, actually.”
“Thanks,” he said, feeling his face growing red. He was never very good at taking compliments.
“So what do you say? Should we try this again tomorrow. Say, around noon?”
“I can probably do that,” he said. “But I need to know one thing before I commit to anything.”
“Just one?”
“For now.”
“Then fire away,” she said.
“What’s your name?”
She looked at him and smiled. “Francesca.”
Alex nodded approvingly. The name fit her perfectly. “Pleased to meet you, Francesca. I’m Alex.”
“I know,” Francesca said.
“You do?”
“Of course,” she said. “Do you think I’d just bring home a stranger to fuck?”
“Well, I . . .” Alex stammered.
“I’ve had my eye on you for a while, Alex T. Foxx. Quite a while, indeed. Of course, if I would have known how big that hand cannon you keep beneath your pants was, I would have manufactured our little collision quite a bit sooner.”
He tilted his head and eyed her carefully. “You planned this whole thing out?”
“More or less,” she said. “This morning was supposed to be the first of many accidental occurrences that would have inevitably led to the same situation that played out here today, but lucky for me things turned out differently than I had planned, so I sped up the process a bit.”
“How’d you know I go along with it?”
“Please,” she said with a smirk. “What young man wouldn’t take the opportunity I was affording him? Anyone you know?”
He had to admit, she had him there. “No, I guess not,” he said with a little chuckle.
“Of course they wouldn’t,” Francesca said. “Just as none would pass up the chance to continue the affair.”
“You’re that confident I’ll keep on coming over, huh?”
“Absolutely,” she said. “Especially once you’ve had a night to think about where we’re going to go from here.”
“You mean it gets better?”
“Well it sure as hell isn’t going to get worse. Not with what I’ve got planned.”
“And what is that, exactly?”
“You’ll just have to come back to find out,” Francesca said. “But let’s just say that today was just the tip of the iceberg. I’ve got a thousand little tricks I can teach you, if you’ll just give me the chance.”
“Like what?” he asked. “Just give me one example.”
Smiling, she leaned over and starting whispering in his ear. Just a couple sentences, but they were enough to make his cock stir around, even though they hadn’t been done for more than minute.
He laughed and shook his head. “Who in their right mind would pass up something like that?”
“Who indeed?” Francesca said.
“Certainly not me,” Alex said.
“So I’ll see you again tomorrow?”
“Do we have to wait that long?” he said, half-jokingly.
“Unfortunately I already have plans for the rest of the day,” she said. “Otherwise we could hang out and screw around until night fell. But as it is, I’m already running late, so I’m going to have to call an end to day one of your education.”
“That’s too bad.”
“Not necessarily,” Francesca said. “You can actually make it work to your advantage if you go home and do a little homework tonight.”
“What kind of homework?”
“Just a bit of studying.”
“Positions. Things you’d like to do to me. Things you’d like me to do to you. Tomorrow we’re going to see how you react when you have control.”
Alex’s face started to flush.
“But first you need to figure out how to get over your embarrassment,” she said. “Because I’m certainly not going to start mincing my words. If anything, I’m going to get more blatant, more bold as we go along. And I expect you to also. Do you think you can handle that?”
“I can sure try.”
“That’s not good enough,” Francesca said. “You need to figure it out. And right quick. Otherwise you might end up paying the price.”
“And what price is that?”
“You don’t want to know,” she said, flashing him an evil smile. “Of course, after you experience it, you might like it. After all, like I said earlier, it truly is impossible to know if you like something until you try it. And I seem to have a way of making people like it, no matter how much they think they won’t. I can make pretty much anything feel good.”
“I have no doubt about that,” Alex said.
“All right, that’s enough chit-chat,” Francesca said, giving him a little peck on the cheek before climbing up and out of the bed. “I’ve got to get out of here. You can show yourself out I presume?”
“Not a problem.”
“And I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Alex said.
“I knew you wouldn’t,” Francesca replied, looking over her shoulder and flashing him a smile as she made her way into the bathroom. “I’ll be expecting you around noon.”
“I’ll see you then,” he said, rolling out of bed himself. He made his way downstairs, gathered up his clothes, and put them on. With the sound of the shower filling the house he looked around one last time, laughed softly, then shook his head and made his way out the back door.
Alex started jogging back towards his house, feeling a thousand things at once, and not one of them bad. He had a big smile on his face. For once he had homework that he was looking forward to doing. Life was good. And it was about to get even better. A whole lot better.
He couldn’t wait for day two.
My roommate Penny and I started screwing around with each other shortly after we moved in together, a little over a year ago.
It had happened naturally; we were both young, attractive and in our sexual primes. We were both fed up with men and looking for something more. So we decided to give each other a shot. And we haven’t looked back since. We still hook up with men from time to time, and even end up in relationships with them occasionally. But we never stop fucking each other. It’s just too much fun.
Two years ago if you would have told me that I’d not only be living with another girl but fucking her on a regular basis I would have laughed you out of the room.
After all, at the time I was engaged to (who I thought was) a wonderful guy with a marriage date set in stone and plans for the future. I’d never even kissed a girl, let alone slept with one. And I never had even seriously th
ought about it.
Even after my engagement fell through (when I caught my fiancée cheating on me) I still never thought about sleeping with another woman. I went on a six-month sexual binge, but all with men, fucking as many of them as I could in an attempt to wash the taste of my scumbag fiancée out of my mouth.
But that was before I met Penny.
I remember the first time I laid my eyes on her, about a year after my engagement ended. I was at a bar in the Gaslamp Quarter in downtown San Diego with some friends when she showed up as part of another group we were meeting up with.
She caught my eye immediately, mostly because she was my physical opposite. Her hair was long and blonde hair while mine was short and brown. She had huge, natural, low-hanging breasts and I had small, perky, high ones. Her soft, slightly pudgy, face was completely different than my sharply lined features. She was short and stacked, with an amazingly curvy natural figure while I was tall and lanky with a body toned daily in the gym.
And the differences didn’t stop there. Pretty much everything about us was different.
Her pale skin to my dark tan. Her blue eyes to my brown. Her round, fleshy ass to my narrow, firm one. And it wasn’t only our looks that were in contrast.
Penny was cute and bubbly while I was hard-edged and intense. She was talky while I was reserved. She was nice and I was mean. She was everybody’s best friend while I scared everyone away.
I figured we would butt heads like a couple of divas, but as it turned out, we got along incredibly well. People always say opposites attract but I never bought into it.
Until I met Penny.
At some point during that first night we ended up at the same table, both of us drunk off our asses and talking at length about our personal lives. I don’t remember many specifics of the conversation but I do remember that it was mostly about men, how pathetic and sad they were, how they didn’t know what they were doing in bed, how the only thing they cared about was pleasing themselves, that kind of stuff.
Nothing happened that night but the foundation had been laid. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I knew right then that Penny and I were going to end up fucking on a regular basis, in fact, it was the furthest thing from my mind. I’d never been with another woman at that point, and I never really expected to. And Penny felt the same way.