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Book of Souls (Supernatural War Book 1)

Page 20

by Steven L Smithen

  Almost as soon as the cry came from Omek two bangs echoed across the clearing so close that to an untrained ear it would sound like one. I saw one of the vampire guards fall from the top of the temple, the only evidence that the snipers had done their job.

  Vampires began to pour out of the ruins like ants after you kick their mound. They were dressed in various types of garb from military fatigues to that of the Blood Priests. Their armament was just as eclectic. Everything from assault rifles, and pistols to knives, and swords. Hell, a couple even had halberds. The battle was joined by our side as I saw scores of jaguars and other cats flow out of the jungle while others fired on the vampires from the cover of the jungle. Celeste, Thomas, and the others who shifted began to move up the back of the temple with Craig, Talia, Esteban, and myself following.

  As we broke from the jungle a wave of vampires came around both sides of the temple headed towards us. I lifted my M4 and opened fired in short bursts dropping as many as I could before we were joined in close combat. Dropping my rifle, I pulled out two Marine K-bar fighting knives and joined Talia who had her blades out and was a spinning blur of death. It reminded me of Legolas as he went through the orcs in Laketown. I heard the mother of all roars and chanced a look to see Thomas in his enraged grizzly glory, he was on his hind legs swatting vampires like they were rag dolls.

  The bear and cats were keeping them at bay so we could ascend the temple. “You three go, I’ll stay here with them,” Craig said as he fired his M4 in controlled bursts as the vamps tried to get close.

  Talia, Esteban, and I made our way up the back of the temple. I put my knives away and pulled out my pistol as I brought up the rear.

  At the top of the temple, we found Khloe, and Zantana each fighting a Blood Priest. Davin was at the back of the platform. Talia moved around him and raced to help her best friend. I raised my pistol and shot the priest who was fighting with Zantana twice in the head. This allowed her to move back to Davin. He looked beaten, but nothing some time not chained to a post wouldn’t cure. He was chanting and gesturing with his hands which led me to believe that he was preparing a spell. I saw a familiar Blood Priest standing near the fire with Samantha. She looked like she was also concentrating on a spell while the Blood Priest held open the Book of Souls before her.

  “Gustavo? How is this possible? I saw you lose your head.” Esteban yelled at the Blood Priest.

  The head of the Blood Priest or Gustavo snapped up to look at his former friend, eyes glittering in the witch fire. “Esteban, my old friend, so glad you have returned. Finally, my revenge will be fulfilled.”

  “What are you talking about?” Esteban replied exasperated.

  “When you buried me in the ground here my body already charged by my own magic was flooded by the death magic that saturates this land brought me back from true death.” He offered. “Now, I have the book that those pathetic Elders were so hoping to get their pathetic hands on. Don’t worry once my friends arrive they will make short work of whatever army you have brought.”

  Esteban was devastated by this revelation as I moved forward. Another Blood Priest tried to intercept me. I shot him twice in the head. Pistol beats knife any day of the week. That snapped Esteban out of his fog. As Talia, and Khloe finish off the other priest.

  This left only Gustavo and Samantha, who hadn’t stopped her chanting, against the six of us. Gustavo looked behind him and over the battle that was raging below. Bodies were strewn about the ruins. That odd smell hit me again coming from the far side of the ruins.

  A hush settled over the battle field as the three Fallen walked in the fray. Each was dressed in what looked like a mix black chainmail, and leather armor, and carried long swords with blades black as pitch. Our side turned to face the new threat and attacked almost as one. They struck at the Fallen and it was like watching a wave break against the rocks as scores of shifters attacked only to be repelled. The Fallen counter-attacked hitting our forces like a scythe through a wheat field.

  “Talia, we are needed. They will kill them all if we don’t do something.” I started to make my way down the front of the temple as I pulled off my armor, in preparation to shift into my beast form.

  “You will not interfere,” Gustavo said as he moved to stop me. He dropped the book and drew his obsidian blades, as he closed on me. His attack never reached me. Esteban intercepted his strike with his broad sword.

  “Go, Dorian! This is my fight.” Esteban said.

  Gustavo’s face turned to rage as his focus shifted to Esteban. He slashed out with his obsidian blades. Esteban parried both strikes as he moved around, and searched for an opening.

  While Gustavo and Esteban fought. Samantha raised her arms to the sky as her chanting began to sound more like shouts. I looked up and observed storm clouds had begun to circle the temple. “Khloe, you have to stop her, and whatever she is doing!” I yelled as Talia joined me.

  Khloe with her blades drawn stalked toward Samantha. Samantha must have been consumed by the spell she was casting because she seemed oblivious to Khloe’s approach.

  A cry from Gustavo tore me away from whatever Khloe had planned to see Esteban run Gustavo through. Gustavo fell to his knees as Esteban pulled his sword free. “Nooo!” Gustavo cried before Esteban removed his head. He stood there with his head bowed briefly before he made the sign of the cross.

  Samantha turned her head towards Khloe approach. “Fools!” Her voice boomed as she raised a hand knocking Khloe away with a gesture. Khloe’s parents ran to her side.

  “What have you done?” Davin said holding up his hand in a defensive gesture.

  “I would have preferred you, but this one is adequate.” Samantha’s voice boomed again.

  “I’m guessing that’s not Samantha anymore?” I asked.

  Samantha spun towards my question as I began to understand what had happened. Samantha’s eyes were glowing bright white. No iris or pupil. “Ah, the mongrel, and his sister.” She said in a condescending tone. “I have long wanted to have such pets as you two.”

  “I don’t fucking think so?” Talia retorted.

  “What she said,” I replied letting the change take me as Talia drew her blades.

  Talia and I charged Samantha. She raised both hands freezing us in place. Her malevolent smirk was replaced with a look of shock as Esteban’s broad sword erupted from her chest. Unfreezing the two of us. “You were arrogant five hundred years ago Kirin. Looks like you didn’t learn your lesson then.” Esteban said as he pulled his sword from her back.

  Talia relieved Samantha of her head. As the body fell Talia picked up Samantha’s head. She stared at her eyes for a minute before she tossed it into the witch fire. “Pet my ass.”

  Esteban went over to where Gustavo fell. He threw Gustavo’s head into the fire before adding his body to the fire.

  After helping Khloe up, Davin, and Zantana joined us. Davin picked up the Book of Souls from where it had fallen. “Down there, are three Fallen and bent on obtaining that book for what reason I do not know. They are more powerful than us. We will most likely die, but if we don’t try to stop them…” I trailed off as Khloe touch my shoulder.

  I nodded to her and continued my way down the temple with Talia, and Esteban at my side. I heard Khloe tell her parents. “Stay safe, throw the book into the witch fire if you have to but whatever you do don’t let them have that book.” They said something to her in return. She caught up to us as we reached the bottom.

  Craig, Thomas, Celeste, and the others came around the side of the temple and moved into the ongoing battle.

  Talia, and Khloe both pulled their blades free. Khloe’s blades began to glow blue with power while Talia’s eyes began to glow with her Alpha and Angel power.

  Esteban just drew his broad sword. “Hey, nothing special here just an old powerful vampire.”

  “Let’s do this,” I said as I shifted into my beast form.

  I waded into the fray and grabbed a vampire from behind as he moved in
for the kill on a Jaguar Warrior. Startled by being bothered he was even more shocked when I pulled off his arm and began to beat him with it while he bled out. They sensed something bigger, and badder. The vampires began to move away from me as I made my way towards the first of the Fallen.

  The path opened between the two of us and caused him to stop his killing strike as he turned to face me. “Look, if it isn’t my brother’s half-breed get!” He paused as he examined me. “I am surprised you survived our first encounter, something I’ll make sure to remedy this time.” With blinding speed, he moved in my direction as I rushed in to meet him.

  I ducked under his strike and swiped my claws across his torso shredding the cloth that covered his chainmail. I also noticed some of the links were missing too. His back swing caught me in the shoulder causing me to howl as the demon blade bit my flesh. It was like being hit by something so cold it burned. We continued to circle each other striking when we could. Each of us scored hits on the other. His hits were taking their toll. Each time that damn blade struck it felt like a red-hot poker was being shoved into the wound. He wasn’t without his own injuries as he now had four claw marks running down the left side of his face taking his eye along the way. I didn’t dare to chance a look for anyone else. If I did he would end me for sure.

  “Just give up. It’s over I have you beaten. You can’t defeat me.” He said.

  I roared and charged him, he spun away and slashed at the back of my legs causing me to fall to my knees. I shifted back to human and sat there on my heels. “I don’t have to beat you, douche. I just have to outlast you.” I said breathlessly.

  “You haven’t even done that.” He said as he grabbed my hair and pulled my head back. I looked up at him. “I’m going to kill you and the rest of your little family here.”

  He raised his sword to deliver the death blow. Flashes of my life passed before my eyes. Me, and T when we were kids, then teenagers with our parents. Me in the Marines, to when I met Khloe. Holding her image in my mind as his sword began its descent only to fall short.

  A pillar of fire fell from the sky and blinded everyone around. As my vision came back I saw my father standing in the middle of a burned circle on the ground with my mother in wolf form, her silver coat shining as she growled her challenge. My father wore golden armor that sun reflected off in dazzling brilliance, his wings spread out wide as actinic light shown from Tak, his angelic sword of retribution.

  “Sirechael, did you think we would not find you? You led us on a quite a chase but I know how much you wanted that grimoire.” My father challenged.

  Sirechael pushed me out of the way as he moved to attack my father. When their swords struck, sparks exploded off them. My mother came over to check on me. She sniffed me as well as nudged me with her snout. “I’ll be fine mom,” I said as I clambered out of the way of the two combatants.

  Sirechael gave as good as he got but my father was the fresher warrior. He began to beat down Sirechael’s defenses before too long he had him on his knees like I had been. Dad kicked Sirechael’s sword out of his hand as he came to stand in front of him. “Do you repent?” My father asked him soberly.

  “I repent nothing,” Sirechael said with venom in his voice spitting on my father.

  My father stepped up and turned his sword blade down before he drove it into Sirechael’s chest. Causing an unearthly scream from his throat. My father pulled his sword free before he took Sirechael’s head off with one stroke. As the body hit the ground it began to turn to ash crumbling as the wind blew his remains across the battlefield.

  “Lemegeton! Atloton! Show yourselves!” My father commanded standing there like a general surveying the battle. Mother had joined him but now in human form wearing silver armor that matched his.

  I sat up and witnessed the fighting had all but stopped. I saw Khloe making her way over to me. She was holding one arm against her body.

  Talia walked over to our parents. “They took off just as you and mom showed up. They did that portal thingy.” She collapsed into their arms.

  Khloe sat down next to me. Omek’s shifters had taken quite a few defeated looking vampires as prisoners. I had no idea what they were going to do with them.

  My parents brought Talia over to us. Laying her down. “We’ll have a look around for your people, but I won’t lie to you son. It doesn’t look good for either side.” Dad said soberly.

  “I figured, thanks.” Laying back down between the girls, I draped my arm across my eyes.

  I must’ve fallen asleep because the next thing I heard was Talia’s crying. Oh no, not Joseph. I thought. I sat up and realized that someone had tended my wounds. I turned towards the sounds Talia was making. I saw her kneeling next to Joseph’s body with our parents on either side of her offering whatever comfort they could. Thankful that they were with Talia, I looked around for Khloe. I found her kneeling with her mom next to a body that I thought must be Omek. Her dad stood a little away from them while he talked with Esteban and held onto the Book of Souls.

  I went and kneeled next Talia. I wrapped my arms around and pulled her tight. “Let it out sis, don’t hold it in,” I whispered to her. She let go and completely broke down in my arms. I just held her and rocked back and forth. Our parents, armorless, wearing street clothes, wrapped their arms around the two of us.

  Chapter 35

  Later in that afternoon found me helping in the arraignment of the dead for the ceremonial burial pyres for both friend, and foe. Mom, Khloe, and Zantana had taken Talia back to the camp to get her away from the dead. More likely to get her away from Joseph’s body. She was a wreck now but I believed that she would come through this stronger than before.

  After I moved one of the deceased a thought came to me. “Hey Dad, with Gustavo, and Samantha dead isn’t their obfuscation spell also dead? Do we need to worry about someone finding us here among all this carnage?”

  He stopped for a minute but before he could answer Davin interrupted. “No, we should be good. I put one of my own up as soon as the fighting was over. Just have to hope that no one had a spy satellite overhead for the time that there wasn’t one.”

  I really liked Davin. He was down to earth about almost everything. Didn’t hurt that he was a Red Sox fan. We spent most of that afternoon talking about the upcoming season.

  Of the team, the only loss we suffered besides Joseph was Thomas, from what I was told he waded right into the fray going toe to toe with one of the Fallen in his grizzly form. Everyone else suffered their own assorted wounds. Craig was being tended to by Celeste wasn’t sure if he was staying or if she was coming home with us. Zantana had already told Khloe that if her clan didn’t want Davin around then they were coming with us which made Khloe very happy.

  Once full dark had come to the clearing I saw a line of torches move from the jungle toward those of us that were gathered. Most of the pyres were going to be massive with only Joseph, Thomas, and Omek being separate from the group.

  The shifters came out in their traditional Eagle and Jaguar Warrior garb each carrying a torch. Celeste and two others came to a stop in front of Talia, Craig, and Esteban handing each of them a lit torch. Khloe and Zantana stood with Esteban in front of Omek’s pyre while Talia was in front of Joseph’s with our parents by her side leaving me to stand next to Craig in front of Thomas’. Once everyone was in place Zantana said some words honoring those who had fallen. Then Esteban placed his torch into the pyre igniting it while the others were lit. As Craig lit Thomas’ pyre he said, “You went out the way you lived. I will raise one in your honor when we return home my friend.”

  Talia lit Joseph’s pyre with the help of our parents.

  The clan warriors stood watch over the pyres as they burned through the night. Most returned to the camp. I stood with Talia through the night.

  The next morning found our group preparing to return to Boston. I saw Esteban come out of his tent dressed in everyday street clothes, not the traditional farmers garb that he had been we
aring. “What will you do now?” I asked.

  “Going to return to Boston with you. Donovan needs my help with his coven and the Elders. He openly chose your side in this. Not Gustavo’s or even the neutral position that the Elders seemed to have taken. He’s going to need all the help he can get. I’m hoping that the Alpha of the local pack will back him up as well.” He supplied with a grin.

  “He’s got it. When we first met, he was a pompous ass like most of your kind tend to be, but he stuck his head out to help us. I’ll be more than glad to lend you guys a hand.” I offered with a matching grin.

  Craig joined us a few minutes later. “Greg is bringing the plane to a closer airfield, about five miles away. Should be here in about an hour.”

  “Are you staying?” I asked and hoped that Celeste was coming with us. I really didn’t want to lose him or his council.

  “Celeste will be coming with us if that is alright.” He answered.

  I clapped him on the back. “She’s more than welcome you should know that now about me. I’m not like those other Alphas.”

  Thirty minutes later found our little group heading out to meet Greg with our ride home.


  A few months later found me as I ran the day to day operations of Fenris Security along with Craig. Celeste had fallen in love with Boston almost as soon as we landed at Logan Airport. It looked like having a mate agreed with Craig, as well as his impending fatherhood.

  Khloe moved her belongings into my apartment on the third floor of the building. With Zantana and Davin now living in the townhome across the street, she dove head first into her studies for her doctorate. Having her father nearby allowed her to study her magic under his tutelage. Davin was working on finding a way to secure the Book of Souls. I know he did something to seal it about twenty feet beneath their townhome’s basement. No one knew he had it, so we all believed that it would be safe for the time being. Zantana, along with Celeste, were teaching self-defense classes at Kenji’s dojo.


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