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Winning the Lady (Book 4 of the Red River Valley Brides)

Page 21

by Hestand, Rita

  "I'm holding you to that, Joe, when the baby is born," Sarah teases. "I want you to learn to diaper him, same as me."

  Joe turned red. "I guess I'll have to try."

  Harry laughed. "You'll do more than try, Joe. You'd be surprised how fast you get the hang of it. Be happy she doesn't make you do the wash."

  "Hey, Ma and I do the washing around here." Jo Ella swatted him on the arm with a fork.

  "I know. I've seen the amount you do, and it takes the two of you a day to do it. I'm certainly glad I don't have that duty." Harry smiled.

  "You're the one who wanted so many kids. And I have to keep him clean, don't I?" Jo Ella teased with a scowl.

  "I'm with Gil. I want a houseful." Harry laughed.

  The bantering went on and on, and Trish enjoyed every moment of it, but she knew he had something to talk to her about.

  "Can I talk to you in private?" he whispered just before the girls began gathering the dirty plates.

  "Sure. I'll be right back," Trish told Jo Ella.

  "Take your time. We have plenty of help."

  Gil carried little Lucas with him on his hip.

  "What's up?" Trish asked as he pulled her into a hallway.

  He leaned to kiss her, even if Lucas wasn't comfortable with it. Then as he raised his head, he glanced at Lucas and took a deep breath. "I went to see Chester."

  Trish's eyes widened. "Chester?"



  Trish was speechless, that was the last place she suspected. "And…."

  "I don't know how to tell you this, but Chester died about two months ago."



  "What do you mean died?" She hadn't loved him as a husband, but she never wished him real harm. She never wished anyone real harm, except maybe Eb.

  Gil hung his head a moment. "He was playing poker again and lost his place. He swore the man was cheating, but it never was proved. Chester just couldn't handle losing any more. He pulled a gun, only he was too slow."

  "Oh my God!" Trish's eyes clouded with tears.

  Gil didn't understand at first, but then he seemed to figure it out. His Trish was a sensitive woman, and even though she didn't love Chester, she was sorry to see him pass. That bolstered even more respect than he had already had for her.

  "I'm sorry, honey."

  "Are you sure?" She glanced up at him.

  "Yeah, I made sure. I went to see his grave, talked to the sheriff. That's what took me so long. I saw his grave, and the date he died. I wrote it down for you. You are officially a widow," Gil said slowly, letting that part sink in.

  Trish raised her eyes to him and wiped away her tears. "I'm sorry for him, but I shouldn't cry."

  Gil finally set Lucas down, took her in his arms, and held her a long moment. "I'm sorry, honey, but I had to make sure of it. A lot of times people say someone is dead and they are not. I had to be sure he was. That's why I followed up on it."

  "I guess I should thank you for doing that." She shook her head. "And I shouldn't be surprised or upset, but I never expected this…"

  "I know. I explained to the sheriff why I wanted to know. He said they heard he was married but didn't know where you were to contact you," Gil explained.

  Trish moved away from him for a moment. "After all this time… and now this…"

  Gil frowned a bit. "Trish, I was gonna ask you to marry me right away. But if this is too much, too soon, just let me know."

  "M-marry you?" Her mouth fell open, and her expression changed to a huge smile. Her heart was going way too fast. "Too soon?"

  "I can see you're upset."

  Trish shook her head. "Not because of Chester. I mean, not because of how I felt about him. I just hate that he ended up that way. He was my husband," she muttered lowly. "I should be feeling more, because of it, but I just can't.

  "Y-yes I know."

  "But you are the man I love and I want to marry you. As soon as possible." She said staring at him. "I'm really just feeling guilty for marrying Chester in the first place and for not being a better wife. I don't want to be that kind of wife for you."

  "You mean it?" Gil asked.

  "Of course I do. I love you." She crushed herself against him. "You are the only man I've ever loved. And if you'll have me then yes, I'll marry you as soon as you say." And she started to cry again.

  Happy tears he knew, and he whirled her in the air and kissed her long and hard.

  Jo Ella came down the hallway and spotted them. "This is what happens when you babysit my child?"

  Gil and Trish both laughed.

  "She just agreed to marry me, Jo Ella!" Gil was beyond excited.

  "What! Wonderful, but what about Chester?"

  Trish hung her head. "Gil just came from his place. Chester is dead. He got in another poker game. This time he lost his land and he couldn't take it. The other fella shot and killed him. Apparently Chester accused him of cheating, from what Gil told me. Gil verified it all with the sheriff and even went to see the grave."

  "Oh my God! I'm sorry, but I'm also very happy for the two of you." She grabbed them both in a hug.

  "We want to have the wedding here." Gil glanced at Trish, who nodded. Her smile had never been wider. "And if Joe will do the honors, we'd like him to marry us."

  Joe came ambling down the hallway. "Did I hear my name mentioned?"

  "You are going to marry Trish and Gil," Jo Ella announced, hugging his neck too.

  Joe laughed. "This is wonderful news."

  Wonderful news! Trish wanted to shout.


  Before long, everyone knew about the wedding.

  Ma began making plans for the wedding cake. Jo Ella agreed to do the flowers and Sarah, who had taken up sewing, wanted to make her dress for her. Nadine offered to make sure the townspeople knew of it and to organize the reception afterward.

  Naturally, with the wedding being in Vada, the whole town would be invited.

  That night, as Trish sat in Gil's lap on the porch and the others went about their business, they began to plan their life together.

  "Are you sure you still want to marry me?" Trish whispered into his ear.

  "Even a tournament poker game couldn't drag me away from the church the day I marry you. I love you, Trish, and we are going to make a family."

  She sighed happily into his arms. "I still feel bad for Chester, but then it was his own fault."

  "Some men don't need to play poker," Gil advised.

  "I believe that. Eb was one of those men."

  "I missed you while I was away," he whispered softly.

  "Me too." She kissed him.

  "Let's go upstairs," he persuaded.

  "Let's do." She smiled.

  He took her hand and guided her up the stairs to the room Ma told them was theirs as long as they were here in Vada. "Ma's very considerate, especially about putting the cart before the horse."

  Trish laughed, and the night faded into long lingering moments of ecstasy.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  "Oh, Sarah, you've really outdone yourself with the needle, girl." Trish swished about in the beautiful white dress.

  "You look gorgeous."

  "How can I ever thank you?"

  "Be happy with Gil."

  Trish swirled around once more. "I couldn't be happier. I never thought this day would come for me. I really didn't. I never dreamed I could love someone so much."

  "I know the feeling."

  "You do. You really do love Joe, don't you?"

  "Good heavens, yes. I chased the man forever it seemed. He had blinders on. He couldn't see me, but when he did, it was well worth it."

  Trish stared into the mirror. "Did you ever think that the five of us would be this happy?"

  Sarah looked into the mirror with her. "To tell the truth, no. When I came here, I thought I'd never get Joe's attention. He was the only one I wanted. I almost went back home to Al's. Almost."

  "I'm so glad you di
dn't. What made Joe turn around?"

  "You won't believe it. I almost drowned. I'd been following him all day and wondering if he'd ever stop and notice. He didn't so I started to turn around and go home, but I had to cross a spring. It wasn't deep or anything, but my horse reared on me and I hit my head."

  "My goodness. What happened?" Trish grabbed Sarah's hand.

  "He turned around, saw me, and started to leave, but when he checked over his shoulder, he realized I hadn't gotten up. He dashed over to the spring and pulled me out of the water. He rushed me to the doc, and in a day or so everything was all right."

  "So you almost drowned?" Trish frowned, hugging her. "Dear God, I'm glad you were all right."

  "Yeah. I had a concussion. That's when Joe realized I was alive. He never left my side after that." Sarah smiled. "It was like a miracle."

  "A miracle you're alive."

  "Yeah… and that he finally saw me."

  "What we women go through for the men we love." Trish hugged her again.

  "And most of the time, they don't even know it."

  "I wish Maggie were here." Trish hung her head. "Then it would be complete."

  Sarah nodded. "A least she's coming to see us soon. So, what's your plans. Are you going to live anywhere near close or just travel around to the better hotels all the time and gamble?"

  "Gil and I have talked it through. He's playing a big tournament poker game at Galveston just before the baby arrives. Then we are going to buy some land, settle down, and have more babies."

  Sarah's expression grew serious. "Can he really quit gambling that easy?"

  "He thinks he can, and if he can't, that's okay too. I'll sit there with our kids on my knee and watch him for the rest of my life if I have to."

  "You love him that much?" Sarah giggled.

  "Now wait a minute. This from a girl who spent two months chasing the man she wanted."

  Sarah laughed. "I guess you're right."


  Ma baked the cake the day before. It was a four layered cake all in chocolate, just the way Gil wanted it.

  Jo Ella picked from the wedding garden outside Joe's chapel.

  Nadine posted notices up all over town about the coming wedding.

  Nothing was left undone.

  That morning, the girls gathered around the breakfast table to discuss all the last details of the wedding. Trish was so happy she thought she might cry the entire day, but when it came, she was too nervous to cry.

  Jo Ella pulled her aside. "Now you listen to me. Everything is going to be fine. Do you hear me?"

  "What if he decides he doesn't want to be a father? What if he decides he doesn't like the baby when it gets here? What if he gets tired of me?"

  Jo Ella shook her head. "No what ifs, Trish. Now you trust Gil, I know you do, so stop even thinking this way. He's a fine man. We all like him. We know he's good for you."

  "It's walking down the aisle that scares me," Trish tried to reason. "I mean, Chester and I just had a just of the peace marry us. There was no preparations."

  "What happened when you married Chester?"

  "Maybe that's why I didn't feel married to him. I don't know. I still feel guilty about marrying so soon after I learned of his death.""

  "Well, Gil is the man you love. We have to do it right. And you have to think about the baby too."

  Trish nodded. "I do love him."

  "So what are you waiting for?"

  Finally Trish was ready and Harry walked down the aisle with her.

  He must have noticed her shaking. "I felt the same way when I got married. But, Trish, it was the best thing I ever did in my life. And what is scaring you is the ceremony itself. If you love him, don't be afraid. I can't imagine not marrying Jo Ella. Gil loves you, that much I am sure of."

  She nodded.

  Her nerves settled, and her shaking stopped. She lifted her chin and smiled at Harry as he turned her loose in front of Joe and Gil. Half an hour later, Joe pronounced them man and wife.

  Trish giggled as Joe didn't have to tell Gil to kiss her. Gil was already taking her into his arms. The crowd cheered.

  The one thing Trish didn't know about was where they were spending their honeymoon night. They couldn't go back to the boarding house. There was too many people there.

  But Gil didn't looked deterred at all. He whipped the buggy around and headed for the hills as everyone cheered them on and threw rice.

  "W-where are we going?" She asked.

  "Harry and the boys fixed up a hunting lodge for us. No one will disturb us there until we are ready."

  She grabbed his arm and hung on.

  Flowers and ribbons decorated the huge cabin. Gil swooped her up in his arms and carried her into the cabin.

  "This is beautiful." Trish gasped.

  "Yeah, it is, and so are you."

  Trish blushed, but she didn't hesitate when he bent his head to claim her lips to give him her all.

  He led her to the bedroom. There, she found candle lights, beautiful flowers, and roses spread across the bed. The bed was red, and the covers were turned back for them.

  Flower petals went everywhere.

  Chocolate brownies still warm from the baking and milk sat on the small table by the bed.

  "For later," it read.

  Unlike any other moment in her life, when Gil bent to kiss her again, she threw her arms around him and hugged him to her.

  "Have I told you I love you, Mrs. Davis?" he asked with a grin.

  "Not today, no," she said with a smile.

  "Well, I do."

  And he proceeded to show her in every way as he picked her up, put her on the bed, and began stripping his clothes away.

  Trish laughed at his eagerness, but when he stood before her in all his glory, the laughter died a sweet death as he pulled her up and began doing the same with her clothes. The beautiful dress billowed through the air and landed somewhere near the chair. Her camisole was almost see through, and he fumbled, trying to get it off fast enough.

  He laid her down and lay down beside her. His arms were protectively around her. For long moments, he merely gazed and stroked her.

  Then he bent to her belly and kissed it gently. "Hello, little fella, this is your father speaking. I hope you don't mind, but Mama is gonna be busy for a while now, as I make love to her all through the night. But I'm right here for you too, so if it upsets you just let me know."

  The baby kicked.

  He laughed uproariously. "The kid has a mind of his own already." He glanced at Trish. "Why are you smiling like that?"

  "You are the most wonderful man I know, Gil, and now you are my husband. I'm so proud to be your wife."

  He kissed her tenderly on the lips, playing with her bottom lip. "You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, and I don't know how I'm going to go slow and easy with you right now. I want you so bad."

  She wrapped her legs around him and giggled. "I want you inside me… now."

  "But, honey, I haven't prepared you for it."

  "Oh, yes you have. The look in your eyes when you saw me coming down that aisle prepared me for this moment and many more. I've never been wanted like that in my life. I could see it in your eyes. And when you looked at me, all my fears, all my worries, all my frustrations disappeared. I wanted you just as bad. I love you, Gil."

  Without moving his hands or anything else, he entered her warm and welcoming body. She thrust her hips up to meet him, and moments were lost in happiness fulfilled.

  Through the night, he stroked her, kissed her, and made love with her many times until dawn broke and the exhaustion stopped them for sleep, cuddling close.

  Something soft ran over the tips of her breast, and she nearly bolted awake. Seeing a feather in Gil's hand, she grinned. "Jo Ella."

  He smiled. "Remind me to thank her."

  They lay happily in each other's arms half the day, talking, planning, and making love.

  It was nearly dark when they got up.

  "Are you hungry?" Gil asked.

  "Yes. Nadine brought a smoked ham and bread and pickles," Trish said as she scoured the kitchen area, a well-stocked nook in the front room. "They thought of everything." She laughed.

  Trish had found a robe Nadine left for her. She put it on and fixed them something to eat.

  Gil came in the front room after slipping on his pants. His bare chest invited her attention.

  "This is all so sweet of them," Trish said as they sat down at the small wooden table to eat.

  "We owe them all big time."

  "The girls were so pretty in their blue dresses," Trish said.

  "I don't know. I was too busy looking at the lady in white."

  She reached over and tweaked his nipple. "I'm glad."

  "Right now, all I want to do is rip that robe off of you and take you back to bed."

  "Again?" She chuckled.

  "Don't you want to?"

  "Yes, but I'm a little sore…"

  "I have a fix for that."

  "You do?"

  "I do." He untied the robe.

  She went into his arms so fast he dropped his sandwich.

  His fingers explored her as he carried her back to the bed. When he laid her down, he looked deep into her eyes. "You trust me, don't you?"

  "Of course." She smiled.

  "I'm still hungry."

  "You want me to fix you more?"

  "No, I'm fixing you more now…" He bent his head and kissed her everywhere.

  It was a long time before they got up again.

  Trish was tired but so happy.

  They spent two days in the cabin, barely coming out of bed long enough to eat.

  He looked at her before they left the cabin. "I love you more than my life, Trish. I will always protect you, no matter what." She reached to kiss him, and lingered much longer than she planned but she wasn't a bit upset.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  The winter was hard, relentless, and so cold no one ventured on the streets of San Antonio. There were games, but not as many as Gil would have liked.

  Then it happened. The one thing Gil never really planned on. He'd talked about it, but he never thought it would happen to him.


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