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Dominance and Submission - Write Away, Sir

Page 5

by Alexandra Noir

  The room was full of about a half-dozen people, aside from the couple in the center of the room. A woman was on her knees, and a man was standing over her – she was bare-ass naked, her skin covered in goose pimples from the cold, and the man was fully dressed in a handsome suit and standing over her with a look of disdain on his face. Stephanie was amazed at how much could be conveyed by the briefest glance, by the expression on someone’s face – the power that could be given over with the curl of a lip or the arch of an eyebrow. She backed towards the far wall, putting plenty of space between her and the couple in the middle of the room.

  "Ask me again," the man ordered, as Cameron sank into the spot next to her. She glanced over at him, eyes wide, and he smiled and nodded to return her attention to the people in front of them.

  The woman was now kneeling upright, her hands upraised to show her palms to him, and he seemed pleased by her pose – but there was still a glint of cruelty in his eyes that let Stephanie know he wasn’t going to give her what she wanted that easily.

  "Please, Sir, may I have another?" she asked, her voice taking on an edge of bratty petulance. She pouted, staring up at him, eyes wide and chest rising and falling rapidly. Her breasts were small and a little saggy, and they bounced with every breath she took. Stephanie wondered how she could be so focused on the man before her when the room was packed full of people – it was like she didn’t see a single one of them, not giving a damn about the presence of anyone but the man above her.

  "One more," he replied, generously, as though he was giving her some profound indulgence by letting her have what she wanted. From a small table next to him, he selected a thin, long object that glistened in the low light of the room – it took Stephanie a moment to realize that he was holding a horsewhip. A shiver ran down her spine at the thought of the pain it could inflict in a single blow. And then, he brought it down hard over the upturned palms of the woman in front of him.

  "Ah!” she cried out, tipping her head back and letting out a yelp of pain, but she didn’t seem upset by the intrusion. No, her eyes lit up and her body sagged as the tension that had been building within it released, all at once. Stephanie felt a rush of envy at the sight of her like that – how long had she waited, building tension, holding on to it, not able to release it?

  The man landed another sharp slap on her palms, and even from where she was standing, Stephanie could see the red welt rising on her flesh. How would she hide that? Maybe she didn’t. Maybe, like the man she’d seen outside, this was a full-time thing for her, her only purpose in life to serve and worship the man who was beating her.

  "You know what you’re meant to say to me," the man reminded her, his voice laced with a low menace. She closed her eyes, gathered herself, and then looked at him again.

  "Thank you, Sir," she breathed. The power of that word was becoming very apparent to Stephanie, the profound effect it had on the people it was unleashed towards. She glanced at Cameron again, and wondered if her using that towards him was having the same impact.

  "Eyes down," he demanded, and she lowered her gaze to the ground at once, smiling softly to herself. Only a few weeks ago, Stephanie would have been baffled at what anyone could have gotten out of something like this, but now she was beginning to understand. That woman, the one on her knees before her, she didn’t have to worry about anything. All her control was handed over to someone else, and she didn’t have to make a single decision for herself. That must have been so freeing. Such a release. Good to know for her book, for sure, Stephanie told herself firmly.

  "Here," Cameron murmured in her ear, his hot breath on her cheek catching her by surprise and making her jump. "There’s something else I want to show you."

  "Something else?”

  He took her hand and led her out of the room, leaving behind the man and the woman and the people who were watching them. She felt as though every nerve ending on her body had come to life, as though it had all been asleep right up until this second. She couldn’t get over it. What she had done with Jon seemed so fumbling and futile compared to these people, compared to the careful control they exerted over everything they did.

  "This room, here," he murmured, pushing the door next to them open and heading inside. "I think this is...relevant to your interests."

  She raised her eyebrows at him, but let him lead her inside. He could have taken her anyway he wanted at that point, and she wouldn’t have protested. She was fascinated to see more, to see how far this all went – how far the people here were willing to go in pursuit of their fascinatingly specific desires. She wondered, idly, how they had all come to find this place, if there was some email blast that she should have been signed up to already that would have explained it all to her.

  But then, she saw what was in the room before her, and everything else fell out of her head at once.

  There was a large bed dominating the middle of the room, an enormous king-size covered in crisp white sheets that looked as though they had come fresh out of the packet. Four posters rose on each corner, giving it a regal feel, and a dim light bathed everything in a soft gold glow. But, despite the beautiful décor, there was only one thing that Stephanie could pay any attention to. And that was the couple embroiled on the bed before her.

  They looked around her age, maybe a little older, a man and a woman. She was perfectly put-together, with gorgeously manicured hands and feet, coiffed chestnut hair that rolled down over her shoulders, and skin so soft it seemed to shimmer with a soft olive hue in the dim light. He was a little older than her, clean-shaven, with dark hair and dark eyes that seemed to echo with a distant cruelty. It wasn’t just the way they looked that had her so entranced, though – no, there was something much deeper going on there, something elaborate and deep and impossibly hypnotic.

  The woman was bound in a complex pattern of red rope, which looped around her shoulders and her legs to bind her hands and feet together behind her back. Every muscle in her body seemed to be straining, but she was holding on, the ropes digging mercilessly into her skin. Her face was pressed to the pillow and her eyes were lost somewhere far, far away. The man was behind her, his fingers sunk into her thighs, and he was thrusting into her pussy roughly, letting out soft moans with every motion he made within her.

  Stephanie drew back against the door, and her immediate reaction was to want to get out of there. Not because she was disgusted by what she had seen, but because the automatic part of her brain had clicked into action and told her that she needed to get out and give these people some privacy. But Cameron was still holding her hand, and she felt safe with him there, reminding herself that the rules were different as long as she was in this place. There were other people in the room too, so it was obvious that the people making love before them weren’t exactly concerned with being watched.

  It was beautiful, in a way, the rope work that had gone into binding this woman – the elaborate, geometric patterns it wrote all over her body looked like an intricate diagram drawn for her pleasure. Stephanie had never seen a body contorted that way before, and she couldn’t imagine the effort that went into getting her like that. But whatever it had been, it must have been worth it, judging by the look on her face. Like the woman in the room before, she had an expression of utter bliss written all over her, her mouth slack and her eyes on the brink of rolling back into her head as the man pounded into her hard. He wasn’t holding back, the sound of their hips connecting filling the room as he fucked her deep.

  Stephanie’s eyes trailed up to him, to his face, to the way he was looking at her. And yes, there was no doubt at all that he was the one in control, but there was a softness to him, almost, a tenderness that made her heart spin with excitement. This man was giving every part of himself to this woman, the same way she was giving to him, and what they shared as a result of that was impossibly intimate; Stephanie couldn’t help but think back to her encounters with Jon, which seemed so mechanical by comparison. They had fucked because they
thought they should, not because they actually wanted to be near each other in that way. But these two, these two made it look as though if they didn’t make love, they might expire, just blink out of the very business of being. That was what she wanted. A depth of adoration that went beyond anything she had ever known before.

  "What do you think?” Cameron asked, drawing her attention back to the real world for a moment. He hadn’t let go of her hand yet. The warmth of his fingers against hers were enough to bring her back down to Earth, and suddenly the look in his eyes caught her off-guard – it was like she had transferred the desire from that couple on to the two of them.

  "I, uh, I..." She tried to find the words, and noticed a couple of people glancing in their direction. She dropped her gaze, just like that woman had done, and rearranged her thoughts. Work. This was work. This was essentially a work outing. And that meant that she didn’t get to feel this way for him, about this.

  "It’s very enlightening, Sir," she replied, her voice low, and he smiled at her. Deciding it was for the best, she drew her hand back from his. She didn’t want to let her brain linger any further in the direction it had been heading towards. She was already getting dangerously close to fostering an actual attraction to him, and if she started down that road...

  "Good." He smiled at her, and he turned his attention to the couple before them once more. She did the same. She knew that her eyes must have been wide, and that it must have looked obvious that she was lusting after them, after what they were doing together. The sight of her limbs, bound helplessly behind her back, the way she moaned in pleasure as he thrust into her, the sight of his fingers pinning into her body – it was so much to take in all at once. She craved it, so much she could almost feel the sensations, the strain in her muscles trying to hold on to that position in the rope...

  "There’s more for us to see," Cameron reminded her gently, and she tore her eyes away from the sight in front of her and managed to nod. She could have stayed in there, hypnotized by the two of them for the rest of the night, but he was right. This was meant to be an exploratory trip, not one where she got caught up in one room when there was so much more for her to discover.

  He took her through the rest of the apartment, and into the various rooms – each one was dedicated to some other kind of BDSM play, and she took in as much as she could. She recognized some of it from the work that she had done for him, but a lot of them came as utterly new to her.

  There was one room that seemed to be set up purely for wax-related play – hot candles, being poured on to naked flesh, cooling and setting across their bodies and clinging to each curve of their skin. Another featured restraints, handcuffs and ropes and binding to beds – the people restrained were being tormented in various ways, fucked and told not to come, touched and caressed and teased and unable to push themselves over the edge. The one closest to the door was dedicated to foot worship, where men crawled on all fours to lick and kiss the shoes of aloof women. Perhaps the room that intrigued her the most was the one that proudly displayed a giant machine in the middle, one that Cameron explained as a sex device – it had a dildo attached to one side with a vibrator for use elsewhere, and Stephanie watched in shock as a woman rode it until she came, helplessly, screaming out in pleasure, much to the pleasure of the man who was dominating her.

  The night sped by, so quickly that she hardly had time to take it all in. She had been introduced to a world that she had never really understood before, and it had changed everything. Sure, she had known intellectually that people engaged in play like that, but she had never really imagined why or what it might be like for them. But now, she understood where it came from, what the appeal of it was. These people got to step away from their lives for a little while, to sacrifice control or to take it depending on what they needed to indulge. The parts they played were a thrill, a game, a theater, and they seemed to find such release in that kind of hedonistic freedom.

  But all too soon, people began clearing out of the apartment, and she was back in the real world. She felt like she had just stumbled out of a pitch-black tunnel that she had been walking in for days, the light burning her eyes. Cameron approached her, after seeing off the last of his guests, with a grin on his face. He looked different than he did at the office, but she couldn’t put her finger on why.

  "So?” he asked. "What did you think? How did you find it?"

  "It was...very enlightening. A lot to think about," she replied, finally finding the words to respond to him. She was having a hard time shifting out of the state she had been in before, when she had played at deferent to him. Even now, beyond that, he was her boss, and the lines between what was appropriate and what wasn’t was blurred. But maybe she liked it that way.

  "You think you’ve got enough to work with for now?" he asked, running his hands through his hair. He seemed to be buzzing with electricity, his body practically vibrating with power that he hadn’t had a chance to expel. She wondered, briefly, what it would have looked like if he had one of the rooms to himself – if he had been using her the way that those men in charge had used the women they had control over. The thought was fizzing in her brain, impossible to ignore, lit up in neon. Once again, she could almost feel the bite of the ropes on her skin, the sharp snap of the whip against her hands...

  "I... yeah, I guess so," she replied. Truth was, she was already imagining what more she could get out of this. Could she engage with him? Engage with this world? Find out what it would have been like to give the power to someone else for a change? For so long, she had been running her household, making sure everything was in order, working to keep the money coming in. Tonight had shown her that there was a place for her to release her iron grip on that. And she knew she would have to find out more. This was more than just research now. She could frame it as that for a little while longer, sure, but now that the door had been opened, it wouldn’t be easy to close it.

  "I’ll call you a cab," he suggested. "I need some sleep. It’s been a long night."

  "Of course," she replied, but she didn’t move an inch. She wasn’t ready to go yet. And besides, there was something else – no, suddenly, she could feel his eyes burning into her, his gaze intense as it sizzled against her skin. What was going on in his mind? The same thing that was going on in hers? His eyes drifted down to her mouth for a moment, and she had to catch her breath. Before she could think about how it would sound, she let one more word slip from her lips.


  Part 4: Write Away, Sir

  Stephanie stared at the outline in front of her, and she knew, with a rush of certainty, that she was far from done with this world yet.

  It had been a week since she had attended the party with Cameron, the one he’d held at his apartment, the one that had introduced her to a world of BDSM she’d had no idea actually existed before that moment. Or at least, not to the depth and intensity that she had seen that night. She had known that people liked this, that people got off on this kind of thing, but she’d had no clue just how far they were willing to go to do that. The stuff she had seen had blown her mind a little, and she was already excited to start work on her book once more by the time she arrived back at her now-solo apartment.

  And she had spent that weekend locked up in her office, working as hard as she could, focusing all her energy and efforts on pulling together the best damn BDSM book that Cameron had seen in his life. Whenever she was running low on inspiration, she would just remember his face, remember the way that he gazed at the happenings before him, and everything would fall into place. It all made sense when she put him at the center of it, that was for sure. What did that say about her though? She wasn’t quite certain yet.

  But she turned in the new draft on Monday morning and took a well-deserved day off; she had been ignoring calls from her friends all weekend, almost forgetting that she had split up with her boyfriend of several years and that they would be worried sick about her. If only they knew just what she had
swapped him out for. Finally, she answered a text from her closest friend, Kacey, and Kacey invited herself to her apartment without further ado.

  “We’ve been worried sick about you!” she exclaimed. “You and Jon, I thought you were in it for the long run, but when he was posting all that stuff online...”

  “He’s been posting about it online?” she asked, surprised.

  “Well, of course he has!” she replied. “How do you think we all found out about it? Oh, Stef, we’ve been so worried about you...”

  “You really have nothing to worry about,” she assured her. “I know it may not make sense, but I feel...fine. Good, actually. I think things were at a natural end, it’s good that we’ve both been able to move on.”


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