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Dominance and Submission - Write Away, Sir

Page 11

by Alexandra Noir

  "A couple, huh?” he remarked, and his voice was unreadable. She shifted in the bed, running her fingers absently around the marks that he had left on her wrists a few days before, when the two of them had been indulging in a particularly intense session over at his place. He had fucked her afterwards, so hard her brain had felt like it was going to fall straight out of her head, and she had been sure she was falling for him then. For more than just the connection, but something...something that went beyond that.

  "Yeah, if you’d be into it," she replied, and she cursed herself for sounding like a dorky teenager trying to play it cool. He looked over at her, a smile curling up on to his lips.

  "You know what, that could be fun," he remarked. "But we could get into trouble. You know, I don’t think they like it so much if editors and writers start hooking up in their off hours."

  "Yeah, but we’re not working together anymore," she pointed out.

  "And we never would again if they found out about all of this," he reminded her. "Much as I’d love to go to this thing with you on my arm, I don’t think it’s a good idea, at least not quite yet."

  "Hmph," she sighed to herself, flopping back on the bed. He had a point, but she didn’t want to have to admit it. He reached out and took her hand, and she drew her attention around to him again.

  "Although," he suggested, and there was a playful twinge to his voice that made her heart dance in her chest. "Although, we could still go together," he continued. "Just...incognito."


  "Just for now," he promised her. "I don’t want to keep it that way forever, trust me. But until things are a little more certain, I think we should just play it close to our chests."

  "Like how?”

  "Like make sure nobody else finds out about us," he replied. "And make sure that anything that happens stays between us, and just us."

  "That sounds like you just don’t want anyone to know that you’re with me," she replied with a pout, and he shook his head.

  "Trust me, if I could go out there and tell the whole world that you’re mine, I would have done it already," he replied fervently. "But I don’t want anything that happens with us to get in the way of your career."

  "Or yours," she pointed out. It had been hanging over her head recently, sticking out in her brain, that he was very much above her in the pecking order when it came to their work. Not that it should have mattered, but it did. She knew that when people looked at the two of them together, they would see a man who had exploited his position of power over a woman beneath him to get what he wanted. And she didn’t want anyone looking at the man she cared for so deeply like that.

  "Yeah, or mine," he conceded. "But we could still go together. Could be fun, right? Playing it cool..."

  "I don’t think I’m capable of playing it cool," she admitted, and he chuckled.

  "Didn’t realize I had that much of an effect on you," he replied, and she leaned over and planted a bold kiss on his lips. She was still getting used to this part of the relationship, the part where she got to take control once in a while. It had been so long with just him in charge that she forgot that, as his partner, she was allowed to steal a kiss every now and then. She planned to take advantage of that part of the deal a whole lot more in the near future.

  The day of the party approached, and she started second-guessing what she was planning on doing with him. What if someone caught on to what they were planning? What if someone noticed one little flirtation too many and guessed what had happened? Would she be able to keep her raw lust for him in? Would they be able to make it through their very first social event together unscathed? She had no idea, and the closer it got, the more she thought they were making a huge mistake.

  "Are you sure this is a good idea?" she fretted as the two of them got ready at her apartment. She had to admit, he looked terribly handsome in the suit he had picked out for the occasion – it was deep blue and brought out the soft olive tones in his skin perfectly, and seemed to make his dark hair look even darker by comparison.

  "I’m sure," he promised her. "We’ll play it safe, right? I promise. Nobody’s going to know what’s going on except the two of us."

  "Of course," she agreed, and he touched her arm lightly, gave her that look that told her she had forgotten something.

  "Sir," she finished up, and she smiled at him. How was it that that word made her feel safe now? As though she was wrapped up in something good and pure and honest? Even though she knew it was a game every time she used that term to describe it, it felt as though it was the most straightforward any relationship she had been in had ever been. After all, how often did she get to sit down at the start of something new and figure out exactly how it was going to function, what the rules were, how it worked? When it came to BDSM, there was no choice but to do that, and it cleared the way to make a lot of their communication in general a whole lot easier to take care of.

  "You ready?" he asked her, calling through to the bedroom where she was getting dressed. She bit her lip and checked herself out in the mirror one last time, twisting this way and that to take in her look; she was wearing a short black dress, similar to the one she’d had on when they had first fucked in that hotel all those weeks ago, and heels so high she could have probably punched straight through someone’s foot with them had she been so inclined. She knew it was a little much for an end-of-year party, especially given that she would normally have just skipped out on such an event, but she wanted to look good for him. She wanted to make him proud to have her on his arm when the time came.

  "Wow," he murmured, as soon as she emerged and did a little twirl for him in the doorway of her bedroom. Their bedroom, now, she supposed, even though it wasn’t official yet – she knew that it was only a matter of time before it became so.

  "You like?"

  "I love," he replied, and he reached out to take her hand, winding his fingers through hers. "You look amazing, Stephanie."

  She loved it when he called her by her name. There was something about hearing her name on his lips that took it from generic title to something more, something impossibly hot and powerful.

  They climbed into their taxi and headed across town to the building where the party was being held; it was strange to think that the place would be packed out with people who saw them at least every week and yet had no idea about the truth of their relationship. She bit her lip and shifted in her seat, half-hoping that someone would figure it out, expose them. She wanted to be able to tell people what was happening, that the gorgeous man beside her was the one who spent almost every night with her back in her apartment. She loved the way he looked, the way he sounded, the way he smiled, the look on his face when he was in control of her. And she loved, most of all, the fact that it was happening right now. That they would be sneaking it under everyone’s noses.

  "Should we go in together?" she fretted while they were still standing outside the place. "Or do we do it separately? I don’t want anyone to guess as soon as we get in there..."

  "I think we go in separately," he suggested. "And then, once we’re inside, we can find each other."

  "That sounds good to me," she agreed, letting out a sigh of relief.

  "And you’ll go get me a drink," he ordered, leaving no room for debate. She knew exactly what he was trying to do, and she wanted nothing more than to indulge it.

  "Yes, Sir," she agreed quietly, dipping her head down in a gesture of deference she knew he would appreciate.

  He went in first, and she counted to one hundred before she followed him in; the place was busy with people, a few of whom gave her funny looks. They were probably trying to remember who she was. She didn’t spend a lot of time in the office, after all. She flicked her gaze around the room as subtly as she could, and her heart lifted when she saw her man standing over with the CEO. He was talking animatedly, and the woman next to him was laughing as though she couldn’t get enough of what he was saying. She felt a little
jolt of jealousy, but she knew that was the point; part of this control was proving that he could do stuff like this while she couldn’t. It drove her crazy in the best way possible.

  She went to the bar to grab the drink he had requested, and ordered his usual - a scotch on the rocks in a small tumbler. The bartender tried flirting with her a little, but she was quick to shut it down. There was only one man in this room whose attention she was interested in catching.

  She carried the drink over to him carefully, walking slowly in her heels, remembering the first time they had done anything like this – when he had ordered her out of his office to collect him a coffee. The stakes were higher now, the reality more intense. Once she was beside him, she handed him the glass carefully, and he smiled at her indulgently.

  "Thank you."

  "No problem," she replied, and she stole a glance at the woman beside him; she was watching the two of them curiously, and so Stephanie lowered her voice when she came out with the last word.


  She walked away from him feeling like she was floating on air, a little smirk on her face as she went. And with that, the evening had begun.

  In a lot of ways, it was truly freeing, being at his side like this while the two of them pretended that they hadn’t come together. She was deferent to him, keeping her eyes low and her tone soft, but the two of them still drifted towards one another across the course of the party; she was sure she was playing it cool, but whenever she saw another woman chatting up him, making him laugh, she felt a jolt of jealousy. He knew what he was doing to her, though, and every time she felt that flicker of envy rush through her, he would shoot her a look that reminded her that he had come here with her and her alone. And she would feel safe again.

  When the two of them headed to the bar at the same time, she leaned on the counter casually and hoped that everyone around her couldn’t see the pulsing excitement on her face. There was something incredibly hot about being so close to him but not being able to say a word or even really acknowledge him. Nobody in this room knew the things he had done to her, the things she wanted him to do to her right then and there. She shifted a little closer to him once they were both at the bar, her body casually pressing against his. She knew it could be passed off as nothing more than a reaction to the sheer number of people in the room, but some part of her hoped that people noticed her flirtation and put the pieces together. Because being seen with this man? Well, that was about the hottest thing she could imagine.

  "Sir," she greeted him, her voice low and her eyes fixed forward.

  "Stephanie," he replied. He didn’t even give her a glance - she wanted to earn his attention, but she knew that it was safer for him to keep it from her like this.

  "Go wait for me in the bathroom," he ordered her. "Close the cubicle door, pull up your dress, and wait for me. You understand?”

  "I understand, Sir," she breathed. Were they really going to do this here? She didn’t know if it was a good idea or not – but she didn’t want to say no. She knew what was coming, and she knew she needed the relief of feeling his cock pushing deep inside her, finally, all over again.

  She retreated from the bar without saying another word to him and wondered if anyone had overheard their conversation. Her heart was pounding, and she wanted to be able to tell the whole room what she was about to do – that the man there, yes, that gorgeous one at the bar, wanted her above everyone else and that she was going to give him everything he wanted.

  She made it into the bathroom and closed the door behind her, taking a deep breath as she prepared herself for what he wanted from her. Rolling her dress up over her hips, she stared at herself in the mirror and wondered if she was really doing this. If they were caught...well, not only would they be kicked out of the party, they would be the gossip of the entire office. Everyone would know. And she realized, at the back of her mind, that she was hoping they found out. She didn’t want it to be a secret any longer. She wanted it out there, for the world to know about.

  A few moments later, she heard the door open behind her, a rush of panic ran through her – what if it was someone else? She hadn’t locked the door so he could come in and find her, but if somebody who they hadn’t intended walked on it...

  But then, she felt his hands on her hips and relief ran through her. It was him. It was always going to be him.

  "You’ve been a good girl tonight, Stephanie," he murmured, and he moved his hand beneath her and cupped her pussy through her panties. She was already soaked and couldn’t help but moan lightly as he touched her for the first time. She had been burning for the feel of his hands on her again, and he knew it.

  "Now, tell me," he ordered, his voice firm and leaving no room for debate. "Who does this pussy belong to?”

  "You, Sir," she replied at once, not even having to think twice. He pressed his fingers with a little more pressure into her clit, and she moaned softly. Outside, she could still hear the noise of the party carrying on, nobody aware of what was going on just a few feet away, and the thought of that turned her on even more. Somebody could have walked in on the two of them at any moment, caught them in the middle of their deviant act – but she didn’t care. All she cared about was pleasing him.

  "Your pussy belongs to me," he repeated after her, his tone low with lust. She groaned as he pulled her panties aside. It had belonged to him for so long, and it had just taken her a hot minute to figure it out. Now that he had taken control of her, once and for all, she knew that she would never go back. Her body, her mind, her heart – it all belonged to him and him alone.

  She felt his cock pressing up against her slick pussy, and he reached forward and grasped her hands so he could pull her back on to his cock. The sensation was rough and intense and utterly satisfying, and she could only cry out with pleasure as he took her from behind like that. He never held back when he was fucking her, and he made her feel so wanted that she could hardly stand it; she had never had a man treat her as so irresistible before in her life, and she knew she would never grow tired of it.

  He fucked her in long, slow strokes at first, letting her get used to the feeling of his cock spreading her open; she had recently gone on birth control so they would be able to go without a condom, and she had to admit, there was something incredibly hot about giving her body to him in this way. Knowing that he was taking her, raw, filling her up with his seed – it was intense, in the best possible way.

  "Tell me again," he ordered her, and she gasped for air, her lungs tearing to catch breath.

  "This pussy belongs to you, Sir," she managed at last. She knew it was true. She could never imagine giving herself to anyone else, not in her life – not when she knew that this man and everything he brought with him was there for her, intense and impassioned and so full of want for her that sometimes it seemed as though it would come bursting out of him. He slid his hands down to her hips and pulled them back on his cock hard, leaving her to plant her hands on the wall and push back against it. She felt helpless in the best possible way, the way she always did when he was moving ruthlessly inside of her. Like nothing in the world mattered, like she could just detach from everything and everyone but this moment.

  She could hear his breath already beginning to get a little ragged behind her, and she knew he was getting close. Just the way she liked it. She loved knowing that she had pushed him there, to the point where he couldn’t take any more – he slipped his hands between her thighs and found her clit, playing softly with her sensitive nub to guide her to the same cliff-face he was on the edge of going over himself. She let out a cry, not caring who out there heard her, and her pussy contracted around his cock, over and over again, the pleasure bursting and coursing through her.

  Moments later, she felt him reach his own release, his cock twitching as he filled her full of his seed. Now, that had to be the best feeling in the world. The sensation of him, filling up her used pussy with his sperm, breeding her, marking her as his...she knew
that she would never be able to give herself to anyone else in the same way and meant it like she did with him. With him was the first time she had ever allowed a man to come inside her, and it felt like something profound, exciting. He knew that he was taking this from her too, and she knew that turned him on just as much as it did her.


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