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Turned Out Saga

Page 5

by Angel M. Hunter

  One evening Champagne and Zyair were out to dinner. Their relationship was just getting off the ground, and they were both in denial of their feelings toward each other. Of course, neither wanted to be the first to admit that they were falling in love. They were both afraid of jumping into a relationship headfirst, due to past romantic failures. They both tried to be nonchalant about what they had, not labeling it and just letting it be, although, neither could deny their feelings were growing stronger by the day.

  While at dinner, Zyair asked, “What does a man represent to you?”

  Thrown off, Champagne asked, “What kind of question is that?”

  “Just a question.” Zyair wanted to see where her head was. He was ready to make her “the one.”

  “I don’t know how to answer that.”

  “Answer it honestly.”

  Shit, that was a question she’d never given any real thought to. She knew what a man was supposed to represent, security, peace, family, a sense of well-being, but up to this point she hadn’t seen any evidence of that. To her; a man just represented companionship, a date, and sex. She didn’t want to tell him that because thinking it made her feel a little apprehensive, so saying it out loud surely wouldn’t be any better.

  “Companionship,” she told him, leaving the rest out. He was satisfied. “What’s companion, to you?”

  “Someone to talk to, someone to share your wishes, your dreams, and your securities with. Someone to cuddle with and make love to.”

  Zyair knew he could be those things.

  * * *

  Returning to the present moment, Champagne glanced at her Gucci watch, an extravagant gift from Zyair, and saw that time was ticking. Sometimes she felt like he spent way too much money on her. Not that she was complaining, because being spoiled was nice, she just wasn’t used to it. She made well over seventy K a year and saved more than she spent, which was a good thing now that she thought about it, especially since it allowed her to start her own business.

  Instead of going home, Champagne decided to go to the office to copy the clients’ files she was interested in taking with her. She’d been glancing through them all week but not wanting to make it too obvious, decided to wait until the last possible moment to make copies. No one should be in the office other than the security guard, who she knew wouldn’t say a word, because Jackson treated him with arrogance and disregard.

  When Champagne arrived at the office she was surprised that Jimmy, the security guard, wasn’t at his post. As she walked toward her office, she noticed that Jackson’s door was slightly ajar and that a ray of light was shining through the crack. She could also hear soft music playing in the background.

  Knowing she was wrong and nosy for what she was about to do, she moved closer to the door and peeked through the crack, only to see Camille dancing seductively in front of Jackson. The formfitting skirt and jacket she wore to the office was on the floor, while she paraded in a red spaghetti-thin G-string panty, black thigh-highs, and a red lacy bra with her breasts flowing over the top.

  Champagne looked at Camille and noticed that she appeared much thicker in the near-nude than fully dressed. It was a kind of thickness that would turn on any man, or woman if you went that way. It was definitely turning on Jackson, whose attention was razorsharp, watching every hip thrust and every pelvic movement.

  When Camille’s hand caressed her stomach and moved on to her breast, squeezing her nipples, his eyes followed. When her hands moved down between her legs, rubbing her pussy, his eyes followed. Champagne found her eyes following as well.

  When Camille turned around, Champagne noticed that her eyes were closed. She bent over in front of Jackson, and he grabbed her ass and started massaging her buttocks. Champagne could feel her pussy walls opening and closing, and that could only mean one thing. The scene before her was turning her on. She didn’t quite know how to react to this. On one hand she was disgusted with herself. On the other, she had to admit that curiosity was getting the better of her.

  Common sense finally took over, and she turned away and hurried toward her office. Sitting behind her desk, she tried to catch her breath. There was no way she was going to stay here and make copies, after the episode she’d just witnessed.

  Now, the challenge was getting out unnoticed and unheard. Grabbing the files she wanted from inside her desk, she walked softly into the hallway, careful not to make a sound. She made it down the hallway, past Jackson’s office, and out the front door. Everything in her wanted to turn around and take one last look, but the fear of being caught was enough to make her leave the premises.

  On the way home, Champagne stopped off at Kinko’s to make the copies she needed. She knew Zyair wouldn’t be home until late that night. There was a conference being held at his restaurant, and he liked to stay and make sure things ran at a smooth pace.

  Pulling up into the driveway, Champagne had a brief flashback of Jackson and Camille. She shook the image out of her head but not before recalling the fullness of Camille’s breasts. “What the hell is wrong with me?” she asked herself.

  Chapter Six

  “Caught In The Middle” Will Smith

  Zyair was looking across the floor at a group of people gathered near the bar and couldn’t help but notice that one of the men in the group looked real familiar. At least, his profile did, because he hadn’t yet turned around to give Zyair a full view of his face. Taking a step forward to get a closer look, Zyair turned quickly because, at that exact moment, the brother turned around. It was the last person on earth Zyair wanted to see, Ty’ron the dick sucker. It was a college memory Zyair wanted to erase from his mind altogether.

  Ty’ron noticed Zyair the second he walked in the restaurant and was torn between leaving and staying. But leaving really wasn’t an option, since he was one of the speakers. The conference was for Financial Advisors, and Ty’ron worked for one of the top Black owned companies in the United States. With the knowledge that he possessed, he was capable of making someone rich beyond their dreams.

  When Ty’ron first entered the restaurant and saw Zyair, he didn’t know whether to approach him and apologize, or knock the shit out of him. The college incident stayed in the back of his mind. He knew he was wrong for violating Zyair in his sleep. In a way he felt that he deserved what Zyair and his boy Thomas did, but then again, he would have preferred the ass whupping Zyair was going to lay on him.

  Ty’ron couldn’t help but wonder if he and Thomas were still in touch. Damn, Zyair still looked good as hell. He was always a handsome man. If given the chance I’d tum his ass out. Ty’ron knew he was dead wrong for these thoughts. Instead of focusing on Zyair, he needed to focus on his speech.

  In the meantime, Zyair glanced at Ty’ron and wondered if he was gay. He had to be, the way he’d sucked his dick like a pro. From his appearance, you couldn’t tell because he looked all man. In this day and age you could never tell a person’s sexuality by their appearance. All you had to go on was their word.

  Turning around, Zyair decided it was time to leave. All of a sudden he felt a headache coming on and was developing an upset stomach. Finding his hostess DaNeen, Zyair told her, “I’m leaving you in charge.”

  “You are?” DaNeen asked, surprised.

  Zyair normally stayed to the end when something was going on in the restaurant. “Yes. Just make sure everything is cleaned and locked up.”

  “I will. You don’t have to worry about a thing.”

  “All right, I’ll see you tomorrow.” On that note, Zyair walked out.

  Once in the car Zyair pounded on the steering wheel. He yelled out loud, “Shit!” He’d put the incident so far in the back of his mind, and to have it standing there, staring into his face, was mind-blowing. Now was definitely the time for that vacation he and Champagne had discussed.

  Which is just what Champagne suggested the second Zyair walked in. She didn’t let him get in the door good. “Baby, let’s take that vacation we talked about as soon as possible

  “Whoa, whoa. Where did this come from?”

  “I’m just ready to go. Tomorrow is my resignation day, and before I start a new venture I’d like to spend some time with you,” she said, following him into the living room.

  “I hear you. Shit, I’m ready for that vacation just as much as you are. Where do you want to go?”

  “I thought we discussed Hedonism?”

  This surprised Zyair. When he’d first suggested it he didn’t think she’d agree. “For real?”

  “Yes, for real.” Champagne was half-amused hearing the excitement in his tone. She also knew that his imagination was running wild and after witnessing Jackson and Camille, she knew she could do the voyeur thing. “Let’s call the travel agency and leave this weekend.”

  Zyair almost said that was too soon that he needed to arrange things at the restaurant. Normally he’d make sure things were in order, doubled check the calendar, speak with his employees and give them a “watch everything and make sure nothing goes awry” speech. This time he wasn’t going to do that. He knew it was time to trust them, to let go and enjoy life a little more.

  Plus, after seeing Ty’ron, he needed the vacation just as much as Champagne and the sooner the better, the farther away the better. “Let’s do it.” Zyair said.

  Pleased, Champagne kissed him on the cheek and suggested they go swimming.

  “I don’t feel up to it.”

  “But I have a surprise for you.” Champagne was using her suggestive tone.

  Zyair recognized it but the headache that started earlier was now pounding. He took her hand. “I’m sure you do, sweetie, but I have a terrible headache. I need to take some Advil and lay down.”

  Disappointed because her plan was to put it on him, Champagne said, “Oh, okay.” She kissed him on the cheek and told him to get comfortable while she made him some chamomile tea to relax him.

  * * *

  The following day Champagne was standing in Jackson’s office. Her heart was racing. Uncertain about how he would respond, she was anxiety ridden and fearful. “I’m resigning,” she told him. “I’m giving you one month’s notice, but I’m leaving for a one week vacation, so I won’t be in next week and—”

  “Whoa, whoa, hold up. Hold the fuck up. What the fuck are you talking about? What’s this all about?”

  Champagne was fed up, she was done, and no longer had to put with his attitude, and she wanted him to know it. “I know you need to stop talking to me like that.”

  Going on, Jackson said, “Do you really think you could just come in here and quit just like that? Like you haven’t signed a contract? Like you’re not obligated to several clients? And on top of everything else, you tell me, not ask me, but tell me you’re taking a one week vacation.”

  “I’m not a child, Jackson. I’m not a child, and I’m not one of your bitches that need to ask your permission. As a matter-of-fact, I’m a grown-ass woman that hasn’t signed a contract in over two years. Your ass forgot, and I didn’t mention it. This is your business. That’s the kind of shit you‘re supposed to keep tabs on, not me. I’m going on vacation. I have more than enough time saved up, and I’ve contacted my main clients and told them I was resigning. I also informed them that your lover, Camille, would be taking over.” That part slipped out but Champagne was on a roll. “Not only that, but—”

  “But nothing, but nothing. You owe me. I made you!” Jackson said hysterically. He depended on Champagne more than he thought. She’d trained everyone that came in after her and made him tons of money. She’d convinced his best clients to stay with him when he acted like an asshole, and was always the middleman when there was conflict.

  What the hell did she mean, she hasn’t signed a contract in two years. Thinking about it, he realized she was right. She hadn’t, and that possibly meant that some of the clients hadn’t either. This wasn’t something he felt like dealing with. Jackson knew that the right thing to do would be to sweet talk her, offer her a raise, maybe even a partnership but his anger got the better of him. “You know what? You can leave right now. I don’t need any notice. Pack your shit and go.”

  Champagne looked him up and down and shook her head. “That’s just what I wanted to hear.” Then she turned around and strolled out of his office, leaving him with a stunned look on his face.

  “She’ll be back,” Jackson said from the behind the door, trying to convince himself.

  When Champagne stepped into the hallway, some of the employees were smiling at her. They’d overheard the exchange and gave her the thumbs-up. Most of them wanted to quit as well but just didn’t have the heart to.

  “You’re doing the right thing,” Talla, Jackson’s secretary, told her. “I might be right behind you.”

  Smiling, Champagne decided to give her a life lesson, “Talla, you’re a quick learner. You’re smart and intelligent. Life has so much to offer, yet you take the abuse from Jackson on a daily basis. I know he pays you well, but you have to value yourself a little more, know your worth and—”

  Jackson walked out of his office and glared at her. “I thought you were leaving?”

  Champagne looked at him and rolled her eyes. She started walking away and felt proud of herself. She was on her way to bigger and better things, things she’d worked hard for and thoroughly deserved.

  Chapter Seven

  “Freaks Come Out At Night” Whodini

  The flight to Jamaica went smooth. That’s the way it ought to be when you’re traveling first-class. Champagne read a book, while Zyair napped.

  When they finally landed, Champagne glanced around in awe as she always did whenever they traveled, each new place providing a new adventure, a different thrill. She loved traveling and seeing new cultures. She’d take in the sights, the sounds, the aromas, and the people.

  Glancing around, she noticed that the majority of tourists were white. It always amazed her how white people would travel thousands of miles to be surrounded by Black people.

  She and Zyair saw a group of women singing, “Welcome to Jamaica,” and they stopped to listen for a brief moment.

  “Come on, baby, we don’t want to miss the shuttle.”

  Zyair pulled her along, past a group of young boys asking in a low tone if they wanted to purchase some ganja.

  “No, thanks,” Zyair quickly replied.

  Together Champagne and Zyair carried with them four suitcases. They were seated on the shuttle bus, next to a white couple tonguing one another down. They looked at one another, kissed quickly and held hands, each attempting to prepare themselves for the all the stories they’d heard about Hedonism.

  The white man came up for air and looked at Zyair. “What resort are you going to?”


  Glancing down at their bags, the couple smiled and said, “First time, huh?”

  “Is it that obvious?” Champagne asked. The couple laughed.

  “Believe me,” the man said, “you won’t be needing all that luggage.” Then he introduced himself as Joe, and his wife as Cassandra.

  “I’m Zyair, and this is my wife, Champagne.”

  “What unusual yet beautiful names,” Cassandra told them.

  Champagne wondered if she was seeing things. Did she just wink at me?

  “This is our third time visiting,” Cassandra said.

  “Wow, you must like it a lot,” Champagne slumped back into her seat.

  “You have no idea,” Joe said.

  “Is it everything they say, sexy, full of surprises, naked people everywhere, people having sex out in the open?”

  “Yep. You definitely have to be open-minded.”

  Neither Champagne nor Zyair said anything because they thought they were open-minded, but were they really? Would they be able to handle all the nakedness?

  As they drove through the streets of Jamaica, the sun was beaming in their faces and Champagne pulled out her shades, put them on, and glanced at the couple that sat beside them. Freaks? she wondered.
br />   Zyair wondered if they were swingers, and after looking and listening he knew they were.

  “How long before we get there?” Zyair asked the driver.

  “About an hour and a half,” he replied.

  Champagne glanced at her watch and sighed. They’d only been in the van for fifteen minutes, and it seemed like an hour. She was hungry; tired, thirsty, and in need of a stretch.

  Champagne was ready to get out of the van, stretch her legs, breathe, and make sure she was alive. First of all, the driver was speeding along with all the other drivers. In Jamaica they drove on the opposite side of the street, and every couple of miles, there was a sign that would read: OVER 200 PEOPLE KILLED ON THESE ROADS, DRIVE CAREFULLY.

  After about the fifth sign, she tapped Zyair on his shoulder and asked him, “Do you see those signs? Can you believe it?”

  The driver, overhearing this, said, “Don’t worry, pretty lady. I take good care of you, make sure you get there safe.”

  Champagne smiled in response. She loved his strong, confident accent.

  “Do you think we can stop and get something to drink?” Cassandra asked.

  Everyone was in agreement.

  “Sure,” the driver replied. “There’s a little spot coming up. We’ll stop there, get food, drinks, and eat some conch.”

  “Conch?” Zyair asked. “What’s that?”

  “It’s what the natives eat, especially the men. Makes them strong, virile, at attention.”

  Everyone laughed because they knew what he meant when he said at attention.

  “I eat it every day, and I have six kids.”

  No one said a word. The last thing either couple wanted was six kids.

  A few minutes later, they were pulling up in front of something that looked like a shack on the outside but was a full-fledged dining area on the inside. The ladies sat, while the men went to order their food.

  While the men were away, Champagne wanted to hear more about Hedonism, so she asked Cassandra, “Do the people really have sex out in the open?”


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