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Turned Out Saga

Page 19

by Angel M. Hunter

  I love this girl so much. Why are we putting off the inevitable? It’s time to set a date. “Champagne?”

  “Yes?” Champagne looked up from her dessert menu.

  “When are we going to set a date?”

  “A date for what?”

  “For us to get married.”

  This is not what I want to discuss the day before I leave. “Why are you asking me that now?”

  “It’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while now, and I’m ready.”

  Now you’re ready, just when I’ve just started exploring sexually. “I thought we were going to wait a couple of years.”

  Zyair tilted his head and frowned. He felt as though Champagne was fighting him on this. Leaning across the table, he asked her, “What? You don’t want to get married now?”

  “I didn’t say all that.”

  “Then what are you saying? Why put it off, if it’s what we both want? I don’t get it.”

  “There’s nothing to get or not to get, Zyair. I just hadn’t given it any thought. The last time we even discussed this, we both agreed that we would wait a couple more years, after your new restaurant was open, and I decided what I wanted to do business wise.”

  Zyair had to admit, she was right. That was what they’d agreed upon. But a person was entitled to change his mind, and he told her this.

  “Zyair, can we talk about this when I get back?”

  “Why can’t we talk about it now?”

  “Because . . .”

  “Because? Now you and I both know that is not a good answer. What? You don’t want to marry me now?”

  “Why are you jumping to conclusions?”

  Zyair didn’t understand what the hell was going on. He felt like he was begging her to marry him. A woman is the one that should want to get married. She should be the one anxious to set a date. She should be the one asking him, are they going to continue on like this forever.

  Interrupting his thoughts, Champagne said, “Zyair, it’s not that I don’t want to get married. You just need to understand that I’ve gotten comfortable in our relationship the way we are, and yes, I admit, maybe that’s not a good thing. It’s just that when you look at relationships now, marriage isn’t really a big deal. People live together, create futures, and have kids without a ring.

  Even though she didn’t exactly say it, what Zyair heard was, “I don’t want to marry you.”

  “You know what”—Zyair signaled for the waiter to come over—“let’s just drop it. If you don’t want to set a date, you don’t have to. You just need to know that I’m ready to get married, and I’m ready to set a date.”

  Champagne wondered if this meant that he would be willing to leave her if she wasn’t ready. It’s not that she wasn’t ready. If he’d said something about setting a date a couple of months ago, she just may have done that. She didn’t even know why she was so resistant.

  “Okay, when I get back, we’ll start thinking about a date,” she said, wanting to change the subject.

  The waiter approached the table. “Are you ready for dessert?”

  Champagne was but she could tell that Zyair was ready to leave.

  “No, thank you. Just bring us the check.” They rode home in silence.

  Every time Champagne tried to make conversation, Zyair would speak in short sentences, which only left her frustrated. It was a relief when her cell phone rang.

  Zyair glanced over at her when she picked it up. Without looking at the caller ID, Champagne answered, “Hello.”

  “What’s up, sexy?” Sharon greeted.

  Champagne snuck a quick glance at Zyair who was pretending he wasn’t listening.

  “Nothing. Do you mind if I call you back?” Champagne was trying not to sound too personal.

  “Are you busy?”


  After a short pause, Sharon told her, “Sure, call me when you’re alone.”

  The second Champagne hung up the phone, Zyair asked her, “Who was that?”

  This threw her off because he never asked her who she was talking to. “It was a client,” she lied, knowing he would be upset if she said it was Sharon.

  “Did I hear a client say, ‘Hey, sexy’?”

  Oh, shit, he heard that? “That’s not what you heard. What they said was, ‘Hey, Champagne.’”

  Zyair wasn’t crazy. He was almost certain that’s what’s he heard, but he didn’t want to argue about it because there was a slight chance he could be wrong. After all, the phone wasn’t up to his ear and he was trying to listen a bit too hard. This wasn’t something he normally did, but things had changed once again between them and he was concerned.

  “You don’t have to believe me. I know who was on the phone, and I know what was said.”

  “Whatever you say, Champagne.”

  This wasn’t the energy Champagne wanted to leave Zyair with. She knew she needed to reset the tone once they arrived home, but looking over at Zyair she knew that it wasn’t going to be easy bringing him out from where he was mentally. Sex was almost always the answer but she just wasn’t up to it tonight.

  When they pulled into the garage, they both climbed out of the car without saying a word and went into the house. Zyair headed for his office, and Champagne for the bedroom. He just needed some space, and she was going to finish packing.

  The following morning when she woke up, she was surprised to find that Zyair didn’t sleep in the bed with her. She knew for sure that he would come to his senses when he realized she was leaving the next day and would make up with her. If not that, at least come cuddle.

  No such luck.

  When she walked into the kitchen he was cooking breakfast for two.

  Before she could get a word out, he walked over to her and pulled her into him. “I love you, and I apologize for acting like an ass last night.”

  This caught her off guard. All of a sudden she was overcome with emotion.

  Zyair pulled away. “Why are you crying?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve just been feeling so overwhelmed lately, and then last night I couldn’t find the right words to say to—”

  Zyair cut her off. “Let’s not talk about that now. Let’s just enjoy breakfast and each other’s company. When you get back, we’ll deal with other things.”

  Champagne wondered how many things they would have to deal with. She hoped this business trip would give her an opportunity to think about what direction she was headed in, with the thoughts she’d been having. On second thought, maybe she needed to spend a weekend in a spa. That way she’d be more relaxed and be able to clear her head.

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  “Rumors” Timex Social Club

  When Candy arrived at the airport, it was a little after 4:00 p.m. Champagne was already there and noticed Candy as soon as she walked up.

  “Hey, lady.” Champagne patted the seat next to her.

  Candy placed her small luggage on the floor and sat down. “Girl, this airport traveling and getting settled thing is a pain in the ass.”

  “I know that’s right.”

  Candy wasn’t one to chat when on the plane. She liked to be left alone to read, sleep, or listen to her music. She decided to see what kind of traveler Champagne was. “Okay, we need to get this out the way.”

  Champagne looked at her. “What?”

  “Do you like to talk and have conversation when you’re traveling, or do you want to be left alone?”

  Champagne started laughing. “I know where you’re going. Girl, I’m one of those leave-me-alone-and-let me-be people as well. You don’t have to worry about me talking you to death.”

  Candy placed her hand on her chest and said, “Whew! You don’t know how relieved I am.”

  “Do you want to discuss our itinerary before we get on the plane?”

  “Yeah, we can do that.”

  Champagne bent over and picked up her briefcase. She pulled out two pieces of paper and handed one to Candy.

  For the
next hour or so, they went over their plans for the weekend. This way Candy would know what was expected of her and when she was required to be around.

  Candy was glad they did that, because she didn’t want this to be the one and only business trip she was allowed to go on.

  The plane ride was uneventful and short. When they landed, they headed to the hotel and agreed to have drinks together that night. After drinks Candy was going to meet up with Elsie, and Champagne was going to have dinner with her client.

  In her hotel room, Champagne picked up the phone to call Alexis. There was no answer. She then called Zyair, and when he didn’t answer, she decided to go downtown and shop. After all, she had a couple of hours to kill before she and Candy met up for a drink.

  Zyair was sitting at a table in his restaurant with Thomas. They were discussing Champagne and Alexis. DaNeen was across the room, watching and trying to read their lips because whatever they were talking about had them both looking intense. Ever since she’d seen Champagne and Thomas out that night, she wanted to tell Zyair but the time just never seemed right. She wanted them to be alone, and for him to be so devastated that he fell into her arms. What would be ideal was for her to make this happen while Champagne was away. She tried to read Zyair’s lips as he told Thomas, “I asked her when we were going to set a date, and she all but said we weren’t.”

  Although Zyair pretended that everything was kosher with Champagne prior to her leaving, it really wasn’t. He was having serious doubts about where they stood. He thought things were getting better between them, that them going to Jamaica and experimenting was going to bring them closer together.

  “Did she say those words to you?”

  “No, she didn’t have to. I could feel it.”

  “Man, that’s some bullshit. Sometimes what we think a person means is not what they mean at all. I would not go on a feeling. When she comes back, you and her need to sit down and really talk, figure out what’s going on.”

  “I feel like it’s my entire fault for allowing someone else into our bedroom. Between that and Hedonism, we fucked up.”

  Thomas didn’t have anything to say on that subject. He himself wished he could set up something like that with someone.

  “Nah, you don’t need a drink. It’s just that.” He hesitated. “You know I’ve got feelings for Alexis, right?”

  “That’s what you’ve been telling me for years.”

  “Well, I’m ready to make my move.”

  “What are you talking about, man? Why are you coming to me with this?”

  “Because you’re my boy, and I don’t know who else to go to.”

  Zyair didn’t respond.

  Thomas went on, “I’m ready to settle down and change my ways. I’m ready to have what you and Champagne have.”

  “You mean had.”

  “No, have. No matter what you think is going on, you and Champagne belong together. I want to belong to someone like that, and I believe that person is Alexis.”

  “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

  “As a heart attack.”

  “Well, why haven’t you asked her out before now?”

  “I wasn’t ready.”

  “What makes you . . .” Zyair’s voice trailed off along with his eyes.

  Thomas followed his gaze and noticed Champagne’s ex-boss, Jackson, and an attractive female walking toward them. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I hope he doesn’t say anything about seeing me and Champagne at the spot.

  Jackson put out his hand for Zyair to shake. “Zyair.”

  Zyair never really liked Jackson. He believed there was something underhanded and slimy about him. Not wanting to be an asshole, he shook his hand.

  Then Jackson turned toward Thomas. “Funny seeing you here.”

  Zyair looked at Thomas. “You two know each other?”

  Aw shit, here it comes. Thomas wasn’t stupid. He knew to be prepared for anything.

  “Your woman knows him too.”

  Zyair looked confused. “Of course she knows him. He’s my boy.”

  Jackson knew immediately that Zyair wasn’t up on the fact that “his boy” and Champagne were at a swingers club together the other night.

  “Yo, man, why don’t you step?” Thomas said.

  Turning toward his date, Jackson told her, “Go have a seat. I’ll be right with you in a minute.”

  By now Thomas had stood up. “I asked you to step.”

  Zyair stood up as well. “What the hell is going on?”

  “Oh, your boy didn’t tell you he and your girl were out together the other night?”

  Zyair looked at Thomas and could see guilt written all over his face. “What the hell is he talking about, Thomas?”

  Thomas, caught between a rock and a hard place, felt like he had no choice, but to tell Zyair what he and Champagne were up to.

  Jackson was amused by what was going on, “Oh, so your boy didn’t tell you they were at a swingers club?”

  Zyair frowned. “Man, what the hell is he talking about?” He looked at Jackson. “Word is bond—You need to get up out of my restaurant and stop with the bullshit.”

  “You think I’m bullshitting? Ask your boy. No, as a matter-of-fact, where was your girl Friday night?”

  Thomas couldn’t even punch Jackson in the mouth because he spoke the truth, and looking at Zyair, he could tell he was counting back the days.

  Jackson laughed. “Let me leave you two alone.”

  Zyair signaled for security. Without taking his eyes off Thomas, he nodded toward Jackson and told them to escort him out.

  Jackson followed them out with a smirk on his face. “Don’t hate the player,” he said. “You just got caught up in the game.”

  Zyair faced Thomas with fire in his eyes. “You need to tell me what he’s talking about.”

  “It’s not what you think, man.”

  Raising his voice, Zyair asked, “What do you mean, it’s not what I think? What the fuck are you talking about?” He started pacing the floor. “Please tell me you were not at a swingers club with my woman. Please tell me she didn’t lie to me about where she was goin’.”

  The look on Thomas’ face told him all he needed to know. If he was going to speak, he needed to speak fast. “It’s not what you think, man. We went looking for Khalil. Diamond told me that he hung out there, and that’s where she knew him from.”

  Before Thomas could even finish, Zyair’s fist came out of nowhere and punched him in the mouth. All Thomas could do was stand there with his hand over his mouth.

  Zyair’s stance was one of “I’m about to kick your whole ass, muthafucka.”

  Security was right back on spot, with DaNeen following close behind.

  Thomas threw his arms up. “I’m out, I’m out.” He started to walk away but then turned around to face Zyair. “Man, you really need to hear me out. I would never do anything to hurt you. You need to believe that.”

  “Just get out my face before I fuck you up.”

  Thomas knew the best thing to do was leave and deal with the situation later. He also knew he needed to call Champagne as soon as possible and let her know what was up.

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  “Secret Lovers” Atlantic Starr

  It was their last night in D.C. and Candy and Champagne were ordering drinks at the bar. Champagne’s phone rang, and she looked at the caller ID, THOMAS. I wonder what he wants.

  “Excuse me,” she told Candy. “I have to take this call.” Champagne stood up and went toward the ladies’ room. “Hello?”

  “It’s Thomas. What’s up?”


  Not one to beat around the bush, Thomas came out with it. “Zyair knows about us going to the swingers club.”

  “What?” Champagne knew he didn’t just say what she thought he did.

  “Jackson came into the restaurant and caused a scene, and Zyair punched me in the mouth.”

  “Hold up, hold up. What do you mean, Jackson came into the restauran
t? Did you tell him why we were there? Did you try to explain?” She was panicking, wondering what Zyair could be thinking right now. Should she call him, or should she wait until she arrived home to talk to him? Shit! Shit! Shit!

  “What was I supposed to say Champagne? I tried to tell him what Diamond told me about Khalil, but he wasn’t trying to hear a word of it and I can’t say I blame him. Shit! I knew we shouldn’t have went there together. This is fucked up. I may have lost my boy over this bullshit.”

  Champagne couldn’t think of a word to say. She was trying to figure out what she was going to say to Zyair. What was there to say? All she could do was tell the truth. After all, she really didn’t do anything wrong, but she knew he wouldn’t understand. He’d already warned her to mind her business. Fuck it, it’s going to be what it’s going to be.

  “Do you think I should call him or wait until I get home?”

  “Yeah, I think you should, Champagne. You also need to know that he thinks you don’t want to marry him.”

  Champagne didn’t have to ask what gave him that impression. She already knew she was to blame. Damn it, what the hell was wrong with her? She’d been losing her mind lately. Was it really worth it? Was it worth losing Zyair?

  “Thomas, thanks for giving me a heads-up. I’ll call him and try to set things straight, although I don’t think it’s going to happen over the phone.”

  “Well, let me know if you need me.”

  As Champagne walked toward the table, Candy studied her facial expression.

  Champagne sat down. She called the bartender over and ordered a shot of Patrón.

  “Damn, you ain’t playing,” Candy told her.

  Champagne didn’t respond.

  “What’s up? Is everything okay?”

  Needing to talk it out with someone, Champagne said, “I think I fucked up.”

  “Fucked up what? What happened?”

  Champagne went on to tell Candy about how she didn’t trust her best friend’s boyfriend. She told her how, unbeknownst to Zyair, she and Thomas went to a swingers club to catch him fucking up and ran into her ex-boss.

  In the process of telling this story, Champagne had a couple more shots of Patrón and was feeling quite nice. “Anyway, Zyair found out because Jackson came into his restaurant and caused a scene. This whole thing has become a mess, and I don’t know what to do about it.”


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