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Turned Out Saga

Page 38

by Angel M. Hunter

  “That’s because I care for you. You’re one of the few students that have unlimited potential. You’re special Shay, too special to be showing your body to any Tom, Dick, and Harry. You are a queen and you need to know that,” she told Shay.

  Shay looked at Alexis and saw the sincerity in her eyes.

  “Please sit next to me.”

  For some reason Shay couldn’t explain, she did just that.

  “Talk to me. That’s what I’m here for. Is something going on at home? Is there anything I can do to help out?” Alexis knew she was going out on a limb, but for very few students she would, and one of them was Shay. I went to the address in your files looking for you.”

  This threw Shay off. She didn’t really know that Alexis was looking for her. “What!”

  “I went looking for you.”

  “And what happened?” Shay wondered if her drug-addict mother answered the door. She was always fucked up. It could be by liquor or crack cocaine, whatever she could get her hands on. That’s why Shay had to do what she had to do. That’s why she stayed in motels with the money she made from stripping because most nights her mom had company and it was the kind of company she didn’t want to be around because she was scared she might kill a motherfucker. Shay knew that she should share this information and that it was a burden she shouldn’t have to carry herself, but she didn’t and she wasn’t sure when she’d be ready to.

  “A woman answered the door.” Alexis watched Shay closely to see if she would get some kind of reaction. She wondered if it was her mother. “She was intoxicated and she told us–”

  Shay grew alarmed. Who the hell did she take with her? “Us, who’s us?”

  “A male friend of mine,” Alexis reassured her. “We were told you don’t live there.”

  Shay crossed her arms. “That’s because I don’t.”

  Alexis leaned into Shay trying to create intimacy. “Was that your mother?”

  When Shay didn’t answer Alexis knew her answer.

  “Where are you staying? Who are you living with?”

  Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Shay did not come here to be grilled.

  “Damn, how come you can’t mind your business?” Shay stood up to leave but Alexis grabbed her arm.

  “You are my business. I want what’s best for you.” Alexis stood up. She took both of Shay’s hands. “Do you remember when I first started counseling you and I asked you where did you see yourself after graduating? You proudly said college, and that you wanted to be a lawyer?”

  Shay did remember but that was over a year ago. That was before her mother stopped caring, again. There was a time when she had it together, but then she’d start getting high again and so the cycle went. Right now Shay didn’t see college happening. She needed to survive.

  “Do you remember how we mapped it all out for you?” Alexis let go of her hands and was surprised when Shay didn’t move. She went to a file cabinet and searched for a file. Once she found it, she handed it to Shay. “Look inside Shay. Look at what you dreamed of no less than a year ago. That can still happen.”

  Shay didn’t want to but she found herself opening the folder anyway and looking at the papers inside. She felt herself start to well up.

  Alexis could see that she was having a small breakthrough. “Shay, all this is possible and so much more. You just need to let me help you.”

  I didn’t come here for this. I didn’t come here for this, Shay kept repeating to herself but Alexis’ voice was overpowering hers.

  “Look at you, you’re smart, you’re beautiful, you have more going for yourself than a lot of other students and you want to mess it up, you want to give up.”

  “I owe people money. I’m in debt. I have to help my moms,” Shay told her.

  “I’ll help you get out of debt. We’ll get you a part-time job.” What the hell am I getting myself into? Alexis wondered but she couldn’t stop. She felt like she needed to save this girl.

  Shay couldn’t stop the tears that were falling down her cheeks.

  “What is it? Do you need somewhere to stay? Is that it?” Before she knew it, Alexis was saying, “You can stay with me until we figure something else out.”

  It was then Shay broke down. She sat down, placed her head in her hands and started crying. There was so much she wanted to say, so much pain inside her, but it was hers and she didn’t know how to share it. All she knew was that Ms. Houston believed in her more than she believed in herself. It was a first. No one else had ever done that. No one else had ever told her the world was within her reach. She wanted to believe it.

  This stripping shit paid the bills and allowed her to feed her mom but she wasn’t responsible for her mother; she was responsible for herself. She did want out of the game. She just didn’t know how she was going to escape it and here someone was offering her a hand.

  I’m going to take it. I’m also going to tell her about me and Shamel.

  Shay wiped her tears. She looked up at Alexis. “There’s something I need to–”

  Before Shay got a chance to finish her thoughts, Victoria came busting in the door.

  “Ms. Alexis, I apologize. . . .” She stopped in her tracks when she saw Shay sitting there. “Oh, I’m sorry.”

  Shay stood up. “No, no that’s okay. I’ll come back.”

  Before Alexis could stop her, Shay was out the door.

  Victoria looked at Alexis and asked, “Was Shay crying?”

  Alexis didn’t even bother to answer. She needed to go after Shay. “Why are you busting up in my office like that?”

  “My bad. It’s just that I wanted to apologize for my mother.”

  “Why are you apologizing? What your mother does has nothing to do with you.” With her lying ass, I hope.

  “I know. It’s just that I got you all involved when you didn’t really want to and well, I’m embarrassed.”

  Alexis had to ask. “Is your mom really pregnant?”

  “I don’t know. She said she is.”

  “Does she have anyone to help her out if she is?” What she was really asking was if Thomas had been around.

  Victoria raised her eyebrows. “Why?”

  Think fast. “Because I may be able to give her a number of someone that can help with doctor appointments and whatever else she may need help in.”

  Victoria thought this was strange. “My mother’s not a child. She had me and she’s taken good care of me.”

  “You’re right, she did and she has.” Alexis looked at her watch. “Listen, I have to go look for Shay.”

  “Is she okay?”

  Of course, Alexis wasn’t about to tell a student what was going on. “She’s fine.”

  Five minutes later, Alexis was walking back into her office, alone. Shay was nowhere to be found.

  Alexis had a few minutes before her meeting with the superintendent so she picked up the phone to call Thomas. She dialed the number and listened to it ring. She needed to find out what happened; if he knew who would set him up and to let him know that she believed in him and his innocence.




  “Yes, it’s me.”

  “Can I see you tonight?” he asked her. “We have some things we need to talk about.”

  “That’s just why I was calling. I’ll be by around eight o’clock.”

  After hanging up Alexis asked herself yet again, “What the hell am I getting myself into?”

  Chapter Fifty-nine

  Sometimes the best thing to do is give in, especially if it pleases the one you’re with.

  Alexis was sitting in front on Thomas’ house trying to figure out what she wanted to say. What right did she have to ask him if what Shondell said was true? What right did she have to ask about what transpired the night of the party?

  However, she needed to know. She had to know because against her will and against her better judgment, her feelings had gotten involved. She was starting to care for him more than she
wanted to admit even to herself.

  She looked up at the door and glanced at the window. She saw Thomas looking out the window and she knew he was probably wondering why she was sitting in the car. Did she need a moment and what for? They caught one another’s eye and she looked at the door, which he had just opened. He waved her over and she put up one finger as in “wait.”

  She didn’t want to be rushed and she wanted to come in on her own time. After counting to ten, she got out of her car, closed her door and walked in the house.

  “Thomas?” she called out.

  Thomas came from the back. The second they saw one another, they wanted to run into each other’s arms like they do on television, fall on the floor and make wild passionate love. They didn’t because this was reality and there were some things they each wanted to say to the other.

  Standing in front of one another, they eyed each other up and down, at first with neither saying a word.

  “How are you?” Alexis asked.

  “It’s all good.”

  “Is it?”

  Thomas took her hand. “Come on, let’s go into the kitchen.”

  She didn’t protest.

  Once in the kitchen, Thomas poured them each a glass of wine.

  “I didn’t know you drank wine. I thought you were a cognac, Hennessey man.”

  “I’m that and more,” he told her as he sat down on a stool and pulled out one for her. “What’s going on Alexis?”

  “Shouldn’t I be asking you that?”

  “Zyair told me you came across Shondell.”

  Alexis didn’t feel like beating around the bush. “Is she having your baby?”

  “Would it matter to you if she was?”

  Alexis placed her wine glass down and stood up.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I don’t have time for games.”

  “Who’s playing games? I just want to know if it would matter to you.”

  “I wouldn’t be asking you if it didn’t.”

  “Does this mean that you’re feeling me on a deeper level?”

  Alexis wasn’t ready to admit it. “Is she?”

  “The last time I slept with her was two or three months ago and it was that one night only.”

  “Did you wear a condom?”

  “Of course. Do you really have to ask that question? You met her, she’s crazy. That’s why I stopped seeing her in the first place. Yes, we used to deal but it was just sex. Every now and then I’d help her and her daughter out. But when she started stalking and questioning me, I knew it was time to call it quits.”

  “How do you know she didn’t poke a hole in the condom or something?” Alexis had heard of women doing this all the time, especially when the man involved was well-off. “Was it your condom or hers?”

  “It doesn’t matter,” Thomas told her. “Just know that I’m going to get to the bottom of this.”

  Thomas didn’t want to think about Shondell and the condom. That was the last thing he wanted to think about. What he wanted to think about was asking Alexis point blank to be his lady. After being arrested, getting his car destroyed, and having his reputation put on the line, he knew that it was time to cut out all the bullshit and settle down. The one he wanted to settle down with was sitting right in front of him.

  Ever since they hung up earlier, Thomas had been rehearsing his I-want-to-be-serious speech. Well, not really rehearsing but going over in his head what he wanted to say.

  “What are you going to do about her?”

  “The only thing I can do; confront her.”

  Alexis stood up, “Let’s go sit on the couch.”

  Good, this means she’s staying and she’s trying to get comfortable.

  Once they were sitting next to one another, Alexis asked, “So what happened the other night?”

  “You know what, I have no idea. What I do know is that someone is out to get me.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m not one to be paranoid or suspect shit for no reason. I know when something is up and right now something is up. I just need to find out what and who is causing this shit to happen.”

  Alexis leaned back on the couch and closed her eyes.

  “Are you okay?” Thomas asked.

  “I am. I’ve just had a long day, that’s all.”

  Thomas moved closer to her and put his arms around her. He pulled her into him. “Alexis?”


  “You know I want to be with you, right?”

  “Thomas, don’t start this right now.”

  “Start what? I’m not starting anything. I’m stating a fact and that fact is that I want you to be my lady.”

  Alexis wasn’t stunned. She knew that this was coming. She just didn’t know that it would happen so soon.

  She pulled away from him. “Thomas, how can you ask me that? You know I’m not ready to be in an exclusive relationship. You know my recent history. Hell, you played a part in me finding out about Khalil and how he played me out. You know it left me hurt and damaged.”

  “I do know these things but what he did has nothing to do with me. I’m not him.”

  “How do you know that you are ready for a serious relationship? How long have you ever been faithful to one woman?”

  Thomas didn’t answer.

  “Exactly. Thomas, right now is not the time to be playing with my emotions.”

  “Why do you think I’m playing with your emotions? I’m asking you some real shit right now. I’m asking you to be my lady.”

  “I can’t say yes to that. Right now I just want to keep it light. That’s all I can handle.” She was saying those words, but did she really mean them? Did she really want to keep it light? She wasn’t even sure.

  Thomas stood up in front of Alexis and started pacing. “You know what Alexis, you’re right about me and you raised some very good questions. You’re correct in saying I have never been faithful to one woman. Shit, I never tried. How do I know that I am ready for a relationship? Well, I’m not ready for any relationship. I’m ready for a relationship with you. I know this because when I wake up in the morning I think about you and whether or not we’re going to speak. And when I think about who I believe will make me a better man by just being in their presence, all I see is your beautiful face.”

  He stopped pacing, looked at her and noticed that he had her undivided attention. “I adore you Alexis and what I haven’t done in the past is simply because I haven’t run across another you.”

  “Thomas, I’m not ready to make you any promises.”

  Thomas sat back down and placed his finger gently on her lips. “Nor am I asking you to. I want the ball to be in your court. I am relinquishing control and placing my heart at your mercy.”

  Alexis was blown away by what Thomas just said to her. Shit, he’d blown himself away by being so deep.

  If he’s running game, he is doing a hell of a job. If it’s just sex he’s after, hell, he was going to get that anyway.

  “Thomas?” She wanted to distract him from this line of conversation. He was being so serious with her. Didn’t he know the fear of being hurt was on the forefront of her mind?


  “Make love to me.”

  Thomas stood up but Alexis pulled him back down. “No, make love to me right here, right now.”

  Thomas looked her straight in the eyes as his hands touched her face. Damn, I’m really in love with this woman.

  He moved his hands and pushed her back and started to kiss her. The longer they kissed, the deeper and more intense it became. Alexis had to pull away because there were so many feelings flowing through their lips.

  She reached for his shirt and tried to pull it over his head but he told her he’d do it. He stood up and took off his shirt. She unbuttoned hers and unsnapped her bra. He pulled down his pants and she slid her skirt up.

  “Oh, so it’s like that.”

  “Yes, it’s like that.”

  Thomas laughed as he bent
down to pull her panties off, but not before rubbing her through the material causing her to moan.

  “Do you want me to taste you?”

  “No, I want you inside me.”

  Alexis reached out and touched his dick. She pulled it gently toward her. He knelt between her legs and let her guide him inside her pussy with her hands. They both closed their eyes until he settled inside her.

  Slowly, he began to move inside Alexis as her pussy walls clinched around his dick.

  “Whatever you’re doing, keep doing it,” he told her.

  She started to work her vaginal walls even more, hoping he felt every squeeze. Thomas started pulling all the way out and going as deep inside her as he could go. He’d pull out slowly again and go deeper. Once he was in as far as he could go, he started moving his body in a circular motion.

  The rhythm he had going was causing her to shudder. Alexis was feeling a sensation that she hadn’t felt before. It felt like she was going to urinate. She found herself contracting her muscles and trying to pull away but Thomas wasn’t going to let that happen.

  Please don’t let me pee on this man, Alexis thought to herself as she tried to pull away again.

  “Relax, let it happen,” Thomas told her.

  Please don’t let Thomas be into golden showers. “I feel like I have to pee,” she broke down and told him.

  Thomas laughed as he continued grinding into her.

  “Stop Thomas, it’s not . . .” She couldn’t continue her thought process because suddenly she felt a tingling sensation that felt like pressure in her stomach that moved down to her vagina. Before she could stop, she found herself searching for his mouth with hers and as she felt her orgasm build up, she bit down on his bottom lip. Alexis arched her back, grabbed his ass, and pushed him as deep into her as she could as she felt wetness coming from her vagina.

  Exhausted from what just happened, she looked up at him but he had his eyes closed and was on the verge of his own orgasm. She started to slowly move with him until finally he collapsed on her.

  After a brief second or two, he looked at her and she asked, “What was that?”

  Of course, Alexis didn’t expect an answer. She knew what it was. It was the first time she’d had a vaginal orgasm; an orgasm strictly from dick with no clitoral stimulation. Something that she’d only heard about and never thought she’d experience because according to Oprah over 75 percent of women didn’t.


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