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Firebinders: Marek (The Firebinders Book 1)

Page 15

by Isobelle Cate

  That hurt.

  They soon arrived at the gates of the house. Marek kept the motor running and waiting while she dismounted.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said, preparing to leave.

  “What? Wait!” she exclaimed, her brow pulling in confusion, embarrassed at her sudden outburst. “This is your house, Marek. I’m just a guest.”

  Marek’s mouth quirked, his eyes unfathomable. “I’ll stay in my apartment.”

  “Why?” A dull ache settled in her sternum. “If there’s anyone who should leave, it’s me.”

  “No, Gwen. You’ll be safe here.”

  His deep and sensual tone made longing tingle down her spine. But the fact that he was unwilling to stay? That made her lower her eyes quickly to hide her hurt before she looked anywhere but at him. She crossed her arms over her breasts.

  “It’s a huge house, Marek. You may not be afraid of ghosts, but I am.”

  It might have been a trick of the lamp lights and the fairy lights that decked the houses around them but she was sure that Marek’s eyes flickered with humour before something else took its place.

  “What are you saying, Gwen,” Marek’s asked softly, the same way when he inducted her to the mile high club. “You want me to stay?”

  Her belly fluttered. Her pulse raced in anticipation. The attraction between them which she thought had been reduced to ashes caught fire once more, the spark languidly spreading through her. Marek’s eyes glowed with that blue flame Gwen had come to associate with his lust when they zeroed in on her tongue darting to wet her bottom lip. Her heartbeat pounded crazily with every rumble and purr of Marek’s bike that was an extension of the man.





  “You left me for three days,” she chided softly. “A stranger in your own home.” She closed the gap between them, her heart pounding so hard, it was likely going to bolt out of her chest.

  “Gwen…” Marek switched off the engine, the silence of the night engulfing them. He reached out to tuck her hair behind her ear. A soft smile hovered over her lips at his touch threatening to break through when Marek continued to brush his knuckles against her jaw before he let his hand fall to his lap.

  The side of her mouth lifted a notch.

  “After tonight, I now understand why you left and Marek…” The beginning of a smile tipped the corners of her mouth. “The burden you carry? I don’t think I’d have been able to do that without looking over my shoulder or going out of my mind.”

  He chuckled swinging his leg over his bike to stand. “You’re a strong woman, Gwen Fraser.”

  “But I’m only human.” She reminded him.

  “Yes you are,” he murmured almost to himself. “More than a match for a firebinder.”

  Gwen had to tilt her head upwards to look at his face cast in shadow and light. Marek’s presence surrounded her. His scent entered her body and all she wanted to do was to keep breathing him in. She should have been afraid when his eyes glittered in the dark once more but she wasn’t. They were no different from the dusting of stars above them that were witness to what was happening below. Contentment settled over her like a soft fluffy blanket the more his gaze caressed her. This was where she felt she should be. She was starting to believe that only with Marek would she be able to find safety. That he’d protect her from Sebastian Highmore or anyone who wanted to harm her. She liked this feeling. Liked that someone else was willing to care for her.

  Marek bent his head to her upturned face. His breath fanned her skin and her lips parted. Tentatively, she placed her palm on his chest, inhaling sharply when she realized that Marek’s heartbeat was thudding just as hard as hers. She had never initiated the first move but with Marek…he was making her do things she’d never do. How could she feel more than just a passing attraction for a man who gave her so many reasons not to like him? But there it was. She was listless when he was not around, fired up when he was.

  Gwen tiptoed. Eyelids fluttering closed, she brushed her lips against his. Marek sucked in a breath and pulled her closer to him as he sat on the seat of his bike, warming Gwen with his body. His hand cupped the back of her neck while his other arm encircled her waist to bring her closer. Gwen felt the budding desire inside her glow as her arms draped around Marek’s neck. She let out a breath when Marek squeezed her ass while he nibbled at her lips, sliding his tongue against hers that sent delicious shivers down to her sex and making her squirm. Marek took her lips with sudden passion that his ferocity left her breathless. Ending the kiss with a gentle suck on her bottom lip, he gently tugged at her hair so he could explore the column of her throat.

  “Marek…” She gasped lost in the whirlpool of desire he created, feeling herself get wet. Her body was a livewire. Goose bumps skittered over her skin and her body heat clashed with the December cold. Her nipples pebbled becoming sensitive with every brush of Marek’s hard body against hers. Her legs were turning to jelly and she wasn’t so sure how long she’d be able to remain standing. She trembled, her body pitched and ready. Her pulse beat erratically against Marek’s mouth. He gave out a guttural sound where she rubbed her belly against his hard arousal.

  “Gwen…” He blazed a hot wet rail to her ear, nibbling at her lobe and sliding his tongue against its shell. Her nerve endings tingled and shot arrows of lust down to the centre of her sex.

  “Are you sure we can do this here?” She breathed. They may still have their clothes on but the way Marek was making her body come alive was close to indecent.

  “I can damn well do whatever I please,” he growled under his breath. “I haven’t had you in three days.”

  Gwen laughed softly in spite of herself.

  “You make me sound like a piece of meat.”

  Marek stopped so suddenly that she suddenly felt out of sorts. He raised his head, his eyes blazing with unspent desire.

  “I may have touched you and licked you like you were the most delicious ice cream I’ve ever tasted. But you’re not a piece of meat, Gwen Fraser. Truth is, I missed you like hell. In that altered state Lia and I went to, I was torn between getting as much info as I could from Luke and wondering whether after giving you your own lab, you’d still prefer to leave. I gave you no reason to stay when I didn’t even leave you a sample of my blood. And I’m sorry for treating you the way I did.”

  She looked at him agog, her mouth slack. He laughed and swooped down to give her another toe curling kiss. She was sure her heart stopped somewhere between ‘missed you’ and ‘I’m sorry’. She was not so sure how to handle Marek’s admission and apology.

  Marek straightened from sitting on his bike. Gwen felt her cheeks heat up when the shadows revealed the tight bulge between Marek’s legs. She looked away when his eyes crinkled in amusement knowing she’d had been checking him out.

  “C’mon, you go inside the house and I’ll park this baby in the garage.” Marek took the handlebars of his bike and walked it to the side of the house. “Let’s have coffee if you still want to talk. Then again.,” He winked. “It depends on whether you prefer cups of Joe than a session of heavy petting.

  “Joe with answers!” she blurted then she cleared her throat. “Joe with answers.”

  Marek only laughed softly before leaving her standing by the gate. Gwen pursed her lips, exhaling and fanning herself.

  Oh yes, this was going to be a long night.

  Going up the steps Gwen took out the spare key from her pocket. As she was about to insert it into the lock, she heard a sound inside. Frowning, she peered through the stained glass of the door, not that it was going to make her see who was inside clearly. Light glowed from the area of the dining room and the kitchen. Lia? But she knew Rogue was taking Marek’s sister back to her apartment close to the university.

  She whirled around when she felt the brush of the wind behind her, exhaling in relief when it was Marek. He grinned, his teeth even and white in the dark.

��Misplaced your key?”

  “No…there’s someone inside.”

  Marek’s smile disappeared and his eyes immediately moved away from her. They both saw the blurry silhouette of someone walking to and from the dining room and kitchen.

  “It can’t be Lia could it?” she managed to whisper. Bloody hell, how could they have found her so soon?

  “No, Rogue’s SUV isn’t here.”

  Trepidation tingled down her spine and anxiety gripped her at Marek’s cold tone. She wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of that voice!

  He took the key from her cold fingers and inserted it into the lock. Opening the door softly, he entered with Gwen behind him. Another frown creased her brow at the sight of a set of Louis Vuitton luggage parked on the side of the foyer. Marek swore under his breath.

  “Oh my God,” she whispered. “Not again.”

  Gwen felt her heart shrinking inside her chest the moment the intruder came into view and turned around in surprise. She unconsciously stepped back as the black haired beauty wearing a business suit of dark skirt, a cream silk blouse, and an open jacket breezed towards them. Her unusual somewhat masculine perfume smelled of mandarin and rosemary. Still, it suited her all the same.

  “Marek! Belated Merry Christmas! Sorry to barge in like this. I thought I’d surprise you so I didn’t call.” She draped her arms around his before her firm perfect mouth covered Marek’s lips fitting perfectly. She noticed Gwen a few seconds into their lip lock. Her dark blue eyes scrutinized Gwen curiously. “Who’s this?”

  “Just a guest.” Thank God, her voice didn’t shake, croak or sound like the devastation inside her. Gwen’s lips curved upward. “Don’t mind me. I’m just going to my room. Won’t disturb you.”


  She stepped away from them and forced herself to walk slowly as though nothing had happened between Marek and herself. She wasn’t aware of how she looked to them. She didn’t bloody care. Gwen forced her rational mind back calling it to help her put one foot after the other to bring her closer to her temporary sanctuary, and away from what she thought would have been her pinnacle of safety. She entered her room and closed the door quietly, the sound of Marek’s voice mixed with that of the unknown beauty the last thing she heard.

  Gwen’s legs felt wooden as she walked to the bed. Her sigh was as long as the time it took for her body to sink into the bed. She closed her eyes and the moisture that pooled in her eyes fell down the sides of her face. She should have protected her heart, should have learned from her past relationship.

  Good things never really lasted, did they?


  Marek’s eyes narrowed at the woman in front of him. It took a lot of control not to lash out.

  “What are you doing here, Lizette?”

  Lizette arched a perfect brow. “That wasn’t exactly the greeting I was expecting.”

  Marek remained silent taking a step back away from her.

  Lizette rolled her eyes exhaling. “So I decided to take stopover in NOLA and surprise you. Looks like I did. What’s so bad about that?” She twirled on her heel and sashayed to the kitchen giving Marek no choice but to follow her. His eyes shot a glance at Gwen’s door across the corridor. His hands curled into fists.

  “How did you get in?”

  “Have you forgotten? You gave me a key.”

  Shit. He did. Two years ago when they had embarked on an affair. He slipped then, forgetting that he had given her the key so she could have unfettered access to his home. Lia didn’t like the arrangement much less the woman Marek was seeing. It was the reason Marek allowed his sister to get an apartment in town.

  “The dining room looks like a lab.” Lizette threw over her shoulder, her black hair swishing like a black waterfall.

  “You better go,” Marek said, his voice tight. “And leave the key.”

  Lizette leaned her hip against the kitchen counter as she slowly crossed her arms. Her eyes held no rancour and regret flickered for a second before it was gone.

  “She’s beautiful. I can’t help but get jealous.”

  Marek inclined his head, his hands on his hips. “Yes, she is.”

  “Marek.” Lizette sighed as though she finally understood. She straightened. “I shouldn’t have come. I’ll see myself out.”

  “Where are you staying? I’ll take you there.”

  She chuckled. “Well I was hoping to crash in your bed. It’s okay. My rental is just a few cars down.”

  “I’ll walk you.”

  Lizette’s gaze softened. “Thank you. I’d like that.”

  They were silent until they reached Lizette’s BMW. Marek stowed her luggage in the trunk closing it slowly. Lizette had already opened the driver’s door, waiting for Marek.

  “So, this is goodbye for good.” Her mouth curved up.

  Marek’s mouth quirked. “It’s been goodbye for some time now. New Orleans will always be here.”

  “But you won’t.”

  He exhaled. “Lizette—”

  “It’s okay. We knew it was never meant to be a long time ago but I just thought…” Lizette smiled wistfully. “I have a request though.”

  Marek angled his head to one side. “And what’s that?”

  She stepped towards him and cupped his face.

  “Don’t hurt her.”

  Marek watched Lizette leave, the smell of gas fumes seeping into the air. Making his way back to the house he gazed at its façade.

  It was going to be an uphill climb with Gwen from here on.

  Rogue was in the dining room, a mug of coffee in his hand by the time Gwen left her room the next day. Thank God she had her own bathroom. She had taken a shower after a fitful night but she wouldn’t be able to hide her puffy eyes.

  “Hey, what are you doing here?” she asked while fixing her University of Manchester sweatshirt over her plain white cotton T-shirt.

  “Marek had to leave so he asked me to come over until her returned.” He gave her a calculating gaze. “How are you?”

  “Great! God, I’m dying for some coffee.” Her laugh was forced as she entered the kitchen. A huge part of her was relieved that Marek wasn’t around, but another part of her – the part that she was trying to push – wished that she’d seen Marek before he left.

  She reached up for a mug and placed it under the coffee maker, waiting for the pod to pour liquid gold.


  “Yeah?” Her hair swinging around her shoulders.

  “What happened last night?”

  She looked away. “What makes you think something happened?”

  Why is the coffee maker taking it’s time?

  “You know I can read minds, right?”

  “I wish you didn’t. Not now.” Finally, her cup was filled with the much needed Americano.

  “Okay. So tell me what happened?”

  Her unladylike snort bubbled out of her before she could stop it.

  “You’re just like Marek.”

  “No argument with that. I’m a firebinder, remember?”

  “How can I forget?” She bit her lip to stop more of her sarcasm to pour out of her. “I need to get to work.”

  “Gwen,” Rogue chided. His hand shot to gently grab her arm as she passed him. “It’s me.”

  She looked at him and glimpsed the understanding in his eyes. Her heart squeezed and the tension in her body slipped with the slump of her shoulders.

  “It’s nothing, Rogue. Really.” She looked up at him, almost giving in to the urge to sob. She swallowed hard. “I might just ask Faith if I can stay with them then come back here to work.”

  Rogue’s lips pressed tightly together. He looked as though he wanted to say something more but relented, letting go of her arm. Inclining his head, his mouth soon tilted.

  “C’mon, I’ll keep you company.”


  Marek came back with Hank in tow. He strode into the dining room to see Rogue and Faith talking while Zac and Gwen poured over writte
n notes scattered on the table.

  Rogue excused himself from Faith. “Marek, got a minute?”

  Marek noticed Gwen tense but she continued typing Zac’s observations on her laptop. He nodded and veered towards the courtyard. Hank took over speaking with Faith. Rogue straightened from sitting on the edge of the side table and placed his mug down on the surface.

  Marek waited, his eyes narrowed, his hands on his hips. Unfazed by his scowl, Rogue sauntered to stand in front of him, a curious light in his eyes.

  “What happened between you and Gwen?”

  Marek let out a breath. No use in hiding it from his friend. “Lizette happened.”

  Rogue’s face cleared. His head rose an inch in understanding. “Why didn’t you tell Gwen there was nothing between you two?”

  “Because she went straight to her room before I even had a chance to explain.” Marek scowled when Rogue let out an amused chuckle. “It’s not funny.”

  “Yes it is.”


  “Let me see…because I’ve never seen you at a loss about what to do when you’re faced with two women?”

  Marek snorted, rubbing the back of his neck. “I didn’t know she still had a key.”

  “You have an apartment. You had to bring her here?”

  “I didn’t have one back then.” Marek gritted. “Look, you want to bust my balls about this, fine. Out with it.”

  Rogue rocked on his heels, his arms crossed over his broad chest. “Just make it up to her.”

  Marek flattened his lips. “How?”

  Rogue’s eyes crinkled at the sides. “You’ll think of something and you better do it soon. She’s about to ask Faith if she could crash at their place until she leaves for the UK. Zac has hinted at having to leave for Manchester as soon as they can and has invited Gwen to join them when they go. After the tests are completed, there is no longer any reason for her to stay.”


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