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A Dangerous Game (Masters of Chaos MC Book 1)

Page 9

by Eden Rose

  I take the snack back to the kitchen and cover it with tin foil. I will just have them eat it in the morning.

  Sleeping alone is always the hardest.

  “Shush, baby. You want everyone to hear me fuckin’ you with my fingers?” James whispers against my ear with his fingers deep in my pussy.

  Every one of the brothers have settled down for the night around the campfire with either a lady or a beer. James isn’t left out of this equation. He’s got his hand up my skirt and his other hand is wrapped around the beer bottle.

  The mother fucker is even having a conversation with Elvis while I’m biting my lip to keep from moaning.

  He shuttles his fingers up and around my pussy to the point where I’m about to fucking come. His thumb is rubbing little forceful circles around my clit too.

  “Yeah, we got that run tomorrow,” Elvis mutters and chugs the rest of his beer. “Man, I need to find some pussy stat!”

  I nod my head to act like I’m engaged in the conversation but I’m trying to not moan. I don’t need to get my dad or Gabe over here.

  “I need you to come, baby. Come on my fingers so I can get you good and loose so I can fuck ya.”

  Hearing him talk dirty to me has me coming hard and fast. The crest of my orgasm pushes through me and my pussy muscles clench around his fingers.

  “That’s a good girl. It makes you so horny that I could fuck you and have the brothers right here. You love knowing how dirty you are.”

  I nod. “Yes!”

  I’m not even finished coming when he pulls his fingers out of me and lifts me on his lap. He does it effortlessly without making a big show out of it. James has told me before that he loves fucking in public because it turns him on.

  His zipper is cold against my ass but I don’t do anything to show my discomfort. No, I can’t wait for him to stick his big dick in me.

  “You ready? You ready to feel me?” He murmurs against my ear.

  Moving my ass around, I finally catch his dick with my pussy hole. Carefully, we do a slow grind together. It's a slow, dirty dance but I love feeling him. He’s so fucking good in bed.

  His hands guide me up and down in a filthy dance that only we know. I love it.

  I lean my head back against his chest with my face in his neck to hide my pleasure. The man does some crazy fucking shit to me but I can’t help it. I can’t help but want more.

  As usual, when I dream about James, er- Hulk, I wake up with my fingers buried in my pussy. Never fucking fails. It's been three years and I still have dreams about him. When will it end?


  Since Jayla and Jenna are on Winter Break, I don’t have to wake up as early. It’s nice in the sense that I get to sleep in but it’s harder to get them up. Jenna is feisty when she gets woken up before she’s ready. One time she kicked me in my chest. It shocked the hell out of me.

  While they are still sleeping, I jump out of bed and throw on some work out clothes. I like to work out before they wake up so I don’t get interrupted. Once my tennis shoes are laced up, I trot down the stairs and continue that pace while I grab a water from the fridge.

  I’m dripping with sweat by the time I step off the ARC machine. It’s this fancy cardio machine that is like a stair stepper and an elliptical all in one. If you haven’t tried one, highly recommend it. Guarantee to kick your ass.

  I hear the pitter patter of little feet and know that my adult time has been interrupted. After shutting off the television that I was watching, I grab my phone and the keys to lock up the room. I trust the twins but I get nervous about them being in here without me. There is too many things that could go wrong and could be essentially dangerous.

  I lock the door behind me and am met by the twin-nadoes as they come flying at me. “It’s break time! We want sticky buns!” Jayla says as she climbs up me and wraps her arm around my neck.

  “You are a sticky bun!” I holler as I detach myself from her grasp. I swear, she’s like an octopus with how many arms I feel grabbing me. “If I make you sticky buns, you are eating fruit for your snacks. Got me?”

  I hear a chorus of “ahs” and then I hear: “Fine, Aunt Sin!”

  I walk over to the kitchen and start pulling out the stuff to make it. Yeah, I don’t bake homemade stuff so I grab the Pillsbury kind and divide them up. After I throw it in the oven, I hear someone knocking on the door.

  While walking to the door, I grab my robe and throw it on. I’m still in my work out clothes and I don’t feel like flashing whomever is there. It’s not as if it’s super risque but, it is kind of. Just clad in a pair of yoga pants and a sports bra, I feel weird answering the door like this.

  “All right, little ladies, sit down on the table and grab your work books while your breakfast is cooking.”

  “Do we have to?” Jayla asks and pouts.

  I nod and point to the books. “Yes, it won’t take you very long so get it done.”

  Jenna lets out a huff and grabs her book. “Fine, but after we are watching Frozen!”

  One of these days, I’m going to break that damn DVD.

  Do you want to build a snowman?

  Fuck my life.

  There’s the knock again and I shuffle over to open it. I look through the peephole and see a man that is dressed in a delivery outfit. Quickly, I rack my brain to see if I remember ordering something online, but I didn’t. I peek through and say: “Hello?”

  “Sinclair Mendoza?” I nod and then he says: “You’ve been served.”

  I grab the packet of papers that he is holding over and slam the door in his face. That bitch is suing me for custody! I can’t believe it!

  Knowing that I’m supposed to be at work soon, I reach into my pocket and grab my phone. My fingers fly over the buttons at I text Duke. I’m not in the mood to be around anyone, I’m so worried that the bitch is going to take my girls. I can’t live without them. It won’t work for me.

  ME: Sorry, have to resched. Emergency.

  DUKE: everything all right?

  ME: no.

  DUKE: what happened?

  DUKE: Sinclair?

  DUKE: hello?????

  I couldn’t even bring myself to type out what happened. I don’t respond and then I hear the buzzer go off for the sticky buns. “Girls, go ahead and stop what you are doing. Come eat with me.”


  Flicking through the contacts on my phone, I consider calling Pam. She’s a woman I used to date before I got married.

  My finger hovers over her name but I can’t bring myself to hit her icon. There is just this awful feeling in my gut. After my wife died, I didn’t even jack off for a year and haven’t had sex in two. I feel as if I’m cheating on her which is fucking stupid.

  I pull up the internet and type in one of my favorite porn sites. Out of curiosity, I type in Sinclair Price and my dick jumps to full attention as her picture takes over my phone. She’s in a photo on her website with her hands holding her tits up and a sassy smile on her lips. My dick is begging for a squeeze so I reach into my pants and give it what it wants.

  Should I click on the video? Quickly, I make sure it’s not fucking Duke and Sinclair because that is just too much. I click on the link and the video is buffering. Once it’s on que, she starts talking.

  “Hello, daddy,” she murmurs and pumps her lips up.

  “Have you been a good girl?” A voice in the background asks but doesn’t show his face yet.

  Sinclair smiles and nods. Her body is bent in perfect submission and I want her to be in that position with me. “Yes, I have.”

  “Crawl over here and give me your sexy little mouth.”

  Sinclair gives him a little smile and follows the directions. My eyes are transfixed as the camera moves to shoot the angle of her ass. From behind, I watch as the man shoves a dick in her face and she licks her lips before wrapping them around the head. In my mind, I am able to pretend it’s me and I love it.

  “Little girl, open your mouth and let me see your
little tongue.”

  She obeys immediately and her tongue licks along her lips. I watch as she wiggles it and then slides it back into her mouth. “Can I continue to suck your dick?”

  I watch the whole thing before I allow myself to come. I was caught up in her. Everything that she said and did, I felt my body yearn for her. How can she have this power over me? It doesn’t seem fair. Before I could stop it, I felt the hot jets of my come fill up the tip of my hand. After a good three thrusts, I’m satisfied that I have finished and exit out of the video.

  Sinclair is so beautiful. Yeah, she’s a fucking porn star so she has to be. But there is something more and I’m dying to find out what it is.


  I am awoken by my insistent phone ringing by head on my bed. It’s loud and it’s just of beeps so it doesn’t bother too many people. I hate being in public places and those fucking teenagers have some loud song as their ring tone. It’s rude and annoying.

  With a grunt, I stab my finger at the button to answer the phone. “Yeah?”

  There’s a breathy intake on the other end of the phone and then I hear: “Is this Caleb Benson?”

  I know without a shadow of a doubt that Sinclair is on the phone with me. Hell, I watched two more of her videos yesterday and now my hand hurts from jackin’ my dick like I’m thirteen again. “Who’s asking?”

  “Look, this is super creepy, but I’m Sinclair Mendoza. Duke’s… uh, coworker. I managed to get him to give me your number. I need your help.”

  Just because I’m an asshole, I stop and pretend I’m thinking about who she is. “Uh, Sinclair …?”

  That breathy intake happens again and I know I’ve made her nervous. “Oh my god. This is so embarrassing. Never mind.”


  It took me about thirty seconds to realize that she fucking hung up on me and I don’t blame her. I pretended that I didn’t know who she was even though I thought about her all last night. Hell, I jacked off to her so many times last night. I’m an asshole.

  A minute later my phone rang and I picked it up without answering it. “Hey, I’m sorry.”

  “You fucking should be.”

  “Duke?” I took the phone away from my ear and read the name on the caller Id.

  “Yeah, it’s fucking me. I told her that this was a bad idea but she told me that she was comfortable with your dumb ass. I should have known.”

  I take a deep breath and prepare for Duke’s Spanish Inquisition. Which is funny because he’s Middle Eastern. “Look, I didn’t want her to know that I was thinking about her all yesterday. I know it was a dick move.” The words fly out of my mouth before I can stop them.

  He takes a deep breath and then says: “You aren’t going to hook up with her. I’m not allowing it. The both of you are too fucked up for that. And I’m not allowing my best bud to sleep with my favorite co-worker.”

  “Why, does she suck dick that good?”

  “You are a fucking asshole. I’m going to kick your ass.”

  Shit, did I say that out loud?

  “You are going to fix this and if you don’t- so help me, Caleb. She needs your help. That bitch, Charlotte, is trying to take custody of her girls and if she does… Those twins were born addicted to cocaine. Sinclair had to spend all of her savings to get them help.”

  Now I feel even worse. “Where does she live?”

  Forty-five minutes later, I’m in my car driving down to Sinclair ’s house. I stopped and picked up the most gorgeous flowers that the store had and stopped at the American Girl Doll Store. I knew the two had brown hair so I got them different dolls that each had brown hair with brown eyes. In order to prove that I’m not such an ass, I got them each two outfits for the dolls.

  I spent close to five hundred dollars on all of this, but it was worth it.

  Soon, I find myself in the driveway of her house and I can’t help thinking how normal it looks. I’m a dick to even think that there would be something that screamed Queen of Porn on her house, but I did think that way. Her house looks like a doll house with pink flowers that lead up to the door and lattice designs for shutters. There are two bikes that are resting against her tan garage door and they each have streamers that are coming out of the handles.

  It’s obvious that girls live here.

  I won’t lie to you when I say it makes me feel good that I’m showing up at her house like this unannounced. All I need is for her to have a secret husband or boyfriend and then get a punch in my face. Hell, a woman like Sinclair probably has tons of admirers, and I’m joining in the masses.

  I climb out of my car and go to the trunk to grab the boxes from the American Doll Store. They’re big enough to need both hands but the clothes are wrapped in little white boxes with red ribbons on them. I did some creepy detective work and found out that their names are Jayla and Jenna so each of them have their names in perfect calligraphy on the boxes. I stack Sinclair's box of flowers on top of my arms and shut the trunk.

  Carefully, I walk up the driveway and to her front door. Please don’t slam the door in my face. Oh my fucking god, I would flip out. Once I’m at her door, I set the boxes down and ring the door bell.

  “Aunt Sin! Someone’s at the door!” I hear yelled by a little girl’s voice and then the patter of feet.

  The door yanks open and a little girl with brown hair and brown eyes is staring up at me: “Who are you?” A musical voice asks and I look down to see the cutest and sweetest little girl. I know that this must be one of the twins, but which is unknown.

  I open my mouth to say that I’m a friend, but another girl comes up to the door. It’s the first one’s mirror. Identical down to the hair cut. It’s insane. “Hi. Are you a friend of our aunt’s?”

  These two girls have just ran into my heart and I know that I will do what ever is in my power to make sure that they are happy and safe. “Hi, I’m-”


  I look up to see the angry eyes of none other Sinclair . She looks breathtaking without any makeup on and her hair in that weird top knot that women wear. She’s stripped bare in sweats and all of the glamour from the videos that I watched. “Hi.”

  She places both hands on each shoulder of the girls and tugs them away from the door. “Go and put on a movie and I will be in soon.”

  “Frozen!” They both yelled and ran back into the house.

  Sinclair places a hand on her forehead and shrug. “I’m so tired of that damn movie.”

  I shrug because I’ve never seen it but I hear what Duke says about it with his daughter. I know that kids are fucking obsessed with it. “I don’t know the movie.”

  “Be happy. It’s annoying.” She drops her hand and faces me with some steely eyes. “What are you doing here?”

  While I lean down to pick up the boxes that are on the ground, I pick up the box of flowers first. “I came to apologize. Sinclair, I don’t know what it is about you… but… Eh, never mind. It’s hard to explain. I bought you these to apologize.”


  When I didn’t hear Duke’s rich and thick voice I knew that it wasn’t him at the door. Plus, the girls weren’t screaming from being happy. They love Duke.

  I take the flower box out of his arms and see the remaining boxes on the ground. “You didn’t have to do this. I can imagine that you are busy. I just need someone that I can trust to represent me and I thought you would be him. But it’s all right. Thank you but you didn’t have to do this,” I hand them back to him and he throws his hands up.

  “Sweetheart, let me in to explain everything.”

  Most guys call me random pet names but having him call me this makes me feel warm inside. It’s weird and totally unexpected. I step away from the door and he leans over to pick up the remaining boxes. I recognize the symbol on them but refuse to ask.

  He went to The American Girl Doll Store. Shit. Is he trying to buy my girls?

  I swallow the curiosity and step back for him to come in. “You didn’t have to do this�
�” I mumble behind him but he sets the boxes down on the couch and then comes towards me with his hands spread.

  “I know. I wanted to.”

  With my box in my hands, I walk through the entry to the kitchen and set them down. I shimmy off the top and am met with three dozen pink roses. They are in the perfect bloom where they are open but won’t die tomorrow. “Caleb, these are beautiful. Thank you.”

  I take the time to unwrap them carefully and bring one to my nose to smell. “You looked like a pink rose person.”

  “I am. These are my favorite flowers. How did you know?”


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