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My Kinda Mess - eBook

Page 19

by Lacey Black

  “Yeah, sorry, Mom. This is my friend, Lexi,” Linkin says, trying to shake the boys off his legs. “Lexi, this is my mom, Karen.”

  “So very nice to finally meet you, dear,” Karen says before wrapping her small arms around my back and squeezing. She’s surprisingly strong for such a little thing.

  “Nice to meet you too,” I reply as she lets go and casually gives me a look over. “Sorry to crash your party,” I add.

  “Nonsense. I’ve been dying to meet you ever since Linkin mentioned you.” Leaning in, she says, “It’s not every day that my son talks about a girl, let alone brings one home.”

  “Mom,” he says, warning edging his voice.

  “Anyway, I’m very happy you’re here. Come in and take your jacket off. I’m sorry the place is such a mess. The boys here seem to scatter toys mere seconds after they’re picked up and put away,” Karen says, shaking her head at the two boys who are now carrying plastic swords.

  “Come play with us! You can be on my side, Link,” Jeff says, handing his older brother a sword.

  “That means I get Lexi,” Jack chimes in, again, wiggling his eyebrows and making us all laugh.

  “Yeah, I’m not so sure I trust you with my girl, Jack. You’ll probably kill me and make off with my maiden,” Linkin says.

  “It’s war, Linkin. Whatever happens, happens,” Jack says casually, shrugging his shoulder.

  “Let me put all of our stuff down and you can try to kill me in a bit,” Linkin says, grabbing the two large presents that we brought in from the floor and taking them to the small Christmas tree.

  “Can I help in the kitchen?” I ask Karen.

  “Everything’s almost ready, but I’d love for you to join me,” she replies, smiling sweetly. My gut tells me I’m in for a bit of an inquisition about my relationship with her oldest son.

  “Merry Christmas, Mom,” Linkin says, leaning in and placing a gentle kiss on her cheek as he comes back into the room.

  I can’t help but grin at the exchange. He clearly loves his mom and helps her out whenever needed. That thought alone warms my heart a bit. Beneath the rough and tough exterior, Linkin’s a good guy with a loving heart. He worships his brothers and his one parent who raised him, and if I’m being honest, I think you could add me to that category. I might not be ranked as highly as his family, but when we’re together, Linkin makes me feel like something special. Something treasured. Something real.

  “What can I help with?” I ask Karen as I follow her into the tiny, yet tidy kitchen. It smells of warm bread and honey glazed ham.

  “There’s nothing left to do but set the table,” she says, pulling the ham from the oven.

  “Let me,” I say, taking the small stack of plates from the counter and placing them on the table. I notice right away that we’re one short, thanks to my surprise visit.

  “The cabinet beside the fridge,” Karen says, as if reading my mind. I find mismatched plates, bowls, and plastic cups, and finish setting the table. We work in tandem to finish preparing the meal, but it’s not uncomfortable. In fact, it’s so easy, it’s as if we had been doing it for years.

  “Be kind to him,” she finally says, standing beside me and transferring the ham from the roasting pan to the platter. “I’m not sure what all he’s told you, but he hasn’t had an easy life. He grew up way before he had to because it was just the two of us and he had no choice but to step up and help. But that’s just the kind of person he is. He’s a good man,” she says, her kind eyes staring over at me.

  “He is,” I confirm with an affirmative head nod. And that’s the God’s honest truth. Everything I’ve seen about Linkin is that he’s a decent, sincere, giving man, even if he is, at times, a smug jerk who likes to push my buttons, just for the sake of pushing them.

  But then I think about our situation, or the one that we might be in very soon.

  A baby.

  We haven’t been using protection, knowing good and well that a baby could be the result. In fact, that’s the hope, at least for me. Linkin volunteered to father my baby. A stranger. A friend, yes, but that’s more of a recent development. The man’s surely a little loco.

  Even then, I still consider him more friend than stranger. So what does that make me?

  Yeah, a little crazy too.

  “He’s been a great friend to me through the tough events in my own life, and I’m very grateful for that. I hope he considers me as much of a friend as I do of him.”

  “Oh, Lexi,” she says with a humorous chuckle. “Don’t you get it? You are. But you’re…more. The fact that you’re even here, with me and his brothers, tells me that.” She takes a moment to place the bowls on the counter. “Can I ask you a personal question?”

  I give her my full attention, my gut churning with uneasiness. Words don’t come, so I nod my head in reply.

  “He mentioned that you’re separated, getting divorced.” She doesn’t continue, nor does she ask the question I know is coming.

  “I am,” I confirm. “I separated from my husband in October, and am pleased that he signed the divorce papers this last week. It’ll be finalized at the end of January.”

  Karen nods her head. “Good. I’ll be honest, I was a little worried about him getting into a relationship with you with your divorce still pending.”

  “I get that. I’m looking forward to nothing more than closing that chapter in my life and moving on. And,” I says, picking at the corner of a napkin, “I really hope that Linkin is part of that.”

  She doesn’t say anything else, but gives me a warm, sincere smile and wraps her arms around me again. I feel like I just passed some big test where his mom is concerned, which makes the tightness in my chest loosen just a little more.

  “I’m hungry!” Jack says, running into the kitchen, waving his sword.

  “Me too!” Jeff exclaims, following on his brother’s heels.

  “Me three!” Linkin adds with a wide smile as he brings up the rear.

  And boy, oh boy, what a rear it is.

  * * *

  “You didn’t have to buy them anything,” Linkin says as we head back to our building.

  “I know, but when I saw it all, I just knew I needed to get it for them.”

  Of course, he’s referring to the gifts I found for the boys when I was Christmas shopping with Jaime and Payton. Not only did I find lighted swords, but daggers, shields, and armor too. It was a huge hit amongst the little gladiators, and we had to act out several death scenes before Linkin and I were able to leave for the evening.

  Well, Linkin kept dying thanks to Jack’s sword.

  I believe his words were, “She’s mine!” He would always yell it right before slamming the plastic weapon into his brother’s chest.

  “I’d say it was a huge hit. Thank you,” he says, taking my hand and bringing it up to his mouth. The kiss is tender, his lips warm as he keeps his eyes on the road.

  And I struggle to keep from crawling over the console and riding him like a carousel pony.

  “You’re welcome. Seeing their faces when they opened them was worth it,” I answer, my breathing a bit more shallow now that his lips are drawing lazy lines across my knuckles.

  “I’m pretty sure my bruised ribs would disagree.” He rubs his sore abdomen just to punctuate his point.

  “You’ll live.”

  “I’m not so sure about that. I might need a little TLC,” he says, flashing me a dirty smile.

  “TLC?” I ask, playing along a bit, even though I’m already feeling squirmy in my seat.

  “You know, mouth to mouth.”

  That gets a bark of laughter. “Mouth to mouth? Or…mouth to other body parts,” I say, my voice dropping seductively, my eyes falling to his lap.

  “Mouth to cock. I like it.” He’s already getting hard. I can see the outline of his cock through his jeans, and it makes my blood boil with excitement. I can’t believe I’m this ravenous for him. I’m like a h
orny teenager, craving him in a way I’ve never experienced before.

  And that’s completely true. In the seven years I was with Chris, I never felt like this. As much as I loved him and enjoyed sex with him, what I’m experiencing with Linkin isn’t even in the same ballpark. They’re apples and oranges, night and day, whiskey and beer. Chris is all organized, schedules, and pressed Oxford dress shirts, while Linkin is, well, everything Chris isn’t.

  I’m not saying that to be mean, but it’s true. Linkin is dangerous and thrilling. He’s smudges of grease on a pair of worn jeans and hair that’s standing straight up. But those things are what makes him…him. Sexy. Desirable. Magnetic. I’m drawn to him for who he is and how he makes me feel, which right now, is a little like I’m freefalling into the unknown. I may not know what’s coming, but I know it’ll be worth the ride.

  Pulling into the parking lot, Linkin parks his truck, grabs the few small gifts he received from his mom, and comes around to help me out. Before we hit the sidewalk, I turn into his chest, reaching around and grabbing his ass.

  Sliding my hand around to grab his front, I give him a saucy grin and ask, “Now, what was it you said about mouth to cock?”

  Chapter Eighteen


  I’m definitely working tonight. It’s New Year’s Eve, and Lucky’s is packed! They’re lined up two deep at the bar, and I’m doing everything I can just to keep my half of the bar satisfied and with alcohol.

  A band is playing country music, which isn’t exactly my taste, but it’s got a good beat. And the residents of Jupiter Bay have come out in droves to celebrate the end of one year and the start of another. Party hats and those fucking blow horns are everywhere, but it doesn’t distract me from keeping the beers flowing and the mixed drinks pouring.

  Yet somehow, in the midst of chaos, I seem to be able to spot my girl. She’s in a small group with her sisters and their significant others, drinking beer and laughing. I catch her watching me every so often, but only because I’m seeking her out so I can watch her. She’s my addiction. My drug.

  They decided to celebrate their monthly sisters’ night a week early since New Year’s Eve gave them the perfect opportunity to celebrate. For me, this night should produce the rest of the cash flow I need to pay off debts for good. Between the extra tips during the holidays and a cash bonus from Ernie, partnered with what I’ve been able to save over the last few months, that last payment can be made sooner than expected.

  Good. I’m ready to be done with this shit.

  I could pick up on her laugh a mile away. She’s dragging Meghan and AJ out onto the dance floor where the band is singing about country girls shaking it. I’ll admit, it’s a great fucking view. Lexi wearing those ass-huggin’ jeans and a tight sweater any other day is hard-on inducing, but tonight? Paired with my favorite fucking boots, her hair teased a little wild, making her look freshly fucked, and a wide carefree smile? She’s a fucking walking orgasm. A wet dream.

  My wet dream.

  Our eyes meet from across the bar as she moves her hips to the beat of the music. I can spot at least three dicks watching her dance, and that thought irritates the shit out of me. I’ve never been a jealous man, mostly because I haven’t cared about anyone enough to ever get green-eyed, but with her, I want to throw her over my shoulder like a caveman. I want to lift my leg and pee to mark my territory. I want to walk out there, kiss the shit out of her, and declare loudly that she’s mine.

  But I can’t.

  I won’t.

  Lexi would have my balls if I ever did anything remotely close to that.

  The other sisters join her on the dance floor. Catching movement off to the right, I notice that the guys – Dean, Ryan, and Levi – are paying very close attention to their ladies. There’s no way any dick would be stupid enough to try to get close to any of those girls. Not with those three waiting and watching.

  It’s weird that it calms me a bit knowing that they’ll watch out for her, but at the same time, it should be me. I’m the one who should be standing on the sidelines while she has a great time, celebrating with her sisters. I’m the one who should be stepping in when some fuck gets too close. There’s a lot that I should be doing, but one thing I know I’ll be doing.

  I’m the one taking her home.

  “Take a break,” Lucky says, stepping up beside me and grabbing my shoulder.

  “Too busy for a break tonight, man.”

  “Yeah, well, I think I can hold down the fort for a few minutes. Besides, you’ve poured that beer three times and still haven’t delivered it to the guy,” he says, taking the overflowing mug of draft beer from my hand and handing it to the guy standing in front of me. “Go dance with your girl,” he adds, nodding towards the dance floor where a slow song is just starting.

  You don’t have to tell me twice.

  I’m moving, sliding under the lift-top at the end of the bar, and intercepting my girl as she exits the dance floor only seconds later. As I wrap my arms around her waist, halting her progress, she spins around, fire dancing in her eyes and a hand raised, ready to strike. When she sees it’s me, her features relax and I’m rewarded with a smile.

  “I thought you were someone else. I was about to knock your head off,” she says, slipping into my embrace.

  “Well, I’m glad you wouldn’t just let any asshole paw all over you.”

  “Nope. You’re definitely the only asshole I want pawing me,” she quips with a wink.

  “Dance with me, beautiful.”

  “But you’re working,” she says, glancing over at the busy bar.

  “I’m on break. I get five minutes to dance with my girl,” I reply, pulling her back onto the dance floor.

  Her smile is instantaneous as warm, familiar arms wrap around my neck, pressing her tits firmly against my chest. This is fucking heaven right here. I pull her in even closer, staking my claim for anyone and everyone to see. She doesn’t even know it, but I’m making a declaration to every jackhole in the joint that she’s mine.

  And she is.

  My heartbeat kicks into overdrive at the thought.

  Me, Linkin Stone, self-proclaimed bachelor and confirmed bad boy, is tossing all of those stupid titles right out the proverbial window and grabbing onto a relationship like it’s the very air I need to breathe. Because that’s what she’s quickly become.

  My air.

  Without saying anything, she leans forward and rests her head against my chest. She’s the perfect height, and I wonder, as she puts her ear to my heart, if she can hear the drum solo in my chest. It’s pounding so hard I swear everyone in the bar can hear it.

  “Having fun?” I ask, my hands dangerously low on her hips as we sway in time with the beat.

  “Mmhmm,” she murmurs, the vibration of her hum shooting straight through my chest and landing on my dick.

  The song doesn’t last nearly long enough, and before I know it, it’s about time for me to get back behind the bar. “You’re staying until close, right?” I ask, hopeful and anxious to take her home for the night.

  “I am,” she confirms, tightening her grip around my waist until it feels like a hug. I stop moving and just hold her close. Her hair smells like jasmine, a scent that is pure Lexi.

  When the song ends and a fast, upbeat one begins, I glance up, noticing the lines at the bar. Definitely time for me to get back to work. Her sisters are around us, well those that aren’t single. Ryan and Jaime, Dean and Payton, and Levi and Abby walk off the dance floor, smiling brightly as they pass by.

  That’s when I notice the remaining two sisters, each off to the side of the room. AJ is chatting it up with a group of guys I’ve seen in here several times before, while Meghan chats with a guy dressed a little too nicely for Lucky’s. I watch as she offers him a friendly smile, listening intently on whatever he’s saying.

  “Hey, who’s that?” I ask, drawing Lexi’s attention towards her sister.

that’s Nick, her boss.”

  “He’s awfully dressed up for a night a Lucky’s,” I say, noticing the way the man’s body is turned towards Meghan. He smiles easily back at her, his arms crossed casually at his chest. They look comfortable, and if she’s his employee, well, that would make sense. I know it’s not someone I need to keep a close eye on.

  “His sister got married tonight. She’s a teacher with AJ at the junior high.”

  A loud noise pulls my attention towards the bar, where I see Lucky’s grandson, Brant, dumping the full garbage can behind the bar into a much larger one on wheels. That’s my cue that my break’s over. “I gotta go, Firecracker. The boss is drowning behind the bar.”

  Turning towards me, she threads her thin fingers into my hair and plants her lips on mine. It’s a short kiss, one that I’d love to continue – in private – but duty calls. Reluctantly, I pull back and give her a wink. “Have fun with your sisters,” I say, pivoting to head back up front.

  Lexi grabs my hand, halting me and causing me to turn around quickly, fearing something is wrong. “I’m going home with you tonight,” she whispers, placing another kiss to my lips.

  Catcalls and hollers erupt around me, letting me know her sisters are witnessing the kiss, which makes us both smile against each other’s lips. “Damn right, you are,” I reply before finally breaking away and getting back to work.

  Three hours until close.

  Until I get to take her home, to my bed.

  Until she’s naked and beneath me.

  Three hours until she’s mine.

  Chapter Nineteen


  The New Year celebration came and went, and January is already nearing an end. And more importantly, so is my marriage.


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