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Crash (The Immortal Chronicles Book 2)

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by Sloane Murphy

  © 2016 Sloane Murphy

  All rights reserved.

  Cover design by Steam Power Studios

  Editing by Katie M. John

  Formatting by Dedicated Ink

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  First Printing: November 2016

  ISBN-13 : 978-1535404686

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Authors Note

  To everyone who ever took a chance on love.

  For those who sacrificed everything, even themselves, to feel the greatest of feelings.

  This is for you

  All the Gods, all the Heavens,

  all the Hells, are within you.

  ~ Joseph Campbell


  Ten years ago

  “Dimitri my friend, I have a new task for you,” I say. I can feel his weariness; he hates it when I do this to him, but he always takes it in his stride. He’s my most loyal friend, and my most trusted advisor.

  He hesitates. “I don’t like the sound of that. What do you need from me?” he asks.

  “I need you to take the open teaching position at the Academy.”

  “Are you kidding me? You want me to look after those monsters? I’d rather deal with a horde of Demons than snotty kids.”

  “’fraid not friend. I can’t explain it right now, but I need you to do this for me.”

  “Did I do something to piss you off?” he asks, letting out a puff of laughter.

  “The total opposite, my friend! I need someone I trust. You are my best fighter, and my most loyal friend, which is why I need you to do this for me.”

  He narrows his eyes and rubs at his chin. He is analysing me. “Hmm, there’s something you’re not telling me.”

  “There is, but I just need you to trust me for now.”

  “Okay. Why the hell not? I could use a change of pace I suppose. Ali and Selina have made it their mission lately to torture me. At least this will be a whole new type of torture,” he says and I laugh. He has never let me down. Not once.

  “Thank you D. This means more to me than you know.”

  “No worries. When do I start?” he asks.

  I reach up and scratch the back of my neck. “We, er… we head to the academy tonight. You start tomorrow with the new inductees from the nurseries. They’re due in in the morning.”

  “Nothing like being confident in getting what you want,” he laughs, patting me on the back. “I guess I better go and pack up my stuff. How long is this for?” he asks.

  “For now, I don’t know, but it’s probably not a short-term thing.”

  “Indefinitely. Awesome, got it. Loving all the information you’ve got for me, man.”


  “She’s the reason you asked me to take this job, isn’t she?” Dimitri asks as we watch Addie play in the field with her friends.

  “She is,” I confess.

  “I don’t know how I knew, but I just did. She’s spectacular. Even at this age, she shows more promise in this class than almost any other person I’ve ever trained. Why her?”

  “Her parents died, but before they did, they asked me to keep her safe. I swore I would; I’ve watched out for her since she was born.”

  “You managed to do that along with everything else, and with none of us knowing? Dude, you’re like superman. I have no idea how you did it. I barely manage to remember all of the little monsters’ names!” he laughs.

  “It wasn’t too big a problem; I just made sure she had everything she needed. Money, clothes – the necessities. The Keepers did the majority of the hard work, and they gave me monthly reports on her progress throughout nursery. But the Academy is different. Her time here is important, so I made sure I was Head of the Board. And, when I heard about the open space for defence, I knew I needed you to fill it. Her life probably isn’t going to be easy; she’s going to need a teacher she can trust. A friend,” I tell him.

  He slips me a questioning look. I can tell he’s dying to ask me more, but I know he won’t.

  “She seems happy,” I continue. “And she has friends. Not many, mind you, but I think that’s her choice. She’s not exactly open to new people. Those four,” I say, nodding my head in her direction where she is playing with her friends, “stick together like bloody glue. They’re almost inseparable. Especially the girls.” I pause for a moment, enjoying the sound of their laughter in the sunlight. “However,” I muse, “Tyler seems a little off to me, especially when he’s on his own. I’ve observed him and his behaviour is… well it’s obscure.”

  “They were raised together in nursery and formed a tight bond – like family,” I explain to Dimitri, “Especially after Olivia’s parents died. You’d be amazed at the strings I had to pull to ensure they stayed together here. The boys though.” I tut and shake my head. “I was not so happy about those, especially Tyler. He has a report list longer than my arm from times he was in trouble, instigated or not. But I had to pick between Addie and Olivia staying together or which room she got. I felt it was more important that she stay with Olivia. I just hope their friendship with the boys doesn’t last long” I sigh.

  “Anyone would think you were jealous, friend.” Dimitri laughs. “After all, for Immortals, age is pretty irrelevant.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Dimitri. She is my ward. I care for her as anyone else in my position would.”

  “Never say never, Xander. Anything can happen. Forever is a long time.”


  Present Day

  I lift my head and wake to my new hell – yet again. Each time I pass out, I wake hoping it’s all a nightmare. The light above me flickers and the harshness of it burns my eyes causing me to squint through swollen flesh to see if I’m alone. I am. That’s one small relief. The dripping of water from the leaking pipes above me is another torture all of its own.

  I try to stretch, but the restraints holding me in the chair make it almost impossible. The sores on my wrists and ankles crack open as I move them again, my skin tearing from where it’s knitted to the leather straps during my sleep. Fresh blood surfaces. I refuse to give in; they will not break me. I have no idea what they want from me, but I won’t let them win.

  Exhaustion washes over me. I’ve been here since Cole made his announcement that he’s my father. I’m still not sure how I feel about it, or even if I should believe it. I have no idea what he would gain from lying to me about it, and he’s done nothing yet to prove I can trust one word that comes out of his mouth. Since my arrival here, I’ve been almost constantly in this wretched chair – and I’ve not seen Cole again. Not that I really expect to. If he is my father, he’s proven before that he is good at leaving. My time here has been spent bei
ng tortured. I’ve been punched, stabbed, slashed, and electrocuted by the Demons keeping me here. I’ve lost track of time; there are no windows, no way of telling if it’s night or day. I’ve done nothing but fight to stay alive. To stay me.

  Desperation claws at my thoughts. Will I survive them next time? Will I ever get out of here? I hear footsteps coming down the hall and try to squash the feeling of fear that rises from my stomach. Even if I’m dying inside, I’ll be damned if I let them see it. Then I hear Micah’s’ laugh; that same sadistic laugh I’ve heard almost every day as he tears or burns my skin. The sound makes me sick to my stomach. Each time I hear it, my hope plummets further into the abyss.

  “Ooohhhhh, Addie. Wakey, wakey, Princess! It’s a special, special day!” His nasal voice is like nails on a chalkboard. He rounds the corner and claps his grubby hands together giddily. The sight of him makes my heart flip. He might look like a slimy, creepy human but this douche is all demon.

  “Oh, Princess, why don’t you look happy to see me? I thought we were friends. I don’t like it when people aren’t my friend.” His face transforms from ecstatically happy to utter rage within seconds; the craziness however, never leaves his eyes. He opens the door to my holding cell, laughing to himself as he disables the electric charge, which runs through the metal. He’s tall and slim – lanky almost. The bright electric lights highlight the grease that slicks his green hair from his face.

  “Not even a good morning Addie? How rude! Princesses really should have better manners. No worry – once we’re done with you, you’ll be the perfect princess, won’t you? Yes, you will,” he says the last part of that sentence more for his own benefit than for mine. He locks the door behind him and a new surge of fear washes over me. He looks at me, taking in my wretched state. His sneer makes my blood run cold. “Todays a special day Princess,” he says. “We have guests joining us. Isn’t that good news?” He works his way around the room, and I lose sight of him as he goes to the table behind me. The scrape of metal on metal makes me shudder. Not again, I pray.

  He comes back in front of me again, dishevelled, as if he hasn’t bothered to change or shower in weeks. It’s his demented smile that creeps me out the most. He actually enjoys the daily hell he puts me through. He’s Coles lapdog, just one of many I think, but he gets the pleasure of being my host. Micah treats Cole as if the sun shines out of his ass. He’s loyal to a fault and a generally all-round dickhead.

  “Why? Why are you doing this?” I ask. I ask this question almost every day, but I rarely get a response.

  “Oh, Princess, you know why we’re doing this. You have so much potential. You have no idea just how much power you hold. I’m doing all of this to help you; to help you unlock that potential so you can be all that you can be,” he says with his resident sadistic chuckle. He edges closer to me, knife in hand. “Are you ready yet, princess? Ready to be a better version of yourself?” I can’t bite back my scream. Pain rips through every inch of me as the metal scores across my chest and is mixed with the electrical current he sends through me. As he sends another shot of electricity into me, my head shoots back, smashing on the back of the chair, the pain is minimal compared to the shocks. I unequivocally despise Demons, but I especially hate this god damned Kaiji!

  He claps his hands gleefully – the crazy, sadistic weirdo.

  “You’re so close to the edge, Princess. I can feel the power in you trying to break free.”

  I try to catch my breath. I barely have the strength to lift my head.

  “What makes you think it’ll ever be free?” I wheeze. I’m so angry and so weak that the rage is channelling through me. I swallow down the pain of another deep intake of breath. I have things I want to say to the bastard. I am defiant, despite everything. “And even if it does surface,” I say, using all my remaining strength to lift my head and meet his eyes, “You, Micah, will be the first person I hunt down and kill.” I spit the words out, each one potent with the rage I feel inside

  “Oooooo scary,” he mocks. “Once your power is unleashed, you’ll thank me. The boss will be so happy.” He moves closer to me and wraps his hands around my throat, pinning me to the chair.

  “Our company is here now, Princess; it’s time for the real fun to begin,” he whispers in my ear, licking my cheek before he moves away from me. Every part of me wants to break down and cry. I feel so violated, but I can’t let them see they’re winning.

  I can feel the power coming before I see anyone. My newest senses are overloaded from the strength heading in my direction. The pressure builds inside my skull as they get closer. I’m too weak to put up any sort of wall to keep them out. Then I see them. Seven women, or rather Demons. Each is putting out a different power – a sign that each is a different type of demon.

  I recall being taught about the fearless Seven. They are Cole’s version of an Elite. Each one is as ruthless and deadly as the next; cold blooded assassins with no conscience. Not that you’d know that to look at them, which I guess is what makes them so good at what they do. The Seven are feared throughout my world, and a lot of people believe that Cole would never have got as far as he did in the Dark War if it wasn’t for them. The Seven are known to lead The Hordes of Hell, the Demons who live in the shadows, and for some reason, they decided to follow Cole.

  “Goodie! You’re here!” Micah squeals before bowing down to them.

  What the hell? I think. He is completely unhinged. He unlocks the door and in single file they filter in. “Lieutenants,” Micah says acting as Master of Ceremonies, “I’d like you to meet Adelaide Tate, my latest project. She’s been so much fun to play with,” he says, casting a look in my direction before lowering his voice to entertain himself, “Way more than the last one.”

  I watch as The Seven appraise me like a piece of livestock.

  “It certainly looks like you’ve been having fun, Micah,” says the demon in the red dress.

  Micah brushes aside her undercurrent of criticism and his eyes fall on me. “Addie, these are Cole’s Lieutenants.” He points to them each as he names them and my eyes track them, taking in their variants. Suki, the demon at the front looks Asian. She is beautiful, with long sleek black hair. Her dress, which trails the floor, is made of red silk; a slit at the side exposes her lean thigh. She looks more ready for a party than a day at the office. I will never understand Demons. The others are just as beautiful. Ivy is pale as snow with shoulder length raven hair and piercing blue eyes, she looks harmless, almost waife-like, but the look in her eyes makes my blood run cold.

  Ruby has olive skin, with hair as dark as night and eyes to match, she’s decked out in leather from head to toe, and looks kind of badass.

  Rue has dark skin and red eyes, with long red hair, and on closer inspection, her skin looks like scales. Gross.

  Salem and Prosperine are twins. They look like something out of the notebook; both fair, with blue eyes and golden hair. Salem’s falls in big curls down her back, whereas Prosperine’s is dead straight. Her smile throws me for a moment – it almost seems kind and genuine, but I’m not going to count on that.

  Luce looks like she just stepped off of a runway. Her dark hair is cut in a harsh straight bob at her chin with thick bangs, framing her small face, but it’s her purple eyes that shock me, I thought only Fae had those!

  “We’re here to get an update for the boss, Micah,” Suki declares. “Has there been any progress?”

  “Of course, Suki. My apologies. I can Demonstrate if you like?” he replies.

  “Please, if you would.” She nods at him before crossing her arms and turning her attention to me. She is fearsome. I wouldn’t fancy my chances against her in a fight – she has that kind of way about her that suggests she’d laugh as she ripped your head off.

  “Nothing like asking first, and you say I have no manners. Who exactly are these ass clowns you're bowing down to? Anyone fancy letting me in on any sort of information?” I mutter, the sarcasm thick but no-one is paying any attention to
what I’m saying.

  “You’ll be able to feel the spike in her power,” Micah explains. “Pay attention to her eyes. Aeveen is fighting to break through.” He walks towards me and places his palms on my forearms, looking me in the eyes. “Time to play,” he says with a cruel glint in his eyes.

  The current rips through me again, stronger than any I’ve felt before. My scream echoes around the room and I feel myself detach; I can’t feel the pain anymore because I’m watching on from the outside.

  “Let me out, Addie. I’ll make it all stop. I will kill him and anyone else who dares to try and hurt us.”

  I hear the voice in my head trying to work out where it came from. I think I’ve finally lost it.

  “I’m here to help you, Addie. All you have to do is give in and let me out. Just for a minute.”

  What the hell! I start to panic, and that’s when I feel it – the power building up inside me, fighting me, wanting to break free. I try to hold it, but there’s just too much. I slip away from my body and watch as the pain fades from my face and she takes over.

  An evil smile has spread across my jaw. Holy crow, my eyes! They’re glowing red as, the bindings undo around my wrists and my hands wrap around Micah’s throat stopping his screams. I watch on in horror at the things my body is doing without my control over it. My nails extend into claws and pierce his skin. I do not flinch as his blood runs over my hands.

  “You will pay for what you have done to us, Micah Andrews.” The voice that comes from my body is not mine; it’s raspy and seductive, as if she’s actually getting off on his pain. Smoke starts to rise from his skin. Within moments, flames wrap around him, but in spite of the fierce heat, I’m still holding on to him. I smile as he burns.

  “Enough!” Suki shouts. She raises her hand, sending Micah flying out of my grasp and across the room. She turns to me and I see the uncertainty on her face. She masks it quickly, taking a step towards me, a flick of her hands retying the straps holding me to the chair. Her eyes narrow. “Who are you?” she asks.


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