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Flight to Romance

Page 3

by Tracy Sinclair

  "Are there many girls like you in this city?"

  Jennifer laughed. "Yes, there are thousands of us."

  "So many?" He appeared thoughtful.

  Glancing out the window, she saw that they were nearing the Golden Gate Bridge, and she leaned forward and said to the driver, "Pull up here for a moment please." And then, to Kalim: "There it is—the pride and joy of San Francisco."

  The bridge was at its best in the cool crisp moonlight. Bedecked with lights like sparkling chains of canary diamonds, it guarded the approach to the city. As they watched, the headlights on rows of cars moving in both directions formed brilliant hyphenated lines.

  "It is indeed a sight to behold," he said.

  The stars formed a canopy over the bridge and they sat silent in the darkened car, awed by the magic wrought by man and nature working in harmony.

  Finally Kalim broke the silence. "Now we will return to the hotel."

  Jennifer's emotions were mixed as she realized that her date was almost over. In many ways it had been a trying evening, but worth every uncertain moment.

  She had never met a man like Kalim before and she had a feeling she never would again.

  During the short ride back to the hotel, she gamely tried to point out additional landmarks, but Kalim barely glanced out the window. He spent the time inspecting her minutely with an appraising glance that made her tremble. There was no doubt that he was seeing her as a woman and the closed car provided an uncomfortable feeling of intimacy.

  The thought crossed her mind that it was fortunate they were in her country and not his. In spite of his sophistication, there was something pagan about this man. On his own turf, Jennifer imagined, he would probably be sweeping her up in his arms and carrying her off to some walled palace with tinkling mosaic fountains and soft couches scattered with velvet cushions.

  It was a ridiculous thought. Kalim was a civilized man, not some lascivious sultan! But a pulse started to beat in her throat and she covered it with one slim hand, afraid that he might notice. Her gesture had the opposite result she had intended as Kalim's attention was drawn to the slender curve of her neck, where a pale tendril of hair curled forward. As he leaned toward her to brush it away, the car pulled up in front of the hotel.

  She was relieved yet curiously disappointed. Her cool skin tingled from a touch that was feather light but still managed to be intimate. There she went imagining things again! Jennifer was disgusted with herself for being so unsophisticated. His simple gesture hadn't meant a thing, nor did she want it to. There was nothing personal in this whole evening. It was strictly business and it was time she realized it.

  Pinning a bright smile on her face, she said, "Here we are, Mr. Kahira—I mean, Kalim. I hope you enjoyed the evening." Why did she suddenly feel like an awkward schoolgirl? Struggling for poise, she extended her hand most formally. "It's been a great pleasure meeting you."

  He frowned at her. "You will come up to my apartments. I have ordered supper."

  It suddenly occurred to Jennifer that she hadn't had anything to eat since lunch while he had mentioned dining on the plane. Since she was convinced that he was only being polite, she said, "It's really quite late and I'm sure you're tired. Perhaps we should skip supper."

  But he took her arm impatiently and propelled her into the lobby. "You are right, it is quite late. Let us go up at once."

  Jennifer was completely nonplussed. If he agreed that it was getting late, then why was he insisting that she join him in supper? Did he feel that he owed it to her because she had shown him around? Whatever the reason, his firm grip brooked no argument and she followed him without further protest.

  Kalim's hotel suite was the ultimate in luxury. The sitting room was furnished with deep couches and there were huge bouquets of flowers scenting the air. Heavy drapes framed tall picture windows overlooking the city and a profusion of lamps cast a rosy glow on a table beautifully set for two. The white linen tablecloth displayed delicate china and silver instead of the standard hotel ware.

  As she was admiring the room, Habeeb came out of a door on the left and bowed to Kalim, touching his chest, his throat, and then his forehead. He completely ignored Jennifer and she reflected that either women weren't very important in his part of the world or he didn't like her personally.

  The two men exchanged a few words in their native tongue and then Habeeb left. She was relieved when the huge man glided from the room. There was something about him that gave her the creeps.

  "Is Habeeb your valet or bodyguard or what?" she asked.

  "He is totally devoted to me," Kalim said, not quite answering her question. "He would kill for me."

  Jennifer looked to see if he was joking, but he seemed completely serious. "Isn't that a little extreme?"

  "It is a matter of loyalty. His main concern is my welfare and he would move heaven and earth to insure my happiness and the well-being of anyone close to me."

  As Kalim spoke, he walked slowly toward her, and Jennifer felt suddenly vulnerable. He seemed aware of it and a mocking smile curved his lips as he towered over her, totally masculine and in control of the situation. A small finger of fear touched her spine. But that was ridiculous, wasn't it? They were here in San Francisco, not in some seraglio in the Middle East.

  His eyes were dark and impenetrable as he asked, "Would you care to eat now or later?" She looked at him uncertainly. It was so hard to know what he preferred and she didn't want to make a mistake at the very end of the evening. Sensing her indecision, he said, "Perhaps you would care for a glass of wine first."

  She nodded, grateful that the decision had been taken out of her hands, and Kalim went to the silver wine cooler, where a bottle of champagne was chilling. Jennifer breathed a small sigh of relief. She was ashamed of being so nervous but Kalim had that effect on her. It was hard to think when he was close. Although he had acted the perfect gentleman all evening, there was a feeling of leashed passion about him that made her light-headed. Turning toward the tall windows to compose herself, Jennifer heard a cork pop, signaling that the wine was opened.

  He came up behind her as she was looking out at the spectacular view and she turned quickly—too quickly. He was standing so close that their bodies touched as she faced him and his arms went around her, drawing her against his hard length.

  Instinctively, Jennifer tensed and tried to pull away, but his arms were unyielding, refusing to release their captive. This was what she had feared, but when she looked up to protest, his mouth covered hers possessively. Apprehension alerted every nerve when Jennifer found she was powerless against his dominant strength, but his kiss wasn't the punishing, passionate one she expected. Instead it was slow, almost lazy, an unhurried exploration of her lips. She struggled briefly, but he could tell that her treacherous body was responding to his light caresses.

  At first she was like a startled doe caught in a steel trap, but her panic subsided under repeated kisses that were gentle enough not to frighten her. And when they grew more demanding, it was too late. He knew exactly how to arouse her every sense, and although Jennifer dimly recognized the danger, she was already drawn into a vortex of tumultuous feeling that drained all will to resist.

  One hand caressed her neck and a questing forefinger teased its way down her bare back, while his warm mouth slid over her cheek. She trembled under his expert touch and wildfire coursed through her as his tongue tasted the creamy skin of her earlobe. Clutching his shoulders with helpless hands, she closed her eyes and gave in to the waves of emotion washing over her. Her kindled body relaxed willingly against his, ignoring the warning that her brain tried to sound.

  When his mouth returned to hers, she welcomed it with a soft sigh of ecstasy and her lips parted eagerly under the increasing urgency of his. Light kisses were pressed on her eyelids and the vulnerable spot behind her ear, but always his mouth returned to reward her own.

  It was like a dream of heaven until Kalim's hand moved inside the plunging neckline to curl aroun
d her breast, his thumb moving in a sensuous circle over the coral point. A shudder of fierce desire wracked her even as the dream fragmented, and Jennifer realized she had to fight not only him but herself as well.

  Putting her hands against his chest, she dragged her mouth away from his. "Kalim, you mustn't…"

  But he interrupted, his voice harsh and autocratic. "Be quiet! The time for talking is past."

  Lifting her effortlessly in his arms, he carried her toward the bedroom and the spell was finally broken. The shock of his intentions brought Jennifer to her senses and she started to struggle in earnest, beating against his hard chest with small, ineffectual fists.

  "Put me down! What do you think you're doing?"

  He looked at her uncomprehendingly. "What kind of nonsense is this?"

  "That's what I'd like to know!" She wriggled out of his arms and faced him furiously. "What makes you think that every girl you meet is going to fall into bed with you?" It didn't help to realize that she must have given that very impression herself.

  His face was a study in conflicting emotions. "Why else are you here?"

  Jennifer's rage was instinctive. Acting purely on an impulse she immediately regretted, one hand came up and slapped his face. Even before the sound died away, she was aghast. But before she could say a word, Kalim grabbed her hands and held both of them behind her back, arching her body against his while she tilted her head away from the black fury on his face.

  "You damn little spitfire, you will pay for that! I will teach you about respect before I have finished with you."

  She twisted out of his grasp and backed away, panting, but he advanced mercilessly, his eyes glittering with fury.

  "Kalim, I… I'm sorry I slapped you. I shouldn't have done that, but… but this whole thing is one giant misunderstanding."

  His hand shot out and fastened around her wrist like a steel bracelet. "You are wrong. I understand perfectly. You want more money and you think you can get it from me if you play hard to get, is that not so?" His mouth curved contemptuously. "Did they not pay you enough?"

  Panic was suspended as she stared at him in confusion. "What are you talking about?" His smile became even more derisive as he eyed her tender curves insolently, not bothering to answer. Slowly his suspicions dawned on her and she turned a bright scarlet. "Surely you don't think I'm a…" Her voice trailed off in horror.

  His hands spanned her narrow waist, urging her toward him once more. Cynicism had replaced anger and his voice was silky as he said, "We do not need to put it into words. Let us just say that we both know how to give pleasure. It does not matter that you are paid to do so."

  His insulting words made Jennifer see red! The urge to slap his arrogant face once more was very strong, but this time she managed to control the impulse. Breathing hard, she pushed his hands away and struggled for composure. "I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I am not here for that purpose and I will thank you to keep your hands off me."

  Kalim's eyes narrowed to icy chips. "I do not understand this. You will explain."

  "That's what I'm trying to do!" A touch of bitterness colored her voice. "I don't know what gave you the impression that I was that kind of a girl."

  His frown turned into a scowl. "Do not play the innocent with me! You told me yourself that you were being paid to entertain me, is that not so? You came to me, I did not seek you out."

  Jennifer sighed and some of her anger evaporated. "Oh, dear—now I know how wars start. People don't understand each other even when they're speaking the same language." She took a deep breath. "Let me try to clear this up. I work for the city, as I told you, but I'm only a secretary. I usually just do typing and shorthand. When they found out late this afternoon that you were arriving, they picked me to go to the airport because there was no other choice. Everyone else was busy. That's all there was to it. Yes, I'm being paid, but only to be your guide—nothing more."

  Kalim's brows were still drawn together but more in perplexity now. "You have some strange customs here. In my country, if a beautiful young girl is sent to a man, he knows exactly what is expected of him. It would be insulting not to… bestow special attention upon her." His firm mouth curved finally in a smile.

  "Well, you're not in your country," Jennifer said hotly, feeling even the tips of her ears grow pink as she remembered his practiced assault on her senses—and her shameful response.

  "That is true, but surely you can see that it was a natural mistake." He shrugged. "So be it." Turning to the ice-filled silver urn, he said, "Shall we have our wine now?"

  "What?" she gasped. After the frightful scene they had just been through, how could he even consider calmly sharing a drink?

  "It should be quite cold." His amused glance took in her shaken face. "I believe it would do you good."

  Jennifer hastily smoothed her tousled hair. "No thank you. I have to be leaving."

  One peaked eyebrow raised "We have not had supper yet."

  "I'm not hungry and it's getting very late. I… I have to go to work in the morning." Her voice trembled in spite of all efforts to prevent it.

  Cupping her chin in his hand, he looked penetratingly at her, his black eyes fathomless. "You are frightened of me, aren't you?"

  "No, I… I really am very tired." Suddenly she realized it was true. The whole evening had been a strain and the traumatic ending to it had left her drained of emotion and shaking with fatigue.

  He touched the smudged shadows under her eyes and said gently, "Yes, I have treated you badly, little one. Perhaps I should have known. You are so young, so… fragile." His low, caressing voice made her heart beat faster and her long lashes fell before the light in his eyes.

  "Please… may I go now?" she murmured huskily.

  His hand rested lightly on her shining hair for just a moment and then he said, "Yes, I will take you."

  "Oh, no, please!" Jennifer cried, in a blind panic to get away from this wildly disturbing man. "I'll get a cab."

  Snatching up her coat, she tugged desperately at the doorknob, terrified that he would try to stop her. Her anxiety increased when she saw Habeeb approaching with a questioning look on his dark face, but Kalim halted the man with an impatient shake of his head. As she practically ran out the door, Jennifer's last glimpse wasn't encouraging. The two men were watching her escape with narrowed eyes and Kalim had a thoughtful frown on his face.

  In the taxi going home her thoughts were a wild jumble. It wasn't until she was safe in her own apartment that Jennifer tried to make some sense out of them. Why was she so upset? It wasn't the first time that a man had made a pass at her, although, admittedly, this had been the most determined one. But nothing had happened. It was all just a big misunderstanding, so why couldn't she simply laugh it off?

  Maybe it was the knowledge of her own body's betrayal. Safely home, she remembered the feeling that had swept over her as Kalim's lips and hands had brought hitherto unknown emotions cascading over her; a shudder ran through Jennifer's slim body, and she gave a small moan and buried her face in the pillow. It was a good thing she would never see him again. She was no match for such a practiced lover. He was a Don Juan with the morals of a billy goat! He would have made love to her tonight and forgotten all about her in the morning. But the image of what that night of love would have been like made her body tingle. , Impatient with herself, Jennifer squeezed her eyes shut to dispel the disturbing picture and punched the pillow under her fevered cheek. But it was a long while before sheer exhaustion took over and her tense limbs relaxed in sleep.

  Chapter Two

  The office was a beehive of activity when Jennifer got to work the next morning. Every telephone was ringing off the hook and the small staff was working at top speed. Tom Graystock paced the floor, bellowing orders and chain-smoking. When he spied Jennifer, he immediately motioned her into his office.

  "Well, how did it go last night?" he demanded.

  "Fine." Her answer was cautiously noncommittal.

  "Fine? W
hat do you mean fine?" he exploded. "Tell me what happened."

  "I met him at the airport," she said evenly. "I took him on a little tour of the city and then I delivered him back to his hotel."

  , "Lord, give me strength!" His eyes turned heavenward. "I know that much—give me the details! Did he like San Francisco? Did he say anything we can quote? Does he plan to come back?"

  "I think he enjoyed himself," she replied carefully, "but I don't remember him saying anything memorable, and he didn't mention any future plans."

  He looked at her in disgust. "The chauffeur could have told me more than that."

  She moistened her lips. "I'm sorry, but there really isn't anything to tell." Kalim's dark eyes seemed to be watching her with derisive amusement and Jennifer shifted restlessly. In a way, she was doing her boss a favor by not giving him the details of that fateful evening. He would probably have a stroke if he knew how it had ended!

  "At least tell me where you took him so they don't duplicate it today," Graystock sighed.

  That, at least, was firm ground and Jennifer described their sight-seeing tour. Prodded by his questions, she was able to supply enough information to lighten Graystock's gloom and finally escape to her own desk in the outer office.

  It was a busy day and Jennifer was grateful for the heavy work load, even though it didn't completely obliterate Kalim from her mind. His memory would return at the strangest times, causing her to stop in the middle of whatever she was doing and stare out the window without really seeing the crowded streets below. Graystock caught her at it once and his gaze was both shrewd and appraising, but mercifully he made no comment.

  It was late afternoon when he called her into his office and told her to sit down. Leaning back in his chair, he twirled a pencil around in his fingers and looked at her impassively. "All right, now suppose you tell me what really happened last night."

  Startled, she could only stare at him. "I don't know what you mean."


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