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Flight to Romance

Page 5

by Tracy Sinclair

"As you will." He shrugged. "I believe your people have a saying—It is a free country."

  Jennifer bit her lip, chagrined at where her temper had led her. Swallowing her pride, she pleaded with him. "Kalim, I haven't told you the whole story. I can't turn down your offer—you're the one who has to release me. It's too complicated to explain, but if I don't go with you, the whole career I have planned will be over."

  "Perhaps when you see my part of the world you will choose a new career," he said, unmoved.

  "As what—a belly dancer to entertain your visiting firemen?" she said, her anger flaring.

  His eyes roved insolently over her slender figure. "I think not. You would be considered immature in my country." Jennifer gasped, but before she could explode into recriminations, he continued. "Besides, you are completely untrained. I would have to spend all my time teaching you how to please a man."

  Jennifer turned a bright rosy pink and her long lashes drooped before the smoldering light in his eyes. The thought crossed her mind that he didn't need anyone to help interpret the nuances of English—he understood double meanings all too well!

  Kalim was regarding her flushed face with amusement. "You have a lovely body, but not for belly dancing. However, if you insist, I will do my best to instruct you."

  "Will you forget this nonsense and get back to the subject?" she pleaded.

  "I believe you were the one who was inquiring about a new vocation," he told her sardonically.

  Jennifer took a deep breath, willing her heartbeat to return to normal. "Kalim, let's be serious. I appreciate your magnificent offer, but I can't accept it."

  "That is your right." He inclined his head courteously.

  "But it isn't! If you don't tell them you've changed your mind, there is no way I can refuse." When he simply looked at her with a faint smile playing around his mobile mouth, Jennifer realized how wrong she'd been. Kalim was an accomplished strategist. It was unlikely that he would be ignorant of how much power he wielded. "You know that, don't you?" she whispered.

  Without bothering to acknowledge the fact, he smoothed her long, wind-tossed hair gently. "You will enjoy Egypt and I will enjoy showing it to you."

  Tears misted her eyes. "Please don't do this to me, Kalim," she begged.

  "Why are you so afraid of me, little dove?" He cupped her quivering chin in his hand and forced her to look at him. "I will not harm you."

  His voice was so soft and reassuring that Jennifer wanted to throw herself into his arms and have them comfort her, which was funny, considering that he was the cause of her misery. With a conscious effort she squared her shoulders instead.

  She was a fool to have come here. Kalim would always get his own way. But she mustn't let him know how helpless he made her feel or how powerfully his slightest touch affected her. He would be quick to take advantage of any weakness, especially one shown by a woman. Fortunately, it was only a physical attraction he exerted over her, and that could be battled. Jennifer felt sorry for any girl foolish enough to actually fall in love with him!

  She would have to be on her guard every minute with this dangerously attractive man. It was a perilous journey she was about to embark on, but since there was no way out, she would just have to make the best of it.

  Drawing a shaky breath, she said, "Okay, you win. What time shall I be ready in the morning?"

  Chapter Three

  The long flight was more than half over and Jennifer still found it difficult to convince herself that she wasn't dreaming. Looking around the private plane didn't help; it was very different from the commercial planes she had flown in.

  Instead of the neatly arranged rows of seats encountered on a normal jet, this plane was broken up into sections. In the front soft armchairs faced each other over wide polished tables. The middle of the plane had long couches lining each wall and only in the back were there conventional tiers of two seats on either side of a narrow aisle.

  Kalim sat in front with a sheaf of papers spread on one of the tables. From her place in the very back of the plane Jennifer watched him covertly. No one had told her where to sit, but as the only woman aboard other than the stewardess, she had self-consciously tucked herself away as unobtrusively as possible. Not that any of the men in Kalim's coterie paid any attention to her. I might as well be the invisible woman, she thought rebelliously.

  Sighing deeply, Jennifer returned to her book, al-though by now she was tired of reading. The stewardess brushed by on her way to the galley and on an impulse Jennifer got up to join her. She had met Talia on boarding and the other girl was about her age, tall and dark with a pretty face and a friendly manner. Perhaps she could spare time for a little chat.

  Following her to the small compact kitchen, she found the stewardess busily assembling cups and saucers. "Let me help you with that," Jennifer offered.

  Looking up in surprise, Talia said, "Oh, no, Miss Fairchild, you're a guest."

  "I'd really like to, if you don't mind. I'm so tired of sitting I think my whole body is getting numb."

  Talia nodded sympathetically. "It is a long trip, especially when you're not used to it."

  "That's why I'd really appreciate having something to do," Jennifer said.

  "All right then, you can help me serve the coffee. It isn't very exciting, but it's the best I have to offer."

  "I'm so desperate that it sounds positively stimulating." Jennifer laughed.

  Talia filled four cups with the strong steaming brew and put them on a tray. Handing it to Jennifer, she said, "You can serve Mr. Kahira and his aides at the table. They like it very hot. I'll take care of the others."

  Jennifer would have preferred it the other way around, but after asking for the job, she couldn't very well complain. Lifting the tray, she carried it carefully down the aisle, watching to be sure that none of the coffee slopped over into the saucers.

  The four men were immersed in their work and didn't even look up when she placed a cup at each elbow. Congratulating herself on the fact that Kalim hadn't noticed who was doing the serving, she was about to return to the galley when the plane gave a sudden lurch.

  In an effort to steady herself Jennifer instinctively grabbed for the nearest solid object, which turned out to be Kalim's shoulder. Her body swayed against his as the plane righted itself and his arm automatically went out to circle her waist.

  Glancing up, he registered surprise and then amusement as he noted the flush on her face caused by the small intimacy. "You wished my attention?" he asked.

  "No, of course not," she muttered. "The plane dipped and I lost my balance." She struggled to free herself from his embrace. "Will you please let go of me?"

  "I do not know if I should. You seem to be somewhat… off balance still." From the wicked gleam in his eye Jennifer felt sure he was aware of the double entendre of his words.

  "I'm fine now," she assured him haughtily, turning to leave.

  He caught her wrist. "Wait. Why are you serving the coffee?"

  "I got so tired of sitting that I asked Talia if I could help," she explained so that the stewardess wouldn't get into trouble.

  Kalim stood up and stretched with feline grace. In the close confines of the plane Jennifer was uncomfortably aware of the nearness of his lithe body.

  "It is a wearisome journey, but it will soon be forgotten once we reach our destination."

  "Not by me. I have the return trip to look forward to in just a short time," she pointed out.

  His eyes took on a shuttered look as he grasped her elbow, guiding her down the aisle. "Come, let us stretch our legs."

  But they had no sooner reached the back of the plane when the stewardess approached saying, "I'm sorry, but we're expecting some turbulence, would you please take a seat?"

  They sat down and buckled their seat belts and Kalim said, "It is as well. This will give us a chance to talk."

  "About what?"

  "About you to begin with."

  "I'm sure you could find something more interesting tha
n that," she told him.

  "I think not." He gave her an intent look. "Tell me about these plans of yours that I have interrupted."

  All of her resentment rushed back and she lowered her head to prevent him from seeing her indignation. "It's not important," she muttered.

  "But it is. I wish to know." Under his expert probing she reluctantly revealed the whole story as he observed her closely. "This congressman—he is unattached?"

  Jennifer was puzzled by the question. "No, he's married and has two small children."

  He leaned back in satisfaction and then remarked, "That is why your boyfriend does not object."

  "Boyfriend?" Surprise colored her voice.

  "You have no man in your life?"

  "I thought you… I mean, you sounded like you think I do." Jennifer was confused.

  "I did not, but it is obvious that a girl as beautiful as you would have a male admirer—perhaps many of them." His narrowed eyes focused on her thoughtfully.

  It was true that a lot of men were attracted to Jennifer, but the problem was, she wasn't attracted to them. Every date seemed to end in the same wrestling match and she was tired of it. It wasn't true that she was cold, as many of her escorts had implied. Remembering Kalim's arms encircling her and his warm hand caressing forbidden areas, she felt a thrill in the pit of her stomach. Fortunately, she had never met anyone quite like him. Would things have been different? Jennifer shivered, unwilling to think about it.

  "You are thinking of your boyfriend perhaps?" Kalim's dry voice cut through her reverie.

  "Yes," Jennifer lied.

  "And yet you do not seem completely happy. Perhaps he does not… satisfy you."

  "It's nothing like that," she told him angrily.

  "Knowing you, I did not think it was," he answered, raising one eyebrow sardonically.

  Fury engulfed Jennifer. "Oh, you… you…" she spluttered. "You wouldn't understand. You judge everyone by yourself."

  If Jennifer had hoped to provoke him, she was disappointed. He regarded her with indulgent amusement. "Do you feel you know me well enough to say such a thing?"

  "Yes! You're completely unprincipled!" she said, defying him. "You take whatever you want regardless of the cost to anyone else."

  His half-closed eyes appraised her lazily. "You are referring to yourself, of course."

  "What if I am?" she flared.

  "You are being emotional and a wise man does not attempt to reason with an irrational woman."

  "You don't bother with reason anyway. Your method is to use force," she told him bitterly.

  "That is true." He nodded in calm assent. "But sometimes it is justified. You are too cautious, little dove. I have opened the door of your cage and one day you will thank me. I know what is best for you."

  "How could you possibly? We come from different worlds."

  "Do you mean that East and West can never meet?"

  "Something like that," she challenged.

  Tilting her face toward him, he looked at her intently. "Men and women have the same needs the world over."

  Something stirred inside of her but she ignored it, saying tartly, "But the men in your part of the world seem to need more women to fulfill those needs."

  He threw back his head and laughed aloud, his white teeth gleaming in the bronzed handsome face. "I doubt if any man could have as many amorous adventures as you are crediting to me, little one."

  "I suppose you'd have me believe you're celibate."

  "Heaven forbid!"

  "When a man says that, it's considered dashing," she commented bitterly, "but how many women could say the same thing?"

  "If your inexperience bothers you, I would be glad to volunteer my services."

  "Oh… you… you're impossible!" she gasped.

  His laughter bubbled over and he lifted her hand to his lips. "I hope you are as delightful in bed as you are to tease."

  She snatched her hand away furiously. "You will never find out!"

  "Do not challenge me, Jennifer." His voice was gentle but it hid veiled menace. "You might find you are—how do you say it—outmatched."

  The ominous words struck a chill to Jennifer's heart. She had spent a sleepless night puzzling over his intentions and suddenly felt unable to fence with him any longer.

  "I don't think this conversation is getting us anywhere and I'm very tired," she told him stiffly.

  Looking at her closely, he noticed the circles under her eyes. "Yes, you must get some rest, little one. A whole new world awaits you."

  Uncoiling his great length, Kalim reached into the compartment overhead and brought out a pillow and a blanket. Tipping her seat back so that it was almost horizontal, he tucked the cushion under her head and began to cover her.

  "You don't have to do that. I can take care of myself, thank you," Jennifer protested primly, but when she started to sit up he held her down easily.

  Looking hypnotically into her eyes, he said in a low voice, "Do not try to struggle against your fate, little dove—you cannot win." And lifting her hand, he pressed a kiss into the palm.

  She watched him walk swiftly down the aisle and her fingers closed involuntarily. Cradling her hand protectively under her cheek, she soon fell asleep.

  An intangible change of tempo awoke Jennifer and she opened her eyes to increased activity aboard the plane.

  "I was just going to wake you, Miss Fairchild," Talia told her. "We're about to land."

  Jennifer put her seat back up and stared out the window, excitement chasing the sleep from her foggy brain. A fairyland had appeared out of nowhere and was spread out beneath the small pane of glass. Tall modern buildings jostled against domed minarets and the setting sun gilded palacelike structures straight out of the Arabian Nights. As the plane swooped lower, she saw pink mimosa trees blossoming in the very heart of the city. All at once it struck her—she was in Egypt, land of the Pharaohs!

  Even after the plane touched down on the runway Jennifer remained glued to the window, excitement oozing out of every pore. She didn't know how long Kalim had been standing over her, but when she looked up his deep voice prompted, "It is time to go." And taking his extended hand in a kind of daze, she followed him out into the Egyptian twilight.

  The warm blast of air that hit her seemed somehow fitting. San Francisco with its fog and cool climate was half a world away. This was the mysterious Middle East and she felt like pinching herself to prove she was really here.

  Resting his arm lightly around her shoulders, Kalim smiled down at her. "I was not wrong. Already you feel the pulsating beat of my country."

  "It's very exhilarating," she had to admit.

  The same confusion greeted their arrival that had reigned in San Francisco and Jennifer reflected that some things were the same all over the globe. But once they were settled in the limousine, everything was different. She perched precariously on the edge of the seat and drank in the passing scenery, asking insatiable questions without giving him a chance to reply.

  "Kalim, what is the name of that mosque? Oh, look at that adorable child—what do you call that kind of gown he's wearing? What's that big building over there with the golden dome?"

  Finally Kalim reached out and drew her back against him. "Patience, my love. I shall answer all your questions as you did mine. The Egyptian Museum contains four thousand items from the tomb of Tutankhamen. They were removed from Thebes fifty years ago and…"

  She interrupted him, laughing. "Is that what I did to you?"

  "I did not mind." He gazed at her teasingly. "I could look at your beautiful face and imagine a conclusion to the evening that never took place."

  His voice was gently mocking and Jennifer was suddenly aware of his arms cradling her against his hard body. Blushing furiously, she pulled away. "You've been all over the world, so one more place is no big deal," she told him, ignoring his suggestive comment. "But I've never been anywhere and I really do want to know all about Egypt."

  "And so you shall," he sai
d. "I promise."

  Their car drew up before a stately hotel and all conversation was necessarily at an end for the time being. Jennifer had already witnessed the service accorded to this man, but she was overwhelmed once more, especially since she was sharing in it this time. Bellmen whisked their luggage away and bowing door-men ushered them into a lobby that was stunning in its opulence. Taking in the mosaic floors and gilded statues, Jennifer practically wriggled with delight. Say what you will, it was nice to be part of a millionaire's entourage!

  While she was looking around and enjoying her moment of reflected glory, a female body came hurtling across the lobby and threw itself into Kalim's arms.

  "Darling, I thought you would never get here!"

  The newcomer was a stunning brunette. Her glossy black hair swept across her smooth tanned shoulders and the black eyes that she turned on Kalim were limpid with adoration. Her sensuous figure molded to his as though it were a habit and her arms twined confidently about his neck.

  "Ayesha, my dear!" There was delight in the voice that greeted her. "I did not know you were going to be here."

  "If you had called me as you promised, I would have told you," she pouted.

  He held her away from him and laughed into her upturned eager face. "No amount of attention would satisfy you, chérie, so I have given up."

  "Well, I have not," she said, pulling his head down to hers.

  Kalim kissed her lightly before firmly disentangling her clinging arms. "Ayesha, you are a spoiled child. Have you no shame at this public display?" but his voice was softly indulgent.

  "None at all," she answered cheerfully, linking arms with him and hugging him close to her body. "Come along—you have kept us waiting much too long."

  Jennifer watched helplessly as the other girl started to tug Kalim toward the bank of elevators. With Ayesha's appearance he seemed to have forgotten everything else. What am I supposed to do now? Jennifer wondered, feeling abandoned and curiously bereft. But Kalim wasn't completely bewitched after all.

  "You will have to control your impatience, chérie," he told the dark-haired girl. "There are things to be done before I can give you my undivided attention." Turning to Jennifer, he said, "May I have your passport please?"


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