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Flight to Romance

Page 12

by Tracy Sinclair

  "I am sorry, sir, but as you can see, we are full."

  "But surely you can find a table somewhere," John protested. "We're Americans."

  Jennifer tried to make herself as small as possible. It wasn't John's fault, she told herself—he just didn't understand. Trying to look anywhere but at the major-domo, her glance swept the room—and then stopped in dismay. Kalim was sitting with a party of friends, observing their difficulties.

  She wanted to sink into the floor, but no such easy fate awaited her. As she plucked at John's sleeve, murmuring a request to go somewhere else, Kalim appeared at their side.

  "What is the problem, Abdul?"

  The man spread his hands eloquently. "These people have no reservation, Mr. Kahira. I was explaining that we are full."

  "There is no difficulty. They can join my table."

  "No!" The words were forced explosively from Jennifer.

  John looked confused until Kalim turned to him with studied charm. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Kalim Al Kahira, Jennifer's employer. I would be most delighted if you would join my party."

  A pleased acceptance colored John's voice. "Well, now, that's very friendly of you."

  "But we can't accept," Jennifer added stiffly.

  "Why not?" John was clearly puzzled.

  "Indeed… why not?" Kalim echoed, but his voice was as mocking as his raised eyebrow.

  "Mr. Kahira has his own party and we can't intrude," she told John meaningfully, hoping he would take the hint. "We can go somewhere else."

  "But we had that long cab ride out here," he protested. "If he wants us to join him, why don't we?"

  "An excellent idea." Before Jennifer could protest any further, Kalim took her elbow and steered her toward the table.

  After explaining the situation to his friends, Kalim called for two more chairs and everyone moved over to accommodate them. Without quite realizing how it had happened so fast, Jennifer found herself sitting next to Kalim with John on her other side.

  Kalim was making the introductions and from the impressed look on John's face, she realized that he recognized many of the names.

  "Why didn't you tell me you worked for Kahira?" he whispered in her ear.

  "It never came up," she muttered.

  "This is really great! These contacts could be invaluable."

  Jennifer hoped that Kalim hadn't heard, but from the amused look on his face, the hope was a vain one. And when he asked, in a voice pitched for her ears alone, "What is it that he wishes us to do for him?" she went warm with embarrassment.

  "John is working temporarily at the Egyptian Museum," she announced to the table at large.

  Polite interest followed her statement and as the other guests asked questions and John expanded visibly Kalim murmured, "It is interesting to see what kind of man attracts you. I have wondered."

  "Then I'm way ahead of you," she answered bitterly. "I already know what kind of woman attracts you." For the first time she realized that Ayesha wasn't by his side, and before she could stop herself she asked, "Where is your girl friend tonight?"

  "If you mean Ayesha—she is otherwise engaged."

  "Too bad."

  "Oh, I don't know. I am bearing up under it," he said dryly.

  The casual words merely added fuel to her anger. What he was telling her was that no one woman was that important to him. She had known it, of course, but hearing it put so bluntly into words made her suddenly desolate.

  Her downcast eyes were on her lap when she felt Kalim's warm hand close on her wrist. "Will you dance with me?" he asked.

  The disco band had been replaced by an orchestra that was playing soft music and several couples were circling the floor.

  "I… I don't think…"

  But he pulled her gently to her feet. "Once before we had a truce and it was very enjoyable. Can we not have another one tonight?" Without waiting for her reply, Kalim said to John, "You do not mind if I dance with Jennifer?"

  John paused in the story he was telling and said, "Oh, sure, go ahead."

  Kalim led her onto the floor and she went into his arms with a remembered feeling. Her body molded itself to his and as he held her close they moved as one person. His hard muscular shoulder supported her cheek and she relaxed in his embrace, all animosity drowned in a wave of pure happiness. It's just sexual attraction, the stern voice of caution tried to warn her, but the feel of his strong fingers gently stroking her neck under the long tumbling hair blotted out the silly warning. If this was temptation, she knew why there were so many damned souls. A spreading pleasure enveloped her body at the touch of his hard thighs against hers and his warm mouth resting on her temple.

  "I've missed you, little one."

  She raised drugged eyes to his. "I've seen you every day."

  "Not like this." His mouth slid down to her cheek.

  "Kalim, you mustn't."

  He brushed the pale hair away from her ear and said, "Yes, my darling, I must."

  "People will see us," she murmured, only half caring.

  "Why does that bother you?"

  "You're the one it should bother," she said, avoiding the question. "All your friends are sitting over there."

  "And each man is envious of me. You are utterly adorable."

  He was doing it to her again. Making her glow with appreciation and read a meaning into his words that wasn't there. But Jennifer knew better than to fall into that trap again.

  Steeling herself against his charm, she said lightly, "Is this how you get your secretaries to work harder? By paying them extravagant compliments?"

  He stopped dancing right in the middle of the floor and looked at her intently. "Jennifer, why do you try to read something devious into everything I say to you?"

  Her own words echoed churlishly in her ears and she felt suddenly ashamed. Unable to meet his eyes, she ducked her head and murmured, "I'm sorry."

  Putting his hand under her chin, he forced her to look at him. "Do you hate me so much that you find it impossible even to be civil?"

  "Oh, no!" Wide emerald eyes begged for his understanding. "I don't hate you, Kalim, I…" Just in time she caught herself.

  "Are you afraid of me then? Is that why you are so defensive?"

  "No!" Under that penetrating gaze, Jennifer couldn't lie, and she added reluctantly, "Well, maybe just a little. Sometimes you're so cold and distant. I think it would be easier if you came right out and yelled at me."

  The frown disappeared from his forehead. "My poor little one, I did not realize." He drew her close, folding both arms around her. "You have aroused many emotions in me, but never coldness, I can assure you. There have been times when I wanted to put you over my knee and spank you, but yell at you? Never!"

  Jennifer smiled tremulously. "I guess we have had a rather turbulent relationship."

  "And perhaps we always shall have. You are like a spirited little filly, but in spite of what you think, I do not want to break your spirit."

  She wrinkled her nose at him. "I don't know if I like that—being compared to a horse!"

  "You complain when I pay you compliments and you complain when I do not." He laughed. "Is there no way I can please you?"

  Looking into his dancing eyes, Jennifer felt her heart turn over. If he only knew how much he pleased her! Just being in his arms made her feel as though she were floating a foot above the ground and the warm male scent of him was like a love potion.

  The strong emotions he awakened were mirrored in Jennifer's guileless face in spite of her desperate attempt to hide them and Kalim's laughter died as he looked at her parted lips. He drew a sharp breath, and then, putting his hand on her flushed cheek, he stroked it with gentle fingers.

  "There is magic between us that cannot be denied," he said.

  Jennifer was drowning in his magnetism, but she made a desperate attempt to save herself. "Magic is just a form of deception," she told him, wondering which one of them she was trying to convince.

  The smile he gave h
er was indulgent. "And you do not like deceptions?"

  "No, I don't." Her answer was automatic, but his next words punctured her smug assurance.

  "And yet you are willing to deceive yourself," he said softly.

  The man was a devil! Could he see into her very soul? Jennifer's eyes fell before his penetrating gaze. "I… I don't know what you're talking about."

  He shook his head pityingly. "Jennifer, Jennifer, you are like a little child standing at the top of a slide— afraid to try it, yet reluctant to climb back down."

  "I'm not a child and life is not a playground." Her chin set stubbornly.

  "It could be." His hands moved compellingly over her tense back. "I could open up a new world for you if you would let me."

  Jennifer had already caught a glimpse of heaven in his seductive arms. She shivered, remembering those provocative caresses on her eager body and the feel of his warm mouth trailing kisses that aroused her almost unbearably. Yes, it would be heaven—at first. And then it would be hell! Because Jennifer realized sadly that she loved him with every ounce of her being while he felt only a passing desire. Once that was satisfied, she would be just another woman to be enjoyed and cast aside for the next conquest. And Jennifer knew she would surely die if that happened. No, it was better never to know the full ecstasy. Unconsciously, she shook her head.

  He was watching her intently. "The answer is no? Well, so be it, but at least from now on we can be friends."

  "I… I'd like that." The smile she gave him was uncertain but his was genuine.

  "We will enjoy each other's company and I will endeavor to forget that you have the face of an angel and the body of Circe."

  "Please, Kalim!" The strangled words were scarcely audible.

  Kissing her lightly on the tip of her nose, he laughed. "Very well, my shy little darling, I shall embarrass you no longer."

  Kalim was as good as his word. For the rest of the evening he put himself out to be charming. He was the ultimate host—witty, amusing, and solicitous. John was dazzled, and even Jennifer, knowing this was all a game to Kalim, couldn't help falling deeper under his spell.

  The evening passed much too swiftly and Jennifer savored every moment of it, liberated from the tensions that usually beset her when she was in Kalim's company. Conversation flowed freely around the table and when Kalim rested his arm on the back of her chair or put his hand lightly over hers, it was purely a casual, nonthreatening gesture. Yet perversely she yearned for more.

  What on earth is wrong with me, Jennifer wondered impatiently. This is what I wanted, isn't it—for us to be friends and nothing more? But the nearness of that powerful male body made her pulses race without any effort at all on his part.

  I'll get over it, she vowed staunchly, but looking up, she caught a sardonic look on his darkly handsome face. Or was she just imagining it? Kalim was now returning her glance with open camaraderie.

  When the evening was over they discovered that Kalim had picked up the check for the entire party. John made a token protest, which Kalim graciously overrode, and the farewells were polite and general.

  "What a great guy that Kahira is," John exclaimed on the way home. "You're really lucky to be working for him."

  She murmured something noncommittal and he continued to sing Kalim's praises all the way to the hotel. Jennifer's lips curved upward in the covering darkness. It had been a wonderful evening.

  Chapter Eight

  Jennifer awoke with a smile on her face. Stretching contentedly, she tried to remember the dream responsible for this pleasurable feeling. Suddenly her eyelids flew open. It was no dream! Last night had marked a turning point in her relationship with Kalim.

  All the coldness and cruelty were gone and instead he had treated her with kindness and affection. The word gave her pause, reminding her of her own stronger feelings toward him. Well, it was better than nothing.

  Raising her legs and clasping her arms around them, Jennifer rested her cheek on one knee. Time was running out and soon all she would have left were memories. But at least these last ones would be glorious, unmarred by the savage exchanges that had tormented her in the beginning. And when it came time to leave… The rosy glow faded. How could she even contemplate a life without him?

  Her whole being rebelled against the thought, but Jennifer forced her mind to accept the fact and plan ahead. When Kalim sent her away she would have to find the strength to manage a graceful good-bye—that much she owed to both of them. He must never know that an integral part of her was dying. With a shuddering sigh she reached for her slippers.

  Under the stinging shower spray her spirits lifted. There was at least a week left, perhaps more—a week of seeing him every day, hearing his voice and inhaling the heady male scent of him. A little thrill started down her back and a smile lifted the corners of her mouth.

  Selecting a cool sleeveless pink dress, Jennifer dressed quickly. She spared a few moments to brush her hair until it shone like a pale satin ribbon and then hurried to Kalim's rooms.

  Her timid knock was answered by a brusque voice telling her to enter. Kalim was seated at the desk going over some reports and he glanced up, scowling impatiently at the interruption. But when he saw Jennifer, he stood and greeted her. Capturing both of her hands, he looked her over so appreciatively that her cheeks soon matched the dress.

  "You are up early."

  "You told me you wanted to go over the releases this morning," she explained, the warm glow spreading down her ivory throat.

  "So I did," he murmured, sliding his hands slowly up her arms. "Did you have a good time last night?"

  "I had a wonderful time," she said simply, not bothering to play any silly games.

  His mobile mouth tilted at the corners. "Because of John… or was it something else?"

  Jennifer's long lashes fell. If he ever looked into her eyes he would know the truth instantly and that must never happen. But Kalim was not to be denied.

  Putting his finger under her chin, he tried to make her look at him. "Can I hope that I contributed to your enjoyment?"

  Steadying herself with a great effort, she managed to meet his eyes but she evaded the question. "It was very kind of you to ask us to join your party. John didn't know reservations were required."

  "Ah, yes, the praiseworthy John." His hands abruptly released her and he crammed them in his pockets. "You enjoy his company?"

  "We have a lot in common," she said defensively.

  "And you and I do not?"

  "I didn't say that. It's just that… well, John and I speak the same language." The reasoning sounded lame even to her.

  "When we danced, I thought you and I were communicating very well—even without words."

  His low, sensuous voice lit a slow fire in her veins and Jennifer tried not to remember the rapture that had enveloped her when he held her close. The leisurely caress of those long fingers down her neck and shoulders was like a trail of kisses and her glowing skin had leaped to joyous life under their touch.

  "I…" She paused and cleared her throat. "I was very happy that we weren't arguing, Kalim. Our brief acquaintance is almost over, but I'd like to think that we parted friends."

  His hands cupped her face and his eyes bored into hers, seemingly to the depths of her soul. "Is that all you want from me, Jennifer—friendship?"

  She gave him a wan smile. "Is it too much to ask?"

  His thumbs massaged her cheeks gently. "You try my patience, you disturb my sleep, you interfere with my work, and you want us to be friends?"

  His tantalizing touch made her breathing quicken and she gave a shaky laugh. "That's what friends are for. Just think if we were enemies."

  A long forefinger traced the shape of her mouth, pulling her lower lip down gently until her mouth parted at his touch. "That we will never be, my love."

  His arm circled her waist, drawing her closer to the hard column of his body and Jennifer started to tremble. She knew she ought to resist but it was futile. Every inc
h of her longed for him. Was it too much to ask for just one more touch? His hand tangled in her silken hair, supporting her as his mouth took hard possession of hers, demanding a response that she was only too happy to give. His other hand caressed her slender waist, then moved up to stroke the swelling curve of her breast. A shock of desire ran through her and she strained closer, needing to store up the memories that had to last a lifetime.

  Thrusting her fingers through his thick hair, she uttered incoherent little moans and his passion increased to meet her own. Running his mouth down her smooth throat, he kissed the throbbing pulse that beat just for him. His warm lips slid down to the hollow between her breasts and she cried out with pleasure and twined her arms around his neck.

  But as she trembled in anticipation, Kalim suddenly put her away from him and drew a shuddering, ragged breath. "Jennifer, Jennifer, my little innocent, you do not know what you are doing." She looked at him blindly. How could he stop now when she wanted him so? Shaking his head, he drew her gently into his arms and stroked her hair. "Not this way, my darling, not this way."

  She leaned against him helplessly, waiting for her thundering heart to return to normal. Fully expecting a wave of guilt to follow, Jennifer was surprised when it didn't. She had given herself in complete surrender and he had refused the gift. Why didn't she feel that crushing sense of shame? Was it because she had suddenly grown up and realized the feelings that could grip a man and a woman?

  Kalim knew, of course, but he hadn't used it to his advantage. Neither of them was to blame for this wave of passion that had rolled over them, but recognizing her inexperience, he hadn't taken what was his for the asking. How much she had to learn about this man!

  She looked up at him wonderingly as he gently tucked a vagrant strand of hair behind her ear. "I must leave you now. Unfortunately, I have to go to work."

  "The releases!" Jennifer cried. "We didn't go over the releases."

  His smile was gently mocking. "I wonder how it slipped our minds?" She blushed and he planted a light kiss on her cheek. "No matter—we will do it when I return this afternoon. Will you wait for me?"


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