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Flight to Romance

Page 14

by Tracy Sinclair

  His dark head moved down and Jennifer panicked. "No… no, you mustn't."

  His fathomless black eyes smiled compellingly into hers. "Why do you deny yourself the pleasure you want—and I can give you?"

  "I don't… you can't!" The words tumbled out wildly. Jennifer knew that if he kissed her she would be lost. Once he took her in his arms, she would surrender completely, allowing the fire in her blood to engulf her. Even now her fingers ached to grasp that thick dark hair and draw his head down to hers.

  But Kalim released her. A faint smile played over his firm mouth as he regarded her with enigmatic eyes. "Do not struggle so desperately, little dove. I will free you—this time."

  A long forefinger caressed the curve of her cheek and he leaned down and kissed her gently. Then he was gone.

  Jennifer's heart pounded and she was filled with a mixture of regret and relief. This was what she wanted —of course it was! But her treacherous body denied it, filled as it was with a mindless yearning for his touch. It took all her willpower not to run after him, but he never looked back.

  Chapter Nine

  When she reported for work the next day, Jennifer wasn't sure what to expect. Kalim was a master at keeping her off balance. Whenever she thought their relationship had stabilized, he threw her another curve.

  He was on the phone and he greeted her with a friendly smile and a wave toward the coffeepot sitting on the room-service table. Jennifer poured herself a cup. When Kalim got off the telephone, he began to discuss the conference.

  There was no hint of last night in his manner. He was pleasant but impersonal. An outsider would never have imagined that they knew each other more than casually —and would certainly not have believed the suggestive words he had used to describe her. Jennifer was almost convinced that she had dreamed the whole thing.

  The conference was in recess for a day, so Kalim worked in the suite and Jennifer was kept busy. Phones rang constantly and visitors shuttled in and out. It was almost like politics at election time, she thought. Sometimes a collection of representatives from various countries would be meeting in one room while a second group would be conferring in another. In spite of the exotic locale, it was a familiar situation and very heady stuff to be on the inside of such important proceedings.

  She and Kalim met rarely, with only time to smile in passing, but Jennifer had the impression that they were functioning as a team, and she had a warm feeling from his approving glance that he felt the same way. The only jarring note was Ayesha, who drifted in and made a nuisance of herself, but Kalim got rid of her somehow when Jennifer's back was turned.

  At the end of the long day, when they finally found themselves alone, Kalim complimented her. "You did very well. You were of great assistance to me."

  "I'm glad. I really enjoyed it," she said sincerely.

  With arms crossed behind his head, he leaned back against the couch and stretched his long legs out, regarding her reflectively. "All that beauty and brains too—I cannot believe it."

  "A typically chauvinist remark." Her eyes sparkled with green fire.

  "Ah, yes, I had forgotten. You are a women's liberationist. You do not wish to be one of the dancing girls in my harem."

  Suddenly raging curiosity got the better of her. "Do you really have a harem, Kalim?"

  White teeth blazed in his tan face as he laughed at her. "In this day and age, what man could afford one?" he teased. "There are still some countries where four wives are permitted, but that is a pale imitation of the harems of old."

  Jennifer gasped. "That's just as bad! That's… it's bigamy! Why would a woman put up with that?"

  Stretching out his arms, he said lazily, "Come here and I will show you."

  "I don't think that's very funny," she said stiffly.

  He threw back his head and laughed out loud. "I was only answering your question."

  "No, you weren't. I'm serious and you're not. I can't think of anything sadder than being in love with a man and having to share him with three other women."

  He uncoiled his long frame and got up from the couch. "I only said the law allowed four wives. I did not say that every man took advantage of it."

  "That doesn't matter," she told him earnestly. "It would always be hanging over her head, the fact that he might."

  "I do not think you would have to worry, Jennifer." He smoothed her long hair, curling a shining strand around his fingers. "If a man were married to you, it would be the other wives who would have the complaint. You would keep him busy every night."

  As angry as she was at him, his intimate touch set off a thunder in her veins and she was drowning in the compelling look he gave her. Fortunately the phone rang and the magnetic contact was broken. Jennifer moved away from him as he picked up the receiver.

  After listening for a moment, his annoyed expression changed to one of pleasure. "I was waiting for your call," he said. "I am looking forward to seeing you."

  His voice was warm and directions followed for a meeting place. Jennifer turned away and busied herself at the desk to give Kalim a measure of privacy. He was obviously making dinner plans and she didn't want to intrude. At least it wasn't with Ayesha. Jennifer would have known from that special tolerant quality his voice took on when he talked to the clinging brunette. Was it some other woman though? Jennifer realized with a sinking heart that she did indeed share something with Ayesha—jealousy!

  A sharp pain gripped her as he said, "I am sorry that I cannot take you to dinner tonight, Jennifer. Someone I have been wanting very much to talk to is—"

  But she interrupted, unwilling to hear the details. Turning away, she managed an air of indifference.

  "Don't give it another thought." And before he could respond, she was out the door.

  This pattern held for the next week. The days were busy and fruitful but the nights were always filled with suspense. She never knew ahead of time what they would hold. Sometimes Kalim invited her to dinner and they dined at the hotel or at interesting places he selected. Sometimes they were joined by his friends, at other times they dined alone. But Kalim never made a date in advance.

  John called regularly to ask her out, but although she hated herself for being so weak, Jennifer would never make a commitment until the last minute. She pleaded the demands of her job and it convinced him, but she couldn't fool herself. The real reason was that she wanted to be available whenever Kalim wanted to see her. There was so little time left.

  But John accepted her excuses and was willing to see her whenever she was free. On the occasions when they did go out together, Jennifer always hoped they might run across Kalim again and perhaps he would be jealous. It was a vain hope because they never did.

  The conference was drawing to a close. There were only two days left and Jennifer was feeling particularly low when Kalim mentioned he had an engagement because she knew that this evening it was with Ayesha. The other girl had made a point of coming to the suite and waiting until Jennifer was within earshot to mention their plans for that night.

  "Mother and Father are expecting us at eight thirty," Ayesha said, her hand on Kalim's sleeve in a possessive manner. "Try not to be late. They think you are perfect, so do not disillusion them now."

  His mocking gaze slanted across her pouting face. "If they actually do think I am perfect, it is only because they had to settle for a house full of troublesome little girls. I am the son they never had."

  "That can be rectified," she said smugly, kissing him lingeringly on the mouth.

  Kalim laughed and swatted her playfully on the bottom. "Any man who took you on would have to have his head examined."

  Jennifer kept her head carefully bent over the typewriter, pretending not to hear their bantering words, but each one hammered a splinter of pain into her heart.

  Tearing the copy out of the machine, she put it in front of him, saying, "I think that about does it. I'll be leaving now."

  Kalim's only comment was a pleasant good night and Jennifer averte
d her head, but not before she saw the triumphant look on Ayesha's face.

  The phone was ringing as Jennifer opened her door and it was John, asking if she were free that evening. The prospect of spending it alone with her vivid imagination had been horrendous, so her acceptance of his invitation was especially warm. They arranged a time and when she hung up Jennifer's spirits were slightly lifted.

  The evening was pleasantly uneventful as all of the ones she spent with John were, but that was part of his attraction. There was no physical magnetism, no sexual sparring. The fact that he could feel differently if she gave him half a chance made Jennifer slightly guilty, but she salved her conscience by assuring herself that she really hadn't done anything to lead him on.

  John was her refuge from dangerous currents and as long as she directed the conversation toward ancient Egypt and his work, he was an interesting companion. It was only when the talk drifted toward modern times that she realized how provincial and, yes, downright narrow-minded, he was. But that was a topic she continually steered away from.

  Every now and then she was unsuccessful, and as he walked her to her door at the end of the evening, he was complaining about the Cairo weather.

  "I'll admit we have rain in New Orleans, but at least you appreciate the sunshine when you see it. The sun never quits here!"

  Jennifer had to agree. "It wakes me up early every morning. My drapes don't quite close and I can't make the maid understand. The aggravating thing is that I could fix it myself—the leader hook is just off the trolley, but these ceilings are at least ten feet tall and I can't reach it even when I stand on the table."

  "Why didn't you mention it before? I'd be happy to fix it for you."

  "Oh, John, would you? I'd really appreciate that."

  "Glad to do it." He gave her a fond look. "It will give me a chance to show you what a handy man I am to have around."

  Feeling slightly uncomfortable over his remark, Jennifer led him into the room. John moved the table over to stand on and, as she had said, it took only a moment to fasten the drapery hook back in the proper slot.

  "There, now you can sleep till noon," he said, dragging the table back in place.

  "Well, not really," she laughed, "but at least I won't be up before even a self-respecting bird is stirring. You really are a handy man to have around."

  "I've been wanting to tell you that." He took her hands and his expression altered.

  For some time John had been attempting to put their relationship on a more personal footing and Jennifer had always been able to avoid it. Now she managed to do it again.

  Pinning a bright smile on her face, she pulled one hand away and used the other to guide him gently toward the door. "It's getting late and we both have to get up in the morning, although thanks to you, not quite as early."

  With a sigh, he accepted his dismissal. "When am I going to see you again?"

  "I don't know for certain. Why don't you call me? And John, thanks again."

  Turning the knob, he stepped into the hall, his mouth twisting wryly. "Sure, glad to be of service. Just call me whenever you need someone to do a man's work."

  From inside the room her laughter drifted out into the corridor. "John, you're wonderful! What would I do without you?"

  "Just remember that I was here tonight when you needed me," he said jokingly.

  Their words floated down the hall and belatedly Jennifer realized that it was late and they might be disturbing other people. Sticking her head around the door, she said, "Shh, someone might hear us."

  Neither of them saw Kalim and Ayesha, who had gotten off the elevator as John left Jennifer's room. It was only when he turned from her with a smile and walked toward them that John noticed the other couple.

  "Well, hello, it's nice to see you again," he said.

  Ayesha eyed him speculatively and murmured a greeting, but Kalim's response bordered on rudeness as he inclined his head curtly, his face stormy. John was puzzled at the reception, but after a moment's hesitation, he continued on and Kalim led Ayesha to her door.

  "He is quite good-looking, isn't he?" she asked with a sidelong look at Kalim. When he didn't answer, she said slyly, "At least your little secretary thinks so. I wonder what… service he performed for her tonight, don't you?"

  Kalim's eyes glistened ominously, but he didn't rise to the bait. "Good night, Ayesha." His tone closed the subject.

  Heeding the implicit warning in his voice, she switched tactics. "Come in for a drink, chérie," she coaxed. "I am not a bit tired."

  "But I am. It has been a long day."

  "Surely you can spare the time for one little drink. We have not had a moment alone all night."

  He looked at her with preoccupation and then leaned forward and brushed her cheek with his lips. "Good night, Ayesha. Go to bed."

  As soon as John had left, Jennifer started to prepare for bed. Taking off her dress, she put the light cotton robe over her bra and panties and kicked off her high heels with a satisfied sigh. Before going into the bathroom to wash her face, she wandered over to inspect the draperies. Yes, they overlapped perfectly. John had done a good job. It was while she was inspecting his handwork that an authoritative knock sounded at the door. Who on earth could that be at this hour? She went quickly to answer it.

  "Yes?" Her puzzled frown increased as Kalim pushed his way into the room and slammed the door behind him. "What… what are you doing here?" she faltered.

  "I knew you had not gone to bed yet—or should I say to sleep?"

  There was a white line around his grim mouth and it was obvious that he was keeping himself under tight rein. Without knowing the reason, fear crept through her and Jennifer's heart started to pound.

  "N… no, I wasn't asleep."

  Her hair was tousled where she had pulled her sweater over it a few minutes earlier and she automatically tried to smooth it back in place. The gesture caught his eye and he surveyed her contemptuously.

  "It must have been quite a night."

  She looked at him in bewilderment. "I don't understand."

  His eyes blazed and under the deep tan his face was pale. "I will admit you had me fooled and that is quite an accomplishment." The words contained pent-up rage.

  "What are you talking about?"

  "That frightened little virgin act," he sneered. "It was quite convincing."

  "What are you saying?" she cried.

  His mouth turned down derisively and he gripped her elbows, drawing her toward his hard, lean body. "John was smarter than I, wasn't he? He knew what you wanted and he gave it to you."

  His fingers were biting into her soft skin and she was genuinely alarmed by the look of primitive passion staring out at her. "I have no idea what you're talking about and I don't want to know. You must have had too much to drink. I'd like you to leave."

  "And if I refuse?" The sneering words were menacing and Jennifer felt the beginning of panic.

  "Kalim, please, you aren't yourself—can't you see that? Please… don't do anything you'll regret."

  He laughed out loud, but it was a bitter laugh without mirth. "The only thing I regret is all the time I have wasted. All the times you could have been warming my bed instead of disturbing my sleep." One arm went around her waist, drawing her roughly to him, and his hand fastened on her breast.

  There was no love, no tenderness, just raw desire and Jennifer pounded on his chest with clenched fists. "Let go of me! What do you think you're doing?"

  His arms were like steel bands and mocking eyes raked her. "Is it too soon? Did John satisfy your needs? But surely the novelty of a second man will arouse you anew."

  "You must be crazy!" She was truly frightened by the madness in his eyes.

  "Not any longer. I will admit I was under your spell, but now I intend to have what the others have gotten. I will lose myself in your beautiful body as I have wanted to do since we first met."

  His mouth touched the wildly beating pulse at the base of her throat and slid across t
o her shoulders, pushing aside the thin fabric of her robe. After ruthlessly tearing open the front-fastened wispy bra, his lips found her bare breast and a shock passed through Jennifer at the warm possession of his mouth.

  With a desperate effort, she twisted away from him. "Kalim!" It was like a cry of pain. "Why are you doing this to me?"

  His eyes were hard and scornful as he answered her question with one of his own. "Why are you continuing this pretense? Do you think I am a complete fool? I will admit I have acted like one, but that is all over now."

  Jennifer pulled at her robe and strained against his hard embrace. "I don't know what's happened to you."

  "Don't you?" His mouth turned down in a bitter smile. "I have merely come to my senses, and although I admit to being sadly disillusioned, I shall endeavor to put it out of my mind as I enjoy your… charms." His insulting gaze traveled her length.

  Jennifer drew in her breath sharply. "You can't mean that!" Looking into his implacable face, she faltered. "Kalim, won't you please leave? Tomorrow we—"

  "Tomorrow I will have the memory of a night of love," he cut in smoothly. One eyebrow peaked sardonically and his hand stroked the curve of her hip where it was covered by the satin panties. "Tonight I will possess you and I will try to forget the other men who have preceded me."

  His fingers made a slow trailing circuit of her satin-clad waist, straying up to fondle the bare skin above the elastic. Jennifer struggled with every ounce of her strength, but his mouth drowned out her cries of protest. Parting her lips forcefully, his mouth ravaged hers with a brutal masculinity.

  When she pushed with all her might against his shoulders, Kalim laughed and captured both her hands, holding them behind her back so that she was helpless. In desperation she tried to kick, but her stockinged feet suffered more damage than his hard shins. Finally, she collapsed against him in exhaustion, realizing that her struggles were only inciting him further.


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