Flight to Romance

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Flight to Romance Page 16

by Tracy Sinclair

  "Jennifer, let me handle this," Kalim ordered.

  "No!" Ayesha flashed. "I will not let you shield this creature. I demand that her room be searched."

  "Are you out of your mind?" Kalim's eyes glittered and he restrained himself with an effort, his long fingers closing and unclosing.

  "No, she's right." Jennifer's anger was almost as great as his. "I demand that my room be searched. And then maybe I'll accept your apology," she said to Ayesha, "but I very much doubt it."

  "We will see who apologizes," the other girl said confidently.

  "Jennifer, this is not necessary, you do not have to—" Kalim began, but she cut him off in midsentence.

  "I want you to do it. I've taken a lot from her, but this is the last straw. I'm not going to leave here under a cloud."

  "That would not be the case. No one suspects you of anything."

  "Speak for yourself, Kalim," Ayesha told him bitterly. "But let us see what you have to say when you are faced with the evidence."

  "I will not be a party to anything this vulgar and crude," he lashed out furiously.

  "What is the matter?" she taunted. "Are you afraid you may find out your little dove"—the sarcasm was heavy—"is really a vulture after all?"

  "Oh, will you two stop all this talking and let's get on with it?" Jennifer cried. "Come with me." And she marched out of the suite.

  Ayesha followed her willingly, Kalim reluctantly, and Habeeb brought up the rear. Throughout the noisy scene Habeeb had been a silent spectator, watching and listening. As Kalim's shadow, his presence was so expected that it usually went unnoticed, as it did now.

  Jennifer Sung open her door and stretched one arm out. "Be my guest," she told Ayesha grimly. When Kalim would have spoken to her, she turned and followed Ayesha into the room. "All right, start searching."

  Ayesha stood in the middle of the floor, looking around thoughtfully. "Now where would I hide something if I were a thief?" Jennifer could hear Kalim's heavy breathing, but when she frowned and shook her head, he restrained himself.

  "Well, of course, there is always the mattress," Ayesha said. Going over to the bed, she threw the bedspread aside and pulled out the sheets, tossing them in a great tangled mess. Jennifer clenched her fists but managed to remain silent. After sliding her hand an inch or two under the mattress, Ayesha said, "No, I guess that is too unimaginative even for you."

  "Well, let's see. There is also the pocket of a dressing gown. Isn't that supposed to be a good hiding place?" She seemed to be enjoying herself, like a little girl playing treasure hunt at a party. Going over to the closet, she regarded its meager contents with a sneer. Then, after pawing carelessly through the lot, she turned back with a perplexed air.

  "If you're through making a mess of my things, perhaps you'll leave and let me straighten up," Jennifer said through gritted teeth.

  "Oh, I am not through. Whatever gave you that idea? I have not looked in the drawers yet." Jennifer started toward her and then thought better of it as Ayesha sauntered slowly toward the inlaid chest.

  She forced herself to watch without protest as Ayesha jumbled her things together contemptuously, but Kalim's patience wasn't as enduring. "This has gone far enough," he stormed. "What do you think you are accomplishing by this charade?"

  Ayesha's back was to him but she turned with a smug look on her face. Held between her thumb and forefinger was an exquisite bracelet of glowing rubies interspersed with flashing diamonds. It was obviously worth a fortune. "This is what I have accomplished. Now do you believe me?"

  "Where did that come from?" Jennifer gasped.

  "As though you did not know." Ayesha's scornful glance scorched her.

  "But I didn't…" Jennifer turned wildly to Kalim. "I didn't take it, you have to believe me. I never saw it before this minute."

  "It will not do you any good to appeal to Kalim. His eyes are opened at last." Ayesha put her hand on his arm and looked up appealingly. "I am sorry I had to do it, beloved, but it was the only way."

  Jennifer felt as though she were drowning, but she made an effort to save herself. "Kalim, I know it looks bad, but I swear to you I don't know how that bracelet got in my drawer."

  He was looking at Ayesha and it was doubtful that he even heard Jennifer's words. The terrible anger was gone from his eyes to be replaced by an emotion that looked like regret. After studying her triumphant face for a long moment, he said in a low voice, "I am sorry. I never realized."

  Jennifer felt a sharp stab of pain in her breast. Hot tears filled her eyes, spilling unheeded down her cheeks at his callous words. He believed that Jennifer was a thief and he was telling Ayesha that he was sorry he never realized it before. Right in front of her! Without even giving her a chance to explain. Well, what did she expect? It was her word against Ayesha's and the evidence was all against her. But he could at least have waited for an explanation instead of turning away without even looking at her.

  Jennifer didn't know how the bracelet had gotten into her drawer and at the moment she didn't even care. Kalim was what mattered. He had condemned her without a trial.

  Panic rose in her throat as she realized that any second now he would turn on her with those icy cold eyes and flay her with venomous words. That was more than she could bear and Jennifer knew she had to get away before it happened. The tears came faster now, blinding her so that she could barely see the door as she rushed past Habeeb and ran down the hall.

  She was still running when she got outside, but a catch in her side made her slow down. Where was she going? Jennifer looked around blankly and realized with a sinking feeling that she didn't know. She had never felt so alone in her life—abandoned in an alien world without a single friend. Then it came to her. John! He would help her. Looking anxiously at her watch, she wondered if he would still be at the museum. He had told her that he often worked late. With a prayer on her lips, she hailed a cab.

  For the first time that day luck was with her and John was at the museum. He greeted her warmly and then took a second look. "What's wrong, Jennifer, you look like you've had a shock."

  Without any preamble, the words tumbled out of her, but he seemed to have trouble comprehending. "Wait a minute, back up a little. I don't understand this at all."

  So she started at the beginning and told him the whole story, concluding, "You see why I have to get away, but I don't have a passport or any money. I thought if you'd go with me to the American Embassy and back up my story they'd believe you—you're working with the Egyptian government. The Embassy could fix it up somehow and I'll pay back the money for my ticket." Tears welled up again. "All I want to do is go home."

  Jennifer had expected John to react with immediate offers of sympathy and support. When he hesitated, the first fingers of misgiving touched her spine. "This is an amazing story you've just laid on me, Jennifer."

  "You do believe me, don't you?"

  "Oh, sure—at least… I mean, sure."

  She looked at him in horror. "You can't believe I stole that bracelet?"

  "No, of course not," he assured her, "but the rest of your story—well, it presents problems."

  "What do you mean?"

  He appeared ill at ease. "I don't think it would do any good to go to the Embassy. They would just tell you to go back to Kalim and ask him for your passport."

  "No! I don't ever want to see him again."

  "You're being unreasonable, Jennifer. He seemed like a nice guy to me. Don't you think you're blowing this out of all proportion?"

  "You didn't hear a word I said, did you?" she whispered.

  "About the bracelet, you mean? I wouldn't worry about that. She got it back and I'm sure they'll be happy to hush up the whole incident." Each word struck Jennifer like a blow, but he carefully ignored her stricken face. "All you have to do is remind Kalim that he still has your passport. It probably just slipped his mind."

  "I couldn't face him," she breathed. A sudden hope flamed into life. "Would you do it for me, John?"
  He avoided meeting her eyes. "You don't need me."

  "But I do! He wouldn't dare refuse you. He knows your work here is all tied up with the government."

  "But that's just the point, don't you see? Kahira is a very influential man. If he's as furious as you say, he might take out his anger on anyone who…" He paused and chose his words with more care. "Kalim has friends in high places—look at the people he was with the night we met him. If he decided to throw his weight around, my whole mission could be down the tube."

  She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "You just said he was a nice guy."

  "Well, yes, but in a case like this… I can't afford to take any chances. You can see my position, can't you?"

  "Oh, yes, I can see perfectly," she answered bitterly.

  "I'm sure you're making a big deal out of nothing," he assured her. "Why don't you go back to the hotel now and I'll call you later."

  The angry words that sprang to Jennifer's lips were never uttered. What was the use? Her shoulders sagged with defeat as she turned and walked out the door.

  "I wish you wouldn't look like that, Jennifer. Everything's going to work out fine—you'll see."

  The words pelted off her retreating back and echoed eerily in the silent corridor but she barely heard them. John had been her last hope. What was she going to do now?

  The darkness outside matched her mood and she welcomed its enveloping cloak. Walking aimlessly down the street, her numbed mind refused to grapple with the problem anymore. She started to count her steps. One, two, three, four—the pointless little game had an hypnotic effect. People passed her on the sidewalk and the headlights of speeding cars briefly illuminated her white face but she was unaware of any of them. Her legs functioned automatically, carrying her down block after block, but she was like a sleepwalker, living in a dream—or a nightmare.

  Soon she would wake up in her own bed, Jennifer assured herself. It was very warm for San Francisco though, wasn't it? And the crowds were especially bad. There must be a lot of tourists in town.

  A hand on her arm brought her back to reality. "Baksheesh, miss? Something for the poor?" A filthy beggar was leering up at her, his blackened teeth bared in a grin.

  Looking around, Jennifer realized with alarm that she was in the native quarter. The narrow darkened streets seemed even more cluttered than before and the swarthy faces surrounding her were unmistakably hostile.

  A group of men in long tan robes striped in black were eyeing her boldly, their lascivious eyes roving over her slender figure. Jennifer remembered Kalim's warning and a sudden smothering fear rose in her throat.

  When they started toward her, Jennifer looked around wildly for help, but all she saw were beggars with avid eyes. Backing away, she bumped into someone and cried out instinctively as a strong hand fastened around her wrist. She looked over her shoulder and her heart took a lurch. It was Habeeb! Fear turned to terror at this new threat and she tried to twist away, but he held her easily.

  Before she could protest, his guttural voice rang out commandingly and the menacing men slunk away into the shadows. Then, still without a word to her, he pulled her toward the curb and hailed a passing taxi.

  What did he intend to do with her? Not until they were safely inside did Jennifer find her voice and then she asked apprehensively, "Where are you taking me?"

  "I take you home."

  Home? Hysterical laughter rose in her throat but she managed to control it. "Do you mean to the hotel?" He nodded briefly without volunteering any more information. "Did Kalim send you after me? And how did you know where to find me? How did you happen to turn up just when—" She broke off with a shudder.

  Habeeb turned opaque black eyes on her and the lights of a passing car illuminated the livid scar on his cheek, but for the first time Jennifer didn't shrink from him. Perhaps there just wasn't any emotion left, but she suddenly realized that she wasn't afraid of Habeeb anymore. He had rescued her from a terrible situation, but she still didn't know how it had come about and he refused to explain.

  "The master will tell you when we return."

  There was a finality to the words that warned her he wasn't going to say any more no matter how many questions she asked, so Jennifer remained silent. But it didn't stop her mind from spinning. It was obvious that Kalim had sent him. But why? Where could she go without money or a passport? He must have known that she would have to return sooner or later.

  Perhaps he couldn't wait to mete out punishment. Would he really turn her over to the police? Jennifer's blood ran cold as she recalled the horrendous things she'd heard about foreign prisons. Surely they would give her a trial! But what would her defense be? Forcing herself to relive every minute of that ghastly search of her room left Jennifer as much in the dark as ever. How could the bracelet have gotten into her drawer? And how could she convince anyone of her innocence without an explanation?

  By the time they got to the hotel, Jennifer's nerves were as taut as a rubber band wound around a toy airplane and she was just as ready to fly apart. She was trembling so badly that Habeeb reached out to support her, but she shook off his helping hand. Hesitating at the door a moment, Jennifer took a deep breath and squared her slim shoulders. She wasn't going to be dragged inside like a runaway puppy.

  Habeeb opened the door and Jennifer's pulse started to beat like a drum when she saw Kalim savagely pacing the floor. It was going to be even worse than she had feared.

  His back was turned but at the sound of the door opening he whirled around and stared at her. A wealth of emotion played over his mobile features and Jennifer braced herself for a tirade that didn't come. Instead Kalim reached out and took her in his arms.

  Holding her in a grip so tight that she thought her ribs might crack, he said, "Where have you been? I've been out of my mind with worry!" Having braced herself for something so different, Jennifer couldn't comprehend this reaction. What did it mean? "Don't ever do that to me again," he was murmuring brokenly. "I could not stand it."

  With an effort she managed to get enough breath to say, "Wha… what are you talking about?"

  "Why did you run away like that?" he asked, touching her face as though to reassure himself she was really there.

  Pain darkened her eyes. "Don't play with me, Kalim. You know why. You believed Ayesha's story. You didn't even ask me if I took the bracelet."

  "Is that what you thought?" Incredulity colored his voice.

  A great sadness filled her. "I don't know how it got in my drawer. I guess it's too much to expect you to believe me, but you could at least have asked."

  "Oh, my darling—I didn't have to ask. I knew you didn't take that wretched bracelet."

  "But you said… you didn't even look at me. You said…" Jennifer choked up and couldn't continue.

  He took her chin in his hand and looked at her lovingly. "What did I say?"

  "You told Ayesha you hadn't realized before that I was a thief."

  With a gentle forefinger he wiped away the tears that were gathering on her long eyelashes. "That is not what I said."

  "Well, maybe those weren't the exact words but—"

  "My poor baby, never did I mean to imply such a thing. No, actually, I was voicing my thoughts aloud. Come, sit down and I will explain." In a daze, Jennifer allowed herself to be led to the couch. Then, with his arm around her, Kalim continued. "When Ayesha was growing up, I was aware of the fact that she had what you would call a crush on me. It was harmless enough and I was amused by it. As she became older there were swarms of young men attracted to her and I naturally assumed that she had outgrown her schoolgirl infatuation. I regarded her as a little sister and I thought she looked upon me as her big brother. It was not until tonight in your room that I realized my mistake."

  "I could have told you that a long time ago," Jennifer muttered resentfully.

  Kalim grinned. "I plead guilty." His smile faded as he said, "I not only failed to see that she was in love with me, I did not realize how far s
he would go to keep us apart. She could tell that I loved you deeply. Why did you not know it, my darling?"

  Jennifer's heart started to beat wildly and she looked at him with uncertain eyes. "Kalim, I—"

  But he interrupted. "Never mind. We will get to that in a moment. First we must finish the odious subject of the bracelet. I never suspected you for an instant. Even before Habeeb told me the truth of the matter."

  "Habeeb? What has he to do with this?"

  "He saw Ayesha going into your room after you had left the hotel this afternoon. He was going to tell me about it but the occasion did not arise until after she had made her accusation."

  "She went into my—then she must have put the bracelet there herself!" The explanation was so simple it was almost laughable except that this had been no laughing matter. But it was all over now and Jennifer felt almost giddy with relief. Impulsively, she threw her arms around Kalim's neck. "You don't know what this means to me!"

  He gathered her close and she could hear the steady thud of his heart against hers. "And you do not know what it means to have you back safely. I almost went out of my head with worry, imagining you alone out there in the darkness. When I think what could have happened to you…"

  If he only knew! Jennifer shivered involuntarily and glanced at Habeeb. He gave a barely perceptible shake of his head and she knew they had just entered into a conspiracy to protect Kalim's peace of mind.

  "But how did he find me?" The question was directed as much to Habeeb as Kalim.

  "I can only guess." Kalim looked inquiringly at the big man. "You followed her when she ran out?" Habeeb nodded.

  "But I never saw him," she cried.

  "You would not if he did not wish it." Remembering how silently the huge man could move, Jennifer nodded her head, and Kalim said, "He is a man of many talents, the greatest being devotion. Habeeb takes care of his loved ones."

  It sounded like he was saying—but Jennifer was afraid to believe what her ears were telling her so she chose her words with great care. "Yes, you once told me that he would do anything for you."

  "I do not think he did this only for me," Kalim said, smiling.


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