Book Read Free

Baby Makes Three

Page 9

by Lily Love

  “But you went out anyway?” Craig asked. “You could have stayed. I was an ass to you before and I’m sorry about it.”

  “Oh.” Jack smiled. It was simple and bright, like he truly appreciated Craig’s apology. “Thanks. I wanted to get out of your hair for a little bit. You looked stressed out. I think it’s a good idea we got this hotel room — both of us are kind of at the end of our ropes.”

  “Mm.” That wasn’t it, but Craig allowed the issue to be brushed off. He didn’t want to complicate matters. “And now that you’ve got Isaac settled, we can focus on getting a good night’s sleep.”

  “Did you order that pizza?” Jack asked.

  “No,” Craig admitted.

  “Go ahead and order it. My treat. Look up Spiro’s Pizza. I’ll try to get Isaac settled while you pick something out.”

  “Anything you don’t eat on pizza?” Craig asked. He drew his phone from his pocket. Previously, he’d believed that letting another person take care of his son would be difficult. Seeing Jack and Isaac together changed his mind.

  Jack gave him a hard look. “Pineapple. And if you say you do eat pineapple on pizza, we’re going to have to reconsider our friendship.”

  Craig snickered. “Okay, okay. I got the message.”

  “But do you?” Jack asked.

  Craig stuck out his tongue. “Not anymore.”

  There was an easiness between them that Craig adored. The humor in Jack’s eyes awoke something inside of Craig that kept him riveted. Friendship was magical. He’d never had a best friend before, but now he understood what the appeal was.

  “Good man.” Jack left the room. “I won’t have to kill you in your sleep.”

  “Good to know.” Craig arched a brow even though Jack couldn’t see. He placed the order, then left the bathroom to find Jack laying Isaac back down in the crib. “Pizza’s going to be here in forty to fifty minutes.”

  “Just in time for Isaac to wake back up when there’s a knock at the door,” Jack said with a laugh. “Perfect.”

  For a second, it was easy to forget that Jack wasn’t a part of their family. Craig watched him take such tender care of Isaac and couldn’t stop smiling.

  “I’ll wait for them outside the room once we get to the forty-minute mark,” Craig volunteered. “We’ll let Isaac get the sleep he deserves.”

  “Mmhm. Tough life, being a baby. All that growing to worry about.” Jack stretched. “Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m beat. I think I’m going to watch some TV and kick back until the pizza gets here.”

  With Jack there to join him, Craig couldn’t think of a better way to spend his night.



  Craig carried the pizza box into the room and set it at the foot of Jack’s bed. Jack sat up and scooted over, legs crossed.

  “Did they send napkins?” Jack asked.

  “Were they supposed to?” Craig looked in the plastic bag he carried. He’d ordered a two-liter of Coke to go with their meal. Inside, luckily, was a stack of napkins. “Yeah, they did.”

  “We’re going to need them,” Jack warned. “It’s probably a good idea that we eat over the box, unless they sent paper plates, too.”


  “Then over the box it is.”

  Isaac slept. By the looks of it, he was down for the count. Crying for so long had to have tuckered him out. The guilt Craig felt over prolonging his son’s suffering was muted when Jack reached out and took him by the wrist. Craig met his eye.

  “Hey,” Jack said. “Sit down. Enjoy. I know you’re a little on edge from Isaac, but he’s okay now. You should eat something and try to take your mind off it.”

  The touch of Jack’s hand sent a shock through Craig that ran up his arm and right to his groin. Why the hell was he feeling like this? He let his eyes search Jack’s, looking for answers, but Jack’s kind hazel eyes offered no explanation.

  What Jack’s eyes did offer was depth and beauty.

  Craig lost himself in them. All Jack was trying to do was invite him to sit down, but it had turned into so much more. The hairs on the back of Craig’s neck stood on end, and he allowed himself to be guided to the bed. They sat close, and Craig swore he saw Jack lean toward him to close some of the distance between their bodies.

  Jack’s bottom lip was plump. Craig’s gaze dipped to it, then jerked back up to meet Jack’s eye.

  What the hell was going on?

  “What kind of pizza did you get?” Jack asked. He spoke softly. The television volume was low, but besides that, there was no other noise in the room. Their voices carried fine in hushed tones. Better yet, when Jack spoke so low his words were almost whispered, the sound of his voice stirred Craig in a delirious kind of way he wanted to acknowledge but couldn’t quite compartmentalize.

  It was like being stuck in a fever dream — helpless, confused, and yet certain that the experience was familiar.


  “Mm. A man after my heart,” Jack teased.

  The words struck Craig harder than they should have. Craig’s conversations with Jack had always bordered on flirtatious, but Craig hadn’t ever felt attraction from it. It was something playful. Something forbidden. It was what best friends did.

  Wasn’t it?

  Craig wasn’t so sure anymore.

  Jack opened the pizza box. He pulled free a slice. The cheese stretched and dripped from the sides, and Jack grinned. “God, I love it. I don’t know what they put in this, but the cheese is the best I’ve ever had. So stringy and good.”

  He broke one of the cheese strands with his finger and spooled it around the pizza slice. Craig watched, transfixed. There had to be something going on with his head because what he was feeling certainly wasn’t right.

  “So…” Craig needed a distraction. If he kept focusing on Jack like this, he was going to go insane. “You said you used to come to Charlotte when you were younger. Did you always live in Dekalb?”

  “No. I used to live in an even smaller town.” Jack stuck out his tongue. He leaned forward to make sure his slice was over the box of pizza in case anything fell. The weight of the toppings almost guaranteed that would happen. “It was a little further east, near the ocean. About a three-hour drive. I grew up there, went to school there, then went and lived in Fayetteville to go to college. I’ve always loved North Carolina. I don’t think there’s a more beautiful place in the world.”

  “I don’t know. It’s hard to beat the California coast,” Craig said.

  “Mm.” Jack looked at him. His eyelids grew heavy, but exhaustion was absent from his face. Something warmer and sweeter was lowering his eyes instead, and it burned in his gaze when he looked at Craig. “You grew up with your toes in the sand on one coast, and I grew up with my toes in the sand on another.”

  “And now here I am.” Craig smiled for him. He was drawn in by Jack and the things he said. The gentle lilt of his voice was alluring.

  “With me.” Jack set his pizza down without biting into it. He wiped his fingers on one of the napkins. “It’s too hot right now. Damn Spiro’s for being so quick and efficient with their delivery service.”

  Craig chuckled. “Yeah, damn them for serving us hot food right out of the oven.”

  “It’s disgusting what this world is coming to,” Jack agreed sarcastically.


  “Is it like this in LA?” Jack kept quiet, but Craig heard the subtle curiosity in his tone. “I’ve never been too far out of North Carolina, so I don’t know.”

  “Never?” Craig couldn’t imagine having such an insular life. “How far have you been?”

  “I’ve gone further south,” Jack said. “Georgia, Tennessee… not really ever to the North. I’ve never even been to the Midwest.”

  Hawthorn wealth meant Craig could afford the luxury of travel. He’d visited the states worth visiting and seen the cities worth seeing. He’d been to other countries, both in North America and abroad. Sometimes he saw littl
e more than boardrooms and office buildings, but there were other times he was able to cut loose for long enough that he could see the world.

  If only Jack could share in his experiences.

  “California itself is a whole other beast from the rest of the United States,” Craig said. “The weather is temperate in the winter and scorching in the summer, but everyone loves the sun. There’s fresh produce year round, and culture, and if you get far enough away from the coast and the big cities, you still have all the smalltown charm you find here in North Carolina. There’s wine country out there. Farmlands. More avocados than you could ever know what to do with.”

  “Avocados?” Jack grinned.

  “They come from Mexico, mostly,” Craig explained. “But when your neighbors have a surplus of avocados, suddenly you do, too. Avocado goes on everything in LA. The people are friendly, for the most part, and there’s such incredible diversity.”

  “That’s… probably what I regret the most about living here,” Jack admitted. “I wish there was more culture. Sometimes I feel stifled.”

  “Come out to LA sometime,” Craig invited. He said the words before he could think them through, but he didn’t regret them. Apart from strange jealous and very troubling feelings, he was having the time of his life with Jack. “There’s room in my condo. We can even go traveling, if you want. Follow the coast up until we hit Oregon.”

  “Don’t tempt me,” Jack warned. “I might just take you up on it.”

  “You should.” Craig imagined it already. Easy road trips rife with laughter. Stops at fast food places and small tourist towns. Overnight stays at charming bed and breakfasts. He wanted it, but most importantly, he wanted to share it with Jack.

  “There’s a chance next year I can afford it,” Jack said. “I’m taking some time off now while you and Isaac get settled, so I’m going to have to pick up the slack when I get back to the office. What’s a good time to visit? In the fall?”

  “I’ll comp your expenses,” Craig said. “It’s no big deal. Even without my inheritance, I’m more than well off. I don’t mind.”

  Jack’s lips twitched. Craig noticed. He hadn’t been able to take his eyes off Jack this entire time.

  “I wouldn’t want to burden you or cause drama in your family,” Jack said. “Roman’s been telling me what it’s like with the Hawthorn side of your family. It’s… probably better I didn’t complicate things, right?”

  Craig narrowed his eyes, not understanding what Jack meant. “Complicate things?”

  “Roman’s mom came to his wedding,” Jack said. “You know. You were there. None of us really hid the fact that we were gay. If you fly me out, pay for me to visit you, house me, take me around to see the sights… they’re going to think something’s up.”

  “Oh.” Usually Craig would have laughed, but he didn’t find humor in the situation anymore. The longer he spent on the bed with Jack, the easier it was for him to imagine that the mistake would be made. They fit together so flawlessly that even the woman at the football game had mistaken them for a couple.

  The crazy thing was, Craig found he didn’t mind.

  Why would he be embarrassed about being mistaken for Jack’s partner? Jack was independent and funny as hell. He was charming and handsome. He lived a life of integrity. If anything, Craig was flattered that someone would think that Jack could want someone like him.

  “So, maybe next year, right?” Jack asked.

  Craig’s gaze dipped to his lips again. What would it be like to be in a relationship with a man? All his life Craig had dated women. He’d moved from one to the next, looking to feel something, but never quite finding it. The sense of companionship he felt with Jack filled the void inside.

  It made Craig want him.

  “I don’t really care what other people think of me,” Craig replied. The words came out in a whisper. “In fact, why would I be upset if they mistook me for being your boyfriend? You’re the best person I’ve had the pleasure to meet.”

  “You’re full of shit,” Jack accused fondly.

  “Try me.”

  The challenge sparked in the air. Jack crawled from where he sat, abandoning the pizza box to sit by Craig’s side. “How do you want me to try you?”

  The way he spoke sent shivers down Jack’s spine and woke his cock. Their banter had gone from innocent to sexually charged way too fast.

  Craig didn’t want it to slow down.

  “I don’t know,” Craig uttered. He leaned forward, his nose an inch away from Jack’s. His pulse beat in his neck, keeping time with his racing heart. Was this still playful, or was this something more? Craig didn’t care. “What do you think’s the best way?”

  Jack bit down into his lip. Craig watched the whites of his teeth sink into his tender flesh. His arousal spiked.

  He didn’t understand what was happening, but he knew damn well that he liked it.

  Jack’s eyes were hooded now. His lips were parted. He looked up at Craig from beneath his lashes, the scant space between their bodies charged with desire. Despite himself, Craig’s cock strained against his fly.

  “Well, if I’m the best, and you wouldn’t be embarrassed being seen with me, then…” Jack reached out. He slipped a hand over Craig’s shoulder and tilted his head the tiniest bit to the side. Looking at him like that, face overcome with need and hesitant longing, made Craig ache for him even more. “You wouldn’t mind if I did this.”

  Jack kissed him.

  Craig didn’t pull away.



  Craig kissed him back.

  Jack moaned into Craig’s mouth. He ran one of his hands through Craig’s hair, the other left to hang over Craig’s shoulder. Craig’s kiss was surprisingly thoughtful, and his lips caressed Jack’s like he wanted this to happen just as badly as Jack did. Jack knew that Craig wasn’t gay — he had a son, after all, and a recent ex-fiancée — but there was no denying the passion in Craig’s touch.

  When Craig pinned him to the bed and deepened the kiss, Jack knew that Craig wasn’t just experimenting, either. And when Craig’s tongue forced its way into Jack’s mouth, there was no more doubt in Jack’s mind that kissing wasn’t all they were going to get up to.

  Soft hair. Smooth lips. An eager tongue. The clack of teeth. Jack drowned in Craig, letting himself indulge in the man he could never have. Craig’s mouth was sweet, a hint of mint on his breath despite their long day out. Jack adored it.

  The kiss grew greedy. Craig tugged at Jack’s shirt, and Jack was all too glad to shed it. As soon as it was off, he was pushed back down against the mattress. Craig’s hands roamed for breasts that weren’t there, and Jack had to laugh against his lips.

  “Nipples,” Jack breathed into Craig’s mouth.

  The single word was enough to correct Craig’s course. His hands stopped groping. Jack gasped as Craig’s fingertips pinched instead, tugging and playing with the hardened buds of Jack’s nipples. It was too good to be real — he had to be dreaming. Jack hoped he didn’t wake up anytime soon.

  Craig was kissing him. Craig was toying with his body. Craig was goddamn wonderful, and Jack couldn’t bring himself to pull away.

  He should have been the voice of reason. He should have had the strength to end this and ask Craig if this was what he really wanted.

  Jack should have, but he didn’t.

  He wanted it too much. Craig was his wet dream come to life, and Jack wasn’t going to turn him down now.

  He arched into Craig’s hands and moaned deliriously. The kiss grew hotter still. Their teeth clacked together savagely as Craig took what he wanted. Jack gave him everything he could afford.

  Craig’s shirt came off. It landed on the floor, a rustle of fabric against the backdrop of the television. Jack’s palms met the chilled skin of Craig’s chest and the buds of his nipples. Jack hissed in satisfaction, the sound stolen by Craig’s mouth.

  Craig’s hands dipped to Jack’s fly. He undid Jack’s belt and the button be
neath it. Jack’s zipper fell not long after. Jack closed his eyes and moaned as Craig’s hand passed into his fly and against the bulge of his erection. The impossible was coming to life. Craig was touching him.

  “Shit.” Craig broke the kiss long enough to say it. Jack gasped for breath. “That’s what a cock feels like?”

  “Different when it’s not your own, right?” Jack asked. He opened his eyes and pressed greedily up into Craig’s hand. To his surprise, Craig moaned. “I’m so fucking hard for you.”

  “I want to fuck you,” Craig uttered. “I want to fuck you fucking senseless.”

  Jack’s cock throbbed. A shiver passed through him, tightening in his stomach and drawing his balls up like he was about to come. Hearing Craig talk dirty to him turned him on like nothing else.

  “Yeah?” Jack asked against Craig’s lips. He stole a kiss that Craig fought to continue, but Jack pulled away and teased him. “Then why don’t you fuck me fucking senseless? Give me that big fucking dick.”

  A growl rose deep in Craig’s throat that Jack found sexy as hell. Craig’s hand gripped him through his boxers, fisting his cock as best he could with cotton in the way. Jack thrust into his hand. He didn’t care if he was easy or if he bottomed — Jack liked to top, but he’d give his ass to Craig in a heartbeat. He’d do anything to get his fill of Craig’s touch.


  Craig’s hand left his cock, but only so he could tug Jack’s jeans down. Jack helped Craig free his legs, then lifted his hips as Craig worked down his boxers. Wild energy burned between them, impossible to resist or dampen. Jack was under Craig’s spell, but to Jack it looked like Craig was equally as enchanted.

  Craig kept his face closely shaved, but Jack felt the coarse beginnings of five o’clock shadow as they kissed. Jack’s hands moved down Craig’s body until they arrived at his belt. He tugged the leather free of the buckle, then went after the button of Craig’s fly.

  Craig was hard. Jack wanted him in the worst way.


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