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Neptune's Ring

Page 5

by Ali Spooner

  “Hey! Be careful how you say that, I can’t be having you ruin my reputation by saying I’m easy,” Levi exclaimed.

  Vanessa and Killian broke out in laughter at Levi’s statement.

  “Baby, if there is one thing you aren’t its easy,” Vanessa said.

  “Well I am not sure I like the sound of that either,” Levi said, in mock anger.

  “Oh lord, cheeseburger please,” Killian shouted to the kitchen. “Better make it quick,” she said, then laughed and stepped inside the bar.

  “What would you two lovebirds care to drink?”

  “Two sodas please,” Levi said.

  “Better make mine with hemlock,” Vanessa teased.

  “How about a shot of cherry syrup instead,” Killian asked?

  “Sounds good, my friend,” Vanessa said, as their burgers were served.

  They were the first to arrive and were nearly finished eating when the rest of the crew that were staying on board arrived. Killian, Vanessa and Levi stepped back from the bar and took seats around the pool so the rest of the staff could eat lunch.

  Killian disappeared for a moment and Levi looked up when island music began to play. “That’s more like it,” Killian said as she sat down next to Levi.

  The sun was passing overhead as the crew finished their meals and began to play in the water and dance around the pool. Levi watched as the close knit group partied together and enjoyed one another’s company. It was very obvious to her how close Vanessa’s staff was and how much they adored their Captain. She looked at Vanessa and smiled.

  “Time to try something new,” she said and walked behind the bar.

  Killian looked at Vanessa.

  “Levi is thinking up a new drink to try out on us,” Vanessa said.

  “That sounds exciting,” Killian said. “Let’s go watch.”

  “My thoughts exactly,” Vanessa said. “This group flirts badly enough when they are totally sober and they only get worse after a few drinks.”

  “You don’t think Levi can handle a few flirts?” Killian teased.

  “I know she can,” Vanessa said. “I also how know how smooth some of these ladies can be.”

  “Well what do you expect, we learned from the best,” Killian said, as she punched Vanessa in the shoulder. “Come on before all the seats are taken.”

  Levi stepped behind the bar. She recognized Cory, the bartender and asked, “Would you mind if I do a little experimenting?”

  “Not at all, I am honored to have you behind my bar,” Cory said. “Make yourself at home and let me know if there is anything you need.”

  “Thanks,” Levi said as she started to review the options at the bar.

  She wanted to create something that had a kick to it that also had a pleasing taste and she reached for a bottle of ever clear and poured a shot. Levi poured the liquid into a mixing glass and looked around for ingredients to add. She opened the refrigerator and found a gallon of citrus punch mixture and poured six ounces into the glass. Then Levi spotted chunks of pineapple and tossed three of them in the glass with two cherries and a shot of grenadine to give the drink some color.

  Levi then added crushed iced and placed the lid on the mixing glass and shook the concoction for twenty seconds.

  Killian, Vanessa and several of the crew watched in eager anticipation as Levi worked her magic and she removed the lid and poured a sip in a shot glass. Levi took the drink and raised it to her lips and frowned as she swished the mixture around in her mouth. “Still missing something,” she said to herself.

  Levi spotted a bottle of amaretto and poured out half an ounce into the mixing glass and shook up the concoction. She again poured a small amount into a shot and took a drink. They watched as the smile grew on Levi’s face.

  “Well, how did it come out?” Vanessa asked.

  “You tell me,” Levi said as she poured shots for each of the women sitting at the bar.

  Vanessa and Killian reached for the shots at the same time and clicked their glasses together, then raised them to their mouths, taking in the smooth drinks.

  “Excellent drink,” Killian said. She licked her lips. “It goes down smooth, with a nice kick, but what do you plan for a name.”

  “It’s going to be called a slow grind,” Levi said.

  “That’s a perfect name for it,” Cory said.

  Levi poured the remainder of the drink into a glass, including the fruit for Vanessa. “By the time you get down to the fruit it should be well saturated and have a nice kick,” Levi said.

  Levi mixed up glasses of the drink for all the ladies then kicked back with Vanessa as she drank one of her own. “Not bad if I do say so myself,” she said.

  “It is very tasty,” Vanessa agreed, “but it is definitely a drink you want to take slow.”

  “It will sneak up on you if you drink too fast,” Levi said. “Do you think it’s marketable?”

  “Oh yes, I think Liz and Nat will love it and the ladies will flock for the drink and the name,” Vanessa said with a grin.

  “I hope you are right,” Levi said as she watched the women enjoy the drink.

  A few hours later, Vanessa and Levi decided to head back to the cabin for a shower and a short nap. After the shower, they climbed onto the bed and Vanessa covered Levi’s body with hers.

  “What are you doing?” Levi asked coyly.

  “I am trying to see if the drink is named appropriately,” Vanessa said as her hips started to grind slowly into Levi.

  “I hope you ate the fruit,” Levi said as she placed her hands on Vanessa’s hips and pulled her into her body.

  “That was the best part,” Vanessa said as her teeth nibbled at Levi’s neck. “Until now,” she whispered into Levi’s ear.

  Levi could feel Vanessa’s wetness rapidly growing as their bodies moved together. “Oh, yes baby,” she cried as she felt Vanessa’s hard clit stroking across the top of hers.

  Levi draped her heels over Vanessa’s calves for leverage as she thrust her hips upward to meet Vanessa’s motion. She could feel Vanessa’s body shuddering as they moved fluidly together and Vanessa’s excitement drove Levi wild with passion. They climaxed together and Levi placed her hands on top of Levi’s head and guided her onto her breast. Her nipples ached for the feel of Vanessa’s mouth and she arched her back as Vanessa filled her mouth with the soft flesh.

  Vanessa blindly reached over the edge of the bed and opened the drawer to the bedside table as her tongue swirled around Levi’s nipple. Her fingers came to rest on a vibrator and she started to remove it from the drawer. Levi stopped her hand.

  “I want you deep inside me,” Levi said barely able to breathe.

  Vanessa closed the drawer and slipped her hand between their bodies. Levi’s lips were slick with wetness and her fingers easily penetrated their opening. Vanessa drove deep with three fingers, stretching Levi’s body and making her quiver with each movement of her fingers.

  “Oh yes, Vanessa, fuck me slowly,” Levi begged as her hands clutched at the bed linens. “That feels so good.”

  Vanessa slowly withdrew and entered Levi’s body, stroking her clit with her thumb in time with her movements. She kept up her rhythm as she turned her body on the bed and carefully straddled Levi’s face with her lower body.

  Levi’s fingers softly parted Vanessa’s lips as her tongue stroked up and down her lips. “You taste so sweet, Baby, I just want to drink you dry,” Levi purred.

  Vanessa was excited by the sound of Levi’s voice and the gentle licks of her tongue as she lapped at her juices. She increased the speed of her finger thrusts and lowered her head to circle Levi’s clit with the tip of her tongue.

  Levi lapped at the wetness as her fingers teased Vanessa’s lips. Vanessa moved her hips, urging Levi’s fingers to enter her body, but Levi continued to tease her with her fingertips and tongue.

  “That’s it Baby, suck it,” Levi growled, as Vanessa’s lips wrapped around her clit. “Feel how hard you make it?”

nbsp; Vanessa responded by sucking Levi’s clit deep in her mouth while her fingers plunged in and out of her body. She rocked her hips toward Levi who allowed the tips of her fingers to enter Vanessa’s wetness. Vanessa groaned loudly, her body pleading for relief.

  “Come with me, Levi,” Vanessa implored.

  Levi slid her fingers deep inside Vanessa’s body and began thrusting in and out as her lips wrapped around her clit, tugging at it as her tongue swirled across its tip. Vanessa’s body exploded, covering Levi’s face with a flood of liquid as her body shook violently on top of Levi. Levi felt Vanessa come and allowed her body to release, sending wave of wave of pleasure coursing through her body.

  Vanessa turned her body around and placed her head on Levi’s pounding chest, as their bodies slowly began to relax.

  “That was so beautiful, Levi,” Vanessa said, as her fingers toyed with Levi’s nipples.

  “You make me happy,” Levi said, as her hand stroked Vanessa’s damp hair, “So very happy.”

  They napped for two hours, Vanessa’s head resting on Levi’s chest with a leg draped over Levi’s body.

  When Levi woke, she found they were in the same position and she watched Vanessa as she soundly slept on her chest. Vanessa was even more handsome when she slept, the stress completely drained from her body and a smile playing on her face as she dreamed. She watched her sleeping until the fullness of her bladder could no longer be ignored. With a soft voice, Levi said, “It’s time to wake up Baby,” as her hand stroked through her hair.


  Liz walked into the bar just as Nat was about to open the doors for business. “You are smiling broadly,” she said. “I am to assume you have good news.”

  “We are all set to fly out Saturday morning to take a look at the island.”

  “That’s wonderful Sweetheart, good job.”

  “The realtor, a lovely sounding woman by the name of Catherine Martin will pick us up at the airport in Cancun and has made arrangements for a boat to take us to the island.”

  “My, you have been busy this morning.” Nat smiled at her lover. “Were you able to get any other information out of her about the island?” she asked.

  “The island is part of the estate of Marcus Van Buren, an oil tycoon from Texas who met with an untimely death. His wife has no interest in the island and wants it to be sold as quickly as possible.”

  “The place is so beautiful, I can’t believe she wouldn’t be in love with the place,” Nat said.

  “Wait, there is more,” Liz said. “The main reason she has no interest in the island is because her husband used the island for illicit affairs, which ultimately lead to his untimely death, when the husband of one of his love interests found out about the affair.”

  “Hmm,” Nat said, as she wiped down the bar. “Did he die on the island?”

  “No, he was shot down in a seedy strip club on the outskirts of Dallas, but the island does have some history with death. Locals in Cancun talk about a young woman who disappeared after she was employed by Van Buren as a housekeeper.”

  “Is there any truth to this?” Nat asked.

  “Well an investigation was completed, but there was no evidence leading to foul play, so there were never any formal charges made. Van Buren, claims, the young woman returned to her home off the island one Friday evening and he never saw her again, nor has anyone else in the past five years.”

  “I am listening, please continue,” Nat said.

  “The resort was under construction for three years when she disappeared,” Liz said. “The property was about two months from completion when the worker’s refused to work on the island except in daylight hours.”

  Nat stopped in her tracks and walked around to sit beside Liz. “What happened?”

  “According to the realtor, the workers said that once the sun started setting, strange things started happening at the construction site and they refused to work any later than four o’clock. Then when Van Buren was killed, no one was interested in finishing the project.”

  “I wonder if that would be a glitch,” Nat asked. “It would be hard to finish the construction by ourselves and shipping in an American crew would be terribly expensive.”

  “Finishing is not a problem,” Liz said. “Catherine assures me that the contractor is eager to finish the project, but his men will not work beyond the daylight hours.”

  “A haunted island,” Nat said deep in thought.

  “Does that worry you?” Liz asked.

  “These strange things that happened were they ever violent or did anyone ever get harmed?” Nat asked.

  “No, it seems they were just angry, harmless pranks,” Liz said. “Buckets of paint being overturned, tools moved around rooms and tossed aimlessly. No one has ever reported seeing an apparition or hearing anything strange, but they will not stay late or work when there is a storm on the island.”

  “So the island has basically remained untouched for two years?” Nat asked.

  “Pretty much,” Liz said. “Catherine has been on the island twice, once to take pictures for the listing and the second time to show the island.”

  “Has she ever seen anything spooky or out of the ordinary?” Nat asked.

  “No, but she has not been there after dark, either.”

  “The prospective buyer flew the coop when he heard of the island’s haunted history and no one has shown interest since.”

  “That could work in our favor, if the widow is extremely motivated to sell,” Nat said.

  “It sounds like she wants to be rid of that part of her husband as quickly as possible,” Liz said. “I bet we could offer a cash deal and she would jump on it fast.”

  “It would be nice if we could purchase the property for less and pour more of the money into finishing the construction,” Nat said, as the wheels of her imagination were spinning.

  “There is an ample supply of fresh water and electricity has been taken to the island. There are even three generators on the island as a backup if a storm strikes the island.”

  “How long has Ms. Martin been in the area?” Nat asked.

  “For a little over ten years, why,” Liz asked?

  “It would be nice to know how the island fairs during hurricane season.”

  Liz chuckled. She had done her homework well. “There have been two major storms move across the island in the last ten years and other than beach erosion and some downed trees, the island fared well. All the construction has been completed with the strictest of building codes.”

  “You have been busy,” Nat said. “Any other pearls of wisdom you would care to share?”

  “The owner’s house is completely furnished and in move in condition,” Liz said. “Catherine has been having a crew of women go out monthly to clean the home, so if we wanted someone on site to oversee the construction progress all we would need is groceries.”

  “We as in whom,” Nat asked?

  “I haven’t completely figured that part out yet,” Liz said. “I think Catherine would be a great local resource, but I would feel better if we had someone of our own on sight.”

  Nat was about to make a suggestion when the club door opened up and Karen and NeNe entered the bar.

  Simone had slept peacefully until late morning when Del started to toss and turn in the bed. She reached over with her left hand and gently shook Del awake.

  “Wake up sleepyhead, it’s almost noon,” Simone said.

  “It can’t be noon, we just went to sleep,” Del said, with a sleepy smile.

  “Nonetheless, the clock is reading eleven forty-five and my stomach says it is time to eat,” Simone said.

  “Now that you mention it, my stomach is pretty empty as well.”

  “It should be,” Simone teased. “You had a great workout last night.”

  Del smiled proudly. “Yes, I did, didn’t I?”I just hope I can walk today,” Del said as she moved to leave the bed.

  “If not, we will just have to work that soreness out,�
� Simone said, her voice a soft purr.

  “I like the sound of that idea,” Del said as she stretched. She was sore and her legs were stiff as she moved away from the bed, but she would never admit that to Simone.

  Del slipped on her clothing as Simone watched.

  “Where are you going?” she asked.

  “To my room to shower and change clothes and then back here to take the most beautiful woman on the island to lunch,” she said with a confident grin.

  Simone had left the bed and was standing naked in front of Del. She grabbed the waistband of her jeans and pulled her forward until their lips were only inches apart. Del’s tongue flicked out across her lips to moisten them in anticipation of a kiss, only to be disappointed by Simone.

  “Don’t be long then,” Simone said, then turned and walked into her bathroom to start the shower.

  She heard the door close behind Del and she smiled to herself in the mirror. “That one is definitely a tiger in bed,” she said to her image in the mirror. “Had you begging for more, didn’t she?” she laughed and took the brace off before stepping into the steamy shower.

  Del walked quickly to her room and was sitting on the bed as she undressed. She threw a shoe across the room in anger. Somehow she had to get Simone’s mind off of Levi and onto her she thought as she took the rest of her clothes off. She could not get over Simone calling out Levi’s name as they were making love last night and the thought further infuriated Del. She wadded up her clothes and tossed them in a pile as she stepped into her bathroom.

  Del stepped under the flow of water and smiled as she realized one very important thing. Ms. Simone Taylor likes to appear ruthless and in charge, but she secretly desires to be dominated in the bedroom. “I am fully and completely up to the task,” she said as she filled her palm with shampoo and washed her hair. She began to think up a plan that would make Simone hers and hers only.

  Del showered and dressed in shorts and a muscle shirt, which highlighted her strong, broad shoulders and slim waist. She slipped her feet into soft leather loafers and with a final appearance check, she went out the door headed to Simone’s suite.

  Simone was almost finished dressing when a soft knock on the door sounded. She opened the door to find Del standing there and her heart lurched out of control. Every time she saw Del, she found her more attractive.


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