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Neptune's Ring

Page 9

by Ali Spooner

  Simone handed Del a fresh drink as a slow song began to play.

  “I do believe they are playing our song, Petra,” Simone said, as she stood and held her hand out to Petra.

  Petra followed Simone to the dance floor and held Simone in her arms as they moved to the slow, sensual beat of the song.

  “You are a truly beautiful woman,” she whispered in Simone’s ear.

  “Why thank you Love,” Simone whispered back, as her lips caressed Petra’s neck.

  Petra shivered with delight as Simone’s perfume filled her nostrils and her lips softly kissed her neck.

  “Mmm, that feels good,” Petra moaned.

  “I can make you feel very good,” Simone whispered her sultry promise.

  “I am sure you can,” Petra said, as her hands slid down to cup Simone’s ass. “What about Del?” she asked.

  “Del is plenty woman enough to handle the two of us,” Simone said, as her hand covered Petra’s breast with a gentle squeeze. “I would love to have my mouth all over these,” Simone whispered and then traced the outline of Petra’s ear with a wet tongue.

  “How do we convince Del?” Petra asked.

  “That’s easy, when we get back to the table just slide your hand between her legs and tell her you want to be loved by both of us tonight. I know Del well enough to know that she would not turn down your request,” Simone promised.

  Del watched from the booth as Simone’s mouth covered Petra’s for a slow, sensual kiss and she smiled to herself. Simone would be lucky if she remembered how to spell Levi after tonight. The song came to an end and Simone broke the kiss much to Petra’s disappointment.

  She took Petra’s hand and led her back to the booth then excused herself to use the ladies room.

  Petra’s eyes were glowing with excitement as she slid in next to Del. Her hand cupped between Del’s legs and she could feel the heat rising from her body. Petra leaned over to trace the outline of Del’s ear with her tongue and felt her shiver. “Del baby, I want to sleep with both of you tonight,” she whispered in Del’s ear.

  “Are you sure that is what you want?” Del asked her voice husky with desire.

  “Oh yes, Baby, please,” Petra said, as she bit Del’s lower lip.

  “Let’s get a drink for the road and then we can go up to Simone’s suite for a little fun,” Del said, as she watched Simone approach.

  “We have decided to get a drink to take back to your room, if that is fine with you,” Del said.

  “That’s perfect,” Simone said. “I will be right back.”

  Simone walked to the bar an ordered another round of drinks. “I told you I would be good,” she said as she took the tray from Nat.

  Nat remained silent as she watched Del and Petra take a drink from the tray and then follow Simone from the club. She caught NeNe’s glance and just shook her head as they made their exit for the evening.

  Susan arrived in a flurry and she and Nat exchanged places behind the bar.

  “Sorry I am so late,” Susan said.

  “It’s not a problem,” Nat said. “It’s been a fairly busy night though,” she said as she took the money bag and tucked it under her arm. “Have a great night,” Nat said.

  Vanessa arrived back at the cabin late afternoon. “We have dinner arranged at eight, My Dear,” she said, as she leaned down to kiss Levi.

  “That sounds good, so what would you like to do for the next three hours?” Levi asked, still groggy from her nap.

  Vanessa was undressing, laying her uniform across a chair as she talked with Levi.

  “I would love to crawl into bed and snuggle with the hot woman who is keeping my bed toasty warm,” she teased.

  Levi pulled back the covers and Vanessa climbed into the bed beside her.

  “Are you tired, my love?”

  “The first day of a cruise is always a little hectic,” Vanessa said. “I think a short nap would do me good,” she said, as she stifled a yawn.

  “Come snuggle with me then.” Levi said, as she opened her arms to her lover.

  Vanessa rested her head on Levi’s shoulder and she felt Levi’s hand stroking her hair.

  “You are so comfortable,” Vanessa said, as her hand stroked across Levi’s stomach.

  “Shh, relax now and get some rest, we have a busy night ahead of us,” Levi said, as she kissed the top of Vanessa’s head.

  “Yes dear,” Vanessa whispered softly.

  Moments later, Vanessa was softly purring in her sleep. She must be really tired to have faded off that quickly, Levi thought. She pulled the bed covers up across Vanessa’s shoulder and closed her eyes as her body breathed in the fragrant smell of Vanessa’s hair.

  Levi drifted off to sleep and dozed quietly until an hour later when Vanessa jumped in her sleep. She must be dreaming, Levi thought as she softly stroked Vanessa’s hair and held her close. Vanessa settled back into her dreams and rested peacefully for another hour.

  When she awoke, she found Levi smiling at her.

  “Did you have a nice nap, My Love?” Levi asked.

  “I think so,” Vanessa said, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. “I had a weird dream, but I can’t remember exactly what it was about,” Vanessa said, with a worried frown.

  “Well you are awake and safely in my arms, so all is well.”

  “Yes, it is and I couldn’t be happier,” Vanessa said.

  Vanessa propped up on her elbows and she smiled back at Levi. “There will be several guests joining us for dinner tonight.”

  “That’s fine,” Levi said. “I hadn’t planned on monopolizing all your attention,” she teased.

  “Killian will dine with us of course and so will Cass and a new couple to the cruise, Barb and Sydney.”

  “I met Cass today and really enjoyed talking with her,” Levi said. “She sounds like an incredible lady.”

  “Incredible yes, but one lonely soul too,” Vanessa said. “I hope maybe this will be the trip she finds someone special.”

  “I hope you are right about that, Cass seems too good a person to spend all her time alone,” Levi said. “She has so much love to offer someone, it’s sad to see that go to waste.”

  Levi noticed that Vanessa was wearing a mischievous grin. “What are you up to?”

  “What would make you think I was up to something?” Vanessa asked.

  “That grin on your face, tells me you have done something,” Levi said.

  “Well, I did do some shopping today,” Vanessa said.

  “Oh really and what did you buy?” Levi asked.

  “I took the liberty of picking out a couple of outfits for you in one of the on board shops,” Vanessa said.

  “Tonight’s dinner is semi formal and I realized I hadn’t packed anything suitable for you when we left,” Vanessa said. “So I picked something out for you.”

  Levi smiled at Vanessa. “All you had to do was say something and I could have gone shopping.”

  “I know, but I had so much fun doing it for you,” Vanessa said with a grin. “Besides, dressing for me is so easy, it’s white, white and more white,” she said with a chuckle. “Choosing something other than white was a real treat for me. Why don’t we shower and then you can model the outfits and select what you want to wear,” she suggested.

  “Sounds good,” Levi said, as she left the bed.

  “Oh, by the way, Liz sent a message thru Killian and NeNe to us. She and Nat want us to meet with them for lunch on Friday.”

  “I wonder what those two are up to now,” Levi said.

  Vanessa chuckled. “With those two, you never know, but she mentioned something about a business proposal.”

  “That should be very interesting then,” Levi said, as she reached for Vanessa’s hand.

  “We better get moving or we are going to be late for the Captain’s dinner,” she teased.

  “Well there is one good thing about being the Captain, they can’t start without me,” Vanessa said, with a grin.

true, but it would make such a horrible impression for you to be late,” Levi said.

  “Relax, we have plenty of time,” Vanessa said, as she pulled her into her arms and kissed her sweetly.

  “You kiss me like that again and you will definitely be late,” Levi said, with a smile.

  “I will save them for later then,” Vanessa said.

  “I will hold you to that, my sexy Captain,” Levi said, as they walked into the bathroom.

  They showered quickly and dried their bodies. Vanessa wrapped a towel around her waist and took Levi’s hand, then walked to the large walk in closet. Vanessa reached for the first of two outfits and watched as Levi’s eyes lit up.

  Levi took the hangers from Vanessa and laid a pair of black Versace slacks and a black blouse on the end of the bed. The slacks were silk lined and the blouse was very trimly tailored. The size looked about right and she dressed in panties and bra then pulled on the slacks. The length and fit was perfect. Levi could not have chosen better if she had shopped for herself. She picked up the tailored blouse and slipped it over her arms and slowly fastened each button.

  Vanessa smiled, pleased with her choice and watched as Levi got dressed. “I must admit, I may have made a mistake,” she said.

  Levi looked at her with a puzzled look. “What, do you think they don’t fit well?” she asked.

  “No, they clothes fit you perfectly, but you are so beautiful I may need to employ a body guard for you tonight,” Vanessa said.

  Levi chuckled. “I thought Killian was my assigned body guard in your absence,” she teased.

  “Killian may not be enough tonight,” Vanessa said. “You look fantastic, Baby.”

  “Thank you, Vanessa, but you really shouldn’t have spent this kind of money,” she chided.

  “I get a really good discount,” Vanessa said with a wink. “I saw this outfit and I knew you had to have it and it suits you so well.”

  “Thanks Baby,” Levi said, as she kissed Vanessa.

  “My pleasure Sweetheart,” Vanessa said. “You will also find shoes and accessories in the box,” she said, as she walked into the closet to dress for work.

  As promised, Levi opened the box on the bed and pulled out soft black leather dress boots and black hose. Also inside the box was a smaller box, commonly sized for jewelry. Levi lifted the lid to discover a slim jeweled Rolex dress watch. Levi fastened the watch on her right wrist and again it fit perfectly.

  “That’s it,” she said. “From here on out, you are doing all my shopping,” she said to Vanessa who leaned against the bathroom door watching her.

  “Well then, I hope to do it for the next thirty years or so,” Vanessa said, with a wink. “After that, I think we will retire to a nudist colony so we won’t need any clothes,” she said with a chuckle.

  “That could prove very interesting,” Levi said, as she walked over and kissed Vanessa.

  They finished dressing and left the cabin for the main dining room. “Killian will seat you at our table as I welcome the guests,” Vanessa said as they walked. “I will join you once dinner begins.”

  Killian was waiting at the front door of the dining room and her face glowed when she saw them approach. “You look ravishing, Levi,” she said as she kissed her on the cheek. “You two make such a handsome couple you must have some pictures taken tonight.”

  “I think that can be arranged,” Vanessa said with a grin. “Killian, will you take care of my lady while I greet our guests?” Vanessa asked.

  “It would be my pleasure,” Killian said, as she offered Levi her arm. “You really do look gorgeous,” Killian said, as they walked to the Captain’s table.

  “Thank you, Killian. Vanessa did a wonderful job shopping for me,” she said.

  “I can definitely agree with that,” Killian said, as she winked and pulled out a chair for Levi and then took a seat beside her.

  They watched as Vanessa greeted the guests and when Killian had seated Cass, she said, “If you ladies will excuse me I will help our Captain greet the guests.”

  “Thank you, Killian,” Levi said.

  “You look fantastic, Levi,” Cass said, as she took the seat next to Levi.

  “So do you Cass,” Levi said in return.

  “Thank you, but I admit, I hate these formal dinners,” she chuckled. “As soon as we are done here, I am back to shorts and sandals,” she grinned.

  “I don’t think I will be too far behind you,” Levi said with a smile.

  “Thank goodness there is only one formal dinner on this cruise and they get it over with quickly,” Cass said.

  “I hope you plan on coming to the club once we get to the island,” Levi said. “We have a laid back atmosphere and the place is generally crowded.”

  “I will definitely be visiting you to try out your Tropical E’s,” Cass said. “When do you have to go back to work?”

  “I will probably work at least part of the evening Thursday. Nat and Liz have been filling in for me and will probably be ready for my return.”

  “If I know Nat, she will be right in the thick of things, with Liz right behind her,” Cass said with a chuckle.

  “You are absolutely right about that.”

  Killian and Vanessa joined them at the table as the last guests were seated. They brought Barb and Sydney with them and introduced them to Levi and Cass.

  Additional wine was brought to the table and Vanessa made a toast. “To old friends and making new ones,” she said, as she touched glasses with everyone at the table.

  Killian sat beside Cass and kept the conversation going with Cass and the new couple, while Vanessa and Levi talked quietly.

  “You sure are handsome in that uniform, my dear Captain,” Levi said.

  “Several of the staff have complimented on how nice you look,” Vanessa said. “I guess I did ok shopping,” she teased.

  “You did an excellent job,” Levi said.

  The dinner went smoothly and they finished dessert and decided to share another bottle of wine before they parted for the evening. Levi was excited about her evening plans with Vanessa and Killian and smiled when the wine was finished and the guests began to leave the table.

  When it was down to Cass, Levi, Vanessa and Killian, “Vanessa said, “We are going to meet Killian up on the top sun deck to observe the meteor shower tonight if you would care to join us.”

  “I think I will pass and call it an early night,” Cass said. “I will see you tomorrow,” she said to Levi as she stood and was escorted from the dining room by Killian.

  “We have a couple of hours to relax before we are scheduled to meet Killian,” Vanessa said. “Would you mind having some pictures taken with me?”

  “I would love that,” Levi said, as she stood and took Vanessa’s hand.

  They walked out of the dining room and down a hall where several photographers were set up taking photographs of guests in front of a variety of backdrops. Levi and Vanessa took several shots at each backdrop and thanked the photographers for their services.

  “The photographs will be on display tomorrow morning before we arrive at Venus Rising,” Vanessa said. “I would like to come down and view them with you and select some for enlargement.”

  “Great idea,” Levi said. “I will look forward to that.”

  “Are you ready to change into something more comfortable?”

  “These are very comfortable clothes,” Levi said, “but yes, I think shorts would be better for star gazing.”

  Vanessa beamed at Levi. She was very proud that Levi approved and enjoyed her selection of clothing.

  They strolled down the deck and passed one of the dance clubs, the wild beat vibrating through the walls and Vanessa looked at Levi.

  “I would rather just spend our time together with you,” Levi said.

  Vanessa smiled at Levi and they continued to walk. When they reached the bow of the boat, they stood facing the breeze and held one another close as they stared across the water.

  “I wi
sh this moment could last forever,” Levi said.

  “The moment won’t, but I hope the happiness will,” Vanessa said, as she took Levi’s chin in her hand and kissed her lips softly. “I love you,” she whispered.

  “I love you too,” Levi said, as her hands circled Vanessa’s waist.

  They spent nearly an hour walking the decks and talking before they walked back to the cabin to change clothes. They both changed into shorts and pull over’s and slipped into deck shoes.

  Vanessa took Levi’s hand and they walked to the elevator to go up to the sun deck. Killian had already arrived and was sitting comfortably on one of the loungers as they approached. She smiled at them and poured glasses of wine as Levi and Vanessa got settled.

  “It is such a beautiful night,” she said, as she handed them each a glass.

  “It looks like the show has already begun,” Vanessa said, as she pointed toward a bright streak across the sky.

  “They are getting more frequent,” Killian said, with a soft smile.

  The three women sat gazing up to the heavens as they watched the meteors streaking across the night sky. Their silence was broken every few minutes when one or more of them would let out an “oh” or “ah” when a spectacular display was seen or a particularly colorful light was made.

  “This is absolutely beautiful to witness,” Levi said. “Have you seen anything like this before?” she asked.

  “The only other thing I can think of that comes close is seeing the Northern Lights,” Vanessa said.

  “Very true, Captain, I can remember a cruise two years ago when the skies were so purple and green, that it was almost as bright as daylight hours,” Killian said.

  “Do you still have the photographs from that night?” she asked.

  “Somewhere, I would have to dig them up,” Killian said.

  “I would love to see them when you run across them,” Levi said.

  “It was truly amazing to see the lights shimmering in the sky,” Killian said, as she remembered back to that night. “That was one of our first cruises together wasn’t it, Captain?” Killian asked.

  “Yes, it was Killian,” Vanessa smiled.

  They watched the shower until almost three when the meteors became fewer and fewer.


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