Book Read Free

Neptune's Ring

Page 23

by Ali Spooner

  “No, I think we are good here,” he said. “I will place a call to Renaldo’s to send over more base so we can lighten up this color and hopefully by the time you return we will have a few of the rooms painted.”

  “Very well, I will see you later,” Levi said.

  “Travel safe,” Carlos said as Levi left the resort.

  She walked down to the boat house and made her way across to the mainland. She walked to Cat’s office and watched as she faxed the proposal to Nat and Liz.

  “Are you ready for some breakfast?” Cat asked.

  “Most definitely,” Levi said as she smiled to her friend. Levi took the papers in return and tucked them away in her envelope.

  “So, do you think you can finish one of those omelets today?” Cat said with a devilish grin.

  “Yes, I think I can today,” Levi said returning Cat’s smile.

  They walked across the street and placed their orders over steaming cups of coffee.

  “Cass called last night and said to tell you she would be arriving Sunday afternoon,” Cat said.

  “That is great news, I look forward to having some company,” Levi said. Her fingers subconsciously went to her neck and fondled the medallion as she talked with Cat.

  Cat observed Levi’s motions and noticed the medallion, but she did not make any comment on the new piece. It looked somewhat familiar to Cat, but she could not place where she had seen a piece like that before.

  Levi was able to finish the omelet which made Sara smile when she returned to refill their coffee. “Getting an island appetite I see,” she said with a smile.

  “This food is just simply too good to not eat every bite,” Levi said, which caused Sara to beam with pride.

  “I am glad you have enjoyed our food and hope you will be a regular when you come to the mainland,” Sara said.

  “You will probably get sick of seeing me,” Levi teased.

  “I doubt that,” Sara said. “One day you will have to save room for one of my desserts though.”

  “I have been eyeing that coconut cream pie,” Levi admitted. “Split a piece with me, Cat?” she asked.

  “Why not,” Cat said. “Two forks please Sara,” she said and the woman walked over to serve a large piece of pie and picked up two clean forks.

  Levi took a bite and moaned her appreciation of the rich pie. “If I keep this up, I am going to have to start swimming back and forth between here and the island, just to work off these calories,” she teased.

  “Heaven’s no, didn’t you read the sign,” Sara said with a chuckle as she pointed to the small sign next to the pie, which read ‘fat free, calorie free and guilt free.’

  “Ok then next time we will each have a slice of our own,” Levi said with a grin.

  “Sara’s apple pie is just as awesome,” Cat said which gave Levi and idea.

  “Sara, do you do any catering?” Levi asked.

  “We don’t have much call for it here in town, but what did you have in mind?” she asked.

  “Well we need to develop a plan for a Grand Opening party and I am sure we could probably use a couple dozen pies each week once we get opened,” Levi said.

  “You work up what you would like for the party and just let me know how many to prepare and the pies will be delivered each week,” Sara said.

  “Deal,” Levi said and she laid her fork down. “No more, Cat,” she said with a chuckle.

  “You are still a lightweight,” Cat teased as she finished the last two bites of pie. “Where are you going from here?” she asked.

  “I was going to stop by Julio’s to take some pictures of the beds they finished yesterday, so I can email them to Nat,” Levi said.

  “Want some company?” Cat asked.

  “Sure,” Levi said.

  “I am curious to see what Julio and Roberto have come up with,” Cat admitted.

  “After you then ma’am,” Levi said as Cat paid the bill and they walked the short distance to the workshop.

  They were met at the door by Julio who led them into the workshop to see the first two finished beds. They had installed the frames so Levi could take the pictures she wanted and had the beds arranged in a well lit area of the workshop so her camera would pick up every detail of the carving.

  “These are beyond beautiful,” Levi said to Julio, as she took several pictures of each of the finished beds.

  “Thank you, I am happy you are pleased with our work,” Julio said. “We will make deliveries each time we finish a half dozen, if that is fine with you,” he said.

  “That will be perfect,” Levi said as she walked over to where Roberto was working on a new piece.

  Roberto turned to look at Levi and when his eyes came to rest on the necklace around her neck he fell to his knees and cried out. “Dear Lord, help me!”

  Levi was stunned by his reaction and looked startled at Julio as he rushed to his son’s side.

  “Roberto, what is it?” Julio asked his weeping son.

  “The necklace, Father, look at it,” Roberto said.

  Julio turned and looked at the necklace around Levi’s neck and his eyes widened with surprise.

  “Where did you get that?” Julio asked.

  Levi reached behind her neck and unfastened the necklace then she handed it to Julio. “You would think me crazy if I told you,” Levi said.

  “Come with me,” Julio said to Roberto, Cat and Levi.

  He led them into a private office and ushered them each to a seat. Julio handed the necklace to Roberto.

  Roberto took the gold medallion from his father and held it gently in his hands. He turned it over in his palm and smiled when he saw the proof he was looking for. There, in the very bottom corner of the medallion were the letters CV, Celeste’s initials. Roberto smiled down upon the cherished object as tears ran down his face.

  “Julio, can you please explain what is going on here?” Levi asked.

  “Celeste Vasquez, the young woman that disappeared from the island, was Roberto’s fiancé and childhood sweetheart. The medallion you were wearing was a gift from him to Celeste for her fourteenth birthday,” Julio explained.

  “I sold my first piece of carving to buy this gift for her,” Roberto said as he began to control his sobs. “It was such an unusual piece of jewelry I just knew she had to have it,” he said, wiping back his tears. “I gave this to her as a promise that one day we would be married,” he said. “Celeste never took it off from around her neck and cherished it as her most prized possession.”

  Levi sat in her chair completely shocked by what the young man had told her. Slowly, however, the pieces of the puzzle were beginning to form in Levi’s mind.

  “How on earth did you come to possess this?” Roberto asked, the tears still glistening in his dark eyes.

  All eyes turned toward Levi as they waited for her to speak.

  “Since I came to the island last weekend, I have felt a strange presence on the island,” Levi said. “There has not been any form of physical contact, but I have experienced strange chills and have thought I captured a misty image on a photograph taken inside the house which disappeared mysteriously from the image.” Levi looked at Roberto who was listening carefully to her every word. “As I explored parts of the island I ran across areas that left me feeling uncomfortable, but not actually at risk. The feeling is just a chilling sensation and once I move from the area, it passes quickly,” Levi said.

  “But, how did you come to have possession of the necklace and why?” Roberto asked.

  “I think Celeste is trying to make contact with me and needs my help to allow her spirit to rest in peace,” Levi said. “When I woke this morning and went into my office, that necklace was resting on a page of my journal and the word “help” was written on a blank page.”

  Levi heard Cat gasp in shock and turned to find her ghostly white. “Are you ok, Cat?” she asked.

  “Yes, I am just shocked by all this information,” Cat said.

  “Anyhow, I felt c
ompelled to put the necklace around my neck, so I wore it into town this morning. I am guessing that Celeste knew you would recognize it as the gift you had given her Roberto.”

  “It is undeniably the same piece,” Roberto said, as he turned the medallion in his palm to show Levi the small initials engraved in the soft metal.

  “I think Celeste has come to terms with my being in the house and the fact that I did not run away screeching from her initial attempts to contact me. Celeste needs my help and somehow, we will have to discover a way for her to communicate her needs,” Levi said.

  “This is all so incredible,” Cat said as she took a cup of water from Julio. “After all these years for her to be able to contact you,” she said as her thoughts drifted off.

  “I would be forever in your debt if you can find a way to help Celeste,” Roberto said on the verge of tears. “She will always be my one and only true love.”

  “I will do my best to help Celeste’s spirit find some peace,” Levi promised the young man.

  “Would you mind if I keep her necklace?” Roberto asked timidly.

  “It is rightfully yours to keep and I hope it will bring you some comfort. I know what it is like to lose someone you love so dearly,” Levi said.

  Levi was shocked when Roberto stood and walked over to her and hugged her. “Thank you so much for everything you are trying to do for Celeste and for allowing me to keep this small part of her,” he said.

  “I will do the very best I can,” Levi repeated as she stood to leave.

  Cat followed her from the small office. “I certainly would have never guessed you had all this going on,” she said.

  “Nothing made sense until now, Cat, and looking back, in hindsight it all makes sense,” Levi said. “Celeste’s spirit feels trapped on the island and she longs to be free of this world and the pain she has suffered,” Levi said.

  “I hope you can find all the clues to solve this mystery once and for all. I know both Roberto and Celeste’s mother would like to have some closure on her disappearance,” Cat said.

  Cat walked Levi down to the boat and watched her as she guided the boat toward the island. “What a remarkable young woman,” she said to herself.

  Feeling more lighthearted than she had in days, Levi stepped back onto the island with a single goal in mind. She must find a way to help Celeste and she was determined to solve the mystery to allow the young woman’s spirit to be set free.

  She stopped and took pictures of the pool bar, now with all three walls standing as the workers were slipping the bar counter into place. Levi was amazed and impressed with the speed and quality of the work of Carlos’ men as she clicked off several more pictures. Levi continued down the path to the resort and when she walked into the lobby, Carlos was there to meet her.

  “Welcome back,” he said. “I trust all went well in town.”

  “Very well indeed, thank you, Carlos,” Levi answered.

  “I have a surprise for you,” Carlos said with excitement.

  “Well let’s go look,” Levi said as she followed Carlos into the hallway.

  Carlos opened the door to the first guest room and turned on the lights. Not only had the crew finished painting this room, but the flooring had also been laid in an effort to show Levi how a nearly completed room would look. Levi’s eyes lit up as she walked around the room, snapping pictures.

  “Carlos, this is so beautiful,” she said. “All this room needs is furnishings and it will be ready for guests,” Levi said, still amazed by the beauty of the room.

  “We all joined in to lay the floor so we could have this surprise waiting for your return,” he said with a soft smile.

  “You did well, Carlos. Would you mind if I just sat in here awhile to admire your hard work?” Levi asked.

  “Not at all, take your time, boss,” Carlos said. “Just give me a shout if you have any questions.”

  Carlos left the room and Levi sat down in the middle of the floor as her eyes drifted around the room. She couldn’t resist calling Nat and she fished the cell phone out of her pocket to dial Nat’s number.

  “Good morning, Levi,” Nat said when she answered the phone.

  “Good morning, Nat. You will never guess where I am at this moment,” Levi said.

  “Ok, so tell me and end my suspense,” Nat teased.

  “I am sitting in the middle of the floor of our first completed room,” Levi said. “All it needs now are furnishings and guests.”

  “That is fantastic news. So tell me about it, what does it look like?” Nat asked.

  “It is almost beyond words,” Levi said. “Carlos and I discussed going a lighter shade on the walls this morning and the paint and flooring complement each other very well.” Levi sighed and looked around the room again. “I have pictures and I will be sending them to you within the hour, but I couldn’t resist calling you,” she said.

  “I am so glad you did, Levi, and I will be dying to see those pictures, so don’t forget to send them,” Nat said. “I can tell from the excitement in your voice you are very pleased with the work.”

  “You just have to see it for yourself,” Levi said.

  “Well go woman and send me those pictures,” Nat said.

  “Alright, I will talk to you later,” Levi said.

  “Goodbye for now, Levi and thanks for everything,” Nat said.

  “Bye,” Levi said and ended the call.

  She went in search of Carlos to let him know she was going up to the house.

  “I will be up at the house for the rest of the afternoon,” she said. “Nat is dying to see the pictures,” she added with a chuckle. “If you need anything, just give me a call.”

  “I sure will, Levi and if we don’t speak again today, I will see you tomorrow,” Carlos said.

  “Later,” Levi said and walked to the golf cart.

  The men were just beginning to take their lunch break as she walked from inside the resort. They smiled and spoke politely to her as she passed. She was eager to send the photos to Nat and then to begin developing a plan to solve the mystery of Celeste’s death.

  When Levi entered the house she went to the kitchen and started a pot of coffee. She had a feeling this was going to be a long night and would need the extra stimulation to keep her thoughts straight. She picked up the camera and envelope from the counter and walked into the office to download the pictures. When she moved the mouse on her screen the laptop came to life and Levi smiled at what she saw on the screen. Typed on the screen were three words jammed together with no spaces. Levi read, “bookgartennite.” Celeste had found a means to communicate with her.

  Levi wrote the words down on a piece of paper just as they were written on the screen before minimizing the text. She wanted to be sure if she lost the text she would have the words exactly as they were written.

  She downloaded the photographs and then sent a sample of them to Nat. Levi walked into the kitchen for a mug of coffee and had just sat down at the desk again when the phone rang.

  “Levi Johnson,” she heard Liz’s excited voice say. “What on earth are you doing?”

  “Hello, Liz and what are you talking about?” Levi asked.

  “I just hung up the phone with Cat and she told me what has been going on over there,” Liz said with a concerned tone in your voice.

  “What a tattletale,” Levi said in jest.

  “Levi!” Liz said exasperated.

  “Liz, you can relax, I am safe and sound,” Levi said. “A few odd things have happened and today’s events were an eye opener for me. I am completely safe and will not place myself in any harm.”

  “I would have felt better if you had told us about what is going on,” Liz stated.

  “Liz, until this morning, I thought it was just my imagination playing tricks on me,” Levi admitted. “I had no real proof of anything, until today.”

  “Still,” Liz started to say.

  “You will have to trust me on this, Liz,” she said.

  “It i
sn’t a matter of trust, Levi, you are part of our family and we don’t want anything to happen to you,” Liz said.

  “Thank you for saying that Liz, I needed to hear that,” Levi said. “But, I also know I can put the pieces of this puzzle together and help Celeste move on.”

  “For goodness sakes, Levi be careful and promise me you won’t take any unnecessary risks,” Liz said.

  “Ok, I promise you, Liz,” Levi said, barely restraining a chuckle.

  “Don’t be surprised if Nat calls you when she hears of this,” Liz warned.

  “Liz, I have every confidence in your ability to rationally explain this to Nat,” Levi said.

  “Well I am glad you do,” Liz said in a huff. “You are the little sister, Nat wishes she had.”

  “Keep that up and you are going to make me cry,” Levi teased. “Go talk to her and let her know I am alright, please.”

  “Very well, but call us and let us know what is going on Levi and don’t leave us in the dark,” Liz said.

  “Yes, Mama, I love you too,” Levi said.

  “You are such a smart ass,” Liz said.

  “Good thing you love me, huh?”

  “Yes, I reckon so, bye for now, but expect a good tongue lashing next time I see you,” Liz warned.

  “Woohoo, I will look forward to that,” Levi said. “Bye, Liz.”

  “Goodbye, Levi,” Liz said and ended the call.

  Levi stared at the screen as she concentrated on the words written there and sipped her coffee.


  “Bookgartinnite,” Levi read once more on the computer screen. Which book she wondered, as she looked around the immense library of books in the office? What information would the book reveal to solve this mystery?

  “Gartin,” surely had to be a typo for garden she thought. Celeste probably did not have much knowledge of computers or their functions, so she may not have been able to correct the error. Levi sipped her coffee as she thought. This word probably stood for the garden in the clearing behind the house. It was the only area besides the garden at the resort that could be described as such. Levi could easily see Celeste as the person who had created such a beautiful place. She closed her eyes and imagined Celeste laboring with love to provide such a place of beauty. But it left her wondering what role the garden played in her death?


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