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Sheikh's Destiny

Page 16

by Leah Leonard

  “Sounds good.”

  “Until then.” He kissed her tenderly and stepped out.

  She locked the door behind her and started to unpack her things. The closet was so big compared to what she brought, she would probably only need a few of the dozens of available hangers. She glanced at her suitcase. That could wait until later. She was too tired to unpack right now.

  Instead, she slipped out of her travel clothes and into a luxurious silk bathrobe she found in her new unbelievable closet. The fabric felt soft and cool against her skin.

  All of a sudden, she realized she was worn out. Complete and total exhaustion hit her out of nowhere. She glanced at the bed. It looked so comfortable. She wanted to go lay down, but realized if she did, she might not get up at all, let alone in time to go meet Uri.

  She decided to take a quick shower, brush her hair out, and hoped after that, she would be awake enough to talk to Uri and do whatever he had in mind for today.

  From what she could tell, it was only mid morning here, so even though she wanted to have brunch and take a nap after they met, he might have other plans. She was certainly open to anything, she just hoped she could keep up.

  The shower was designed with intricately laid tiny mosaic tiles in multiple colors. It was stunning. The hand milled French soap with the faint scent of lavender was lovely too, and she appreciated the rain-shower feature and the wide streams of piping hot water that covered her. Just what she needed right now to revive! She lathered up, piling her long hair on top of her head in one of the thick fluffy towels. She wouldn’t have time to dry it before she had to meet Uri, and hoped it would look okay once she brushed it out.

  The hot water pounded on her back, neck and legs, and she felt instantly relieved. She stepped out, dried off and decided to go ahead and lay in the middle of the bed for just a second. She flopped down on the soft down comforter, relishing in the cool silk duvet cover. It felt so yummy to relax in such luxury! She flailed her arms out and melted into the down comforter. Only for a minute, she told herself.

  She closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, she saw the gathering of the peach colored canopy overhead. Her eyelids were heavy. The faint smell of exotic flowers filled the room. A bouquet in a vase in the corner on the nightstand was a pleasant addition to the place. The suite was nicer than anything she had ever seen before. And the company wasn’t bad either…

  Suddenly, she realized someone was tapping at the door. The knocking got louder, and she woke up and tried to remember what day it was today and realized she was in Turkey. A woman said, “Madame?”

  In a complete panic, Stephanie nearly leapt to her feet. Whoops! She didn’t mean to fall asleep! She checked the clock on the nightstand, and realized she only had about ten minutes to get down the hall to see Uri. “Yes? Just a moment.”

  She tightened the sash on her robe and opened the door.

  “Good afternoon.” A kindly older woman with long black hair pinned back from her face stood in a long white cotton gown. “Sorry to disturb you, madam. My name is Mrs. Balik. I will be at your service for the remainder of your time here.”

  “Hello. Uh…thank you, Mrs. Balik. I appreciate that.” Stephanie hardly knew what to do. She’d never had anyone at her service before.

  “May I press your clothes before lunch, or get you any drinks, fresh towels? Anything?” Mrs. Balik asked.

  Stephanie’s initial thought was to say no, and send her on her way. Then again, she realized she hadn’t thought about her clothes at all since she got here. Thanks to her unexpected nap, they were still stuffed and crinkled up in her suitcase. “Yes actually, that would be wonderful if you would press something for me.”

  “Of course,” Mrs. Balik said.

  She let the older lady in, closing the door behind her. “My things are here.”

  Mrs. Balik took the suitcase to the walk in closet, opened it and took everything out. “I can continue while you are at brunch ma’am. It is quite hot today. I would suggest something like this.” She held up one of Stephanie’s blouses – a bright blue silk blouse with long sleeves and matching slacks.

  “Yes, that would be perfect.”

  “Fine. I will prepare these then.” Within a couple of minutes, Mrs. Balik had the items looking like she just collected them from the dry cleaners. “Here you are. I shall continue pressing the others while you dress.”

  “Thank you.” She changed quickly. Usually, at the farm, she wore jeans every day, but here, things were different. She had no idea what Uri wanted to do, or where he might want to take her, and she had to dress appropriately. The same was true for her cruise.

  She combed her hair, pleased it was still in place after such a long journey, and freshened her lipstick and eyeliner.

  “Please let me know what I can do for you, milady. The Sheikh wants to make your trip a pleasant one, and so do I.”

  “I appreciate that. Can you help me with one more thing?”

  “Certainly.” Mrs. Balik set the iron down.

  “Where is the front of the palace?” Stephanie looked in the hall, and after the long walk to get here, she had already forgotten her way.

  “Turn left from your room, madam, follow it to the end of the corridor. Make a right, go through the double doors, then the Sheikh will meet you in the dining room near the front of the palace.”

  Stephanie giggled. She remembered that room all right. “Thank you. Uri…I mean the Sheikh…said I might get lost. I suppose he was right.”

  “Of course, milady. We are all happy to help you learn your way while you are here. It won’t take long. I am happy to take you myself, if you please.”

  “Thank you for that, but surely I’ll be able to find it,” Stephanie said.

  “Let us know if you need anything else. I shall call on you later this afternoon before dinner.” Mrs. Balik bowed.

  “That sounds good, thank you.” Stephanie left her room and walked down the long carpeted corridor, which she now noticed was all lined with stunning Turkish rugs and crystal chandeliers. She could hardly believe she was here. In a palace, of all places. This was beyond a dream come true. Before her cruise, she never even thought of such a life. She assumed she would live the remainder of her days like her parents had, on a farm, raising crops and livestock, living simply, milking cows, tending the chickens. Now that she was here in the lap of luxury, she had to decide if this was a fantasy, or if such a life could really be reality for the girl from the Iowa farm.

  Thirty One

  Within the hour, Uri had his staff help him unpack and he managed to make a few important business calls. No matter whether he liked it or not, he had an important meeting in town tomorrow with those same investors he put off to attend the party at the resort near Ephesus. He remembered what a total waste of time he thought that event was going to be, and now, he felt more thankful for his father’s intervention than he could ever have imagined. The meeting wouldn’t last long, but it was important. Sweet Stephanie would hopefully accompany him so that he could show her some sights while they were in downtown Istanbul.

  Today, he would play things by ear. He was tired and would prefer to stay in, but if she wanted to venture out, so be it. He was at her disposal.

  He waited for Stephanie in the dining room, while his staff poured him some sweet Turkish tea. He had just finished his second cup and was about to start on a third when the lovely lady appeared.

  She knocked lightly on the open door. “Uri?”

  He put his cup down, stood to join her, kissing both her cheeks. She smelled like a flower, her smooth skin felt softer than before. Her hair hung loose about her shoulders and looked so beautiful and perfectly groomed, if he had not known better, he would think she had just stepped from a salon. She was a natural beauty, he realized, so it never took long for her to transform herself into a work of art. “Did you have time to rest?”

  “Oh yes,” she smiled. “And I met Mrs. Balik. She’s a sweet lady, and such a help.”
  “Oh good. I am pleased she is free to tend you. She took care of my brother and I when we were young.”

  “She seems like a wonderful person.”

  “Indeed. She has been a loyal member of our household for many years.” Uri took her hands. “How are you feeling?”

  She nodded. “Good.”

  “Come, sit.” He escorted her to one of the fifty velvet seats at the ridiculously long table. Uri sat at the head of the table, she sat just to his right.

  She started giggling.

  “What is it, darling?”

  “I’m just happy you didn’t make me sit all the way down at the other end like what people do on the movies. Made me laugh, that’s all.”

  He chuckled. “No, I wouldn’t think of having you more than a few inches from me. This is a bit much, is it not?”

  She nodded. “It’s nice though.”

  “Indeed. Tea?”

  “Yes, please.”

  His staff poured.

  “Are you drained at all after the long journey?”

  “Yes, a little,” she admitted. “But don’t worry. I closed my eyes for a minute, so if you want to do something today, we can.”

  Uri chuckled. What a joy she was to want to please him! “I wish to do what you want. I presume you are too tired to venture out today?”

  She lowered her gaze.

  “It is no problem if you are, dear. Trust me.”

  “I do. I’m open to anything,” she said.

  “What I mean is that I am also a bit weary. Let us rest today. Will you join me in my room for a nap, then I can have my staff prepare early dinner so we can get to bed and rise early to tour my city?”

  “Sure,” she grinned. “A nap, huh?”

  Uri wanted nothing more than to make love to sweet Stephanie, but as soon as the words came from his mouth, he realized she might misunderstand, and apparently he was right. “I would only ask the pleasure of your presence in my suite, dear. I want to hold you. Nothing more…unless you agree.”

  Stephanie giggled. “I appreciate you saying so, but like I said, I trust you, otherwise, I wouldn’t be here.”

  “Indeed. Is it acceptable?”

  “I think so, yes.”


  After sitting together and sharing some delicious tea Stephanie and Uri made plans to meet a short time later in his private chambers.

  Her own room had blown her away, but that was nothing compared to Uri’s suite which was larger than many full sized small homes back in Iowa. Two large French double doors led into a huge living area, kitchen and three separate bedrooms. One of the smaller rooms was converted into an office, while the other had some exercise equipment set up. All the bedrooms had the same full glass windows, balcony access, and incredible views. A white leather sofa was situated in the main living area in front of plate glass windows that overlooked the mountainous region all around them.

  “Welcome darling. Please come in,” Uri gestured.

  “This is beautiful,” Stephanie said.

  “I am pleased you like it.” Uri took her hand, brought her over to the sofa where they sat quietly and held each other. “I am so happy to have you here. I know this wasn’t easy for you to have faith in me and come all this way. You have pleased me beyond measure.”

  “Everybody saw our connection when you showed up in Iowa. I’m sorry I ever left you, but I know now that what we have is real.”

  Uri leaned close, caressed her chin in his hands. “This is real. I love you.” He kissed the wind out of her, his mouth traveling down her lips to her neck and shoulders. He forced the collar of her blouse back, and nibbled at her earlobes, while running his strong hands up the curve of her back.

  She arched and moaned in ecstasy, she undid the first few buttons of his dress shirt and ran her fingers appreciatively over his muscular chest.

  Uri continued to kiss her and pulled the hem of her blouse from her slacks, ran his hands over her bare back, and down her slacks to her backside. He gave her a squeeze. “I want you…”

  Stephanie voluntarily reclined on the sofa and allowed him to overtake her. She never wanted anyone more in her life.

  Uri straddled her and reached for her arms, pinning them over her head. His mouth hungrily explored her, and he began unbuttoning her blouse, caressing her bare skin, and when he received no discouragement, he removed her top entirely, unhooked her bra and began sucking her breasts.

  Stephanie told him no back in Athens, but now she gave herself completely to him. She moaned in pleasure, her hands finding their way to his pants. She swiftly unbuckled his belt and clawed at the hook to his slacks and kicked them off with her feet. Next, she removed his shirt. Bare chested in his underwear, Uri looked like he belonged in a magazine. Stephanie eagerly ran her hands all over his muscular torso and rippled abs, kissing every inch of him, and gripping his hardened penis.

  This seemed to drive him even wilder with passion. His nostrils flared. He leaned down on her, pressing his hard body to hers. He quickly removed her pants, found her panties and pulled them to her ankles with his teeth.

  “Uri…I want you!” Stephanie moaned.

  His tongue glided across her stomach. He spread her wide, leaned in and tasted her center, breathing her in. He drank his fill. “You taste sweet as nectar.”

  The two lovers pressed against each other, Uri lifted Stephanie and carried her into the larger of the two bedrooms, where an enormous pillow top bed stood in the center of a massive room under a thin, netted white canopy. He placed her down gently, his hands exploring every inch of her, cupping her breast in his palm. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”

  Stephanie kissed him deeper. “Take me.”

  Uri leaned over her, holding his hardness in his hand. “You are certain?”

  “Yes. I’ve never been more positive of anything in my life,” she whispered. “I want you inside me.”

  With that, he ran his tip over her wet opening and buried himself deep within her folds.

  She cried out in pure joy. “Yes!”

  Uri continued pounding, driving, exploring the deepest parts of her body. “I have never experienced such passion,” he moaned from desire as he pounded and pushed. He continued on until they both crashed together like the waves on a stormy shore, and collapsed in mutual satisfaction in each other’s arms.


  Never in his wildest dreams did Uri expect to find such a willing and powerful lover as his sweet Stephanie. Merging their two bodies together made him realize more than ever that she had to be his. Now that he had taken her into his bed, there would be no doubt she must become his wife.

  He cradled her in his arms, brushing her beautiful hair with his fingers, his mind still spinning out of control from the pure adrenaline of her sex.

  “Darling,” Uri panted. “What have you done to me?”

  Stephanie ran her fingers through the hair on his chest, gazed at him with her big green eyes. “No…I would say you’ve done it to me. I am totally under your spell.”

  “This is good because I tell you, dear, I wanted you before, but now I know that I refuse to live another day without you.”

  She smiled and didn’t reply.

  “You think I am joking?” he chuckled.


  “Well, I am not. I love you.” He rolled to one side, opened the drawer in the end table next to his bed and pulled out the velvet box, opening it, and pulling out the ring. “I know this scared you once when we were playing and shopping, but I must see this ring on your finger. Will you marry me?”

  Not taking no for an answer, Uri reached for Stephanie’s hand, placing the stunning diamond on the third finger of her left hand.

  She gazed at it for a moment, then looked up at him. The good news was she didn’t take it off. Perhaps he was making progress!

  After a moment, she said, “This is almost too much to believe, Uri. I do love you. But please, you have to understand one thing about

  “What is that, my love?”

  “I don’t need this to be happy,” she gestured at the ring, then up at the ceiling.

  “That is what I wish you to have,” Uri said. “It is my great pleasure for you to share in all I have, for none of these beautiful things mean anything without your love, dear.”

  “I have simple tastes and I really love you for who you are, how you treat me, how we are together. It has nothing to do with your wealth or any of this stuff. One thing I’ve learned, especially lately, is that money and things don’t matter at all. Only love does. And I do love you, and yes, I will marry you.”

  He kissed her deeply. “I planned to take you to dinner, love, not to ask like this, so I am sorry if my proposal is disappointing in any way.”

  “That’s silly. Of course it isn’t.”

  “You have made me the happiest man alive. Tomorrow we shall go to the city together. I will show you around, take you for some shopping”

  “Uri,” Stephanie leaned up on her elbow. “I don’t need shopping. I have everything I need right here.”

  “I must insist as my wife…oh I love calling you that! As my wife, you shall have the best clothes, the nicest things, anything you desire.”

  “We will see…” she kissed him. “I told you. I don’t care about that.”


  Despite the words, she got a faraway look in her eye that concerned him.“What is it, dear?”


  “Please,” he brushed her cheek with his fingers. “Tell me.”

  She gazed into his eyes, but remained silent.

  He knew her well enough to know when something troubled her. “I insist.” He sat straight up in bed and stared at her, unwilling to move until she told him what she was thinking.

  She gazed at the ring. “This is gorgeous, but I was still hoping…”


  “I wanted you to ask me later, in a more formal way. I want to know this is something you have really considered and know for sure you want to do.”

  “I have and I do,” he said. “Still, I honor your wishes. What do you have in mind? As I said, I planned for a dinner or something more formal.”


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