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Sheikh's Destiny

Page 19

by Leah Leonard

Once the incredible emotion of their new engagement settled down, the couple strolled the grand marble halls of the palace, walked through the many museum exhibits, and continued exploring the rich culture and history of Turkey.

  Uri never wanted this to end, and yet, he had promised his business partners days ago that he could spare a little bit of time this morning to discuss important business matters. He glanced at his Rolex and realized he needed to be at the meeting within the hour.

  “Is something wrong?” Stephanie asked.

  “No dear, everything is finally right, thanks to you.” He sighed. “I am merely frustrated that I have a commitment I must tend to this morning before we can continue our tour of the city. I am sorry, dear.”

  Stephanie stopped under a gigantic crystal chandelier and turned to him. “You do what you need to do. I’ll be fine. I promise. We have our whole lives to be together. I can wait a few hours.”

  “It will not be more than one hour, my darling. Less time if I can manage. I promise that,” he said.

  “Even if it is, I’m a big girl.” She grabbed his hand. “Come on and let’s get you there, okay?”

  He was mesmerized by her copper colored hair that flashed like fireworks in the sunlight, her pale and flawless complexion, her sparkling eyes, but even with all of that, he realized her best quality was the fact she believed in him and supported him in his business endeavors. For that, she was priceless.

  They went to the waiting limo and Uri continued to describe various cultural landmarks and buildings to her as they wound through the busy city streets into the commercial and financial district of Istanbul. There, the driver pulled up in front of the tallest skyscraper in the city.

  “My driver will take you shopping, or…” Uri shrugged. “Whatever you like. I will be back by noon or earlier, in one hour maximum, so we may go to lunch. Sound good?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  He kissed her lips and hurried to the door of the building, turning around to see one last glimpse of her before disappearing inside. God was she ever special! He had never felt happier. The sooner he got this meeting over with, the better.

  He rushed into the lobby of the building and was greeted by a stern faced guard who stood and bowed when he saw him. “Your Highness.”

  “Good morning. Is everyone here?”

  “Yes, Sheikh.”

  “Very well.” Uri crossed the marble floored lobby to the elevator bank and pressed his access code into the panel.

  Within a moment, the elevator opened and a uniformed attendant greeted him. “Sheikh, welcome home.”

  “Indeed.” Uri gazed out the windows of the elevator at the city below and watched while they zoomed up to the twenty first floor.

  The moment he stepped out, his secretary greeted him with a cup of steaming tea. “Your Highness, most everyone is here.”

  “Most everyone?” Uri didn’t like the sound of that. Anything or anyone delaying him today would be greeted with hostility. He wanted out of here so he could go and enjoy his sweet Stephanie.

  “I am here now.” The booming voice of the Sultan interrupted them.

  Uri turned to face his father. “I did not expect to see you until tonight.”

  “I am full of surprises,” the Sultan beamed. “Come. I am certain you wish to get this meeting wrapped as soon as you can.”

  “You are correct. We still have sights to see, and now, thanks to you, a dinner party tonight.”

  The Sultan followed Uri into the conference room where the Board of Directors, a half dozen well dressed older men, sat around a table.

  “Good morning, gentlemen.” Uri said.

  Everyone rose to their feet when Uri and the Sultan entered, then sat again once the meeting was called to order.

  “I appreciate you being here today, and hope to keep this brief.” Uri grabbed a stack of reports his secretary prepared and began circulating them around the room. “This is the preliminary annual report. You will find our companies are more profitable than ever before. All sectors are performing above average.”

  The men perused the documents, nodded their heads, and appeared pleased.

  “Do any of you have questions?” he asked them.

  “I do not,” the Sultan interrupted, “however I do have a comment.”

  Uri clenched his jaw. “Yes?”

  The Sultan stood, moved to the head of the table and stood behind Uri. “As many of you know, I have been running this conglomerate for more years than I should like to admit.”

  The men chuckled a bit at that pronouncement.

  “And my Omar was set to take control of things once I retired, however that was not to be.”

  The men grumbled a bit.

  Uri had to hold back from rolling his eyes at that comment. He missed Omar, as did everyone, however at some point, they had to all move on. He grew weary of being constantly reminded that he was filling in for Omar. That was never a task he wanted or asked for.

  To Uri’s dismay, the Sultan continued his speech. “I am sure we can all agree that Uri has done a most outstanding job of overseeing not only our financial wellbeing, but using his talents to project our success out into the future by seizing proper investment opportunities, cutting waste and becoming a visionary leader.”

  The Board broke into a collective round of applause.

  “Father,” Uri seethed. “Now is not the time for accolades. I am certain these busy gentlemen have places to be, as do I.”

  Unfazed, the Sultan continued with the same tone someone would use to announce a golf tournament. “My son has made me proud, and as such, I should like to officially announce my retirement and his succession as CEO of our empire.”

  The Board members did not appear even half as shocked as Uri expected, or that he felt himself. Shouldn’t his father have spoken to him about this little development before blurting it out to everyone?

  “I shall remain in place through the first quarter of next year to oversee the transition, assist my son in placing new people into key positions, and then, the company shall belong to him.” The Sultan walked back to his seat and sat down.

  “What succession planning have you beyond that?” one of the Board members asked.

  Uri opened his mouth to speak. “We—

  “My son will soon marry. We shall announce the date after the new year,” the Sultan said.

  Uri nearly lost his cool. He wanted nothing more than to expose the Sultan for the liar he was, and yet he realized to do so would undermine his competence with the Board. He had every intention of wedding Stephanie as soon as she would have him, and hoped it would not even take until the end of the current year, but still, what business was that of the Sultan? Uri had not officially and formally introduced her as his fiancé yet, and even if he had, his father had completely overstepped his bounds.

  The Board members left after reviewing the financials and the moment the last one was escorted to the elevator, Uri pulled the Sultan aside. “I need you in my office.”

  “I’m afraid I have another meeting and cannot stay,” the Sultan said.

  “Don’t give me that. Come. Now!” Uri placed a guiding arm on his elder’s shoulder and ushered him in to the office. “Take a seat.”

  “What is this about? May we discuss it tomorrow?’ the Sultan asked, glancing at his watch.

  “No we cannot.” Uri sat behind his desk and gazed menacingly at the Sultan. “What in the world were you thinking in there, Father?”

  “Whatsoever do you mean?” The Sultan sipped his tea.

  Uri sighed. “You know exactly what I mean. You announced something that is not yet set firmly in place and you didn’t bother to tell me a word about your planned retirement before exposing your scheme to the Board. Father or not, I deserve more respect than that if you and I are to work together in the future.”

  “Agreed,” the Sultan said.

  “Then why in the world did you do that?”

  “Because the Board members had bee
n getting restless, my son.”

  “That’s ridiculous!”

  “No, no it is not. Some wondered how an old man like me could continue on, the year is quickly coming to an end, and I believed that as we showed the Board our stellar numbers for the year, now would be the best time to also announce my retirement. I want them returning to their homes and offices today with renewed confidence and vigor regarding our companies.”

  Uri wanted to get into an argument, but more than that, he wanted to see Stephanie. He would not dignify his father by telling him of his new nuptial plans. That would need to wait. The Sultan didn’t deserve to know. Soon, but not now. “Fine. Go then. I shall see you tonight.”

  The Sultan rose and bowed, “I shall look forward to that.”

  “Be warned though. If you insist on continuing to keep me in the dark about your various plans, we will not get along very well.” Uri remained fixed behind his desk, staring firmly at the old man in hopes that his stubbornness could be penetrated. “I shall not tolerate this kind of treatment in the future. It is bad enough to be constantly entangled in the ruthless scruples of business without having your own father blindside you.”

  “My son, you make me proud. Go have a lovely day with your lady friend, and I shall see you this evening.” The Sultan shut the door.

  Uri turned and gazed out his office window at the Bosporus below. He sighed. He realized that his father would never change and would remain stubborn forever. Although there was nothing he could do about that, he could go see his love and get her back in his arms as soon as possible.

  Thirty Seven

  Stephanie watched while Uri disappeared into the building. She gazed down at her ring finger and couldn’t believe she was actually officially engaged. When she mentioned she’d like something more romantic, Uri definitely delivered.

  Still, she thought he might wait a week or at least a few days. In some ways, it seemed too soon. She felt a rush of fear rise up from her center. Was this what she wanted? Or was she simply caught up in the emotion of the gorgeous palace setting and being whisked away by a Prince?

  She sat quietly while the car pulled away from the building and thought about those possibilities.

  To her logical mind, the whole engagement seemed ludicrous. She and Uri had just met. They barely knew each other. Could you really fall in love with someone you just met?

  Before now, Stephanie would have said no. This wasn’t possible. Nobody could possibly meet someone one day and know for sure they were the one the next.

  This was not at all how she’d lived her life up until now. Her parents had been married for years and were high school sweethearts who grew up in the same small town. Their families knew each other. Even she and Buck had been friends for years on end.

  Still, despite the craziness of the situation, Stephanie reached deep within herself, into the quiet part of her mind and heart, and realized that even though it might not make any sense to anyone else, she really did love Uri. It was a feeling.

  She didn’t have this same feeling with Buck, and even though her dating experience was incredibly limited, there had never been anyone she had ever met in her entire life who made her feel like Uri did. She never felt a feeling of longing and missing someone like she did once she left Uri in Greece. Her life up until recently had been a planned mundane existence. Happy, yes, but only because she didn’t know anything different.

  Even though people might say she was nuts, she loved Uri, and as she gazed down at the ring he gave her, she thought about that question again. Was this what she wanted? Ellen asked her that, and she was right to do so. Without a doubt, the answer was a definite yes.

  She couldn’t help comparing this gargantuan diamond to the modest ring Buck offered, but it had nothing to do with that, or with Uri’s massive wealth and status.

  It had nothing to do with the passionate lovemaking and the fact she couldn’t keep her hands off of him. Nor did it have to do with the fact Uri appeared like he belonged on a magazine cover.

  He was externally beautiful, godlike and exquisite. Outer looks were a plus, of course, and the fact the sex was great was definitely an added bonus, but none of that mattered as much as who he was on the inside. When she thought about Uri and her love for him, she realized it was him. It was the man. It was the way he made her feel.

  Buck was one of the kindest souls on earth, and yet even he could not make Stephanie feel the way Uri did.

  All these years, and to think she hadn’t bothered investigating anyone beyond the gates of her own farm! She had always assumed the love she and Buck shared was natural, and the best thing possible for her.

  Uri inspired feelings within her that she never knew existed. Their meeting was so meant to be, Stephanie wondered if her mother had been with her on the trip after all as a guardian angel, rather than a traveling companion. She would never have known such happiness existed if not for her cruise. The idea that so much joy could emerge out of one of the most miserable times in her life gave her renewed hope and perspective. Yes, life was hard at times, but things always turned around, and in her case, for the absolute better.

  “Miss?” the driver interrupted. “The Sheikh has asked me to take you for a special shopping trip while he is in his meeting. Unless you have something else in mind.”

  “No, I am happy to go where the Sheikh would like me to,” she said.

  “Shall we proceed?” the driver confirmed.

  “Yes, of course,” she said. “Although I really don’t need anything special.”

  “I understand, miss, however my directions are clear. I am to take you to this place, if you please.”

  She certainly didn’t want to get the driver in any kind of trouble. Assuming this was some kind of shopping spree, she could always tell them she didn’t find anything she liked. She definitely didn’t care about Uri’s money and she didn’t need him to constantly think he had to buy things for her all the time. It was nice, but not necessary. “All right. Sure. Let’s go on.”

  With that, the driver started the limo and pulled away from the building and sped through the winding streets of Istanbul to a row of quaint shops made of ancient stone that stood right along the banks of the Bosporus River.

  “We are here, ma’am.” He parked and rushed to get her door and help her to the curb, offering his hand to steady her.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “My pleasure, miss,” he bowed. “I shall wait outside for you. Please take your time. I will call the Sheikh once you’ve finished.”

  She walked inside the shop which was filled with thousands of stunning white gowns. Stephanie nearly fell over when she realized this was a bridal shop. Oh my!

  A friendly young girl greeted her, she bowed and fawned over her. “Miss Stephanie, welcome. Sheikh Uri has told me much about you.”

  “I see…” Stephanie wondered when Uri found the time to call anyone with all the time they spent in bed.

  “You are far more beautiful than I imagined.”

  The young girl likely never saw someone with her strawberry features before. “Thank you. You’re lovely yourself.”

  She giggled and batted her eyes. “Come and allow me to fit you for a gown. The Sheikh has already provided your measurements, however we shall double check to make certain we find just the right dress for your special day.”

  Stephanie wondered when her special day would be since she and Uri hadn’t had any time to talk about it. She followed the young girl into the back of the shop to a dressing room filled with antique furnishings. It was a quaint and lovely space, not too unlike something you would see in the States, only incredibly upscale compared to any of the shops they had in Iowa.

  “May I offer you some tea while I show you what I pulled?” the girl asked.

  “Sure.” Stephanie took a seat on a comfortable red velvet sofa with golden legs.

  “Would you prefer longer sleeves or short?” she asked as she sifted through the gowns.

; Stephanie couldn’t decide. She had no idea when this wedding would take place. If it was winter, she might want longer sleeves, spring, short sleeves. Then again, the winters in Turkey were likely far warmer than Iowa. Speaking of which, she wondered if they might marry in Iowa instead. Probably not, she thought. It would be too difficult for Buck. Besides, Turkey was where she and Uri would build their new life together.

  “Miss?” the girl asked her again.

  Oh well. Whenever their special day arrived, wherever the wedding was set, she had a feeling it would be perfect. Knowing Uri, it would be fairly soon. Besides, even if it was in spring, Stephanie liked the idea of wearing something more conservative and keeping her fleshier looks for the bedroom, and his eyes only. The culture in Turkey was quite conservative, as it was in Iowa, and she wanted to be respectful. “Long, please.”

  The girl quickly sifted through those that met the criteria, and pulled them to another rack. “Very good, madam. Now for the neckline. I believe this would fit you nicely.” She held up a gown with a straight neckline that barely covered Stephanie’s shoulder blades. “Or this,” she lifted up a V neck.

  “I guess I’ll try them both.”

  Stephanie finished her tea and took the gowns to the dressing room. She couldn’t believe that just a short time ago she had never worn anything like this before. The day in the ballroom at the hotel when she first met Uri was so awkward, but now, here she was trying on a dress so they could marry!

  She couldn’t believe this was actually happening! She had more experience since then, for sure, but she would definitely need the young girl’s input to pick the perfect dress for her perfect soon-to-be husband.

  Stephanie tried on the straight necked gown first and was surprised to see how stunning it looked, to her at least.

  “How are you doing ma’am?” the girl asked her through the curtain. “Need me to zip you?”

  “No, I’ve got it.” She stepped out and stood before her. “What do you think?”

  The girl gasped. “Stunning.”

  “Really?” Stephanie spun around in front of the mirror. “I mean I love it, but it’s kind of hard to judge yourself.”


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