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Sheikh's Destiny

Page 21

by Leah Leonard

  He seemed to know his way around quite well. Leading her toward the center of the shopping area, Ur navigated his way through several winding stalls until they arrived at the farthest end of the complex and he pulled her into a booth filled with beautiful dresses and formalwear. “I want you to look at some things for me here.”

  “Uri, I don’t need anything else to wear. You’ve bought me plenty of things, I promise.”

  “Nonsense. You need dozens of gowns, hundreds even. Nothing is too much for my darling.” He spoke to the attendant in what she presumed was Arabic, and then turned to her. “Go with her and she will get you fit.”

  Stephanie followed the middle aged lady to the back, and was once again ushered into a dressing room where she tried on several gorgeous items. Uri wanted her to model each one, and when she was finished with showing him a half dozen or more, she tried on one last gown, a stunning red dress with a slit up the front, and came to show him.

  “That is it,” he told her. “Buy that one and the gold one too, but for tonight, the red will do.”

  The woman bowed, “Yes, Sheikh.”

  Uri turned to Stephanie. “Darling, you are absolutely exquisite! I cannot wait for our dinner tonight. Go and change quickly, and we shall go home and rest for awhile before our guests arrive.”

  “Rest?” she giggled.

  “Indeed,” Uri raised his eyebrows and smirked.

  “I see…” Stephanie knew what he meant by rest and she certainly wanted to do just that, if they had time. She hurried and changed while the saleswoman wrapped her dresses.

  On the way out, Uri had her try on shoes and bought her three pairs, two to go with her dresses, another for daywear.

  As if that wasn’t enough, at the entrance to the Grand Bazaar, a vendor sold stunning bouquets of flowers and Uri bought her an elegant vase of rich red roses and presented those to her as well.

  “Uri, you’re spoiling me,” she said as she sniffed the fragrant flowers.

  “And?” He smiled.

  “And, thank you,” she kissed his cheek.

  “You must get used to this, my darling.”

  They rushed through the shopping area and out to where Uri’s faithful driver waited and soon rushed off toward home. The palace. Soon the palace would be home. Her home. Forever.


  When they returned to the palace around four, the staff greeted them outside on the drive, just as they had on the very first day she arrived. Stephanie was a little worried about tonight. She knew Uri had a big business meeting here, and she wanted everyone to like her. If they didn’t, so be it, but she certainly hoped they would. Especially the Sultan. She still didn’t know what was so bothersome to him before when he found out she was staying at the house and was definitely coming to the party tonight. She considered asking Uri about it, but she knew he wasn’t that thrilled about his father’s plans as it was, and the last thing she wanted to do was make trouble when it wasn’t necessary. She didn’t know the Sultan, really, they had only met briefly a couple of times. Maybe that was just how he was, she thought. The sour expression on his face might be how he always behaved, and if that was the case, she would need to get use to him, sooner, rather than later.

  The other part of her anxiety stemmed from the fact that she really had no idea who these people were and what they would expect of her, how he might introduce her, and all of that. She wanted to be the perfect partner for him and hoped this would work, and she would know what to do.

  Uri walked Stephanie back to her room. “Thank you for an amazing day.”

  “Thank you,” she beamed.

  “I love you, dear,” Uri told her, brushing her hair with his fingers.

  “And I love you,” she smiled up at him, wrapped her arms around him, and held him tight. He made her feel happy and secure, and she had never felt better in her life.

  “Want to join me on my balcony, dear?” Uri asked her. “For a little while?”

  She did, more than anything, but she also wanted to look refreshed for the evening. “No. Sorry. I’m a little tired, and I need to rest up for tonight.”

  “Mind if I come in?” he grinned.

  “Ah ha! So that’s why you walked me to my door. I should have known!” she giggled.

  “Indeed,” he smirked.

  “How could I possibly resist?” They slipped into her suite unnoticed. Inside, the staff had already managed to get ahead of them and placed her new gown on the outer door of her closet. “Mrs. Balik is amazing. I don’t know how she does everything so well and so fast.”

  “My brother and I used to say the same. We called her the Invisible Lady because she always made things happen without anyone noticing her.”

  Stephanie laughed. “I love it. That fits her.”

  “Indeed, and I want to fit you,” he leaned in, wrapped his arms around her, picked her up and deposited her in the middle of her bed.

  “You’re quite a fit for me,” she gazed up at him as he balanced on his palms and kissed her.

  They soon undressed.

  Stephanie grabbed her blouse, covered herself and popped up from the bed. “I need to lock the door. I don’t want Mrs. Balik coming in.”

  “She won’t, dear.” Uri tried assuring her.

  “How do you know?”

  “I don’t. I’ve never had anyone else in here before…like this, I mean.” he admitted.


  He nodded. “Yes. Now are you going to kiss me or shall I beg?”

  Laughing, she said, “I’d love to see a little begging!”

  With that, Uri leapt on her, and they quietly made love, gazing deep into each other’s eyes until they released in mutual satisfaction, held each other, and drifted off to sleep.


  After a thirty minute nap, Uri woke to the most beautiful sight in the world – sweet Stephanie sleeping. He lay still and watched her. She looked peaceful, breathed lightly, and her lips curved into a slight but natural smile.

  Apparently sensing him, she opened her eyes and whispered, “Hi.”

  “Rest well, beautiful?” he stroked her hair, kissed the top of her head.

  “I did, thanks. You?”

  “Never better.”

  Suddenly she gasped and shot up in bed. “What time is it? I almost forgot about tonight!”

  He chuckled. “Not to worry, dear. We have an hour yet.”

  “Only an hour?” She calmed down a bit, but said, “I hope I have enough time to make myself presentable.”

  “Darling, you are the most beautiful woman alive. It shall only take moments for you to prepare and all who see you will become mesmerized by you as I have.”

  She kissed him. “I can say the same about you, handsome.”

  “While I would love to remain here, I’m afraid I must go to my suite to get ready. Shall I come back and walk with you to the party?”

  “I appreciate that, but it’s not necessary. Where will we be meeting?”

  “In the dining room for dinner, however drinks will be in the ballroom. I suppose they’ll have an orchestra and a staff to serve cocktails and appetizers, not too unlike the event at the hotel where we met.”

  “Then that’s fine. Why don’t you go on without me and that way if you have business you need to discuss, I won’t be a distraction. I can show up right on time, and just see you there.”

  She was always a distraction, as far as he was concerned. As such, Uri grabbed her and kissed the wind from her lungs. He smelled her sweet skin and wanted to take her again, once more, before dinner. He checked his Rolex and realized that unfortunately, it wasn’t possible. “I shall await your arrival with eager anticipation.”

  With that, he left to go to his suite. He showered and dressed and began to prepare for the guests. His father never did explain who was coming, only that it was important. He looked forward to the opportunity to introduce Stephanie to his business associates. He would be doing so for the rest of his life, so this first t
ime would be especially meaningful. Based on the other functions he had seen her at thus far, and the way she conducted herself in general, he had an excellent feeling that this would indeed seal their fate together.

  He was especially anxious for his father to see his sweet Stephanie in action. For a simple girl, she had a sophisticated and stately manner about her.

  Although he half dreaded the event, he realized this party might be coming at just the right time for him to announce his engagement and plans for his future. Thanks to the Sultan’s big announcement, the sooner the Board heard of his engagement, the better. Uri had not considered his marriage deadline even once when he decided to make Stephanie his wife, but still, things were indeed in place for a prosperous venture. Everything had worked wonderfully so far with sweet Stephanie. He had no reason to believe that wouldn’t continue. Now that he had officially proposed and she accepted and was wearing the ring, he could properly introduce her as his fiancé, and soon as his wife.

  And to think only a short time ago he was alone and determined never to marry! What a limited life he would have had if he hadn’t changed his mind! He never felt happier than now or more grateful to his father for making the introduction that changed the course of his destiny.


  Stephanie pried herself out of bed the moment Uri left. She showered and began to work on her hair and makeup, when Mrs. Balik knocked, and assisted her in finishing blow drying her hair, and twisting it into a complex upsweep.

  “This looks amazing,” she told the older woman. “Thank you.”

  “I am pleased you like it, ma’am. Now we just need these.” Mrs. Balik produced a black velvet box and opened it, revealing a pair of stunning diamond drop earrings and a matching necklace.

  Stephanie gasped. “Where did you get those?”

  “His Highness wanted me to surprise you, ma’am. He says these are for you, and he looks forward to seeing you in them tonight.”

  Stephanie watched while the older woman placed the earrings in her ears and began touching up her makeup. She never wore much make up before, and now, with the earrings and dress, she looked like something straight out of a fairy tale. Never in her life did she ever expect to get to wear such clothes or have her hair done professionally like this. It was too much, and yet she realized this was the life she would be signing up for when she and Uri married. She felt awkward and somehow undeserving of such extravagance, but regardless, if they were to be together, she would need to try and get used to it. “Thank you.”

  Once her hair and makeup were perfect, Mrs. Balik helped her into the red gown Uri selected for the evening, which had obviously been pressed and cleaned, and looked amazing. Stephanie stepped into it while Mrs. Balik adjusted the drop on her necklace so it was centered perfectly on the neckline of her dress, then stood back and admired her work. “Perfect, madam. Have a look.”

  She turned Stephanie toward the floor length mirror near the dressing table by her walk in closet. Stephanie couldn’t believe her eyes. “Wow, thank you.”

  “Yes, of course. And I believe these will go nicely with it as well.” Mrs. Balik found the red shoes Uri bought her earlier today and helped her slip into them.

  They were surprisingly comfortable for heels, Stephanie thought, and they weren’t quite as high as some of the others, although the short thin heel complemented the slit in the dress and showed off her calves. “I like them. What do you think?”

  “The Sheikh will be more than pleased, madam,” Mrs. Balik told her.

  “Good, if you say so.”

  “I do.”

  “Then I suppose I’ll go then. Thank you for all your help.”

  Mrs. Balik held the door open for her and Stephanie started down the hall toward her future. The future bride of the Sheikh.


  Uri dressed and went to the ballroom to meet the gathering of dignitaries, arriving just a few minutes ahead of schedule, so his father might clue him in to what this was all about. To his shock and dismay, the company had already arrived, and Uri wasn’t at all pleased when he saw who stood in the ballroom. Tamara’s father, who was also a Sultan, stood holding a hot tea and conversing with his father.

  What in the world was going on around here? The Sultan specifically avoided telling Uri who the dinner guests were tonight, so he assumed, falsely, that the Haziz family was no part of this event.

  The two men stood and chuckled, talking like the old friends they used to be back in the days when they believed their families would indeed be merging together thanks to the union between him and Tamara. She was long gone now, so why were they chumming around like the good old days?

  Uri didn’t like the look of this one bit, especially since his father told him there were now no plans for a business merger between them. If he had known Tamara’s father would be here, then why had he not shared that information with Uri earlier? The whole thing was infuriating and Uri realized he would need to hold his tongue to be polite. He hoped he had not been blindsided yet again, but for now, he had no choice but to join the men, and hope for the best.

  “There you are,” his father said when he saw Uri in the entryway to the ballroom. “Come and say hello.”

  Uri approached and bowed to the elder man who he hadn’t seen since Tamara’s funeral. He knew from those days that her father was a good decade older than his own. Time and sadness over his daughter’s death had aged Mr. Haziz, yet he still had the same strong spirit underneath the worn exterior. Uri felt half ashamed for not staying in touch all these years, but why would he? They had nothing in common once Tamara was gone. “Sultan, what a pleasure and a great surprise to see you. How have you been?”

  “Likewise, Uri. I hope you are well.” Sultan Haziz bowed.

  “Indeed, very.” Uri wondered if this was time to go ahead and tell them about his fiancé who would soon be joining them, but decided first to hear what they wanted to talk about. The situation was incredibly awkward. “Father says we may have business plans with your company in the future. Do tell.”

  The elder Sultan nodded. “Yes it seems my daughter Tia who was recently promised has been…suddenly released….from her obligations and is therefore open to other offers.”

  Uri didn’t even try to hide his shocked expression. “I see.”

  His father chuckled nervously. “Isn’t this good news, son?”

  No it was not, and Uri had a mind to say so, but before he could, the stunning young lady Miss Tia appeared in the doorway wearing a bright blue gown and veil. Her long black hair was twisted into a braid with jewels and her black eyes sparkled in the light of the chandeliers. “Hello.” She was shy and awkward, he noticed, but still quite lovely despite her overly youthful appearance. Was this girl even twenty yet?

  Uri sighed. He did not wish to hurt her feelings, because as in all dealings with his father, this certainly wasn’t her fault. “How are you, Tia?”

  She bowed shyly. “Good, Sheikh Uri. You?”

  “Wonderful,” Uri told her. He tried to recall the last time he had seen Tia. She was at Tamara’s father’s palace and was playing with her toys in their yard. She had to be at least a decade younger than him, maybe more. At one time, Uri might have considered such a match, but after Tamara, and now that he had Stephanie, he realized that a younger woman would never do. He wanted someone he could share things with – intellectual things, plans and dreams. Although the girl was stunning to look at, she could offer little more. The more he considered the idea, the more ludicrous it seemed to him. Surely her own father could see that, or his, for that matter!

  “Uri, why don’t you go sit with Miss Tia and share some tea?” his father suggested.

  Before he could respond, Tia moved toward the far wall and proceeded to take a seat on a white sofa with golden gilded legs. She batted her long eyelashes at him while his staff poured her some tea.

  Agh! Why did his father insist on putting him in such a difficult situation? Uri turned to the elder statesman. “
Tell me the details of your plan, Sultan. Father mentioned earlier you may want us to manage some of your holdings for you, and as such, I was under the impression our discussion was more about enterprise and less about the actual merger of our two families.”

  “That is still possible, yes, however now I have come to offer you my daughter and my entire estate once I die. You shall run our companies and the two corporations shall merge and become the largest conglomerate in all of Turkey, and amongst the most powerful in the entire world.”

  “A generous offer,” Uri’s father said.

  “Indeed,” Uri agreed. “Yet there is only one problem.”

  “Oh? And what might that be?” the elder Sultan asked.

  At that moment, the problem appeared and stared him right in the face.

  Uri almost passed out when he saw his beautiful bride-to-be standing at the entrance to the ballroom. Everyone stopped their chatter and all eyes were on her, and with good reason.

  The red V-neck gown he selected for her this afternoon accentuated her perfect hourglass figure. His eyes were drawn to the demure yet sexy slit up the front that showed off her stunning legs.

  The diamond pendant flashed in contrast to the crimson fabric and her pale skin, and her earrings glittered and highlighted her jaw line and incredible bone structure. Sweet Stephanie had transformed into an alluring siren whose call had caused both Sultan’s to nearly spit their tea out and collapse of heart attacks, right there and then. In short, she was a goddess. “Darling, come and meet”

  “I…I’m so sorry…” Stephanie’s perfect complexion suddenly became blotched and red. Her gorgeous face twisted into a scowl. “I can’t do this.”

  “Please, dear.” Oh no! Uri thought. Surely she didn’t hear all of that! But sadly, he realized that she must have, otherwise, she would have happily joined him.

  To his chagrin, just as she did that first day in Ephesus, Stephanie broke her promise and bolted down the hall in the opposite direction. For once, Uri didn’t blame her for running. She wouldn’t get far anyhow, he realized, but still, she was running yet again. This time, he had only himself to blame. He should never have agreed to this fiasco in the first place.


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